David Perdue Richard Janis Wednesday. July 28. 2004 9.40 AM David Perdue RE:NY
Sent: To: Subject:
Ne t18 e a Web meeting/Capabilities presen tation for Mike McCormack and lus Office for Techno loqy team on 8f23 that
the on ly contact. to my knowledge that requested a follow -up -----Original Message-- -from: David Perdue sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 10:34 AM To: Richard Janis Subject: NY Please give me an update on the Ny contacts -I need to update Joe Bruno
David C. Perdue Cmef Executwe Ofhcer
asentinel Asenllnel lLC 3175 Lenox Par.. Bou tevaru Suue 415 Memphis. Tennessee 8115 USA +19017526211
david peraue@a senllllel com
GW -9