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THE WORLD HEALING CRUSADE (Registered Charity No. 232409)

476 Lytham Rd., Blackpool, FY4 1JF United Kingdom Tel: 01253 - 343701

Hours: 8.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday (Excluding public holidays). PLEASE WRITE IN FOR SPIRITUAL HELP AND HEALING

The Ministers of the Charity are: Brother Andrew Brother Roy Brother Conrad Healing Prayer Services are held each weekday 09:00 – 09:15 Divine Healing Services are held each Tuesday 14:00 – 15:00 EVERYONE IS WELCOME

Out of hours: Brother Andrew 01253 - 731897 Brother Roy 01253 - 354282 (International callers: +44 and exclude the 0 prefix) Brother Conrad 0034 60976 5329 COVER PICTURE: The Cone Nebula pictured here is 2.5 light years in length (the equivalent of 23 million return trips to the Moon). Taken by nd the Hubble Telescope 2 April 2002, picture courtesy of NASA.

Email: [email protected] Website: 2

The Cosmic Mind Brother Mandus It is the "tiny" human mind which is able to understand more and more of this amazing cosmic environment, and through his own mental power direct these laws and energies to his own wellbeing or destruction as he chooses. In these days of incredible knowledge and experience, who can dare to deny the infinite possibilities, which lie open to him in the future? We live in this universe. The world has obviously been created as our special environment. We find ourselves endowed with minds, which must explore, plan and create in order to live in it. The more we know about the laws of life, mind and matter, the more surely will we be able to evolve the ideal society working in harmony with the laws which govern life and all creation. We cannot escape the fact or the consequences of being alive. It is also painfully true that we have to 3

learn how to live safely in the midst of this "mass" of divine energies and laws. When we break laws which govern our well being, we hurt ourselves. When we conform to them we are able to bring forth great works. This truth operates in every aspect of life, from everyday relationships to the most advanced scientific research. Therefore, the more we know about ourselves and everything else, the greater will be our ability to live and create successfully. The revolution in human concepts that is imminent is the simple and self-evident truth that we live, and move, and have our being in the spirit of God. That is the truth, which will some day make all men free. All the sciences, government, education, economics and life itself can only find its true potential, and the power to express it, when this basic factor of all being is held in constant recognition and perspective. Wherever we probe, we find the intangible and infinitely intelligent power which works within and all around everything that is in being. We leap from matter to mind, and observe laws, which control and direct the intricate and ever evolving universe. We find the evidence of God's presence in the atom or 4

in a nebula of countless millions of stars, millions of light years away in deeper space. We no longer have even the excuse of ignorance to hold us back from this bold advance into the "Kingdom of God." In the light of modern knowledge about the nature of the universe, the human mind and the proven power of prayer, we are absolutely on the threshold of the greatest and most profitable adventure man has ever undertaken. The moment we strip our minds of prejudice, fixed beliefs in outdated customs, and become healed of the prevailing disease in which everything from people to sunshine is relegated to the "commonplace," we shall be able to behold the presence of God all around us, and find a startling new faith in our own place in the divine order.

Extract taken from ‘The Grain of Mustard Seed’ – Brother Mandus. This wonderful book is available for just £6 + p. & p. when you write in and request it. *RECOMMENDED LISTENING: GS2 ‘The Divine Plan’ – Bro. Mandus on CD & priced at £5 + p. & p. 5

YOUR DAY WITH THE FATHER Sunday 1st – Wednesday 4th March Man without God made real through faith is like a child isolated from its home environment. Thursday 5th – Saturday 7th March The Father, He it is who doeth the works; may He bless you today. Sunday 8th – Wednesday 11th March “The Kingdom of Heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: which is indeed the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs.” Matthew 13:31 Thursday 12th – Saturday 14th March We find the evidence of God's presence in the atom or in a nebula of countless millions of stars, millions of light years away in deeper space. Sunday 15th – Wednesday 18th March Looking for God? He is the love and the life within you and all beings in the Universe! 6

Thursday 19th – Saturday 21st March The Earth itself is pulsing with life and power which we can witness in detail, from an atom to a field of corn, when we look into outer space we see God at work in cosmic grandeur, confirming the truth in the vast array of mighty works. Sunday 22nd – Wednesday 25th March The Earth and all life upon it is sacred in the highest sense of the word. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It belongs to and is filled with God. It belongs to man, but man too is part of God. Thursday 26th – Saturday 28th March Prayer is the prerogative of all people, and simplicity of faith and love are the laws which open the way into this infinite Kingdom of God. Sunday 29th – Tuesday 31st March Man is apt to rest on his own brilliance, and miss the truth that God is almighty power moving in His own right, to fulfil His own purposes. Wednesday 1st – Friday 3rd April Humility, simplicity and love must pervade the intellect when prayer becomes the science of living and creating. 7

Saturday 4th – Tuesday 7th April Thank You Father for this sacred Earth, this sacred life in Thee. Wednesday 8th – Friday 10th April “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.” Luke 23:34 Saturday 11th – Tuesday 14th April A blessed and Happy Easter to you! “Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.” – Mark 16:6 Wednesday 15th – Friday 17th April “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Jesus: Matthew 6:33 Saturday 18th – Tuesday 21st April The results of prayer are unlimited because, potentially, all the power of God can and will meet every need on every level!


Wednesday 22nd – Friday 24th April The very first principle of prayer is love. Love is the power that makes prayer effective. Love is the paramount principle of the abundant life and communion with God. Saturday 25th – Tuesday 28th April Could we know the whole truth about every human being that is sick in mind, body or circumstance, we begin to realise that there is some deficiency of love somewhere in the total life span from childhood to the present moment. Wednesday 29th – Thursday 30th April We need to learn to magnify our conception of love from the limited personal relationships to an understanding that this is the great law of all creation. We must learn to use it in every aspect of our lives with conscious direction. Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd May “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. – Jesus: Luke 10:27


Monday 4th – Wednesday 6th May Love in this total committal as advocated by Jesus, releases a perfection principle that works comprehensively throughout the soul, mind, body and environment. Thursday 7th – Saturday 9th May The will of God for man is abundant life. We do not need to become diseased or distressed to prove the power of prayer or the effectiveness of love. Sunday 10th – Tuesday 12th May The supreme revelation of Jesus was that when we live in a complete love-awareness of God, and express this principle in our relationships with others, our lives reflect the peace and harmony of the divine order. Wednesday 13th – Friday 15th May Love, wherever expressed, always produces good. It brings peace, harmony, confidence and the warm glow of spiritual, mental and physical well being. It is the ultra-positive principle of the soul and mind. It is man's only functional channel to God. God is blessing you as we pray together!


Saturday 16th – Tuesday 19th May When love functions in prayer we unite with the perfection of God—according to our faith. Obviously, the implication of this transcends the more limited concept of healing our troubles by this union and communion. Wednesday 20th – Friday 22nd May We must lift our vision. This most vital of all human abilities opens the way to partnership with the Lord in every detail of living. We can at any time become attuned to the divine purposes of our being, and express our highest potentials under His direction. Saturday 23rd – Tuesday 26th May When our minds are centred on the motivating principle of love, comprehensively expressed, there is an inevitable outward flow of multiplying good throughout the life experience. Wednesday 27th – Friday 29th May The moment we are prepared to recognise the truth that God is love, and that we live and have our being in Him, we can see that whenever we express love, in however limited a way, something of God, of good, is manifesting. 11

Saturday 30th – Sunday 31st May “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” – Acts 2:1-2 Monday 1st – Wednesday 3rd June It is impossible to define God, or love. We can only experience His power. But it has been amply demonstrated that prayer produces results that are impossible by human standards. Jesus led the way and showed the science of living within divine law. We take it up today and prove the same truth. Thursday 4th – Saturday 6th June There is no hatred, bitterness, selfishness, fear or worry where love abounds in the highest sense. It is true to say that millions of people have wrecked their lives through these negative states of mind. Without love, any life is like a desert without water —nothing can grow. The seeds lie dormant in the ground waiting for the essential irrigation. Love flows and life becomes divinely abundant!


Sunday 7th – Tuesday 9th June Jesus tells us that the secret of the perfect life is to love God and one another. Wednesday 10th – Friday 12th June In Christ Jesus, we are redeemed and free, centred in love, poised in peace and power—the sons and daughters of the most high. Thank You, Father—it is so. Saturday 13th – Tuesday 16th June Feel the invincible spirit of God lifting you up to behold the miracle of your own being. Know that in His sight you and all people are equal! Wednesday 17th – Saturday 20th June “For verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” - Jesus: Matt. 17:20. Sunday 21st – Tuesday 23rd June With Jesus, we can truly say: Greater perfection has no man than this, that a man expends himself in God's service in his daily work, giving blessings to all that pass his way. 13

Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th June If we experience the truth of living in communion with God, and the corresponding release of His perfection in mind, soul, body and circumstances, we must radically change our centre of realisation. Saturday 27th – Tuesday 30th June Jesus said "I and the Father are one." We declare with truth that we have our being in Him, and that His spirit is expressing our life at all times, giving us latitude of free will in which to express a personal creative consciousness. *RECOMMENDED LISTENING: GS4 ‘Pray Without Ceasing’ – Bro. Mandus on CD & priced at £5 + p. & p.

Holistic Healing Day WHC in association with ‘Torquay Crusader’s for Christ’ will be holding a ‘Holistic Healing Day’ on Thursday 5th March 2009 at: The Cavendish Hotel, Belgrave Rd., Torquay, U.K. It starts at 11:00 a.m. & finishes at 4:00 p.m. Brother Andrew will be in attendance with other experts in the field of complementary health care. Admission is FREE and we are looking forward to seeing you. 14

Will You Support Us Please? This is a draft wording of a simple will: “I GIVE AND BEQUEATH (state what……) to the Trustees for the time being of The World Healing Crusade, of 476 Lytham Road, Blackpool, in the County of Lancashire, United Kingdom, (being a Charity registered under the Charities Act, No. 232409) to be applied for the general purposes of the Crusade AND I DECLARE that the receipt of the Treasurer when this legacy is paid, or the then proper officer for the Crusade, shall be a complete discharge to my Trustee(s) for the legacy to the Crusade.” Your generosity will help us to help people that are less fortunate than we are, both now and in the future. We are grateful to you for your kindness and support of our divine mission. 15

Your Help Is Needed! When you donate to WHC or make a purchase by using a cheque or a postal order, please ensure that it is made payable to: ‘The World Healing Crusade.’ Our bankers will then honour your gift of love to us. Our friends in the United States should be aware that our bankers will only accept checks of $15 and above. Thank you for your understanding and generous support. –

The Prayer Team. 16


Recommend A Friend! Name: …………………………………………….. Address: ………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. Postal Code:……………………………………… Please forward to: The World Healing Crusade 476, Lytham Road, BLACKPOOL FY4 1JF UNITED KINGDOM

Recommend A Friend! Name: …………………………………………….. Address: ………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. Postal Code:……………………………………… Please forward to: The World Healing Crusade 476, Lytham Road, BLACKPOOL FY4 1JF UNITED KINGDOM



What is Gift Aid? Gift Aid provides a great opportunity for U.K. donors to increase the value of their donations to the Crusade by up to 25%. We are entitled to reclaim tax made on gifts by U.K. tax payers under the Gift Aid scheme. For every £1 you give to us, we currently get an extra 25p from HM Revenue & Customs for every £1 you give to us. As you will appreciate the additional money we would receive through Gift Aid would be an enormous boost to the funding of our support services, helping us to continue to be there to support the thousands of people! If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can also reclaim additional tax relief on the difference between the higher rate of tax at 40% and the basic rate of tax at 20% against the donations you have made. Please ensure that your cheque/postal order is payable to: ‘The World Healing Crusade.’ - Thank you very much! 20

HEALING IN HIS LIGHT by Brother Mandus To make a beautiful gift is to share our blessings from God and to thank Him for them. One wonderful Crusader friend made such a gift to us all and brought forth this book by Brother Mandus called, ‘HEALING IN HIS LIGHT.’ This is a marvellous life changing, life revealing work of love. Ask for your free copy. Thank You Lord. Books by Brother Conrad LISTENING TO THE LORD - Price £6 + p. & p. SHORT STORIES FOR PRAYER TIME - £6 + p. & p. THINK STORIES with CONRAD - £6+ p. & p

*RECOMMENDED LISTENING: C2 ‘One World, One God’ – A3 ‘Love God’- Bro. Conrad on CD & priced at £5 each + p. & p. 21

Rainbow Promise Rainbow Magic Rainbow of Love Rainbow of the Heart Rainbow of Life Each book can be purchased direct from the Crusade at a special price of just £6 + p. & p. Just let us know the title / titles that you want and they will be sent without delay. 22

MY PRAYER Brother Conrad My prayer to our Father is that as we share this article we are each blessed in every way necessary and possible for our highest wellbeing and for all our loved ones and friends. My understanding is that God is your life and mine. Our Father could not be more close to each of us than this very fact that the Almighty is the very life we have. Even so God is also the life of the tree and the rose, the insect and the cat on the mat, of the molecule and the planet, and of all that has being and existence. Now we don’t have to try at all to be one with our Heavenly Father. We have life and all we need to do is to be faithful in our gratitude to our Creator, and to be consistent in knowing the life we have to be God totally in whom all others also have their being and their individualities and evolution in consciousness. As a psychologist and as students of human nature 23

and behaviour we are all psychologists. I have most personally experienced that force of mind or ‘pushiness’ opens me to the usually uncomfortable experience of being pushed back. This opposition is called ‘reversed effort.’ There is no opposition in God, who after all is everywhere present and all powerful all the time. Look at all the handicaps which drop away as we enjoy God’s ‘oneness’ with each of us, as we enjoy God’s indivisible life with total acceptance of this stupendous eternal reality. Meditation itself is often flawed by emotional and mental efforts and hopes to be with God. Such meditations are contradicting the reality that God is one with you and me already and always. So our prayer together is living our new realisations and enjoying divine relief and ease to the full. Of course we are blessed by the one Holy Spirit for one another! Of course our prayers are answered! Now let us enjoy the answers. Write about them if you would like to and in doing so we are living the mighty truth that everyone everywhere is blessed as you and I are blessed. 24

This lovely ‘Crusader’ magazine is full of testimonies of prayers which are answered by our ONE Holy Spirit, by our ONE life, by life which perhaps we have personalised as our own but which is God. Truly I love you too! Thank You Father for Perfect Everything. *RECOMMENDED LISTENING: MMW1 ‘Make Me Well’ – Bros. Conrad and Kenneth on CD & priced at £5 + p. & p.

Free Gifts for You! 2009 Calendar cards; BD 1 ‘Birthday Blessings’ audio tape / CD with the Staff of WHC, ''Prayer For Peace' card - Brother Mandus, ‘Your Eternal Mission’ booklet – Brother Mandus, 'The Divine Word' booklet - Brother Mandus, 'Our Father' Brother Mandus, Prayer Cards, Miracle Cards, 'Crusader' and 'Power Lines' magazines. Pamphlets: 'The Prayer of Faith Shall Save The Sick;' 'Healing In Hospital,' 'For They Shall Be Comforted,' A Guide To Answered Prayer,' 'Freedom From Fear,' 'The Healing of Mind Distress,' 'The Solution To Your Problem.' Just write in and request the item/s that you require and you will receive your gift of love without delay. 25

Heaven’s Above! Brother Andrew I have been interested in astronomy from a very early age. I was strongly influenced by Brother Mandus who always had a keen interest in the pursuit and I followed in his footsteps. During the early 1960’s he had the wonderful idea of removing the apex of his bungalow and creating an observatory. This was achieved without too much effort and then he chose a telescope that was small enough yet had the power to see the planets clearly. After much research he found just the instrument; it was compact, powerful and easy to operate. If I remember rightly it was an American reflecting telescope, manufactured by a firm called Questar®. As with all good equipment it wasn’t cheap and would have cost many hundreds of pounds even then. During his youth, Mandus had ground his own astronomical mirror, which had taken many hours of painstaking labour to create. It was his gift to me and I still have it and cherish it. Though I never had the ability or inclination to make a telescope, the potential still remains. I suppose I took the easy way 26

out and saved for a second hand reflecting telescope. When I had sufficient money, my parents took me to a manufacturing company called Charles Frank in Glasgow to look at their instruments and it wasn’t long before I found a suitable machine. Money clenched in hand I spoke to the knowledgeable assistant at length before committing myself. I knew that I had a wonderful instrument and I was very proud of it. We drove back home from Glasgow to Blackpool the same day and the reflecting telescope was wrapped carefully in blankets to prevent it from being damaged. About four hours later we arrived home and with the help of my dad we carried the telescope into the outhouse at the rear of the house. The following day was a Sunday so I had chanced to piece the telescope together and make a stand for it which would make it easy to move around. The tube of the six-inch reflecting telescope was made out of glass fibre and the stand was made of tubular steel, which was very heavy. At the base of the feet were bolts which could be used for levelling the telescope and making it stable. Once the primary and secondary mirrors were in place, all that remained was to insert the viewfinder and the lens. Being an astronomical telescope, only 27

one lens was required as the image would be inverted, unlike a terrestrial telescope. This was to avoid more light being absorbed by the glass and thus a better image could be seen. Over the next few nights I observed many beautiful things in the night sky, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon and many constellations as well. It was just marvellous! As my interest deepened a friend and I joined the local astronomical society and we went religiously, week in week out and learned so much about the Heavens. The more we learned, the more there was to learn! God was indeed mighty, all the magnificence of His Universe to peer into. Light setting out from distant times reaching our eyes and our telescopes. We were looking at objects that were very old indeed. When the light of some distant stars first shone out there were dinosaurs walking the face of the Earth! As you will recollect from science lessons, light travels at 186,000 per second. Imagine light from distant objects taking thousands, if not millions of years to reach us! If nothing else it demonstrates the immensity of the Universe. □ To be continued. *RECOMMENDED LISTENING: E5 ‘Taking Control’ – Bro. Andrew on CD & priced at £5 + p. & p. 28

Why Faith in God Really Can Relieve Pain Brother Roy This was an article that was published in the ‘Mail on Sunday’ newspaper and it drew my attention. Research at Oxford University had been carried out to see if one’s faith in God could relieve pain. In a bizarre experiment, academics at the Oxford Centre for Science of the Mind induced electric shocks to 12 Roman Catholic and 12 atheist volunteers whilst viewing two images. Sassoferrato’s 17th Century ‘Virgin Annunciate’ (Virgin Mary), and Leonardo da Vinci’s 15th Century ‘Lady with An Ermine.’ A sparking device was strapped to the back of each participant’s left hand so that it could deliver an electric shock whilst they viewed the images. The volunteers were not told the true purpose of the experiment, only that it was designed to judge how people felt pain while contemplating pictures of different things. They spent half an hour inside an MRI scanner, receiving a series of 20 electric shocks in four separate sessions while looking at 29

either the religious image or non-religious image. Each time the volunteer had to rate how much it hurt on a scale of 0 to 100. The Catholic volunteers said that looking at the image of the Virgin Mary made them feel ‘safe,’ ‘taken care of’ and ‘calm and peaceful.’ More significantly they reported feeling 12 per cent less pain after viewing the religious image. Also the front right-hand side of their brains lit up on the scanner, indicating that the neural mechanisms of pain modulation had been engaged. There was no such brain activity among the atheist volunteers, whose pain and anxiety levels stayed roughly the same throughout the experiment, whilst they found that the Catholic volunteers seemed to block out much of the pain. Writing in the scientific journal ‘Pain,’ the researchers concluded that at least some religious believers could moderate their pain by thinking about it more positively. I share the same thoughts on faith as expressed by the Anglican Bishop of Durham, the Right Rev. Tom Wright, who said: “The practice of faith should and in many cases does, alter the person you are. It can affect the patterns of your brain and your emotions.” So it comes as no surprise to me that this experiment has reached such conclusions. In answer to the many questions I have received 30

regarding faith, I am reminded of H. G. Wells. He was never a particularly religious man, but after he had studied the history of the human race and had observed human life, he came to an interesting conclusion: “Religion is the first thing and the last thing, and until a man has found God and been found by God, He begins at no beginning, he works to no end. He may have his friendships, his partial loyalties, his scraps of honour. But all these things fall into place and life falls into place only with God.”

TESTIMONIES TO ANSWERED PRAYER Responding to treatment! “My mum just called me, she is back from review and the doctor said she is responding to treatment so she says I should say a big thank you to and all those who are in the Sanctuary and continue to pray for her once again thank you. Have a good evening, Y. Q.” – Email received 15/10/08


I have some very good news! “Dear all, I have some very good news I sent you a request for a lady called Perianne who was very poorly indeed. Well today she went home and is making a great recovery, it’s fantastic news. Please can I send a big thank you, to everyone, I know all your prayers and healing energies have help Perianne and her family greatly. God bless. Lots of love, Di” – Email received 25/11/08 I praise God for that! “Dear Brothers, Just writing to give you the good news, I went for ultra sound scan on Friday morning, and praise God they did not found any fibrosis and they told my uterus and ovary are both sound and normal, I praise God for that! G. G.” – Email received 11/11/08 32

She is so much better now! “Dear Brothers, A short mail to let you know that my mother D. called me today and she is so much better now that she can come home on Thursday. I am glad for her that she can leave the hospital this week and be home with her own things and routine. So, I must thank you and your Brothers for all the praying for her well being. Thank you and I will keep you and your congregation in my prayers. With regards J. B.” All clear for the next three months! “Dear Brothers, I have had some really good news today; my friend S. who I got friendly with in Sheffield has been given the all clear for the next 3 months she has had lung cancer she had operation and it hasn’t spread. Another friend who also had the same complaint is 90% cured, her name is F, and my friend in Sheffield is S. T. Thank you Brother for all your prayers, God bless you all. - M. T.” - 04/12/08 33

An answer to prayer! “Dear friends, You may remember that I wrote to you about my grandson. After eleven weeks in hospital, having every test possible, he is HOME! A brain biopsy has been waived in favour of family time at home. He and family have had "An AMAZING weekend" to quote his mother. An answer to prayer as I have been asking for strength for K. and P. and a blessing for S. Bless you, E.” –Received 01/12/08 I am feeling strong! “Hi Brothers, It’s been some time since I last wrote, and I noticed in an earlier email that I had spoken to you regarding my struggle with addictions. It took some time, but you'll be happy to know that I have managed to quit all addictions. It's only been a few months, but I am feeling strong and quite good about making the right choices. Best regards, B. H.” Email received December 08. 34


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