Daily Tribune, Mar. 27, 2019, Boao Forum For Asia 2019.pdf

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Boao Forum for Asia 2019 (( Speaker

Arrogo could, be said, to be

the most

qnlified panel,ist in any d.iscussion inaolaing the Philippines avd, the WTO.

In a small

coastal town at the southernrnost tip rJf China, thousands gather to attend the Boao Forum

from 26 to 29 Maxch. The weather is waxm in this tropical island, and the fauna is strikingly similar to ours in the Philippines. Located in llainan proYince, Boad for Asia


is the permanent v€nue for such an important event where world leaders, economists, businessmen, arademics and other persoru of influence come together to discuss key issues relating to regional integration and economic

,development, particularly of the Asian region. The_hopical feel of the

Boao Forum is ih stark contrast to the World Economic tr'orum in snowy Davos, Switzerland, to which Boao is said to be modeled after Since its formation in 2001, this forum has been gaining worldwide prominence and recognition and,has even been coined the 'Asian Davos.' Filipinos were rerninded about

the Boao Forum last year which President Rodrigo Dutefie attended,

together with Davao Mayor Sa.ra Dutefte, to deliYer a speech at the

part of the Roundtable discussion on World

Councilor April Marie Dayap, secr6ta,ry of the

Trade 0rganization Reforh, and no less than Amb assad or Dondi Teehankee,

Philippines National Movement for Young Le$slators.

OuI topic is on the oeneration Alpha (or those born from 2010

the Philippines'

Anbassador to the WTO, is present to lend his support and assistance to the Speaker.

onwa,rds), children born


into technology that e,ven us millennials consider to be highly advanced already,


M. de Jesus Speat(er Arroyo could Danen be said to be the most qualified panelist in any discussion

involving the Philippines and the WTO. Dddng her days as sena.tor, she spea,rheaded the ratification of the treaW and chaired the Senate Committee on Economic Affairs. As an economics professor who headed the Economics Depaxtment in Assumption San Lorenzo and taught in Ateneo ard Unive$ity of the Philippines, Speaker Anoyo's

Inoking back to how I

gew up in

'90s, where bicycle rides

ard outdoor Filipino games (49., patinlero, trampo, tagaan) : Yerc the norm on eelday aftemoons, it is so unirna4irublil for technolog/ to have developed in leaps and bounds to how it is today. Last week, my wife and I saw the superhero movie Cdptai,n Marl)el, set


1995, and


colleagues then in the Senate-relied on her sha,rpness and linowledge in WT0, and how it would be beneficial

served as a nostalgic reminder on how exciting it wed to be foi us to rent VHS tapes to see movies and how axchaic it was to contact our parents by calling an operator, using

to the Philippines at that time.


opening ceremonies, with Chinese

Nowadays, some reform is said to be

President Xi Jinping in aitendance. It was among the highlights of the

requircd o$ the w'To, and Speaker Arroyo is ready to discuss this with our regional counterpaxts. This wdter, on

messages to their beepe$. Similax to Dalos, Boao Forums a.re

Duterte administration's strong bilateral ties with China in 2018. In his speech, President Duterte

that the Philippines' destiny is in Asia, nowhere else, emphasized

and that the shared dream of prosperiw will be achieved i{ all


the other hand,

is It ia eo lucky to have been unimaginahle invited to c,ontribute .for in the Boao Forum,

Asian nations cooperate, coordinate

technologU to ha$e

and collaborate.


This year, former President and now House Speaker Gloria

bound,s to

Macapagal-turoyo is attending the Boao Forum, as the newly elected

member of ihe Board, taking l"he place of former President Fidel V. Ramos, one of the founders of l,his forum. Speaker Arroyo is




hou it is


as delegate to the


Le ade rs

Rourdtable. I was actualy supdsedto

still be considercd as member of the

youth sector, but I'd take this tlistinction ary day. I will be 14


ihe roundtable with

likewjse held in different countries,

such as ltaly, Ihance and $outh Korea.



coming 22 and 23

there will be a first Boao Forum in Manila, sponsored by the Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc,, with the theme uConcnerted Action for Common Development in the NeIs Em" ald President Dutede is slated to deliver the opening remarks. This highlevel meetingwill bring much needed a,rd desen€d attention of ifivestoN to the Philippines and once again serve as a highlighi of this historic chapter in China-Philippines relaiions.



other delegates ftom a,round Asia,

including fellow Filipino, Davao


coimperaled phone booth, to send


Ennil dnnxn [email protected]

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