December 2009 Em

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Knights of Columbus



November 2009


Grand Knight’s Message 9th (Thursday) -Membership Meeting 7:00 pm in the Kutsch Conference Room 12th & 13th (Weekend) Finger Rosaries after all Masses to promote devotion to Mary 25th (Friday) Christmas Day! Every 3rd Thursday7:45 am Mass, Special Intention for the Living and Deceased Members of KC Council 8384

Brother Knights & Families, December is now already here? Huh? This fraternal year is becoming a blur! Recapping November activities, thankfully there were only four? 8 members served up omelets to students from Loras College at their Antioch weekend in Placid on Nov. 8th. The Nov. 26th, Donna Ginter Annual Turkey Dinner project went quite well; more members and their families participated, 11+ volunteers helped out. At least 22 members and families attended the KC communal mass on Nov. 28th; quite good considering we (the council) hadn’t done one in a long time. Finally, the Nov. 29 Omelet breakfast was successful. My thanks to all who volunteered for these activities. The Nov. family of the month is Shawn Carrol family, for all their time w/the Turkey Dinner project. On behalf of the council, congratulations and best wishes go to both Mr. & Mrs. John Balong and Mr. & Mrs. Roger Maiers, on the occasion of their 40th and 50th Wedding Anniversaries. Also, Roger Maiers is the November Knight of the month, recognizing his years of service to the parish and our council. SPECIAL DECEMBER ACTIVITIES

9th Business Meeting & Honorary Degree at 7 pm – 2 members are undergoing Honorary Life degrees w/refreshments after the meeting. Don’t forget the matching drawing…the pot is growing. Please be here on time. 12th & 13th Finger Rosaries to be distributed after all Masses. This event is scheduled to coincide with the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12th. and is intended to encourage devotion to Mary. We are giving these rosaries free!!! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! – Contact Mike Carr soon! - 563-519-1466 or [email protected].

On behalf of the officers, myself and the members, my most sincere wishes to one and all. A Merry Christmas and blessings in the New Year. Respectfully, Bob Mollman, GK #8384

Chaplain’s Message The season of Advent that began on November 29 has been known as a Season of Hope. Advent is a time in our liturgical year for the Catholic faithful and other Christians to prepare both for the coming of Christ that we celebrate in the Christmas feast and for the Lord's second coming at the end of the age. Historically Advent represents the years, decades and centuries that the Israelites prepared for the coming of the Messiah Savior. The yearning for the Messiah was an expression of hope since often the Israelites were experiencing difficult times due to a king that did not have the welfare of the people at heart or because a foreign power was oppressing them. The Messiah Savior they hoped for would liberate them to live a better life, one of greater freedom, security and sufficiency. The hope of the Israelites was closely related to their trust in God and their belief that God was faithful and would not abandon them. There were times, however, when they feared that God had forgotten them since their adversity seemed to go on and on. Moreover prophets periodically arose among the people to reassure them that God was faithful and had steadfast love for them. The message of the prophet was invariably a call to conversion, a call for the people to be repentant and be more serious about following God's ways. The yearning for a better time is one that many Americans and others in depressed parts of the world can relate to. Considerable uncertainty about the future makes many very anxious. The sluggish and slow to rebound economy, increasing violence in society and world, the future of health care, provision for retirement, two unresolved wars, the safety and education of children, and the fragility of our planet are among the issues that concern many in our nation. The resolution of these and other issues seem elusive at best. There is no doubt that there are many needs for which we need hope. We can learn a great deal from the Israelites, who regarded themselves as God's chosen people. Our hope for a better future needs to be based on our trust in God and our willingness to follow God's ways. This is hard to do if we feel we are the most deserving and/or have all the answers. I wonder if the "message for our times" might be that we need to change our ways and be open to a similar call of conversion. -- Fr. Gene Kutsch

Chancellor’s Message Sharing Pride in Being a Knight Mike Carr, Chancellor

• • •

Reflect for a moment on what it means to be a Knight. Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism are our ideals. As Knights, we: practice charity in all aspects of life including at home, in the parish, and in the community; foster unity by standing with brother Knights in the great causes such as pro-life, help for the poor and the disabled, support to our priests, and keeping our membership current; pursue fraternity in our relationships with brother Knights, making new brothers feel welcome, developing long lasting friendships with brother Knights, and encouraging other brothers to participate in council activities and having fun doing so; and exhibit patriotism by honoring the principles that our nation was founded upon, staying current with the great issues of our time, and exercising the right to vote.

We believe these ideals make us better men so let’s show our pride and invite other Catholic men to discover what the Knights can do for them.

SICK and DISTRESSED Please pray for the following: Joan Althaus and family, Andy & Beth Houselog, Joe Andracchio, Gill Goedkin, Pat Sullivan (brother of Bob and Mike). If you know of any brother Knight or family member needing prayers or assistance please contact Mike Carr, Chancellor, at 563-519-1466 or [email protected].

*NOTE SPECIAL FUTURE PARISH ACTIVITY* FEBRUARY 13TH St. ANTHONY VALENTINES DINNER & DANCE AT HAPPY’S PLACE - We have 3 NEW and BIG PROJECTS, this is the second. We are attempting to diversify our program and help the parish. Again, this not only helps attract more attention to St. Anthony’s Parish, offers more parish activities at helps us as a council too. Cost is $25.00 per person, starts @ 6:30 pm. Included in the price is a dinner and a dance w/live music. For the parish / council to do well with this, we need all members to get behind and help promote this event! There will be @ 250 tickets! Contact Jim Henkels at his parish office (588-0571 Ext 216) or home number (5564159) ASAP! Our plans are for this to become an annual parish event and to expand same.

December Birthdays

Mike J ohn Gilbert Greg

Cosgrove Gile Goedken Wagner

4-Dec 5-Dec 11-Dec 16-Dec

J oseph Mike Merle Tom

Danner Carr Kramer Blosch

Council Leadership Have an Article for the Newsletter Contact: John Kapparos E-mail [email protected] Phone (563) 556-0426

Grand Knight: Robert (Bob) Mollman 490 Hayden Lane Dubuque, IA 52001 (563)495-5540

Financial Secretary: Vince Crimmins 2055 Bunker Hill Road Dubuque, IA 52001 (563)-582-7949

Deputy Grand Knight: Robert (Bob) Schroeder 1338 Tomahawk Dr. Dubuque, IA 52003 (563)-556-8891

Chancellor: Mike Carr 16964 Cedar Ridge Road Dubuque, IA 52002 (563) 519-1466

Your Field Agent Jeff L. Nieland, PGK, FICF, Iowa Field Agent Ph: 563-689-6565 cell: 319-480-3446 fax: 563-689-6566 47232 33rd St, Miles, IA 52064-9500

Check out our council’s web site

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