Daily Tribune, Mar. 27, 2019, Pork Lives Again.pdf

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Wednesday, 27 March 2O1 9 Daily Tribune

fOfK Pork llves lives agaln! again[_._-

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and &: be signing rhe measure 66 congressmen-budggl jwwffi&. and ,unO tti, to tn. If the Witt the n€gotiators '-NU i;i";;,-*il are said ,o*" ro*" S'



;J[** ::#tr"ht:{, :ffi{:lfl{ffi{''i'"#il51 'iZi*o and ffi::XW \W*SN ffi;Hfff"_i;"\i ip:!,::-y: "ri'ir"r. pork nationar budget

met iouse panet "il"


thresnan panel


p"* ;:hlf"--,#H; lr*"ii r""li Hirra leno to tne ^rt in the 2020 retter to tne prcsident a,llocatiozr.- will of the senate, Wii%* " Wire budget that he signed eaen considering thai ".sbro the qfter bilt or wiu WilIWW bill ne with ii it,e SC ut."uOy --* reservation,' tt they i"w"tio" ini"fr ."t"a *"".r,."*u"1 FRgl{TtlllE 1sain '$o^t:1*j.1"* lrrondav.--thei'::yA;::;i:,^. ^ showshisopposition, o/ao* goint6 ihatporkbarret " -, ,!,,,r. \'oLr -\Jlrvortr> rnree-man their

have bv now sent ure signed measure to tt Palace Jor President Duterte's signarure fo.

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Horse insertions? panel composed of '

charnbers, iC allocations in 2019 ma| Juat be the budget were Rep. Edcel Lagman, Appropriations budget insertions be ctrauengJin chilienged unconstitutionat. Committee chairman Re_p. Rolando the Supreme Court (SC). " in couri, Besitles, the law Andaya Jr' and San Juan Bep. Yesterday was the sec0nd paiel itselfstates clearlytlut once ratifled, Ronaldo "Ronnie" zamora and meeting, bui apparently the I{ouse there can no longer be insertions. the senate panel 0f ne8otiators membeis got'what tliey wanted sotto earlier iad reftrsed to 3ign composed of senate tr'inance from Senale Presideni Vicente gr" uuag"t after iacson claimid Committee chair.sen. Loren "Tito,, sotto, since yesteraaj;s Cloria Macapagal_ iiirt-SpE"l", Legarda along with Senators breaking report said while Soito Arrovo realiqned p26 biltion to panriro Lacson and Gregorio signed ihe ilr, r,. which Livmakers ;;;;;;;i; -Honasan exuded a posirive air on stitcd in wiiting ""'urir,.i";; in the buagei'biu ;;;;;.'""'r,ii"-ori"urfi.. the developments 0f the meeting. of his reservatii'ns. had said some The House panel's claim then Apparently, the House got pzf Irrii"r t. rrn4s had b'een what was that the devel0pments of the ii wanted, und if th" Hou.6 budgut th" House to various talks between the Hous€ and the stilt has the so_called inserted po-rk ieaign"djv ilhu, ;,"*fly i;;";k";, Senate selected rirembers for the allocations tt.y "f".tion themse'lves, u. S-p*L".,-.o lt i, U"U"V"O. iuu" - s'o, gr" po*-rrung.v.-ong.".r*"n budget lalks were positive. even even atter the"ratirication oi as they had not qiite, brok€n the both chambers, it may just be will get their pork and probably eat . impasse, and even as they claimed challenged in court and wilFlikely them all and fast, since many of tl"y had finally decided to break be n ejas unconstit*iona, as the if,"* *tff be out of the House, the-deadlock over the 2019 budget eo.tie. ruting onJo.t iltffi;; d-*r especially Andaya, measure. was thumbed down by the SC maOe ffi\ *t o ir running fo. l The claim of the Hquse itclearthatonceraiiil,;;il; ffi l;;iil;#d;; -"'* pembers was ihat it was all a insertions are attoweJ-'-'KW | ;;;#ilhil;ilri" yet However, as Duterte has veto Rm ..::_: -o-f_Ir:rld".sranding, I al;;i;;;;";;h. on iin" llT :."-1l"l"q -.at reast up'ro po*".. I J,ii."#'i,i.ir.., L":i:l9ryltg**ltheirgr.ormdon co*se veto the inserted pork Sn I;ili';;"oif;;-ii" ru

and may let him


hook should the

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ffix;ffi*tHffi$,:#:l:ffiof.the hungry m',""i 1*:::**"6lli: congressme; ;t'-h; i"".'.,* ;;uil r Ygl he rump sum l'1"'': #";:'iHff *lJ:l l*i,lf ,x:.y,1*,"rf: after c.ngessionat mrification




fr$**'f'":'';"'':;'l#h i ''-:l-j,TY:j.,*::l*..:1iJ,,n" senaie presidenr wourd ;:ffit:fhffi; ;il'i"i,';:;H wI #ii.il;i";,iJ-#'*:'il;?Tffi w l naYe tro DutrKt suruv Dullut kf6s*g*i:

refused weeks, IeIUSCU I:for l0r WeeKSr Ludget neasure

u[v !t*]r:l sign the to !u sr6rt $Sii:


b""l thui:4ut'*iredmeasure

" FAe{- - q "

il*r iri"


ilffi";;;;;;; go insertions, into

tnat contained the Sjr'

inserted pork barrel that had

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II [,*.:,]l ;;iJ;.";.t t"r*.

especially if Driderte dods not veto th€se?

o"r?f ,f""if,iii.'i,:1"ffl,t:1

ilffLill.,Yrl',,$:i.1T:',lj"; ihe Senate af,ter a measure ftom either chamber comes before the

^court and overturn its earlier ruling.


so, why, pork barrel lives

again and how!

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