Design Portfolio

  • November 2019
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Kr i s hnaKas i kas i kr i @hot mai l . com

DepotDi s t r i ctPl an-Coor di nat i ngEf f or t st oPr epar e aCompr ehens i vePl an:DepotPl anni ngDi s t r i cti sacongl omer at i on

ofi nner ci t ynei ghbor hoodst ot al l i ngabout11s q. mi l esi nar eaandanes t i mat ed popul at i onof48, 258per2000cens us .T hear eai schar act er i z edbyami xof i nuds t r i al ar eas ,commer ci al cor r i dor s ,andr el at i vel ydens eur banr es i dent i al devel opmentt hati spr edomi nant l ys i ngl ef ami l y.T hear eaex t ens i vel ydevel oped dur i ngandaf t erWor l dWarI Iwi t ht hees t abl i s hmentoft heMemphi sDef ens e DepotonAi r waysi n1942.Whent heDepotcl os edi n1997aspar tofs ever al mi l i t ar ybas ecl os ur esacr os st henat i on,t hear eal os tbot hempl oymentand popul at i on.T heCi t yes t abl i s hedDepotRedevel opmentCor por at i ont of aci l i t at e r eus eoft hepr oper t yasani ndus t r i al bus i nes spar k.T heDepotDi s t r i ctPl ani s acont i nuedef f or tbyt heCi t yt os t abl i z et hear eaandt or egul at et her es ul t i ng gr owt h.

2006 L amarAvenuei scur r ent l yaconges t edt r af f i car t er y i nneedofr evi t al i z at i on.T hes t udyr ecommends i mpr ovi ngt hecor r i dorbypr es er vi ngt hemai ns t r eet char act eroft hear ea( Ri ght ) ,andr edevel opi ngt he t r i angul ars i t e( L ef t )boundedbyt hr eemaj orr oads . Manyur banel ement sr equi r edf oracommuni t yt o l i ve,wor k,andpl ayar eal r eadypr es enti nt hi sar ea. T hepl anai msatpr es er vi ngt hos echar act er i s t i csby compl et i ngt hemi xt hr oughcompr ehens i ver ez oni ng, aswel l asgener al r ecommendat i onst oenhance qual i t yofl i f et hr ough( 1)Goodur bandes i gnand pr es er vat i onofhi s t or i cchar act er ;( 2)Bet t eracces st o j obs ;( 3)I mpr ovedf aci l i t i esands er vi ces ;( 4)S af eand ef f i ci entmovementofpeopl eandgoods ;and( 5)A s us t ai nabl el andus epat t er n( Bel ow)

T r ans por t at i onNet wor kMap( L ef t )i l l us t r at esmi s s i ng connect i onsgoi ngnor t handwes t ,wher ePer r y meet sDunn,aswel l ast heneedt oex t endKet chum t oL amar( al s oi l l us t r at edBel ow)bycr eat i ngan under pas sundert heex i s t i ngr ai l r oad.

Map( L ef t )wi t ht r af f i c acci dent sover l ayedon ahal f mi l egr i di l l us t r at es ar easi ndar ks hadewi t h mos tacci dent si nanyear . Onces uchar eaasi dent i f i ed i nt hemapabovei st he i nt er s ect i onofKet chum andAi r ways .T hecl os e pr ox i mi t yoft hei nt er s ect i on t ot heex i tr amp( t owar ds I nt er s t at e240)maybea pos s i bl er eas onf ort he hi ghi nci dence.Amor e det ai l edt r af f i cs t udyi s r ecommendedf or r es ol ut i on.

Asar es ul toft hecompl ex i t i esi nvol ved, t wol ar gevacants i t ess howni nor ange ( Above)ar er ecommendedt obe r edevel opedbyapl anneddevel opment pr oces swi t hpubl i cpar t i ci pat i on. DunnF i el d( L ef t )i spar toft hef or mer Def ens eDepott hathasahi s t or yof cont ami nat i on.Al t hought hear ea hasbeencl eanedupt of eder al s t andar ds ,appr ehens i onsr emai ni n publ i cmi nd. VacantS i t eonKet chum ( Ri ght )was boughtoutbyt heAi r por tAut hor i t yt o s et t l el aws ui t sbas edonnoi s el evel s .T he ar eai ss ur r oundedbyr es i dent i al devel opment ,butcannoti t s el fr ever t backt or es i dent i al us eperr es t r i ct i ve covenant sbyt heAi r por t .

M MedicalDistrictPlan-Preparedplan conceptf orSubAr ea4:

Ar ea41:I ndus t r i al / Commer ci al / Res i dent i al Mi x edUs ei nl i newi t h Ar ea3.T hi smayal s oi ncor por at el i ve/ wor kconcept . T her ear e s omevacanti ndus t r i al s t r uct ur est hatar es ui t abl ef ors uchmi x edus e. Ar ea42:S i ngl eF ami l yRes i dent i al .T hel ot sar eal r eadys ubdi vi ded f ors i ngl ef ami l ys t r uct ur es .Bui l di ngsi nneedofr epai raswel l as r epl acementar es cat t er edovert hear ea.T her ei sef f or ti nt hi sar ea t owar dsbui l di ngnew hous esandr ehabi l i t at i ngdi l api dat edbui l di ngs . Ar ea43:Mul t i F ami l yDevel opmenti nl i newi t hS out hDownt own Res i dent i al Di s t r i ct( S DR) .T her ear epl anst or epl aceF oot eHomes andCl ear bor npubl i chous i ngwi t hmi x edi ncomecommuni t y. T heconcept ,whi chi si npr el i mi nar ys t age,pr opos esmul t i f ami l y devel opmentwi t hr et ai l onf i r s tf l oor . Ar ea44:Commer ci al / Res i dent i al Mi x edUs easperNei ghbor hood Commer ci al Di s t r i ct( NC) .T het r i angl ef or medbyMi s s i s s i ppi Bl vd, DannyT homasandGeor gi aappear st obeas ui t abl epl acef ora Nei ghbor hoodCommer ci al Cent er .T hedevel opmentar oundi tf aci ng t hecent ermaybedevel opedi nas i mi l arpat t er n.T hes amepat t er n maybef ur t herex pandednor t hofDannyT homast omai nt ai nami x ed us echar act erf ort hepr opos eddevel opmentr epl aci ngF oot eHomes .

2005 Ar ea45:I ndus t r i al / Commer ci al Mi x edUs easperGat ewayCommer ci al ( GC) . I nt er s ect i onofCr umpandDannyT homasf or msamaj orent r ancet oDownt own/ Medi cal Di s t r i ct .I ti sappr opr i at et omodel t hedevel opmentbas edont her equi r ement s ofGat ewayCommer ci al Di s t r i ctt hatcur r ent l yappl i est ot hewes tofDannyT homas att hei nt er s ect i onandf ur t herNor t h.( Gat ewayCommer ci al byi t sdes i gni nt endst o cr eat e“aes t het i cal l ypl eas i ngr oadways ”t os cor eani mpr es s i ononvi s i t or s ) Ar ea46:I ndus t r i al / Commer ci al Mi x edUs easperGat ewayCommer ci al ( GC) /S out h Downt ownBus i nes sPar k( S DBP) .T hear eahasami xofI ndus t r i al andCommer ci al t hat maybeappr opr i at ef ort hear eabecaus eofvi s i bi l i t yandacces st oCr umpand connect i ngcol l ect or .However ,bus i nes s esneedt obevi s ual l yappeal i ngbecaus eof i t shi ghvi s i bi l i t y. Ar ea47:S i ngl eF ami l yRes i dent i al .T hear eai spr edomi nant l ys i ngl ef ami l yi nchar act er . However ,par toft hear eai si nneedofbas i ci nf r as t r uct ur el i kecur bandgut t er .Habi t at f orHumani t yal s ohasf ocus edt hei ref f or t si nt hi sar eat opr ovi deaf f or dabl ehous i ng. Ar ea48:Commer ci al / Res i dent i al Mi x edUs easperNei ghbor hoodCommer ci al Di s t r i ct ( NC) .T her ei savacants i t eS out hofGeor gi awi t hnos uper s t r uct ur ebutf oundat i on i nt act–t hatmaybeus edt odevel opnei ghbor hoodcommer ci al .T hi sar eahaspot ent i al t obedevel opedasas mal l nei ghbor hoodcent erf ort her es i dent i al s out hofi tandal s o pr ovi dest r ans i t i onbet weens i ngl ef ami l yr es i dent i al andcommer ci al / i ndus t r i al us es . Ar ea49:I ndus t r i al / Commer ci al Mi x edUs easperS out hDownt own Bus i nes sPar k( S DBP) .T hi sar eaal ong wi t har eaeas tofEas tS t r eetmaybe devel opedasami x edus ei ndus t r i al devel opmentcompat i bl ewi t h r es i dent i al t ot hewes t .T her ear e qui t eaf ew vacanti ndus t r i al bui l di ngst hatcoul dbeus edf or of f i ce/ acces s or ypur pos es .( S out h Downt ownBus i nes sPar kDi s t r i ct i nt endst oal l ow f or“devel opment andcont i nuedmai nt enanceof commer ci al andi ndus t r i al us es whi l eal l owi ngvar i ousmi x edus es andpr omot i ngeconomi c devel opmenti nt heS out h Downt ownAr ea” . )



Bi nghampt onCompr ehens i vepl an: •pr opos esas t r at egyf ornei ghbor hoods t abi l i z at i on,r edevel opmentandr ei nves t ment •at t empt st or ees t abl i s ht henei ghbor hoodf abr i cbykni t t i ngt henei ghbor hood el ement sbackt oget her •r ecommendsaz oni ngpl ant hatwi l l s t abi l i z et hear eaandpr ovi decompat i bl e new cons t r uct i on Maj orPl anRecommendat i onsi ncl ude: •Des i gnat eS am CooperBoul evar dasaL ocal Res i dent i al Cor r i dor . •Ci t yofMemphi ss houl dacqui r et hevacantr i ght of wayl andi nt heS am Cooper Par kwayCor r i dorf r om t heS t at eofT ennes s ee. •L ar gepar cel sl ocat edal ongS am CooperBoul evar dandEas tPar kways houl dbe of f er edf ordevel opmentt hr oughanRF Ppr oces s . •Des i gnat et hevacantcor r i dorl andf ornew r es i dent i al i nf i l l devel opment •Us et heMi dt ownCor r i dorWes tRedevel opmentasamodel f ort heeas ts i de •Pr ohi bi tt hees t abl i s hmentofbi l l boar dsal ongS am CooperBl vd. •Des i gnat eBr oadS t .asas peci al s t udyar ea. •Det er mi net hef eas i bi l i t yofex t endi ngAl l i s onS t r eet •Des i gnat eL ea’ sWoodsasaHi s t or i cCons er vat i onDi s t r i ct . •Ex t endWal nutGr oveRes i dent i al Cor r i dort ot hechannel i z eddi t chwes tofEas t vi ew Rd. •Adoptt heEas t vi ew Redevel opmentPl an.

Pr opos edRez oni ngChangesar ei nt endedt o •Mat cht heex i s t i ngl andus ewi t ht heappr opr i at ez oni ngdes i gnat i ons •Es t abl i s hani mpr ovedgat ewayt r eat mentonS ummerAvenuebychangi ngt he per mi t t edus esovert i me •Pr opos eami x edus ecor r i dorasar edevel opments t r at egyf orBr oadAvenue •Cr eat ear es i dent i al i nf i l l di s t r i ctt of aci l i t at enew devel opment •Des i gnat eL ea’ sWoodasaHi s t or i cCons er vat i onover l ayDi s t r i ct •Amendt heCNNei ghbor hoodZ oni ngDi s t r i ctt oper mi tr es i dent i al us es


S SCBI DPL AN-Pr epar ed s t r eet s capel ayout s :

f orei ghts peci al di s t r i ct scr eat edaspar t oft heS CBI DAr eaPl an.T hes eei ght di s t r i ct swer edevel opedt ocr eat e compat i bl edevel opment ,mai nt ai n cons i s t encyi ns cal eands t r eet s cape, andpr es er veandpr omot et heuni que char act erandenvi r onmentoft he di f f er entar easi dent i f i edi nf ut ur el and us econcept .S out hDownt ownRes i dent i al Di s t r i cti si nt endedt oper mi tt he devel opmentofl ow t omoder at e i ncomehous i ng,whi l eal l owi ngmi xus e nei ghbor hoodcommer ci al t ocr eat ean act i vepedes t r i anor i ent at ednei ghbor hood.Publ i cameni t i esar ei nt endedt o pr ovi deaphys i cal envi r onmentt hati s conduci vet odevel opmentofaf ami l y or i ent at ednei ghbor hood.


Depot redevelopment Corporati on :20002002

S. M. G.Desi gn,I nc.:1 9971 998

S SMG DesignInc,India

-Wor kedasanAr chi t ect ur al I nt er nf oraboutanyear

Pr epar edwor ki ngdr awi ngsf ort he ex ecut i onoft hepr opos ed5s t or eyed L ux ur yApar t mentCompl exatCut t ack,I NDI A; al s opr epar edpr es ent at i ondr awi ngs .

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S i t eVi ew -Model

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-Des i gnT hes i s :

Anunder gr oundcommer ci al compl exwaspr opos edatt hi svacant l owl yi ngs i t e( Cont ourmodel ont heRI GHT )t ot akeadvant ageoft he cont our saswel l aspr es er vemuchr equi r edopens paceont hecor ner ofabus yi nt er s ect i on. Pl ani nt hemos ts i mpl i s t i ct er msi st hear r angementofs hopsar ound t hecent r al ax i sj oi ni ngt woat r i ums .T hemai nat r i um connect sal l f our l evel sbyr ampaswel l ass t ai r cas es .F ourl evel si ncl udet wo under gr ounds hoppi ngl evel s ,ent r ancel evel ,andanupperr es t aur ant l evel . T hes hopmodul ei sonagr i dof10’X20’t oaccomodat eami ni mum s hopar eaof200s q. f t .T hepl anf or m oft hemodul epr ovi desf or max i mi m ex pos ur ewi t hmi ni mum cor r i dorl engt hpermodul e.

2ndBas ement F l oorPl an

S ect i ons

Aer i alVi ew -Model

El evat i ons

2ndBas ement-Model

L ands capeDet ai l s

1 995 L LouisKahnTrophy

Document at i onf aci l i t at espr es er vi ngour cul t ur al her i t ageandatt hes amet i mehel ps t ogai ni ns i ghti nt oanci entpl anni ngpr i nci pl es . Ourances t or sr ecogni z edandr es pect ed t hemul t i f acet edi mpactoft hes unonvar i ous as pect sgover ni ngt hei rl i f es t yl es ;i ncl udi ng bui l di ngdes i gn.T heanci ent sdes i gnedt hei r bui l tf or msasdi ct at edbycl i mat i cf act or s s uchast hewi nd,r ai n,l i ght ,heat ,et c. I nt hi sageofener gycr i s i s ,i ti sevenmor e i mpor t antt hatwel ear nf r om pas t accompl i s hment sandemul at et hes ci ence andar tofyes t er year st hats t i l l s t andgood.

T hi sdocument at i oni sofa17t hcent ur ymans i on atRamachandr apur am,as mal l t owni nt he S t at eofAndhr aPr ades h,I NDI A.T hedoubl e s t or eyont henor t hs i deands i ngl es t or eyon t hes out hs i det oget heref f i ci ent l yi nvi t est he mor ni ngs uni nt ot he‘ manduva’ort hecent r al cour t yar dandcut sof ft heaf t er noons un.Al s o, t hel ongpi t chedover hangsonei t hers i deof t her oomsgi vemuchopt i mum s hadef r om r ai n aswel l ass un,whi l epr ovi di ngf orwi debi g openi ngst hatar eaptf orawar m andhumi d cl i mat e. *T hi sdocument at i oni spr oductofagr oup wor kt ocont es tf orL oui sKahnT r ophyi nan annual meetf orar chi t ect ur al s t udent sof I NDI A.

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