Dalit Voive

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Cracks expose India’s fragile nation-hood: Raj Thackeray hammers Bharat Mata

Oppressed “low caste” lumpen proletariat of Bombay led by the newly aggressive Maharashtra Navnirman Samiti (MNS) has once again proved that India is not a “nation” but a country divided into several warring “nations”. We had said this many times but an angry Bihari gunman, who came to kill Raj Thackeray and was gunned down by the Bombay police in the last week of October 2008, has very graphically proved it.

Cracks have started appearing thick and fast exposing Hindu India’s fragile nationhood. We welcome this trend and expect many more serious cracks damning the Bharat Mata worshipping crackpots.

North-South divide: As this is written the North Indian states of Bihar and UP, two of the country’s most populous states and also the most backward, heart of the stinking Hindi heartland, are on a warpath against Maharashtra. Such a North-South divide has pushed into background even the ever-present caste contradictions. Language, class or political divide are all pushed aside. It is simply North against South. Good development.

Already many angry articles, editorials and comments have appeared in our “national” toilet papers on this subject. But none said the Bombay killing of the Bihari gunman, which united all the quarelling Bihari leaders, is part of the country’s boiling nationality question. That once again proves the depth of the country’s intellectual poverty.

It is only the Brahminical people who say India is a “nation” while the history says India was never, ever a nation but a sub-continent of perpetually warring nations. The Constitution of India describes the country as a “union of states”. India is slowly cracking into nation-states. Yes. History is asserting itself.

Partition of India: As soon as India became “free” (1947) from the British rule, the country got divided on religious lines into “Hindu India” and “Muslim Pakistan”. Then India was again divided on linguistic basis.

Bombay dominated by North Indians: But the different “nations” living inside “Hindu India” are slowly but gradually erupting to assert themselves. The killing of the Bihari gunman in a Bombay city bus shootout dramatically brings out the boiling anger in the hearts of the poor, oppressed Marathi “low castes” against the domination of Bombay by the North Indian Hindi-speakers.

We know Bombay very well and lived in the city three times. Bombay is the capital of the Marathispeaking Maharashtrians but controlled by the Punjabis, Gujaratis, Sindhis, Marwadis — all upper castes. The Maharashtrains are mostly working as slaves. The Hindi-speaking UP and Bihari fellows also constitute the working class — all “low castes”.

In the early 60’s, the cartoonist-turned Hindu terrorist leader, Bal Thackeray, exploited the anger of the poor, “low caste” Maharashtrians by attacking the South Indian (read Udupi) hotels. The owners of the hotels were neither upper castes nor millionaires like the Punjabis, Sindhis, Marwadis and Gujaratis. But the attack on hotels then helped hoist Thackeray, a Kayasth, as a powerful leader of the Marathi “low caste” lumpen proletariat.

Brahmins hate Thackeray: Bal Thackeray never spoke against or attacked the real owners of Bombay

city in the film, stock market, business, trade, commerce, industry. Rather, he attacked the Udupi hotels, collected money from them but protected the North Indian multi-millionaires. To keep his ill-gotten wealth running into hundreds of crores, he aligned with the Hindu terrorist RSS-BJP parties although the Brahmins controlling these parties always hated Bal Thackeray who has now become too old and weak.

We have written a lot on the Brahmin-Thackeray conflict and how intensely the Marathi Brahmins hate him.

Blood-suckers of Marathis are safe: As Bal Thackeray started fading, his nephew came on the scene and the latest development has brought Raj Thackeray on the top replacing his maternal uncle.

But the current North-South nationality struggle is not being waged between the oppressed and the oppressors. The beauty is on both sides only the poor, oppressed “low castes” are fighting and dying. The real blood-suckers of Bombay’s Marathis are not attacked. In fact the villains are managing the bloody drama from the back-door.

A stray incident in which a lone UP Brahmin journalist, Dinanath Tiwari (40), was attacked on Oct.29 in Bombay by Raj Thackeray’s MNC goons. This is the first case of striking the right target. As the upper caste Brahminical people own the media and have their men in key positions they can always manage to keep themselves hiding in the background and manage the contradictions without being identified.

Maharashtra jumps from North to South: Yet another interesting aspect of the latest explosion is that for the first time the Maharashtrians surprisingly identifying themselves as anti-North. All these years the Maharashtrians, at least officially, never claimed themselves to be South Indians. To call themselves South Indians was below their dignity all these years.

This is because the Marathi language uses the Devanagari (Sanskrit) script like Hindi. They always pretended to be part of the Hindi, Hindu, Hindustan because of the tremendous Brahmin influence on the Maharashtrians. This false pride has melted away. Good.

Homeland of RSS: The country’s topmost Hindu terrorist party, RSS, was born in Maharashtra. The topmost Hindu terrorist leader, B.G. Tilak, a founder of RSS, was a Maharashtrian Brahmin. So too the RSS leader Nathuram Godse who killed M.K. Gandhi. RSS has its headquarters at Nagpur. Maharashtrian Brahmins, particularly the Chitpavans, lead the hate-mongering honchos of India.

It is this influence that welded the mental make-up of the Maharashtrians though their state is down the Vindhyas — the dividing line between the North and the South.

Be that as it may, the Bihari gunman forced the unthinking Maharashtrian lumpen proletariat to throw their lot with South India. This is a welcome development in the latest nationality struggle warming up in the country. So far only four states — AP, Karnatkaa, TN and Kerala — comprised South India.

We thank Raj Thackeray for pulling out Maharashtra from the stinking Hindi heartland and putting it with the progressive South. Let the nationality struggle continue.

Bharat Mata worshippers: Aryans (upper castes) led by the less than 3% Brahmins are the worshippers of Bharat Mata and the Hindi, Hindu, Hindustan mad philosophy. The Maharashtrian Brahmins as the cheer leaders of this mad philosophy are not happy with Raj Thackeray war on the North Indians. Even South Indian Brahmins, who consider Sanskrit as their mother tongue, are fully united with their North Indian jatwalas.

That is why India’s Brahmin-controlled “national” toilet papers unanimously condemned Raj Thackeray and desired to drink his blood.

But the Maratha community-led Maharashtra Govt. silently sympathised with Raj Thackeray for two reasons: (1) to cut the demon of Bal Thackeray to size and also (2) to weaken the Hindu terrorist forces which are very strong in Maharashtra.

The upper castes of North, South and East India are anxiously watching and silently weeping because Raj Thackeray has hammered their Bharat Mata.

The country’s largest state of UP — the most stinking spot of the Aryavarta — where all their gods, holy rivers, holy temples, Ramjanam Bhoomi are situated — is ruled by an angry Untouchable woman (Mayawati), daily kicking their heart. A precious piece of UP is already sliced away as Uttaranchal. Mayawati is demanding a further breakup of UP.

Politically, the vaidiks have lost UP. Bihar has also gone into the hands of OBCs. Everywhere the Aryan Brahminical people are losing. Even their own Brahmana Jati Party is headed by a hated Thakur. Their party nominee for prime ministership is the hated Sindhi Khatri, L.K. Advani. Muslims are not giving them any peace. The Untouchables are polluting all those held sacred by the Bhoodevatas.

Telangana: Separation of Telangana from AP has almost become a reality. Kashmir is almost lost. The North-East no longer considers part of “Hindu India”. Sikhs, once cut to size, may rise their head again.

The latest financial crisis has seriously affected the rich (read upper castes). On the top of all these mounting misfortunes if the Black-cum-Muslim Barack Obama gets elected in USA what will happen to their new-found friendship with Jews? And their bomb-making project?

As all their dreams are collapsing one by one, Raj Thackeray is trying to drive them out of the country’s biggest and the richest city. If they find their life miserable in Bombay also, what they will do is to kill the city. That is what they did in Calcutta, Madras. Already Bombay has started dying.

Nationality struggle is unstoppable. Because India is a broken mirror. Any amount of glue cannot bring it to normalcy. (Nov. 1, 2008) DV REFERENCE TO NATIONALITY QUESTION DV Dec.16, 2005 p.8: “Caste consciousness will avert dangers like Shiva Sena”. DV Aug.1, 2005 p.6: “Power flows out of caste — not gun”. DV March 1, 2004 p.6: “Sambhaji Brigade ruins Thackeray’s hate politics”. DV Nov.16, 2002 p.8: “Bal Thackeray’s Muslim-baiting”. DV Sept.1, 1999 p.6: “Shudra Bal Thackeray sentenced to death for challenging vaidik vampire”. DV June 1, 1999 p.6: “Shudra Thackeray exposes vaidik beggars disguised as writers”. DV March 16, 1994: “Why Hindu press hates Hindu nazi Bal Thackeray?” DV April 1, 1992 p.22: “DV proves right: BSO cuts Thackeray to size”. DV Jan.16, 1992 p.20: “Thackeray’s fall is a warning to all shudra worms & slaves”. DV Dec.1, 1991 p.11: “Shudra nazi chief gets a taste of Brahmin anger”. DV Nov.16, 1991 p.22: “Brahmin-shudra fight within the nazi parties”.

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