Daftar Nama Dan Harga Obat Apotek Poli Keluarga.docx

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  • May 2020
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Amlodipin 5 mg tablet Amlodipin 10 mg tablet Afrin nasal spray Allopurinol 300 mg tab Amoxicillin 500 mg tab Amoxicillin Syr (125mg/ml) Ambroxol syr 15mg/5ml Ambroxol HCL tab Alodan (Alopurinol 100 mg) Alkohol swab OM Asifit Anakonidin OBH 30ml Alkohol 70% 100ml Aldisa SR caps Aspilets chewable Antasida DOEN tab Acepress (Captopril 25 mg) Astar-C (Astaxanthin, Vit C) Asam Mefenamat 500mg Bepanthen oint Betadine kumur 100 ml Biocef (cefotaxime sodium 1gr) Bioxon inj (ceftriaxone) Bioplacenton gel Biogastron tab (Al hidroksi, Magnesium, cimethicone) Cefadroxil Syr (125mg/5ml) Chloramphenicol Syr 125mg/5ml Cotrimoxazole tab Ciprofloxacin Hcl Tab Coxavit tab Curcuma plus syr Caviplex tab CTM Combantrin 125mg Combantrin 250mg

Rp. 20.000/box (5 strip) Rp. 203.500/box (10 strip) Rp. 54.500/pcs Rp. 55.000/box Rp. 50.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 7.000/btl Rp. 6.000/btl Rp. 37.500/box (10 strip) Rp. 47.000/box Rp. 10.000/box Rp. 23.500/pcs Rp. 8.000/btl Rp. 4.000/btl Rp. 305.000/box (5 strip) Rp. 70.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 25.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 42.000/box (10 strip) Rp 219.000/box (3 strip) Rp. 20.000/box (10 Strip) Rp. 51.000 /pcs Rp. 12.500/pcs Rp. 177.000/vial Rp. 250.000/vial Rp. 21.500/tube Rp. 40.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 9000/btl Rp. 7000/btl Rp. 30.000/box (10 Strip) Rp. 50.000/box (10 Strip) Rp. 212.500/box (5 strip) Rp. 14.000/btl Rp. 55.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 72.000/box (36 strip) Rp. 13.000/strip Rp. 13.000/strip

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Caladine lotion 60ml Caladine powder 60gr Clamixin tab (Amoxicilin, Asam Clavulanat) Combivent nebul Captopril 25 mg CDR Fortos Eff CDR Fruit Eff Daryant-tulle Dexketoprofen Trometamol inj Dogesix (As. Mefenamat) Dexaharsen 0,75 (Dexamethason) Demacolin tab Dextafen (dexhclorpheniramine maleat 2mg, dexametasone 0,5 mg) Dohixat tab (Doxycycline) Etapril (catopril 25 mg) Erlamycetin cr Salep Mata Esomax inj (Esomeprazole) Farsix (Furosemid) Farsifen 200 mg tab (ibuprofen) FG Troches tab Flurin Dmp tab (Pct, Ctm, Pseudoephedrin, dextromethorphan) Glyceryl Guaiacolate Goron (Cinnarizine) Gentamicin 0,1% Salep Kulit Hidrokortison cream 2,5% Hufagripp forte tab Hufagrif flu dan batuk Hufagrif BP syr Infuset dewasa type Y Infusan NS Infusan RL Imunos plus syr Infatrim tab (Sulfametoksazol, trimetropin) ISDN Kasa hydrofil 40x80 OM

Rp. 15.000/btl Rp. 9.000/btl Rp. 445.000/box (5 strip) Rp. 370.000/box (20 vial) Rp. 20.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 38.000/pcs Rp. 37.000/pcs Rp. 225.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 35.000/ampul Rp. 140.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 60.000/box (20 strip) Rp. 50.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 170.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 75.000/box Rp. 30.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 8000/tube Rp. 169.000/vial Rp. 120.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 50.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 159.000/box (12 strip) Rp. 172.500/box (10 strip) Rp. 20.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 241.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 50.000/box (10 tube) Rp. 3.500/pcs Rp. 35.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 13.000/btl Rp. 13.000/btl Rp. 6.000/pcs Rp. 18.000/pcs Rp. 18.000/pcs Rp. 95.000/btl Rp.40.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 20.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 120.000/pcs

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

Kasa steril 16x16 Ketokenazole 2% Cream Ketorolac Trometamol inj Keren inj (Dexketoprofen Trometamol) Kalium Diklofenak tab Loratadin tab Lopamid (Loperamide) Levofloxacin 500 mg tab Lexamet tab (Cimetidine) Lexapram tab (Metoklopramide) Lexicam 10 mg caps (piroxicam) Laserin syr 60 ml Lagesil tab L-Bio L-Zinc Syr Mycoral tab (ketokonazol) Magtral syr forte Magtral tab (Al hidroksi, Magnesium, cimethicone) Magtral syr Mucera (ambroxol HCL) syr Mucera forte syr (30mg/5ml) Meloxicam 7,5 mg Methyilprednisolone 4 mg Metformin 500 mg Mediquin 5% cr Mofacort 0,1% cr (Mometason) Natrium diklopenak 25 mg Nacl 0,9% Novaflox 500mg tab (Ciprofloxacin) Novamox 500 mg tab (Amoxicilin) Novaxicam tab Novaldo inj (Metamizole) Neo napacin tab Neurosanbe inj Neuromed 5000 (Vitamin B1, B6, B12) Nifedipine tab

Rp. 6.000/pcs Rp. 120.000/box (12 tube) Rp. 6.000/ampul Rp. 74.000/ampul Rp. 40.500/box (5 strip) Rp. 22.500/box (5 strip) Rp. 40.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 150.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 30.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 50.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 25.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 10.00/btl Rp. 115.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 228.000/box Rp. 38.000/btl Rp. 500.000/box (5 strip) Rp. 40.000/btl Rp. 40.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 30.000/btl Rp. 25.000/btl Rp. 35.000/botol Rp. 85.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 65.000/box (10 Strip) Rp. 30.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 35.000/tube Rp. 83.500/tube Rp. 33.000/box Rp. 18.000/pcs Rp. 145.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 57.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 48.000/box Rp. 13.000/ampul Rp. 125.000/box (25’s) Rp. 5.000/ampul Rp. 272.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 20.000/box (10 strip)

107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139

Nofebril inj (Paracetamol 10mg/ml) Opimox tab (amoxicillin) Opicef (cefadroxil 500 mg) Opicef Syr (Cefadroxil 125mg/5ml) Opixime tab (cefixime 100 mg) Ottopan drop (paracetamol 15 ml) OB herbal 60ml Otopain TT Ondancentron 4 mg tab Omeprazole 20 mg caps Pritamox caps (Amoxicilin) Pronazol (ketoconazole 200mg tab) Prednicort (methyilprednisolone 4 mg) Paracetamol 500 mg Paracetamol Syr 120mg/5ml Profenal tab (Ibuprofen, paracetamol) Pantorin inj (Pantoprazole) Piralen inj (Metoclopramide) Piralen tab (Metoclopramide) Piracetam 400 mg Ranitidine tab RL Infus Redoxon Eff blackcurrant Redoxon Eff orange Roverton syr (ambroxol HCL 15mg/5ml) Rocer (omeperazole 20 mg) Rindobion 5000 (Vitamin B1, B6, B12) Rafacort (Triamcinolone) Simvastatin 10 mg Symbicort turboheler Sultrimmix (sulfametaksazol 400mg, trimetropime 80mg) Saridon tab Supradyn orange Eff

Rp. 69.000/vial Rp. 325.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 650.000/box (5 strip) Rp. 57.500/btl Rp. 736.500/box (3 strip) Rp. 26.500/btl Rp. 11.000/btl Rp. 65.000/btl Rp. 97.000/box (5 strip) Rp. 18.000/box (3 strip) Rp. 140.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 102.500/box (5 strip) Rp. 210.000/box (5 strip) Rp. 30.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 5000/btl Rp. 172.500/box (10 strip) Rp. 124.000/vial Rp. 10.000/ampul Rp. 50.000/ box (10 strip) Rp. 50.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 30.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 18.000/pcs Rp. 34.500/pcs Rp. 34.500/pcs Rp. 13.000/btl Rp. 326.000/box (2 strip) Rp. 271.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 210.000/box (5 strip) Rp. 70.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 590.000/btl Rp. 50.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 93.500/box Rp. 40.000/pcs

140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153

Sanbe kids emulsion syr Thiamfilex 500 mg tab (Thyamphenicol) Thiamfilex syr (125 mg/5ml) Tuzalos tab Trifedrin tab (Pseudoephedrin, triprolidine) Trifedrin syr Tomaag tab (Al hidroksi, Magnesium, cimethicone) Unibebi Cough Syrup Vitalex kapsul Vitacid 0,05% (Retinoid Acid) Cream Vitamin B Complex Yafix Syr (Cefixime 100mg/5ml) Yarizine tab (Cetirizine) Zitrolin (azitrhomycin 500mg) tab

Rp. 38.000/btl Rp.140.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 8.000/btl Rp. 398.000/box Rp. 30.000/box (3 strip) Rp. 29.000/btl Rp. 105.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 5.000/btl Rp. 45.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 40.000/tube Rp. 20.000/box (10 strip) Rp. 87.500/btl Rp. 64.000/box (3 strip) Rp. 251.500/box (6 tab)

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