Design Justification - Final Project

  • November 2019
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Roy Production

Design Justification Module Name: Final Project Prepared for: Joel Louie Prepared by: Roy Ling 24 November 2007

Roy Production

T 138 169 447 47

[email protected]

Roy Production

Table of Contents TV Delivery


Online Poll


The advantage of TVC




Visual Style


SFX and Music




1. Run away


2. Arrive


3. One Day Tour


4. First Career


5. Send Money Home


6. Suspect


7. Fighting


8. Illegal Resident


9. Go Exile


Production Summary

Design Justification



Roy Production

TV Delivery

sleeping. there are about less than 8 hours free to entertain include eat. watching TV has become the part of their life. New media TV has be introduced into families recently, a research just released by Motorola and conducted by StrategyOne has show 45 percent to half of broadband user in Western Europe watch television via web. this is a new advertising field.

The advantage of TVC • It can be delivered worldwide through the most popular home device, like TV set and computer. and outdoor device like mobile TV on transportation and external LED screen. • No input device required, watching TVC is not an optional choose. audience can not switch and skip the program. This project is designed for television broadcast, it is around 15 Minutes. it requires a television which connect to cable network. nothing popular than that. it also can be broadcast on public media and online.

Online Poll

In conclusion, TV is an open device that is the most close media to people in daily life. compare to other media like web and poster, it is more active which is more interaction and less technique which does not require for expensive equipment and network. it is a fast, broad, and cheaper way to achieve the advertising purpose.

An worldwide online poll have show a statistics of hours per day that people going to watch. think about after average 8 hours working. and 8 hours Design Justification


Roy Production

Concept Again, my primary concept in theoretical is “The less sense of belong is, more migrant are going to be aberrance.” This is not a my words, an analysis from the article “The Psychology of Rural Workers”, my project proposal have already explain the method. In this article, I will illustrate the process. Everyone has a sense of belonging, it depends on the extent of feeling to the community and society. obviously, migrant are weak sense of belonging. this is objective feeling and existing around world, it is not a interesting topic, but why I am put the ordinary topic on the desk is their are extraordinary treatment to the migrant and it becomes a crime loop that lead the migrant to a very bad situation. The treatment can be summarized as discrimination, some people think it is just a attitude. whatever it is, the treatment is government lead and represent on society. What the treatment is? in policy, rural workers do not share the social security welfare. some occupation are restricted, also their are resident permit block you out of legal settle down. On public media, news and TV program have clear identify the offender is migrant and warning people to keep away. It destroy the visualize of migrant, directly cause preconception. Photo by Roy

Design Justification


Roy Production

What migrant feels, especially rural workers? most of the rural workers are less educated and their social

Rural migrant

structure are more simple than urban. the different treatment would straight change their attitude and behave. people are on the way to be civilization. this


is a progress and can not be stopped. During to urbanization, more rural dwellers will become urban Excluded


dwellers, this certain method have be proved by western society for many years.1 but now urban people seemly have not ready accept their new

gathering anger, lose sense of belonging

"break out"

citizenship. They discriminate peasant, excluded their activity in city. 2 No

Offender or illegal business

low identity, vulnerable group

What if I was treatment like a criminal or a slave, and I am less educated which means I don’t know how to protect myself3, I will feel helpless, loneliness, depress, weak spirit, future mood will upgrade into a anger to the existing world and “revenge”. This sounds like exaggerated, but this is the only method that explain the migration criminal.

New citizenship




Interviewee #3 “There are security restrict us enter the shopping center”


Interviewee #2 “I am less educated and don’t know how to protect myself when I was cheated”

Design Justification


Roy Production

Visual Style

Photo by Roy

There are two major style in the movie, to illustrate the rural worker’s life, I will keep the realistic style, but to present the metropolis and the psychology of As description of my Project Proposal, the final outcome narrate a changing ideology and

visional, like drunk, the tempo will be more faster like quick cut, and may use animation.

psychology of young migrant from rural region to the metropolis. The story is adapt from the realistic story, I really want to keep the realistic feeling to provide the truth of rural workers. For the way of presenting, I have simulated the popular technique of documentary. from the observation to the movie “Chung Kuo”4 and “Still Life”5, I found the best way to illustrate the feeling of loneliness and helplessness are using long take. A long take is an uninterrupted shot in a film which lasts much longer than the conventional editing pace either of the film itself or of films in general, usually lasting several minutes.6 which means I have to plan a sequence which should happened within the active camera and the acting should be as much nature as possible. also actor must have a grasp to the role.


Michelangelo Antonioni, “Chung Kuo - China”, 1972


JIa Zhangke, “Still Life”, 2006


Long take,

Design Justification


Roy Production

SFX and Music A vulgar content needs popular songs to present the true taste of the story. From the list of chinese popular search engine, has listed the hot songs category by different genres. “Pee Jia Kee” I have mentioned in Design Proposal for the ending music, I need to find one for the marketing, one for the metropolis.

Design Justification


Roy Production

Design Justification


Roy Production

Content 1. Run away The dark night beside highway, the pale yellow street lamp and auto beam flash a shape of two having argument. A security drag a rural look young man. it seems like the security catch a hobo, They are raging, the young man try to escape from the grasping hand, suddenly a hit clash into the security’s face. The security fall down. Motion: Chaos, dullish, yellow shift. quick cut. Comment: Emphasis the rural workers. this is the sequence to enhance the preconception feeling to the rural workers. Hit the lens and fade out. We usually judge people from the first sign, especially to the rural workers.

Design Justification


Roy Production

2. Arrive Chairman Hu’s presentation on outdoor display. A man take out a map and check up the destination. It is quite far from the city central. Almost reach the edge of the map. After that, he pick up the luggage and walk away. Motion: clear, long take Comment: Emphasis the psychology. this is the sequence to provide a loneliness and strange feeling to the new place. there are two reasons to display Chairman Hu, one is the slogan “create harmony society”, that may reflect the society is not “harmony”, if the society is “harmony”, he will not issue the slogan. reason 2 is the migrant have never seen such a big TV, he may feel fresh and optimistic to the city. “Point map” is to telling how far the destination is, almost out of the edge map. Do not take the close up on face.

Design Justification


Roy Production

The young man is landing, he tidy up clothes, he is the leading actor of the story. Lee looks around. Motion: clear, long take Comment: Emphasis the psychology of independent, leave home alone and finally still can find the right place. If can take the wild background, the purpose is to show how far the place is to the city central, and the message is most of the rural workers are living away to the center, they are not only excluded, also the center loan is high. Close up.

Design Justification


Roy Production

He is seeking and walk, and finally reach the place. It is a auto repair workshop, he double confirm the location, at the same time, a man inside notice him and lead him in. It was Lee’s neighbor friend in hometown, Tan, the only person that Lee could depend on in the city. Lee hold up a optimistic feeling, groping for the right direction. Motion: clear, long take Comment: Emphasis the happiness. He finally arrive. camera fade out.

Design Justification


Roy Production

3. One Day Tour Modern high rise, fashion boys and girls, Lee is excited by the amazing city. In front of fancy dressing, Lee feel his clothes is old fashion. Lee is shocked by the population, he think the place is distinguished that people are crowed here. There are huckster, stand in chaos. Lee is fetched up, his eyes shows aspiration. A jacket that looks cool. He draw out a plastic bag, there are all pieces. He count it and watch it. Motion: chaos, fancy, flashing on the city view, then clear, long take Comment: Emphasis the psychology of aspiration and the comparison of the fashion city and their active area like town market. the message is, the city center is not their territory, they have not the possibility enter the shopping center. Jacket is the metaphor of pride. that can cover his inferiority.

Design Justification


Roy Production

4. First Career Lee take a breath and then walk into a vehicle repair workshop. Stay under the chassis, he practice from morning until night, As a apprentice, he set up a goal. Motion: clear, long take Comment: Emphasis the hardworking, the spirit of rural workers. The camera from different angle.

Design Justification


Roy Production

5. Send Money Home A month past, Lee is doing well and have some skills, he spend his rest time on reading. As usual, he sits on the stair way, when he try to focus on reading, Tan shows up downstairs, he doesn’t notice Lee and hold up a black box, walk straight to the gate. Master call Lee downstairs, and pass him the salary, It is not a big money but the monthly pay is equal to the yearly earning at hometown. and he post it home. Motion: clear, long take Comment: Emphasis the psychology of happiness when hold the money. I wish the audience have the feel that he is going to buy the jacket.

Design Justification


Roy Production

6. Suspect It is happy to have salary, Lee on the ways back to workshop, when he close to the gate side, there are shouting inside. What is wrong with manager, Lee confused. He walking inside, what strange is, all the staff are watching him and suspect he is the thief. Lee don’t want to make any troubles, he keep silence and walking into the workshop. He believe hard working will change everything. It is annoy to hear someone libel, during working, rest time, having dinner, even in toilet, there are always have someone defiance him. Those boys who is watching are shanghainese, they are idler, seeking for fun everyday. Lee is standing on the crossover, looking at the cars passing. He is painful, he decides to quit but do not know where to go next. Every time he remember the scene that his disabled mother, he choose to keep suffer from the defiance. Motion: clear, long take Comment: Emphasis the helpless and the weak spirited, the most rural workers do. the anger is gathering. view of highway, the auto move in and leave, which could present the sense of belonging.

Design Justification


Roy Production

7. Fighting Pain and animosity is gathering, one day Lee is watching TV, the boring boy come in to the room, Lee is ignored him, he boy walking close and tease Lee, The man try to force Lee move over. It was not a big problem, but this time Lee try to keep his pride, he reject the “request” and keep watching. The boy is upset, he push Lee slightly until he beyond endurance. Lee stands up and push back, the fighting begin with the silly reason. (You lose...) The message display on the joy machine. Lee is a total loser, everything happen from now is going to against him. Passerby hit him, step on dog feces, telephone offline... Motion: clear, long take Comment: Emphasis the psychology of Loser. everything are going to against his activity, totally excluded. what he is going to do.

Design Justification


Roy Production

8. Illegal Resident This night, he is pain, he drunk in the middle of the night, he is stopped by city security. the man ask him for resident permit, but Lee does not have. the police try to take him to the police station, and the argument begin. Lee hit the police. Motion: daisy, dullish, long take Comment: Emphasis the toughness of the police man. the hit is a transition of Lee’s behave. his nature is good but just does not fit the society. in the city, he did not learn the higher civilization, Whose fail.

Design Justification


Roy Production

9. Go Exile A nightmare wake him up, sweat drops on nose, he freeze a second, then look at his luggage again. He carry up the luggage then walking off road. Motion: clear, long take Comment: Emphasis the psychology of been aberrance. He wear the jacket, that is the key, he is getting pride, but who knows the future.

Design Justification


Roy Production

Production Summary

How this happened and what effect it will cause would be my next task. The cause to the psychology is the losing sense of belonging. sense of belonging should be built up by local government and society, but both factor are excluded the rural workers. government have issued the occupation restriction and resident permit that block the rural people out of the social welfare. In the society, local resident are

This project, I was inspired from a movie named “Still Life”,the way of film and illustrate the psychology is great.

superiority, they look down the rural workers and excluded them in the public place, restrict them enter the store and point them out in the public, also police department have point out the risking crime is caused by migrant. that will directly destroy the

In the beginning of the module start, I planned to shot documentary, so I start to focus on migrant people especially the rural workers. I saw them in the public but usually be excluded, I have a strong feeling to discover why they have the bad situation. I search some relevant article and notes, start have some understanding to the people, at the same time, through posting notes and introduce from friends, I have a chance to interview the rural workers. In the

visualization of rural workers. without admit. rural worker will be aberrance. After collecting the material from interviewee and internet, I decided to make a film about the changing psychology of the migrant workers in Shanghai. Changing is a slowly duration, so the film length may over 15 minutes.

beginning they are afraid of talking about this topic, because this is disputed and a little bit sorrow, who wants to touch his wound. Thats why the poster which I released have no reply. It is difficult to break the ice, it takes a week to build up relationship, and finally I heard about the deep voice from them. There are rules of making documentary, it must have to make audience happy, sad, angry ex. but I don’t think it will happen within the month. time is the big problem. it is just like a gambling with my bachelor. Instead of making a documentary, I decide to make a short film and acting like a documentary. I was interesting with the psychologic that interview said, the “passing traveler” and I try to search this words on internet, and finally I found this is the common psychology of rural workers. Design Justification


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