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Thursday, 28 March 2019 Daily Tribune

Pathetic VP lte

vice presidency, tluee years since the election of Leni ThG situation ot Hobreao' however, was not unique. Her flre Robredo, has never been so ineffective and a tota] obrl*.1ion decessors served in the Cabinet becarise they were appointed by the sitting president. Joseph Estrada was anti*rime czar in to the development programs of the waste of people's money was epitomized by VP Ro 1992, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was Social Welfare Secretary ,, in lgg8, Teofisto Cuingona was Foreign Affair5 Secretary in ou)un Snare -dr" The prwious administration also had the two top positions f 001 and both Noli de Casho and Binay were in charge of the gmemntent in govemment occupied by opposing political figures, Presi- grernmert's housing p]ogram in 2004 and 2010, respectively. Robredo as a member of the Cabinet was elpected to dent Benigno Aquino and Vice President Jejoma,r Binay but support the President's agenda as those before her, but it is Vice President then was able to carry out his duties efficiently a requtement thal she failed to carry out. the that showed in Binay's consistently high suwey thr.e_e The yellow mob needed a oneyear demolition effort prior Political tensions arose since she was suspected of maneuwi nut anA io the 2016 polls using the Senate Blue Ribbon Subcoruni6 venng to undermine rhe hesident. tee of Sen. Antonio TYiIun., tV as platform to erode public Babrdo's patitntn message to the United Nations'(UN) Commission on Human Rights in which she criticized the methods confidence in lznm lrtrow we have, in place of Binay, Leni, who suffers from nu1 in the corduct of Rod/s war on drugs resulted in the relations '-ratings of not more than 40 between the \lP and the hesident to firther drift apa,rt. The video message she sent a IJN human Many are now even calling her l,he fake VP becaus e of the questionable election results that put her in the rights forum, in which she criticized the more than 7,000 people hlled since the war : Her uselessness had rubbed of to the post she occupies on dmgs began on 1 July 2016 while implying as many now suggest to do away with separate voting for had rubbed oJ[to the that Rody was beh.ind it, cost her dearly as the two top posts or to altogether remove the vice ane occuptea her ratings plummeted afterwards. presidency. The public had seen rhrough rhe objeoive The proposal was to include the changes in the federal constitution that Congress is drafting. of Robredo since she used padded irgures Robredo does not even fit her emergency that the detractors of Rody had cooked up ""piot" replacement fi-mction since she had become the to dispaxage the war on drugs. for top posts an obstruction to the administration. Hervideo message before the 60th annual to altogethet. meeting of the Various political analysts and IJN Commission on Narcotic cornmentators offer their wide Dn4s also tended to misrepresent tr'ilipinos viervs on Rody's years in office by criticizing before the world issues that as president but none has she has all the power to take.up with the Philippine Naiional been said about Robredo's Police and even Rody. simply because nothitg was, Michael Flancis Acebedo Lnpez, a former delegate to the worth mentioning in terms IJN General Assembly, said Robredo "wantonly painted an of her functions much less impossibly gim image of the Philippine situation if only to


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attract interna.tional attention and action with unfounded

Instead, there was the constant slnrggls lstwesn Boff and Robredo on issues particularly the war on drugs. The friction be-

claims and ursubstantiated allegations. " Iopez said reality contradicted what Robredo told the IJN as confidence in Rody remains at above 75 percent in all surve;s. Robredo can be likened to a blown spare tfue that the govenunent ca.rries around the past thee yeals without any expected benefit ftom her.

tween both was too evident' a,fter Exeeutive Secretary Salva-

dor Medialdea told Robredo not to a.ttend Cabinet meetings

that, in turn, led to her resigning as Housing secretary


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