Deerfield School Board Minutes: September 2, 2009

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Deerfield School Board Deerfield Community School Deerfield, NH Sept 2, 2009 Members Present: Bonnie Beaubien, Don Gorman, Maryann Clark, Kevin Barry, Gregg Williams, Supt. Warburton, Dr. Paludi, Paul Yergeau, Kandy Davitt, Walt Hooker 1. Call To Order-Ms. Beaubien Ms. Beaubien called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance-Ms. Beaubien Ms. Beaubien led the board members and those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) August 5, 2009 A motion was made by Don Gorman to accept the minutes of August 5th as corrected, seconded by Kevin Barry. 4. Immediate Business A. Agenda Review Special Education was moved B. Citizens/Staff Comments Mr. Hooker was present to discuss and review with the school board the use of surplus monies being spent on appropriations. He shared with the board the e-mail that he sent to Jean F. Samms on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 and her response: Walt Hooker: I just saw the Deerfield School Board minutes from their July meeting (attached.) Can they vote to use some of their surplus for appropriations that I'm assuming weren't voted in the regular budget on the ballot? I thought the school surplus was used to reduce their tax rate. Do encumbrances extend the time to expend appropriations voted but not yet spent by the end of year or can they be used in this fashion?


Jean F. Samms: Per RSA 32:7, "All appropriations shall lapse at the end of the fiscal year ....unless the amount is: (I) encumbered by a legally enforceable obligation created by contract or otherwise; (II) legally placed in any non-lapsing fund (CRF, ETF); (III) is raised by bonds or notes; (IV) appropriated from grants; (V) appropriated under a special warrant article or (VI) explicitly designated as non-lapsing in the warrant article. At the meeting in March the voters approved up to $20,000 be transferred from the unreserved fund balance to be put in the expendable trust fund for building repair. This would reserve $20,000 of the year-end revenues. If the remainder reserved was not as defined in RSA 32:7, the question you could ask the school board would be how are they proposing to expend those other excess revenues without an appropriation?

Mr. Warburton stated that it is not uncommon for schools to transfer monies from one line to another because their budgets are formulated so early but he will inform all boards within SAU 53 that monies cannot be transferred so late in the calendar year. 6. B Special Education Update-Dr. Paludi, Ms. Guercia, Mrs. Dobson Mary Dobson reviewed with the members of the school board Concord Special Ed. piece of the high school tuition bill. The items included in the tuition bill:  Case Manager  Assisted Study  Speech Services  Physical Therapy  Transportation  1 on 1 support  Other Ms. Dobson explained that any piece or all pieces maybe part of the services a DCS student receives. A student receiving LBI services the fee is a set fee, which includes a one on one. Speech/Language, PT are billed on an hourly fee. Prep is $23.26 per hour; Para costs are $13.35 for 30 min. or a total of $17,000 and benefits. Mrs. Clark asked if the board could find out how costs were formulated at 13.35 per unit. Mrs. Clark asked if the Para’s stayed for therapy sessions. Ms. Dobson stated that they do and that the reason for this is to Para can they see the techniques being used by the therapist and continue the techniques outside of therapy. The board members noted that Concord returned $29,000 to the district due to the change in Para costs. Karen Guercia informed the board that if therapy time is missed due to Monday holidays, etc. the therapy is then set up for another time. Mary Dobson informed the board that the Concord staff has stated that the Deerfield students come well prepared for their classes.


Mr. Gorman inquired if the federal portion of special ed. funding was being met? Karen Guerica and Mary Dobson noted that 40 percent is to cover by the federal government but 17% is what is actually paid. Karen Guerica stated that every summer paperwork is filed with the state and the district is then reimbursed. There are checks and balances in place to make sure monies that funding is distributed correctly. Karen Guerica also noted that educational requests made by parents have not been outrageous. Mrs. Clark asked about students that are placed outside of the district and the costs that may be incurred. Mrs. Whittaker noted that there are such cases where student’s need out of district services because their programs are very intense and may include medical care, non-verbal instruction, etc. Supt. Warburton stated that the severity of the issue really comes into play when outside placement is determined. C. Principal’s Report-Mr. Yergeau Supt. Warburton reviewed RSA 32-7 MBL (appendix A) with the board members. Supt. Warburton stated that monies should not be expended after the June 30th deadline and it should occur on or before the 30th of June. Supt. Warburton also stated that he would encourage the board and other boards to start using any surplus monies within the physical year and that this process will be used from now on. The board discussed the option of joint purchasing with other school district within the SAU or with the town. Purchasing of copy paper, custodial supplies, and fuel were a few of the items mentioned. Supt. Warburton stated that there is an increase interest in planning regionally, so that community resources are used better. Kevin Barry will work with Mr.Walt Hooker and continue to research the process/benefits of joint purchasing. Mr. Yergeau noted that DCS is very frugal throughout the year with purchases because you don’t know what issue might come up later. For example Mr. Yergeau stated that broken cafeteria tables should be replaced at they time they break but the school holds off till the end of the year because one never knows if another item of more importance might come up. Mr. Yergeau noted that DCS had a very smooth school opening. Maintenance has done a great job in preparing the school. Mr. Yergeau noted that a number of classrooms and instructors had to be packed up and moved making the summer work very hectic. Mr. Yergeau informed the members that grades K-2 will have their Open House and that Sept. 9 grades 3-8 will have theirs. Currently 154 High School bus passes have been given out. A motion was made by Don Gorman to have the board send a letter to the Maintenance Crew thanking them for a job well done, seconded by Kevin Barry.


All In Favor Motion Carried D. Personnel-Mr. Yergeau, Mr. Warburton Dr. Paludi spoke to the members of the board concerning the resignation of Mrs. McHugh. A motion was made by Don Gorman to accept the resignation of Mrs. McHugh, seconded by Kevin Barry. All In Favor Motion Carried Dr. Paludi brought forward Deborah Trottier’s name for the Special Education position. A motion was made by Don Gorman to offer a contract to Ms. Trottier to fill the Special Ed. position, seconded by Maryann Clark. All In Favor Motion Carried E. Payroll Deduction for Computer Purchase-Mr. Warburton Supt. Warburton informed the boards that again the SAU would like to offer to the staff of the Deerfield Community school the payroll deduction option for the purpose of purchasing a computer. A motion was made by Kevin Barry to approve the continuation of the purchasing program as set up by the SAU, seconded by Don Gorman. All In Favor Motion Carried 5. Old/Unfinished Business A. Wetland’s Update-Mr. Gorman Mr. Gorman informed the board that Mr. McGarry has sent an e-mal to the Wetlands Board and will follow-up on that e-mail. B. Security System-Mr. Yergeau, Mr. Warburton The board noted that Honeywell would be coming in with a proposal. Currently there is $20,000 set aside for a security system.


C. High School Tuition Procedure-Mr. Warburton High School Tuition Procedure Supt. Warburton presented to the board the following as the process that is used to enroll Deerfield High School students into Concord. Throughout the year, Kandy sends email to Kathy and Concord High School with information regarding residency and enrollment of new students to CHS. The registrar from CHS also sends information via email, on a monthly basis to Kathy at the SAU with Kandy carbon copied, regarding students who have withdrawn from CHS. Invoice is received at the SAU from CHS. o The invoice is then sent to Kandy Davitt for accuracy. o The invoice is reviewed by the Special Education Office at the SAU for accuracy. Information from the invoice is then entered into a spreadsheet for tracking purposes. If a student enrolls at a date later than the beginning of school, the date is entered into the spreadsheet to make certain we are not charged for days he/she was not in attendance. If students withdraw during the year, the withdrawal date is also entered into the spreadsheet for informational purposes. If a student withdraws prior to the beginning of the second semester Deerfield is not charged the full tuition rate. The members of the board stated that the names of the people should be removed from the procedure and replaced with the position. Supt. Warburton noted the changes to be made. D. 09-10 Goals Final Approval-Mr. Warburton A motion was made by Kevin Barry to approve the 09-10 School Board Goals as presented, seconded by Don Gorman. All In Favor Motion Carried E. High School Survey Goals-Ms. Clark Mrs. Clark stated that the board should address the “areas of concern” on the Concord High School survey. Any question for which respondents that had a greater than ten percent satisfaction rate is an “area of potential concern” F. Athletic Director’s Update-Mr. Warburton


The board members discussed the need to pay Deerfield referees the amount that surrounding communities are paying. It was noted that the amount that brought forward at the last meeting was not correct. No motion was made at this time. 6. New Business A. DCS Discipline Policy Discussion-Mr. Gorman, Mr. Yergeau, Ms. Klipa The board discussed the need to have a physical place to work with student who may be serving detentions and/or a place where school personnel can take care of discipline issues that may occur throughout the day. Currently students are brought into the business office. It was noted that this area was as a very busy place due to the location of the nurse, Principal, Vice-Principal, Accounts Payable, the waiting area for parents, etc. Ms. Beaubien stated that the board needs to work on a policy that sets a direction for the school to follow. This policy can include a description of placement. A motion was made by Mr. Gorman that Mr. Yergeau and the Middle School Review Committee to begin discussing this issue and formulating a policy for the board’s review, seconded by Kevin Barry. All In Favor Motion Carried B. Special Education Update-Dr. Paludi, Ms. Willis, Ms. Guercia, Mrs. Dobson C. End of Fiscal Year Appropriations Clarification-Mr. Warburton D. Fair Request The board discussed the request to use the DCS facility made by the Little Miss Deerfield Pagent. The request was to use the gym, café and 1 classroom. Mr. Gorman informed the board that it would require:  Mats to be pulled down  Set up of 200 chairs. (Approx. 1 hr. for 2 men. Mats/Chairs)  Pageant time  Clean-up (4 hours)  Two people would be required to be made available in case the building is needed due to rain. It was determined that it would cost the School approximately $550 A motion was made to charge the Deerfield Fair Association for the use of the DCS Facility The members discussed the motion.


Mr. Barry noted that since he was on the Fair Association he would be abstaining from voting on the motion. A motion to amend Mr. Gorman’s motion to split the expense between the district and the Fair Assoc. was made by Maryann Clark, seconded by Gregg Williams. The motion was read: To charge the Deerfield Fair Association half of the cost for the use of the DCS facility, which would include 22 hours of DCS personnel time In Favor-3 Abstained-1 Motion Passed 7. Informational Items A. Citizens’ Staff Comments B. Funding for IDEA Letter-Mr. Warburton Dr. Paludi read a letter from Senator J. Shaheen responding to the Federal funding of Special Ed. Senator Shaheen noted that she understood the issue and that she also understood the need for the federal government to increase funding for IDEA. Supt. Warburton noted that he would contact Senator Shaheen’s office for more information and assistance concerning the issue of funding Special Ed. C. Board Minutes (per Right to Know Law)-Mr. Warburton Mr. Warburton discussed how the board could and should make the minutes more available to the community. The board members agreed that the minutes and agenda would be posted in the Forum and that Mrs. Davitt would keep a copy of the unapproved min. in the office to be available to community members. D. Concord School Board Meetings-Mr. Warburton Mr. Williams and Mrs. Williams noted that they would be willing to attend Concord High School Board meetings on a quarterly basis. E. Modulars The board discussed the leakage issue due to ice build up. Since it was determined that the water issue was weather related that heat strips should be used for the middle modular.


8. Adjournment At 9:27 P.M., a motion to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A:3II(c) was made by y Kevin Barry, seconded byMaryann Clark ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED

Next Scheduled Meeting: October 7, 2009 6:30 PM/Deerfield Community School



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