Deming dan Schewart mengembangkan konsep siklus PDCA (plan – do – check -action)
Plan meliputi identifikasi masalah, memperoleh data, dan mengembangkan rekomendasi.
Do meliputi penerapan solusi berbagai percobaan.
Check berupa pengamatan setelah penerapan untuk memastikan apakah hasil yang diperoleh sesuai rencana.
Act melibatkan kegiatan perubahan permanen jika hasilnya efektif bagi peningkatan atau kembali pada kondisi sebelumnya jika penerapannya bermasalah.
Pada tahun 1961, Dr. AV Feigenbaum memperkenalkan konsep make it right at the first time.
Konsep ini akan berkembang dan menjadi salah satu dasar Total Quality Management(TQM).
Deming and Schewart developed the PDCA cycle concept (plan - do - checkaction) .
Plan includes identifying problems, obtaining data, and developing recommendations. Do includes the application of various experimental solutions. Check in the form of observations after application to ascertain whether the results obtained are according to plan. Act involves permanent change activities if the results are effective for improvement or return to the previous conditions if the application is problematic.
In 1961, Dr. AV Feigenbaum introduced the concept, make it right at the first time. This concept will develop and become one of the basic Total Quality Management (TQM).