Daftar Buku Jurnal Dan Ilmiah

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 5

No Judul 1 2 1. Magnetic Sulfide Deposits : Geology, Geochmistry and Exploration ( 1 ) 2. Crustal Structures and Mineral Deposits: E.S.T. O`driscoll`s Constribution To Mineral Exploration 3. Rock and Mineral ( E.Explore ) 4. Economic Evaluations in Exploration 5. The Chemistry Of Gold Extraction 6. Diamond Drilling For Gold & Other Minerals 7. Diamond Drilling For Gold And Other Minerals ; A Practical Handbook On The Use Of Moderen Diamond Core Drills In Prospecting And Exploiting Mineral – Bear 8. Introductions To Mineral Exploration

9. Geothermal Energy ( An Alternative Resource For The 21ST Century ) 10. Geotherman Enegy 11. Geothermal Energy Resources For Developing Countries

12. Society For Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, INC : Transactions V322 2007 13. Environmental Geology

14 Coal Geology 15. The Chemistry Of Coal 16. Ensiklopedi National Indonesia V1-V18/Set 17. Minerals

Pengarang 3 Antony J. Naldrett

Penerbit 4 Springer

Edited by. J.A. Bourne and C.R Twidale


John Fardon F.-W.Wellmer, M.Dalheilmer, M.Wagner John O. Marsden and C. lain House G. A. Denny

DK Springer

G. A. Denny

Crosby Lockwood and Son

Charles J. Moon, Michael K. G. Whateley, And Anthony M. Evans Hars Gupta and Sukanta Roy

Blackwell Publishing



Nigel Saunders

Gareth Stevens Publising D. A.A. Balcema Chandrasekharam Publishers & J. Bundschuh Editors William R. SME INC Yernberg Carla W. Montgomery Larry Thomas John Braithwaite Robertson Amyo Rebacca Faulkner

Mcgraw – Hill Higher Educations Wiley Gurney & Jackson PT. Delta Pamungkas Express Edition

18. Metamorphic Rocks : A Classification and Glossary Of Terms 19. Labolatory Manual Phisical Geology 20. Essentials Of Geology ( 9Th Edition ) 21. Solution Chemistry : Minerals and Reagents 22. Exploring Geology

23. Geology

24. Remote Sensing Geology 25. Remote Sensing For Geologists : A Guide To Image Interpretation ( 2nd Edition ) 26 Geochemical Thermodynamics ( 2nd Edition ) 27. Dictionary Of Earth Sciences, Oxford 28. Data Mining : Thery, Methonology, Techniques, and Aplications 29. Mining Graph Data

30. Manual Of Mineralogy Including Observations On Mines, Rock, Reduction Of Ores and The Aplications Of The Science To The Arts, With 260 Illustration. Desined For The Use Of Schools and Colleges. By 31. Intrenational Exploration Economics, Risk, and Contract Analysis 32. Structural Analysis & Synthesis : A Labolatory Course In Struktural Geology Third edition

33. Web data Mining : Exploring Hyperlinks, Content, and Usage Data 34. Wills`Mineral Processing Technology : An Introduction To The Practical Aspects Of Ore Treatment and Mineral Recovery

Dauglas Fettes and Jacqueline Desmons Richard M. Busch


Frederick K. Lutgens, Edward J. Tarbuck B. A. Wills

Ninth Edition

Reynolds, Johnson, Kelly, Morin, Chater Stanley Chernicoff, Donna Whitney Ravi P. Gupta Gary L. Prost

Mac Grawhill

Darrell Kirk Nordstrom, James L. Munoz Michael Allaby

Steven Edition


Fourth Edition

Springer Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Second Edition

Earth Sciences

Graham J. Williams, Simeon J. Simoff Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. Holder James D. Dana


Daniel Johnston


Stephen M. Rawland, Ernest M. Duebendorfer, and Ilsa M. Schiefelbein Bingliu

Blackwell ublishing

B. A. Wills, T. J. Navier - Munn

Seventh Edition

Wiley Interscience Published By Durrie & Peck


35. Dictionary Of Geology & Mineralogy 36. Phisical Geology (11nd Edition) 37. Environmental Geology ( 8nd Edition ) 38. Introduction To Hydrogeology 39. Geology Explorasi : GL - 451 40. Klimatologi : Pengaruh Iklim Terhadap Tanah Dan Tanaman 41. Geodesi Satelit 42. Pengendalian Mutu Dalam Industri Batubara 43. Menguasai Windows Server 2003 44. Atlas Dunia : Referensi Terlengkap 45. Dampak Pecemaran Lingkungan 46. Pengenalan Teknologi Informasi

47. Microsoft Office 2007 48. Panduan Lengkap Microsoft Windows Vista 49. Panduan Praktis Menguasai Adobe Indesign CS2 50. Strategi Riset Lewat INTERNET 51. Using Information Technology : Pengenalan Praktis Dunia Komputer dan Komunikasi 52. Komputer Masa Depan : Pengenalan Artificial Intelligence 53. Jarinagan computer 54. GeoSains

Mc Graw - Hill

Second Edition

Plummer, Carlson, McGeary Carla W. Montgomery

Higher Education

David Deming Prof. Dr. R. P. Koesoemadinata Ir. Ance Gunarsih Kartasapoetra Dr. hasanuddin Z. Abidin Muchjidin

Mc Graw Hill International Edition Mc Graw Hill ITB Bumi Aksara Pradnya Paramita ITB


Pt. Elex Media Komputindo Erlangga

Wisnu Arya Wardhana Abdul Kadir & terra Ch. Triwahyuni Renati Winong Losari Fl. Sigit Suyantoro Renati Winong Losari Widianto Muttaqien Williams & Sawyer


Suparman, Marlan Jonathan lukas Bayong Tjasyono HK Djoko Santoso Eddy Prahasta


55. Pengantar Teknik Geofisika 56. Sitem Informasi Geografis : Aplikasi Pemprograman Mapinfo 57. Hukum Petambangan Di Indonesia H. Salim HS., S.H., M.S. 58. Undang – udang Hak Kekayaan Pemerintah Intelektual 59. Undang – undang Perpustakaan ( Pemerintah UU RI Nomor 43 Tahun 2007 ) 60. The Unwritten Rules Of Phd Gordon Rugg, Research Marian Petre


Andi Andi Andi Andi Andi

Graha Ilmu ITB ITB Informatika Rajawali Pres Pustaka Pelajar Asa Mandiri New Riders Publishing

61. How To Write A Thesis 62. Methods In Behavioral Research 63. Doing Your Research Project : A Guide For First – Time Researchers In Education, Health and Social Science 64. Statiska Dasar Untuk Pustakawan 65. Pembagian Urusan Pemerintah Antara Pemerintah, Pemrintah Daerah Propinsi dan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten / Kota : Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 38 Tahun 2007 66. Himpunan Peraturan Kepagawaian Tentang Gaji PNS, TNI/POLRI Dan Perjalanan Dinas Tahun 2007 67. Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang – undang Tentang Penataan Ruangan ( UU RI Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 ) 68. Undang – undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 Tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan Peraturan Mentri ESDM Tahun 2008 69. Model Permukaan Dijital : Pengolahan Data DTM [Digital Terrain Model] & DEM [Digital Elevation Model] Dengan Perangkat Lunak : Surfer, Global Mapper, Dan Quickgrid 70. Dasar Pemrograman WEB Dinamis Menggunakan PHP : Disertai CD 71. Teknik Menangkal Kejahata Internet Untuk Pemula 72. Encyclopedia Of Geology V1, V2, V3, V4, & V5/Set 73. Encylclopedia Of Energy V1, V2, & V3 /Set 74. Pengembangan dan Pengolahan Emas Di Indonesia 75. Encyclopedia Of Soils In The Environment V1, V2, V3, V4, & V5/Set 76. Geophysical Journal International V.172 No. 1 January, No. 2 February, No. 3 March 2008 Geophysical Journal International V.173 No. 1 April, No. 2 May, No. 3 June 2008 Geophysical Journal International V.174 No. 1 July, No. 2 Agust, No.

Rowena Murray Cosby Judith Bell

Second Edition AIPI Open University Press

I. S. Simpson Tim Redaksi Fokus Media

ITB Fokusmedia


CV. Tamita Utama

Hadi Setia Tunggal, SH



Citra Umbara

Eddy Prahasta


Abdul Kadir


Dominikus Juju & Mata Maya Studio Richard C Selley, L Robin M Cocks, Ian R Plimer Neil Schlager and Jayne Weisblatt Tatang Wahyudi, KK Daniel Hillel

PT. Elex Media Komputindo Elsevier Academic Press



Thomson Gale TekMIRA Elsevier Academic Press Blackwell

Wiley - Blackwell

Wiley - Blackwell

3 September 2008 Geophysical Journal International V.175 No. 1 October, No. 2 November, No. 3 September 2008


Wiley - Blackwell

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