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Data Collection Worksheet Paper Online Answer Answer s: s:

Questions: 1 Which computerized visual acuity systems do you prefer? a.    M&S Technology in Room 509 b.    Acuity Pro in Room 510 c.    MiraMed in Room 518 d.    Stimuli in Room 519 e.    N/A Total Answers:

2 1 8 2 18 31

1 4 3 2 21 31

Total Answers:

10 20 1 0 31

16 15 1 0 32

I am receiving/have received an appropriate volume of patients 3 for my clinical experience. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Total Answers:

2 24 4 1 31

0 17 11 4 32

I am receiving/have received an appropriate variety of patients for my clinical experience. (i.e.: Primary Care, Pediatric, Contact 4 Lens, Low Vision, etc.) a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Total Answers:

1 23 6 1 31

2 19 7 3 31

The time I spend in the clinic with patients is productive and 5 important for my education. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Total Answers:

15 16 0 0 31

14 17 0 1 32

2 The dress code is appropriate for the clinic. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree

6 The equipment I need is available when I need to use it. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Total Answers: I would like to have access to the following equipment. Circle all that apply. a. OCT b. HRT 3 c. GDx d. Fundus Camera e. Slitlamp Camera f. iCare tonometer g. NCT h. Matrix visual fields i. FDT visual fields j. Medmont topographer k. Brightness Acuity Tester (BAT) l. Autorefractor/autokeratometer Total Answers: m. Other (Please Specify: _________________________) Paper Answers: Icare Optos Epic TRS & Stero Fundus Camera & Marco TRS We have access to all already I have access We can use with our doctors (referring to d. Fundus Camera) Online Answers: cyclo drops, child stereo targets, VT equipment pachymeter pachymeter Tonopen - any brand pneumo tonometer Goldman Perimeter

6 20 4 1 31

8 19 3 2 32

24 14 27 27 22 21 17 14 21 20 18 18 243

31 8 24 30 19 11 13 16 23 25 20 23 243

8 19 2 2 31

4 24 2 0 30


8 The equipment is clean when I need to use it. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Total Answers:

9 Supplies I need are readily available when I need them. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Total Answers:

5 22 3 1 31

4 22 6 0 32

10 Forms I need are readily available when I need them. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Total Answers:

4 19 7 1 31

3 15 13 1 32

The temperature variation from room to room DOES NOT affect 11 my ability to learn. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Total Answers:

1 13 13 4 31

2 15 13 2 32

I feel I can approach the doctors/instructors with questions and concerns. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree Total Answers:

15 15 0 1 31

19 12 1 0 32

21 26 6 6 15 0 74

23 24 12 11 20 1 91


What would you like to see in the new facility that the current 13 one is lacking? Circle all that apply. a. More Space b. Better Temperature Control c. More Equipment d. More Supplies e. Better Technology f. None of the Above Total Answers: g. Other (Please Specify:___________________) Paper Answers: Coffee/hot beverage vending machine Better equipment Better equipment- not rocking tables or bad oculars on Slitlamp EMR EMRS bigger lockers

Online Answers: ERM simple-to-learn EMR More efficient layout Less Contact Lens Forms More centrally located supply storage library / reference desk How can the University Eye Center be improved? (i.e.: how to reducing patient wait time during high volume times, duties that are not getting done, clinic setup, employee attitudes, 14 professional atmosphere, form layouts, etc.) PaperA Answers: communication system between the front office and the interns in case of E/M or added patients. A lighting system that tells us in our exam rooms when our patients arrive or a better system for knowing when aredoctors checked in clinic, All the paperwork in CL clinic slows us down too Better areas topatients meet with during much Better attitudes, decrease no show rate, no have partners in Peds and CL Better flow and more space in dispensary Better flow at checkout Better flow from check in to exam to checkout, EMR, Better VA charts Contact lens forms could be streamlined to reduce paperwork: not having to copy the same info onto every sheet Dilation room- make UEC more like regular practices for exam times, etc. Doc MUST stay put! And if doc oversees 2 groups, taper the appointments It is very cumbersome to walk patients on different floors for exam/testing/check out etc., The amount of forms for CL are redundant and easy to confuse Less forms for Contact Lens exams More patients More patients, Schedule: Can we schedule the way we won't have many no-shows or last minute reschedule? More patients/less no shows = less Medicaid, Less CL forms New patients could be scheduled to arrive 15 minutes prior to appointment to complete paperwork (not simply asked to arrive early) Reduce the redundant paperwork (especially CL forms), don't schedule full exams at 5:00 when clinic is 1:00-5:00 Stagger exam times so everyone does not get done at same time and flood dispensary, reduce number of CL forms to 1 for SCL's and 1 for GPCL's Try to schedule patients more evenly as some days 1 student will have 3 CL exams and another will have 0 CL exams Wrong patients are marked off occasionally and raises problems

Online Answers: I think in order to try and maximize patient encounters the clinic should over book for Medicaid patients in anticipation that Medicaid has a high no show rate. If the schedule were booked to allow for the average no show rates with an on call clinic doctor and tech for the clinic doctor to pick up on any overflow incase all the patients do for some reason show up. I think students should be able to use the equipment more, i.e. OCT, retinal camera... I didn't like that I would get in trouble for attempting to use them even if I had a patient that it was necessary. Point: more access to technology I recommend scrubs for all interns. Enforce the dress code! When females (I am also a female) are wearing clothes that reveal their chests or pants that are so tight that they appear to be painted on, that is not professional! It seems to be a couple individuals that repeatedly dress this way. It's embarrassing to me as a colleague that they can see patients and represent MCO. the binders in the rooms are not properly stocked with paperwork/forms, the rooms are not properly stocked with mirrors/bioglo strips/cotton swabs/CL soln/etc. The CL forms are far too redundant, as well as the VT forms. The bin that files go in for Dr's to sign off on is far too small. Students with last names higher in the alphabet tend to get more patients scheduled with them on a weekly basis. Some doctors disappear to their office or other places that aren't on the clinic floor during designated clinic time and they are almost impossible to find when you need them. quicker accessibility of clinic instructors, more educational diagrams and models for patient ed Have an online check in system so you can check whether or not a patient is present while using a computer. It would be more convenient that monitoring the clipboard every 5 minutes. designated areas for doctors to remain on the clinic floor so that students are not wasting time searching for docs to ask questions/present cases 1. Patients should be set up like private practice. While dilating another patient should be getting worked up...we desperately need to increase patient volume and exposure. Also, if every test under the sun is indicated and needs to be run we should reschedule the patient for this additional testing after a standard comprehensive exam. The current system just provides and insane amount of time to see each patient further decreasing patient encounters. 2. We need to train the workstudies better or employ optometry students that care. My rooms are never stocked and I never have the appropriate forms in my chart. The referral letter are almost never in the charts and most days at least one of them is missing. 3. Most employees are awesome and friendly. However their is a least one at check in and check out that are rude to students, doctors and most importantly patients. When a patient needs to be checked in/out they should be your priority, not your personal phone call! And if you're on an important call at least acknowledging the patient would be the appropriate procedure. Your staff is so important and these patients already put up with the long exams and testing during the exams, our staff should accommodate their needs and make them feel welcome. 4. I think the atmosphere is professional as clinicians are concerned, obviously the facility and equipment could meet higher standards.

5. FORMS, FORMS, FORMS. The more we try and stream line them the more forms we end up with. The comprehensive exam form is so packed, it's hard to write in the boxes. Plus we could probably get away with one CL form....they're repetitive!! And the interpret reports could be written directly on the VF, GDx, sensory motor etc.. 6. Finally, pure clinic layout is going to be a huge asset to overall efficiency...I know the new building layout is well planned...I just wish I had a chance to go to school in it....although I still rather graduate :) Obviously the set-up of the clinic is not ideal (ie. the clinic being on the 5th/6th floor, often having to take the elevator to take patients to the exam room and/or check-out, etc. Surely many of these problems will be resolved with the new facility. The abundance of paperwork is laborious; it'd be nice if it could be reduced or if an acceptable EMR system was established. Update the exam rooms and keep them consistent with each other. Please elaborate on any questions that you answered Disagree 15 or Strongly Disagree. Paper Answers: 11. The clinic always seems too hot and it gets uncomfortable for myself and the patients, whereas the classroom is too cold. 12. All doctors are pretty could about helping us! 5. Clinic is valuable, more would be better. 6. All students are not trained on all machines and are not allowed to use machines if untrained on them. Training needs to be started in 1st year on diagnostic machines so all students can perform necessary tests when needed instead of searching for faculty. Baldwin- not enough patients CL forms are not always available Forms in the CL rooms are never stocked-or the clean CL cases I feel that the temperature variations affect my mood and clinical decision making skills. I find I am usually sweating by the end of most exams. My contact lens doctor is doing a study and those patients are all I have seen. Not enough variety. The temperature does affect my comfort/ability to do a good exam and hygiene is an issue. Especially when Dr. B harasses me about my clinic jacket. Temperature change in each room…difficult to work well and feel comfortable when you're sweating or shivering The temperature change from the 5th to 6th floor is distracting at times. The temperature fluctuations are distracting, uncomfortable and angers the patients. The temperature variation makes it difficult some days to be attentive and at my best. Especially having to wear a clinic coat and it being too warm. Rooms need to have better temperature control

Online Answers: While we were offered a good variety of clinics, I felt I didn't actually get to see the patients. I never worked with low vision patients and only had one VT patient while at MCO. 10. Make sure contact lens paperwork is available! There have been times where I've had to look in 5 exam rooms/consult rooms, only to find that the same CL paperwork is missing from each room. When we have to use so many forms it would be nice if they were actually supplied in the blue folder. Sometimes the patient volume wasn't there but I think that will always be a struggle. I also don't think a white coat is necessary, but the dress code is appropriate. Forms and supplies I need are not readily available in the rooms when I need them. I end up having to run down the the end of the 6th floor to Nancy's office to get what I need, and even then it's not always there. Also, certain equipment (BAT/cyclo drops/child stereo targets/iCare tonometer/VF machines) are not available when I need them due to another group either being in there or having the equipment in their room but not knowing what room it's in. When a common piece of equipment is removed from its storage space, a magnetic symbol representing that piece of equipment should be taken along with it and placed on the outside of the doorjamb of the room it is in so people who are looking for it know what room it's in. too many no-shows made for a lot of sitting around there is not enough exposure to patients at mco It's unfortunate that students are not authorized to use some of the equipment (ie. OCT, HRT, etc.) that they'll likely need to use during rotations and later in their careers. Variety is definitely not in the clinic at all - peds clinic was mainly 14 years of age and up I feel it wastes valuable time for me and the patient when supplies and forms are not readily available in the rooms. The changes can be distracting to me and the patient and if the patient is distracted my speed and quality is further reduced. We had a limited number of patients in clinic, therefore, we weren't exposed to a high variety of cases - I saw a lot of primary care, a few peds, and some really basic CL fits. I wasn't exposed to much pathology, challenging CL cases, or any low vision at MCO. However, I still felt prepared to begin my externship with the experiences that I did have while at MCO. I do feel that there was an unfortunate amount of down time in clinic when either patients were not scheduled or did not show up. Also, the patient base was somewhat lacking in terms of variety...too many "normal" patients, not enough disease and no actual low vision exams. no rgp fitting done at UEC 16 I am a a. Third year student b. Fourth year student c. Other Total Answers:

30 1 0 31

0 32 0 32

Misc. Answers Written by Paper Questions: 1. [N/A] Don't know what room it is in but it is the apple 11. I sweat a lot!! 1. [N/A] have only used Stimuli so can't compare 5.[Agree] It is now in 3rd year, not so much in 2nd year 10. [Disagree] Not in the rooms, have to search sometimes 1. [N/A] Haven't used any 1. [N/A] Just use what is in the room 1. [N/A] The only one I've used 2. [Disagree] Peep toe shoes should be ok! 5. [Agree] but techs would be nice, so I could focus more on DFE. 9. [Disagree] Forms, Alcohol swabs, especially on 2nd floor lab 10. [Disagree] occasionally 11. [Strongly Disagree] Better recently, but it was WAY TOO HOT in clinic and WAY TOO COLD in class 10.Always out of stock and often not included in my charts 11. [Agree] But it still sucks 12. [Agree] Most of them 3. Only because my doc for peds/CLS overlooks 4. Just because I am at Cherry St 10. Never refilled for CL clinic 4. Not much variety with low vision, glaucoma and CLS 6. [Disagree] Broken keratometer

11/18 note: went to PEN to hand out surveys 9:30-10:20 and worked on data tallying 8:30-9:20 11/19 note: worked on data 3:45-4:30 and 6:15-7:00 11/24 note: worked on data 10:20-11:25pm

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