Information Design In My Life Pisit ulluptat, quam exero commod te tio dignisi et, sis et lorer alis ea at ipsustisl eugiatum zzriure moluptat accum niscili quipsum dolorper sim quat, sequat, verit laorem diam in erostrud ea alit accummolum nos nullaorem ipsum vel dionulla con ullam, quat. Lore core facin hendre doloborem volobor suscilisis ea commy nim dolobore et nostrud tem et lametue con eu feugiam delessi et, quam er augait utpat. Ut niam, conulla commolesto odip enim vullaor ercipis sendignisit nulland reetumsan henim nisi tat. Ut lortissed exerat do do od et praeseq uisississit lor ipis nulla feuguerit praestin vel eniam iuscidunt la feum in et utem velendigna faci tat adignit prat.
Christina Yoder
EMPHASIS GENRE On all televisions, there is a standard on what should be displayed such as, volume, channel control and power buttons. Even though designs may vary, the channel controls are always placed together as are the volume controls. If the four were mixed up, this would be extremely confusing for a person to control their television. Waller states, “To belong to a genre, a document is effectively conforming to a set of rules or expectations...The genre suggests a content agenda, a design template and a strategy for use” (Waller 5).
This shampoo bottle demonstrates Lipton’s idea of the principle of emphasis. The word “New” typed in black is the only word or color that is different from the entire color scheme of the product. As a result, the viewer’s attention is immediately caught because of the black print and also because of the meaning of the black type; the fact that this is a “new” product. Samara states that the benefits of working with a grid are: clarity, efficiency, economy and continuity (22). The continuity of design that Pantene execute sucessfully helps the viewer to become familiar with product and the ability to recognize it easily. 21
The two pages show an example of good contrast. The text and photograph are separated so that neither is competing for attention as if they were place on top of one another. Both picture and text are dynamic enough to grab an equal amount of attention. Lipton states, “Understate your design’s background because a loud one competes with reading...” (Lipton 21). In this case the text is separate from the image and the background color is solid, creating good contrast and equal attention.
Baer states, “Before you strategize with your client about what the piece says, the team first has to learn more about the audience needs and goals, and about how audience goals align with a client’s business strategy” (Baer 36). The tea box states, “Live better every day, Drink better every day”. This statement is aimed at the goals of the consumer, to live better and then the goal of Lipton to sell their product by saying indirectly, “drink this product and you will live better.”
CONTINUITY Using information design, data can been transformed from “complex, unorganized or unstructured data into valuable, meaningful information. (Baer 12). An important aspect of the Wii package is the fact that the design element on the top of the package and the top right corner are the same among every single Wii item. This is an effective way to catch the audience’s attention and let them know what they are viewing is a part of the Wii game system. “What we need is not more information but the ability to present the right information to the right people at the right time in the most effective and efficient form” (Baer). 22