Design Project Final Submission

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Technology-supported learning environment for the sustainability of ecosystems

The Design of a Technology-Supported Learning Environment to Support Grade 10 Science Education (Life Science: Sustainability of Ecosystems) in British Columbia, Canada.

Shannon Coffey Ashley Myles Stacy Chirico Kereen Tatham-Maye

ETEC 510 65C Instructor: Diane Janes University of British Columbia April 5, 2009

Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems Table of Contents:

Key Frameworks………………………………………………………………………………………p. 3 Intentions and Positions……………………………………………………………………………….p. 5 Key Concepts and Context……………………………………………………………………………p. 8 Design of Interactivities………………………………………………………………………………p. 10 Interactivities…………………………………………………………………………………………p. 10 Verifications………………………………………………………………………………………….p. 11 Reflections and Connections…………………………………………………………………………p. 12 References……………………………………………………………………………………………p. 14


Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems


Key Frameworks:

The focus of this project is on the design of a constructivist learning environment to support the British Columbia Science 10 curriculum organizer, Life Science: Sustainability of Ecosystems. Through the use of online learning technologies (WebCT course shell, Wiki webspaces, and website resources), students will be able to explore biotic and abiotic factors of ecosystems, the impacts of bioaccumulation on ecosystems in BC, and discover how natural populations are altered or kept in equilibrium.

The primary educational activities in this Module will aim to get students actively involved in authentic learning through exploration, articulation, reflection and social negotiation. To utilize the constructivist approach to learning as described by David Jonassen, various instructional activities will be offered to support learners. For example, the use of cognitive modeling to help students develop arguments, coaching learners through the provision of feedback, and by providing temporary frameworks for students’ learning.

The selection and use of educational media is based on Bates and Pooles SECTIONS Framework. In WebCT learning environment, students will be given a chance to choose the time and place to address the work obtained from the space and into their lives as homework, projects and/or ideas. Through discussion boards, mail systems, web pages and live chats, the space will facilitate the social dimensions of learning and encourage collaborative work. This will also expose learners to a variety of alternative viewpoints, and with the inclusion of multimedia, various concepts and context will be facilitated. WebCT course tools will allow students to develop a better understanding about biodiversity education through group interactions and participation. Our Module is learner-centered with innovative content management and creation facilities. Students will not only be provided with links to relevant information but they will also be expected to carry out their own research in the field, share their findings on the web, and draw conclusions in an open learning environment. This will facilitate the free flow of information among participants and the distribution of


Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems knowledge across students. Inevitably, this will ensure a more productive exchange among students, as seen in distributed learning.

From a technological perspective, the rationale for this design is that distance learning courses are not new to the potential students for which the course is being developed and access is not a problem. Like other commercial educational packages, WebCT is reliable. With WebCT’s user friendly interface, teachers can easily mount and modify courses and can also participate in various workshops available across the province to gain more skills. WebCT online resources will allow learners and teachers to find, organize and create content and learning resources for biodiversity education in flexible ways. This is much more than ‘content delivery’. The advantage of such resources over traditional educational media is that learners achieve a more personal experience with learning, hence, promoting authenticity.

As the students’ participate in knowledge building activities such as socratic dialogues, they will develop higher order thinking skills. This will deepen their understanding of what they have learnt about biodiversity, develop their awareness of what they need to learn, and assist in their understanding of 'learning' itself. Relevant, interesting and engaging problems or cases in biodiversity will be provided to stimulate problem-solving among students. These will include both ill-structured and well-structured problems. The use of well-structured problems will provide scaffolding for the novice. The environment will also be designed to accommodate decision making that will affect the environment while participants learn, adapt and readapt, based on contributions in the space.

Finally, the environment will be designed to encourage students to become authors and editors of academic work in Science Education as they interact with wikis. Various links will be provided on the issues for students to explore, examine and share their findings. This approach will encourage students to use their prior knowledge and to seek knowledge independently as they manage the pursuit of their own goals. Intentions and Positions:

Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems


Our intentions are to provide an online learning experience that promotes a deep understanding of ecosystems and the importance of biodiversity. To accomplish this, we have chosen to design a constructivist learning environment (CLE) as described by Jonassen (1991). Constructivist learning theory describes learning as individually and socially constructed by learners based on their interpretations of experiences in the world. A constructivist learning environment will guide the learner through experiences that allow them to construct their own knowledge.

We will base our CLE on the methods outlined by Jonassen (1991). The problem guidelines about ecosystems that will be provided to the students will be ill-defined giving students the opportunity to modify the problem based on where they live and their interests. This will provide authenticity and ownership of the learning process which will promote meaningful learning. As CLEs should provide students with appropriate resources as they need them, we will provide a source of links to preselected websites on the internet to help students begin their research. CLEs should also provide conversation and collaboration tools that allow for sharing of information between students and knowledge building. The WebCT shell will supply discussion forums, journals and chat tools. The availability of a Wiki for students to report their research findings will be a valuable resource tool for students as it supplies a source of related experiences for beginning students to refer to.

The use of a Wiki will also provide a space for a collective database of knowledge and promote the development of a knowledge building community. Requiring students to review each other’s work and publish their findings that build on previously reported information will create a knowledge building community as described by Scardamalia & Bereiter (1994). Use of the written word for communication between students allows for student reflection, a publication/review process among students, cumulative progressive results, and independent thought (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1994). Students using a computersupported intentional learning environment (CSILE) have shown increased depth of learning and reflection,

Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems awareness of what they have learned or need to learn, and better results on standard tests of reading,


language, and vocabulary when compared to students in a traditional classroom (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1994). Although CSILE will not be used in our project design, we believe WebCT in combination with a wiki will provide similar affordances to students.

Our project design is internet based to take advantage of the communication and information management tools it offers. Access is nearly ubiquitous in developed countries and it contains an enormous amount of information in various media to suit differing learning styles of students. Hyper-linking of information on the web is thought to be similar to how humans store knowledge in mental schema and how students can create their own learning paths. Hyperlinks fit with constructivist instructional design theory, which emphasizes individual construction of knowledge (Jonassen, cited in Anderson, 2004). Using a webbased platform such as WebCT will greatly assist in delivering the course because of the affordances built into it that are relevant to our project design. It is accessed through the internet, presents content information to students, provides communication tools for private and public discussion between students, allows assignments to be submitted to the course instructor, and is easy for students to use. Instructors can create and update course content without the aid of programmers or designers. Furthermore, a Wiki space is built into the course to provide a space to display student knowledge and provide for knowledge building. Using these internet-based technologies allows students flexibility in time and location.

The Pan-Canadian Science Framework, a vision for scientific literacy in Canada, outlines the general and specific learning outcomes meant to provide more consistency in the teaching and learning of science across Canada. The learning goals of this design project align with all four critical aspects of students' scientific literacy obtained from the Pan-Canadian Science Framework which include:


Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems Goal 1: Science, technology, society, and the environment. Students will develop an understanding

of the nature of science and technology, of the relationships between science and technology, and of the social and environmental contexts of science and technology. Goal 2: Skills. Students will develop the skills required for scientific and technological inquiry, for solving problems, for communicating scientific ideas and results, for working collaboratively, and for making informed decisions. Goal 3: Knowledge. Students will construct knowledge and understandings of concepts in life science, physical science, and Earth and space science, and apply their understanding to interpret, integrate, and extend their knowledge. Goal 4: Attitudes. Students will be encouraged to develop attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of scientific and technological knowledge to the mutual benefit of self, society, and the environment.

More specifically the learning goals of the designed module were written to meet the Prescribed Learning Outcomes of the British Columbia Science 10 program for the Life Science: Sustainability of Ecosystems curriculum organizer (Ministry of Education, Province of British Columbia, 2008). From an instructional perspective, British Columbia's schools include students of varied backgrounds, interest, abilities, and needs. Hence, it is necessary to find ways to meet these needs, while ensuring inclusion, equity and access for all learners. As such, this project is designed to reflect sensitivity to diversity. The project also follows the British Columbia Ministry of Education principles (2008) which states that “learning requires the active participation of the student, people learn in a variety of ways and at different rate, and learning is both an individual and a group process.”

As divergent thinking and actions due to student ownership of their learning will lead to different results. If conformity of student learning is desired, other design methods based on objectivist approach would be more desirable.

Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems Key Concepts and Context:


The main conceptual facts that students are expected to know stem from the Prescribed Learning Outcomes under the Life Sciences: Sustainability of Ecosystems curriculum organizer of the BC grade 10 science curriculum. This includes understanding of ecosystems, habitats of humans and other organisms, interactions among diverse organisms such as symbiosis and parasitism, impacts of bioaccumulation, knowledge in different species and their status of niche, and the understanding of students’ own local biodiversity. To obtain these conceptual facts, students will carry out research and act as if they are scientists so that they can predict, observe and experiment constructively, and collaborate with others in a learning community. This design project is mainly applicable to science courses with an ecology focus, but the knowledge and findings could be extended to geology, geography, mathematics, statistics, and even to social studies and history.

The learning goals of the design project are for students to: ·

use prior knowledge of biodiversity to set their own learning goals for the course


explore the biotic components of ecosystems in their area


think critically about the effects of altering biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem


assess the potential causes and effects of bioaccumulation


reflect on their personal experience of species interaction and adaptation to environmental

conditions in their area.

The context for this learning environment is in a WebCT course where students can interact freely in a learning community. WebCT will allow students to explore the world as a curriculum by sharing what they experience in their local biodiversity. WebCT also allows active discussions on current issues surrounding biodiversity, species conservation and extinction, enabling learners to view certain problems from different perspectives. This context is derived from the idea of Constructivism where knowledge is not going to be

Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems delivered passively but we expect the learners to actively participate in their own learning process. Heafner


and Friedman (2008) studied the effect of non-traditional environment such as Wikis on students' level of engagement, cognitive beliefs and their short and long-term learning. Their intention was to see any "pedagogical shift from behaviorist to constructive learning" and they were able to see the learners "move beyond passive class participants and become active creators of knowledge" (Heafner and Friedman, p. 293, 2008). By experimenting and investigating what is relevant in their local environment and by sharing what they find with classmates around the world, learners will be able to assimilate and associate the new knowledge to what they already know or what they have discovered from their own environment.

British Columbian secondary students, specifically students enrolled in Science 10, will be targeted. Because our project’s focus is on biodiversity conservation, students can especially benefit from one another as they gather data from around British Columbia. The most important perspective here is to have the learners be autonomous by actively participating in their own problem-solving process. Blogging is another idea to encourage students' participation on the web environment. Ellison and Wu (2008) found that students' understanding for the course material improved by reading each other's writings and they believe that blogging gives learners a unique authorial entity as it gives students ownership in their work.

Again, a constructive approach is the main focus of this design project and the participants are expected to experiment and build their own knowledge through hands-on experience. Darsgaard and Godsk (2007) examined the shift from lecture-based class time to more social constructivist approach where problem-based learning was implemented. Their primary objective was to reduce the lecture time while maintaining the same amount of subject matter, but they also wanted to "support educational differentiation ... to accommodate the different educational background of the students" (Darsgaard and Godsk, p. 40, 2007). The study reported that they were able to attain both goals based on social constructivism approach of selfgoverned and problem-based activities.

Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems Design of Interactivities:


Students are asked to research, read and participate in a diverse collection of Interactivities based on conservation and biodiversity in British Columbia. By doing so, students will gain a higher knowledge of ecosystems, habitats, interactions among different species and perhaps most importantly, they will acquire an understanding of their own local, British Columbian biodiversity and what they can do to preserve it. Students will predict, observe and conduct an experiment of their own and share results and collaborate with others in this learning community. The goal of these interactivities is to encourage, guide and support student-driven learning.

Students will submit their interactivity assignments in a variety of ways. One method used to promote the sharing of knowledge is the Discussion Forum. Students will be asked to post their comments and thoughts to this forum and also comment on other posts as a collaborative form of learning. Students will be assessed according to the quality of their contributions using a well-defined discussion rubric, also available for the students to view. There is also a journal feature in which students contribute to their own journals and once satisfied, can allow their peers to read their entries. Students will also submit assignments directly to the instructor via the Assignment Drop Box. Clear instructions are outlined for each interactivity and assignment.

Interactivities: See WebCT shell at for complete interactivities and discussions. The course is listed as: ETEC 510 - ETEC 510project-09-Biodiversity Conservation


Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems


Any instructional design needs to have methods for measuring its success in helping students meet the desired learning goals. The most obvious method in this case is a summative test at the end of the module to measure students’ understanding of the basic concepts covered. Usually this would be a test written specifically for the learning module. In this case, the science 10 course in BC is a provincially examinable course where all students are required to write a standardized test given province wide. Statistics from this exam are available and could be used to measure students’ achievement.

A summative test, however, does not measure all that is trying to be achieved by this design module. A key feature of the design is to create a constructivist learning environment, where students work together to build their own knowledge. High levels of meaningful participation in the social spaces built into the course would be an indication of success in this area and of high student motivation. Student enrollment rates in Biology 11 could also be used as an indicator of students’ interest in biology that was possibly encouraged by this module. Student and teacher satisfaction surveys could also be used for feedback to decide if the design is accomplishing the intended goals. Because CLEs view assessment and learning as being integrally linked, verification activities will aim to measure both the process of learning (formative) and the product of learning (summative). Assessment strategies will include authentic tasks, self-assessment tools, team-assessment tools, peer-assessment tools, and instructor-assessment tools. With these tools, the designers will be able to see if the design is working as anticipated and how to improve on it for future learning. WebCT’s friendly interface allows the teacher or designer to easily make any necessary modifications or improvements.

Reflections and Connections: According to Reigeluth (1995), “Instructional Design is a design-oriented system that offers methods which are situational, componential, and probabilistic. They identify the situations for which methods should


Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems be used.” Instructional design focuses on real-world problems and learning outcomes that can be measured

in reliable and valid ways. Collaboration is of critical importance in this system. This is important in a time when there is a paradigm shift in education and training from group-based learning to learning environments that foster diversity among learners. As a group, our engagement in this design activity has helped us to: 1. Understand that the focus of instructional design is on learning outcomes and it is informed by pedagogical theories of learning. The process considers learners' needs, instructional goals, and interventions to assist learners in achieving prescribed learning outcomes (PLOs).

2. Distinguish between instructional design and curriculum design. Curriculum design emphasizes the "what students should learn - it's the content", whereas, Instructional Design emphasizes the "how students should learn the content - it's the method". Our design focused more on methods that Science 10 students could use to learn the content of biodiversity.

3. See some of the many benefits of using online group collaboration spaces such as discussion groups and wikis as a method for students to gain and share knowledge, as also seen within our own group while working on this project. Hence, one can better see that effective designs of Constructivist Learning Environments (CLEs) must focus on active, collaborative, authentic, and creative learning outcomes.

4. Recognize that WebCT Course Tools and wikis have many instructional affordances that support the design of a constructivist learning environment. 5. Develop assessments in CLEs that aim to facilitate and promote learning. Both formative and summative measures of learning outcomes must be encouraged in such environments. This is important on the ability to verify whether the assignments are effective or not.

Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems 6. Appreciate the collaborative aspect of the design process. In our group, location was not an issue, immediately after forming the design group a collaborative workspace was created in Google docs. This along with the discussion and chat tools in the ETEC 510 course were utilized by members to communicate ideas about the project. As a result, the collaborative aspect of the project was successful.

7. Realize that the design process can be time consuming.

References: Anderson, T. (2004). Teaching in an online learning context. In Anderson, T. & Elloumi, F. Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Athabasca University.

Barab, S. & Duffy, T. (2000). From practice fields to communities of practice. In D. Jonassen and S. Land (Eds.), Theoretical foundations of learning environments. Mahweh, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.


Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems Dalsgaard, C. & Godsk, M. (2007). Transforming traditional lectures into problem-based


blended learning: Challenges and experiences. Open Learning, 22 (1), 29-42.

Ellison, N. & Wu, Y. (2008). Blogging in the classroom: A preliminary exploration of students’ attitudes and impact on comprehension. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 17 (1), 99-122.

Heafner, T. L. & Friedman, A. M. (2008). Wikis and constructivism in secondary social studies: Fostering a deeper understanding. Computers in the Schools, 25 (3-4), 288-302.

Jonassen, D. (1991). Designing constructivist learning environments. In C. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional design theories and models: Volume II. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Ministry of Education, Province of British Columbia. (2008). Science Grade 10 Integrated Resource Package 2008. Retrieved April 5, 2009, from:

Pan-Canadian. (1997). Common Framework of Science Learning Outcomes, K to 12. Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. Retrieved on March 30, 2009 from:

Reigeluth, C.M. (1995). Educational systems development and its relationship to ISD. In G. Anglin (Ed.), Instructional technology: past, present and future (2nd ed.) Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Scardamalia, M., & Bereiter, C. (1994). Computer support for knowledge building

Technology-supported learning environment for sustainability of ecosystems communities. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 3(3), 265-283.


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