Daftar Buku

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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: Baby’s best chance : parents’ handbook of pregnancy and baby care. “Sixth edition” Rev. ed. Previously published in 1998 by MacMillan Canada. Includes index.

(154 Halaman) File Name : 7857214-Parents-Handbookof-Pregnancy-n-Baby-Care

ISBN 0-7726-5371-2 1. Pregnancy – Popular works. 2. Prenatal care – Popular works. 3. Childbirth – Popular works. 4. Infants – Care – Popular works. I. British Columbia. Ministry of Health. RG525B33 2005 618.2’4 C2005-960123-X

Third Edition

Stephen G. Somkuti, MD, PhD Associate Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Temple University School of Medicine School

(625 Halaman) File Name :

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Director, The Toll Center for Reproductive Sciences Division of Reproductive Endocrinology


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Abington Memorial Hospital Abington Reproductive Medicine Abington, Pennsylvania

Copyright © 2008 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.

(252 Halaman) File Name :

Succeed in the Clerkship, Impress on the Wards * High-Yield Topics * Student-Recommended Resources, Opportunities, Scholarships REAL ANSWERS TO CLERKSHIP QUESTIONS * The only student-to-student, step-by-step guide to clerkship success * Detailed how-to-succeed and what-to-study guidance from ob/gyn clerkship vets * Hundreds of recently tested high-yield topics from shelf exams and the USMLE Step 2 * Insider tips for outstanding performance from students who’ve been there * "Classifieds" do the research for you, featuring high-yield websites and top extracurricular opportunities and scholarships * Tear-out cards with essential wards information in pocket-ready format The Student-to-Student Guide * Discover med students’ "secret weapon" for the clinical clerkship * Impress on the wards and succeed in the clerkship * Get answers to shelf-exam questions from students who passed * Save time with high-yield topics, mnemonics, and pocket-ready reminders * Apply the First Aid formula for clerkship success!


Infertility in Practice Third Edition By Adam H Balen


Professor of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

(479 Halaman) File Name : Balen_Infertility in Practice 3rd ed_0415450675

St James’ University Hospital Leeds General Infirmary and The University of Leeds Leads UK

Shoulder Dystocia and Birth Injury Prevention and Treatment Third Edition James A. O’Leary, MD Editor (479 Halaman)

File Name :

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

1934115282-Shoulder Dystocia and Birth Injury

University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Foreword by William N. Spellacy, MD Handbook of Early Pregnancy Care Edited by TOM BOURNE PhD FRCOG Early Pregnancy, Gynaecological Ultrasound and MAS Unit St George’s, University of London London

(169 Halaman) File Name : Handbook of Early Pregnancy Care

UK GEORGE CONDOUS MRCOG FRANZCOG Early Pregnancy Unit, Nepean Hospital Western Clinical School, Nepean Campus University of Sydney Sydney Australia Second Edition MULTIPLE Pregnancy Epidemiology, Gestation & Perinatal outcome Edited by ISAAC BLICKSTEIN MD The Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Medicine Jerusalem and

(978 Halaman)


File Name :

The Feinberg School of Medicine

Multiple Pregnancy

Northwestern University, Chicago Associate Editor DONALD M. KEITH MBA LTC USA (RET)

The Center for Study of Multiple Birth, Chicago Special photography by DAVID TEPLICA MD MFA Saint Joseph Hospital, Chicago

postpartum haemorrhage File Name :






03.PDF 04.PDF 05.PDF 06.PDF 07.PDF

Epidemiology of postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review Management of post-partum hemorrhage in low-income countries Misoprostol for the prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage Anaesthetic issues related to postpartum haemorrhage (excluding antishock garments) Anti-shock garment in postpartum haemorrhage Recombinant factor VIIa and other


pro-haemostatic therapies in primary


postpartum haemorrhage Surgical aspects of postpartum haemorrhage


The retained placenta

11.PDF 12.PDF 13.PDF 14.PDF

Uterine artery embolization for postpartum hemorrhage Diagnosis and management of placenta accreta Risk management and medicolegal issues related to postpartum haemorrhage Index Postpartum Haemorrhage


Multiple Choice Questions


for Vol. 22, No. 6 Critical Care in Obstetrics

Answers to Multiple Choice Questions for Vol. 22, No. 5

End of postpartum haemorrhage

A Guide for Midwives and Doctors By World Health Organization File Name : 9241545879_section1 File Name : 9241545879_section2 File Name : 9241545879_section3 File Name : 9241545879_section4

1978 Appleton-Century-Crofts as Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy by Leon C. Chesley

(415 Halaman) File Name :

Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy VAGINITIS Differential Diagnosis and Management Sebastian Faro,MD, PhD Clinical Professor Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences

(115 Halaman)

File Name :

The University of Texas—Houston Health


Sciences Center Attending Physician The Woman’s Hospital of Texas Houston, Texas Educationforsafemotherhood Managing postpartum haemorrhage Education material for teachers of midwifery

Department of Making Pregnancy Safer Family and Community Health

(115 Halaman)

World Health Organization, Geneva

File Name : ManagingPostpartumHaemo rrhage

Midwifery education modules - second edition NIH State-of-the-Science Conference Statement on Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request NIH Consensus and State-of-the-Science Statements Volume 23, Number 1 March 27–29, 2006 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH

(36Halaman) File Name : CesareanStatement_Final05 3106

Office of the Director

Obsteri dan Ginekologi Daftar isi : 2. Editorial 4. English Summary Artikel

(64 Halaman) File Name : cdk_133_obstetri_dan_ginek ologi

5. Masalah pada Kanker Serviks – M. Farid Aziz 9. Pencegahan dan Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks – Sjahrul Sjamsuddin 15. Pengambilan Tes Pap yang Benar dan Permasalahannya –Junita Indarti 19. Penatalaksanaan Tes Pap Abnormal – Fitriyadi Kusuma,Endy M Moegni 23. Skrining Kanker Serviks dengan Metode Skrining Alternatif: IVA – Laila Nuranna 27. Penanganan Preeklampsia Berat dan Eklampsia – Ketut Sudhaberata 32. Persalinan dengan Cara Ekstraksi Vakum oleh Bidan di RSUD Dr. Soedono Madiun tahun 1998 – Roekmi Hadi 36. Deteksi Dini Vaginosis Bakterial pada Kehamilan dapat Karya Sriwidodo WS Menurunkan Risiko Persalinan Preterm – Sylvia Y Muliawan 40. Perubahan Farmakokinetik Obat pada Wanita Hamil dan Implikasi Klinisnya – Stefani Nindya 45. Dampak Pemberian ASI Eksklusif terhadap Penurunan Kesuburan Seorang Wanita – Stefani Nindya 50. Exercises untuk Nyeri Pinggang Bawah pada Ibu Hamil – Suharto 52. Pengobatan Dismenore secara Akupunktur – Galya Junizar, Sulianingsih, Dharma K. Widya

56. Penelitian Toksisitas Akut (LD50) Sediaan Ekstrak Tanaman

Obat Penyusun Ramuan Fluor Albus pada Mencit Putih – Suharmiati, Lestari Handayani 59. Pengaruh Infus Buah Foeniculum vulgare Mill pada Kehamilan Tikus Putih serta Toksisitas Akutnya pada Mencit – Sa’roni, Adjirni 62. Indeks Karangan Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Tahun 2001 64. RPPIK Education material for teachers of midwifery Midwifery education modules - second edition

World Health Organization. Education material for teachers of midwifery : midwifery education modules. – 2nd ed.

(209 Halaman)

6 modules in 1 v.

File Name : 9789241546669_4_eng Edution material for teachers of midwifery Midwifery education modules - second edition

Contents: Foundation module : the midwife in the community -Managing eclampsia -- Managing incomplete abortion -- Managing prolonged and obstructed labour -- Managing postpartum haemorrhage

(222 Halaman) File Name : 9789241546669_5_eng

-- Managing puerperal sepsis.

physiotherapy-in-obstetrics-and-gynaecology First edition 1990 Second edition 2004 ISBN 0 7506 2265 2 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

(493 Halaman) File Name : 20358850-physiotherapy-inobstetrics-and-gynaecology

Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

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