Design And Technology Assessment Task Ncdtd

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  • Words: 2,394
  • Pages: 65
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Design & Technology

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Contents PROJECT PROPOSAL....................................................................................................... ........................3 IDENTIFICATION OF THE NEEDS TO DEVELOP THE DESIGN PROJECT ...................................................................4 An Explanation of the Proposed Design Project:............................................................................4 Motivation, Purpose & Target Market of the Project:.....................................................................4 AREAS OF INVESTIGATION...........................................................................................................................5 What are the Possibilities?...............................................................................................................5 CRITERIA ESTABLISHED TO EVALUATE SUCCESS..............................................................................................6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................. .....7 ACTION & TIME PLAN...............................................................................................................................8 FINANCE PLAN..........................................................................................................................................9 IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF OTHER RESOURCES................................................................................10 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................................ ..11 RESEARCH..............................................................................................................................................12 Currently available Products.........................................................................................................13 Dimensions of Equipment..............................................................................................................15 Materials available for bed............................................................................................................16 Materials available for the Cupboard............................................................................................17 EXPERIMENTATION & TESTING OF MATERIALS, TOOLS, TECHNIQUES AND OTHER RESOURCES.............................18 Application of Conclusions............................................................................................................25 EVIDENCE OF TESTING OF DESIGN SOLUTIONS.............................................................................................27 Test of Different Wheel Designs.....................................................................................................28 Test of the different leg stay attachments.......................................................................................29 USE OF COMMUNICATION & PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES..............................................................................30 PROJECT REALISATION...................................................................................................... .................35 EVIDENCE OF PRACTICAL SKILLS................................................................................................................36 Fabrication:...................................................................................................................................49 EVIDENCE OF CREATIVITY.........................................................................................................................54 Method of ......................................................................................................................................54 Method of attaching ......................................................................................................................55 EVALUATION............................................................................................................................... ..............56 RECORD OF EVALUATION PROCEDURES THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT..............................................................57 ANALYSIS OF FUNCTIONAL & AESTHETIC ASPECTS OF THE DESIGN.................................................................58 Functional:.....................................................................................................................................58 Aesthetics:......................................................................................................................................58 EVALUATION WITH RESPECT TO THE IMPACT ON SOCIETY & THE ENVIRONMENT................................................59 Society:...........................................................................................................................................59 Environment:..................................................................................................................................59 FINAL EVALUATION IN RELATION TO THE CRITERIA SET BY THE STUDENT.........................................................63 Areas of success: ...........................................................................................................................63 Areas needing more attention:.......................................................................................................63 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................................................... ...64 APPENDIX........................................................................................................................................ ...........65

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Project Proposal

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Identification of the Needs to Develop the Design Project An Explanation of the Proposed Design Project: . .


Motivation, Purpose & Target Market of the Project: Motivation .


The Target Market .

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Areas of Investigation Parameters of the Design The design should allow:

What has to be investigated?

How will these points be investigated?

What are the Possibilities? The Design .

Materials .

Other possible applications; .

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Criteria Established to Evaluate Success Function;

1. 2.


Aesthetics; 1.

Most Important Qualities to the Least Important;

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

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Project Management

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Action & Time Plan Task

Proposed Date

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Actual Date

Reason for Variation

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Finance Plan Budget $ : 1. 2. 3.




Cost ($)

Total ($)


The receipts of the above items can be seen in the appendix.

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Identification & Justification of other Resources Resource

Justification of the use of this resource

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Project Development

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Research The following research was conducted:

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Currently available Products Below are some examples of similar products currently available Source: http://www.

These particular products and others on the market range in price from $ -$

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Dimensions of Equipment

The Target Market

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Materials available for bed Below is a list of the materials that I could use for the product. Material


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Materials available for the Cupboard I researched several different options for the material to be used for the………... Material


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Experimentation & Testing of Materials, Tools, Techniques and other Resources Test #1: Aim:. Method: .

Results: . Conclusions: .

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Test # 2: Aim: Method:.

Results: . Conclusions: .

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Test # 3: Aim:. Method:.

Results: . Conclusions: .

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Test # 4: Aim:. Method:.

Results: . Conclusions: .

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Test # 5: Aim:. Method:.

Results: . Conclusion: .

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Test # 6: Aim:. Method:.

Results: . Conclusions: .

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Test # 7: Aim: Method:.

Results: . Conclusions: .

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Application of Conclusions Application of results of test # 1 .

Application of results in test # 2 .

Application of results of test # 3 .

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Application of results of test # 4 .

Application of results of test # 5 .

Application of results of test # 6 .

Application of results of test # 7 .

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Evidence of Testing of Design Solutions Test of the arrangement of leg : Aim: Method:

Results: . Conclusions: .

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Test of Different Wheel Designs Aim:. Method:.

Results: . Conclusions: .

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Test of the different leg stay attachments Aim: . Method:.

Results: . Conclusions: .

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Use of Communication & Presentation Techniques Below are concept drawings

Below are concept drawings for

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Below is a working drawing of the first design.

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Below is the first working drawing with alterations.

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Below is a working drawing of the final design.

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Below is a working drawing of the.

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Project Realisation

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Evidence of Practical skills Construction of the See photo below.

see photo below.

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see photo below.

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See photo below.

Finishing See photos below.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo.

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See photo below

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

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Fabrication: Cutting the.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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See photo below.

See photo below.

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Evidence of Creativity Method of . . See photo Below

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Method of attaching . . See photo below.

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Record of Evaluation Procedures Throughout the Project


Application of Evaluation

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Analysis of Functional & Aesthetic Aspects of the design Functional: . . . .

Aesthetics: . . .

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Evaluation with respect to the Impact on Society & the Environment Society: . .

Environment: . . . .

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“Technology is people using resources such as ideas, information, skills, materials, tools & equipment and energy.”1. It is this use of resources by designers which is the focus for this assessment. As design does not occur in a vacuum it is the designers obligation to ensure that his or her use of various resources is appropriate. There are many issues which relate to design and technology, such as; Who benefits from technological enterprises? Whether short-term gains are made with little regard to long term costs through new technologies

“Design and Technology involves the use of resources and energy to make products, systems or environments. Costs need to be considered as part of designing. Design does not occur in a vacuum; it always occurs in a social context, and there will be an impact of some sort on this society or group. Designers therefore need to be aware of the context in which they are designing and to take into account the impact their designs will have. “The result of any design activity will also be a reflection of the designer. Attitudes, background, values and even beliefs will have an effect on the design process. It is important to be aware, as a designer, of how these factors affect your design activity.”2 This quote from our textbook (studies in senior design and technology) outlines the importance of the designer taking an interest in the ramifications that his design may have on society and the environment 1

Introducing Technology (1991), Basil Slynko


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Aluminium is the most abundant metal on earth and it is used in many things ranging from automobiles to soft drink cans. Aluminium is considered an exhaustible resource because it takes longer than a human life to form, despite this aluminium is very easy to recycle making it a sustainable resource if it is managed correctly. Aluminium offers great strength for its weight and when aluminium is mixed with other metals the result can be an alloy which is as tough as steel. Aluminium comes from bauxite, which is a clay-like substance, which is found in tropical soil. Aluminium is a relatively new metal as it takes large amounts of electricity to refine bauxite into Aluminium, and large amounts of electricity have only been available since the beginning of the 20th century. Due to aluminium's nature it is very easy to recycle, this means that through recycling the cost of aluminium can be reduced through no mining being required to supply the basic material. The ease of which Aluminium can be recycled has made it a very lucrative business generating more than $1 billion a year in Australia alone.The recycling of Aluminium takes only a twentieth of the energy required to produce it from bauxite making it effectively twenty times more cost effective. The recyclability of Aluminium has meant that it is used in many different ways such as for drink cans, car parts and food containers. In Australia there is wide public acceptance of the recyclability of Aluminium and currently over 50% of Australia's aluminium cans are recycled by recycling schemes of the Alcoa and Comalco companies. Due to the environmental problems associated with the industrial revolution aluminium has recently become one of the more attractive resources in the world due to the minimal impact its production has on the environment. This is due to its recyclability, this recyclability greatly reduces the amount of energy required to produce aluminium. This reduction in energy consumption reduces the amounts of harsh pollutants such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide which are released from power stations in the production process. With the recycling of aluminium the impact on the environment is minimised because no mining is required. Page 61 of 65

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Throughout most of the developed world aluminium recycling is being implemented. On a global scale many Conservation groups, multi-national companies and governments actively encourage the use of aluminium as a recyclable resource. Some governments and companies have created campaigns to encourage the recycling of aluminium, some even pay the public to collect aluminium such as through the Cash-a-Can program. These programs not only reduce the environmental impact of the use of aluminium but also provide a lucrative business for aluminium producers. Due to the many attractive features of using aluminium there has been a noticeable increase in the worlds consumption of aluminium, especially through aluminium recycling, this has mainly been due to public education about the rewards of using and recycling aluminium as a way to decrease pollution as well as aluminiums many other attractive aspects. In most developed countries the use of recycled aluminium has been recognised for the benefits it has on the environment as well as the economic benefits it provides.

Ethical Issues The three ethical issues that I will discuss are as follow: 1- . 2-. 3-.

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Final Evaluation in relation to the Criteria Set by the Student Evaluation by the designer:

Areas of success: . . . .

Areas needing more attention: . .

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Bibliography 1.

Senior Design and Technology, John Rochford, KJS Publications, Gosford, NSW.


Studies in Senior Design & Technology, Jacaranda Press, Sydney, 1995.


Introducing Technology, Basil Slynko, Moreton Bay Publishing, 1991


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