Crop Circle 2012 Mystery Revealed

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What follows are articles written at different times with different motivations behind them, but now it appears that they are saying the same thing and tend to complement each other.

Dream-vision of the Merging of the Temple in the Wilderness and the Temple in Heaven By Jerry Vano 8/27/09

While in New York City at a spiritual gathering of like-minded people in the ballroom of the Manhattan Roosevelt hotel, I was told publicly by evangelist W. V. Grant that I would have spiritual dreams. He said I had had them before, but they would increase in number. Later that night while sleeping in a room at the hotel, the dreams started. I did have a spiritual dream, but it was more than a dream; it was a dream-vision. I saw what turned out to symbolize the truth of the purpose for the tabernacle in the wilderness. During the very vivid dream, I heard what I thought was the voice of God saying, “I am going to show you my power.” You see in Figure 1 a drawing of the scene I was shown. It had to do with the “tabernacle in the wilderness,” used by the 12 Hebrew tribes as a temple for ritualistic purposes while being led by Moses through the desert wilderness for 40 years. You see the perspective I had of the inside of the tabernacle as shown in the drawing depicting me peeking through a seam in the fabric of the wall. Looking at the back of the tabernacle, I saw in the center the Ark of the Covenant. As shown in the drawing, I saw a very large hoop standing on edge as though sitting on the Ark. It took me over a month to realize what the hoop symbolized. I remember telling Figure 1 Drawing by Betty (Andreasson) Luca my wife, Lorraine, about the dream and how I was puzzled and was questioning what the hoop could be. As time went on, through unusual circumstances, I realized that the hoop was the same wheel that Ezekiel saw. It is what he described as wheels within wheels, and what I was led to call a hoop is without a doubt the zodiac. It is a narrow, circular band of stars encompassing our planet. Thousands of years ago, the angels/aliens used this circular band of stars as dots, and by connecting the dots, they drew signs in the heavens, called constellations, and with an angelic perspective, it can be shown to be the “Gospel written in the stars.” These signs depicted mostly 1

animals and became known by the Greek name of the zodiac, or the zoo. It was used originally as a celestial time clock by the angels. As time went on, I realized that knowledge is power and that God was showing me his power by showing His knowledge a piece at a time or precept upon precept, until recently when it all seemed to come together. He gave me the wisdom to step back and look with a broader perspective at the whole story. Wisdom comes with age, and in my old age, I sense it. As Joel the prophet spoke of God’s saying, “In the last days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.” God’s wisdom is being released to the entities on this planet at the end of this world age, also. We experience it as the truth that will make us free. Not set us free but make us free. As we receive the truth of the past as precept upon precept, we grow in stature and are received into the heavenly realm. Not set free as what we were but as what we have become, perfected as Jesus. Now I will explain what the vision part of the dream-vision means. Old men dream dreams of the past. Young men see visions of the future. This happened to me when I was young, and now that I am older and looking back at all of this, it seems like a dream. The message/messiah of this episode is telling us that we are in the last days and that the end will come with the remembering or recombining of the 10 segmented (commandments) DNA comprising the blood of the bodies of the 10 lost tribes of Isaac (Christians) with the 2 tribes of Jacob (Jews). Jerusalem is the heavenly temple, lost to us, as the 10 lost tribes are lost in time but hidden in our blood in God’s eyes. It is the very heartbeat in time/tempo/temple of the life of a “nation of people” on earth. It is not the political “state” bound geographically on earth. Man has been shedding blood over the possession of the earthly city of Jerusalem, subconsciously trying to possess the truth hidden and bound spiritually in his blood. As man, we sense time moving forward, but the truth is that as we proceed around the zodiac, the heavens are moving backwards. The perception of the motion of the heavens is our spiritual connection to the universe. Because time is synonymous with spirit, we are going back to our spiritual beginning, to Abraham and Sarah, who received a genetic implant of the seed from heaven symbolized in the scriptures as an H added to their name, representing a crossover point into a new rung of the ladder. Man as a collective body physically comes to the end of the journey around his 10-segmented circle of spiraling DNA at the beginning of the Piscean age. This crossover was symbolized by the cross of Jesus. God showed us His perfected man in the man Jesus. In 2012, time on earth will effectively stop relative to the galactic center, and a spiritual crossover will occur in man’s heart. We will spiritually be back to the time when Abraham and Sarah received the implant. At this crossover point, earth’s polar axis will shift 1 degree, and the processional flow will speed up. As man, we will continue as the seed that was implanted through the renewing of our mind with a new look at the heavens. This will not happen until Christians understand the truth of the zodiac that has been hidden from us until now. As this truth is received, it will effectively wake up the Jews to receive the knowledge that Jesus is their messiah. As I said, the zodiac is the celestial time clock of the angels, and it shows that we are at the end of the age of Pisces, the age covered by the fish. We are crossing over to the age covered by a man, showing that we have evolved physically and spiritually out of the animalistic nature to man perfected as the man Christ.


Searching For The Pi In The Sky By Jerry Vano 7/29/2009 Mankind has been looking for the Pi in the sky for ages. Finally, on June 1, 2008, it arrived in the form of a crop circle in a field near Barbury Castle in Britain. Looking at the following photo and drawings of the crop circle, you can see that it resembles a pie. The explanation of what the symbol means will show that its presence is not a coincidence. Looking for the pie/pi in the sky is a subconscious synchronistical expression. When the glyph first arrived at Barbury Castle in Britain, it drew a lot of attention because it resembled the famous July 17, 1991 circle that appeared at the same spot. You will see in what follows that the two circles tie together to complete a message that is a wakeup call to mankind from above. A retired astrophysicist named Mike Reed was able to show that the glyph was a graphical expression of the number Pi to the 10th digit. The circle as shown in the drawing is laid out in a 10-segmented pie. Each segment is 36 degrees. However, the irony of it all is that the ratcheting of the inner circles depicts the mathematical number Pi. What is the significance of the seeming play on words here?

Before we get into the decoding, it is important to understand the first half of the message received in the 1991 circle. In spite of the fact that many people, crop circle enthusiasts as well as scientists, accepted my decoding of this first glyph, most people, because of fear, acted like ostriches, sticking their heads in the sand, not wanting to look at what was in front of them. The decoded message showed that there are two different spiraling forces in nature. One is governed by the number 1.5, and the other is governed by 1.6. The knowledge of the relationship of these 2 moving energies on earth has been written in the stars and is known by scholars such as Ethelbert W. Bullinger as “the Bible written in the stars.” Many on this planet know it as a universal time clock and call it the zodiac. This clock is tied to the polar axis of the earth as its reference point, or timing pole, which incidentally is the root meaning of the word “temple.” The earth’s polar spin axis wobbles similarly to a child’s spinning top as it is slowing down. The 3

energy locked in this circular wobble is what governs our collective conscious and subconscious minds and gives us our world view in relation to the heavens. It gives us a slowly moving view of the stars in the heavens. This motion is called the procession of the equinoxes. This view is a panoramic view of the stars, as though they are laid out in a circular band or hoop. In this hoop are graphic patterns drawn out in positions as though they were numbers on a clock, using the stars as dots. The patterns are symbolic pictures of animals known as the 12 constellations. Through the years of the procession, the sun moves and eclipses the 12 constellations like the hand of a clock. When the zodiac clock was first laid out, it took 24,000 years for one rotation around the clock. Approximately 12,600 years ago, the polar axis shifted relative to the sun’s ecliptic path from a 22.5 degree angle to 23.5 degrees and put the timing on earth out of synch with the zodiac clock of the heavens. This event made the clock slow down, and now we notice that to complete one rotation, it would take 25,920 years. What the aliens are trying to tell us is that we are in the night half of the natural cyclic flow pattern on earth relative to the galactic central core, just as in one rotation of the earth, we have day and night with light and darkness. The two energy numbers of 1.5 and 1.6 are related to light. The number 1.6 resonates to sunlight and 1.5 to galactic light. When we entered the night cycle of the heavenly flow, it did not appear as the blackness of night to our eyes with respect to the sun but as blackness to our pineal gland, our third (spiritual) eye. Light and darkness in regard to the heavenly flow motion is accomplished by a change of motion of the earth through the ether, and its effects are sensed in our awareness. The coming change in speed back to a 24,000-year rotation will be like a quantum jump, as indicated by the ratcheting shown in the glyphs. This will increase our awareness, or as is expected in 2012, there will be a quickening of our minds. The aliens showed this with the same type of ratcheting effect in the 1991 crop circle as in the new glyph. The purpose of the 1991 glyph was to warn us that we are about to experience one of these timing pole shifts as we enter the Age of Aquarius. The first glyph was sent to warn us of these coming physical earth changes. It cannot be denied that since 1991, we here on earth have been experiencing the truth in the message. The new June 1, 2008 glyph was sent to warn us about the spiritual effects of the rise in consciousness due to our new view of the heavens that will accompany the pole shift.

See the 1991 decoding at As a species of this planet, our fleshly bodies’ genetic makeup evolved on its surface and is the result of the all–encompassing, spiritual God. What distinguishes us from the animals on this planet as human/light man was the intervention of an alien race of beings called the Anunnaki. 4

Through the unchanging cycles of the spirit of life, they were led to intervene in the evolution of the now-extinct animalistic Neanderthals by mixing their own genes with them, producing our hybrid race. That was the beginning of the human race. We were fashioned by the mind of God with advanced spiritual knowledge given to them to make man as workers to help them in their desperate need for their planet’s survival. The foundation of the genetics of the fleshly body of this planet is based on the number five. Looking at the end view of our spiraling, two-stranded DNA; you see that it resembles a pie, as in a tensegmented circle. When the Anunnaki inserted their highly evolved genetic material into an animalistic species to produce humans, there was a physical as well as a spiritual message locked in our genes. They are showing us that message in this new crop circle. They are making us aware that when humans first were allowed to mate on their own, allowing the altered genetics to be tied back into nature, a conflict developed between the primitive flesh and their alien eternal life spirit. We know this as the fall of man, or as Pandora’s Box. After we were fashioned, the Anunnaki continued to alter us genetically in an effort to correct and perfect our species. If we approach the scriptures from the right perspective, you will see that they show us that the Anunnaki were led to select Abram and Sara to implant the seed to breed and perfect our human species. Changing Abram’s and Sara’s names to Abraham and Sarah by adding an H indicates this. “H” is the sign of a rung of DNA. This notion, being spiritual, was planted in the scriptures for the right spiritual moment in time to come alive in our awareness. The same applies to Jacob’s name change to Israel after he wrestled with an angel who descended a ladder from heaven. The ladder symbolizing the rungs of DNA, is the sign of the seed-altering genetic implant. Jacob’s 12 sons led to the 12 tribes of Israel, linking mankind to the universal time clock, the zodiac. His younger son Joseph, being affected by the altering, was given a genetic coat of many colors, leading him to dream about his family’s link to the stars. Moses was instructed to give the new breed (brew) the Ten Commandments, in reference to the ten-segmented genes. Moses then forbade them to breed out of the brew for forty years while confined in the desert (cauldron). The brew was being perfected; the Anunnaki continually manipulated the genes of their patriarchs until the physical body was ready to receive the awakening of the spirit. A fully perfected man, as an example for us to emulate, was sent to earth to alter and awaken us spiritually. This was Jesus the Christ. He pressed the command button and released the remaining spiritual message in our genes. This message was summed up in two new commandments designed to open the heavens so that mankind could receive the real pie in the sky: the twelve-segmented pie, the zodiac. Jesus’ message was that “the kingdom of God is at hand. Those that have ears to hear this will understand and receive eternal life. They are alien to this world.” In a sense, the animalistic nature has been bred out of us. We have become a new brew, a new creation. On Christmas in 2012, the pole will shift, and this planet will be resynchronized with the zodiac. The whole planet will be spiritually awakened. Jesus said those who have ears to hear will enter the kingdom of heaven on earth during the “Millennium Age,” when the earth’s timing resonates with heaven again. If you are a Bible reader, try reading it from the point of view just given and see if it doesn’t ring true and really come alive. What does the number Pi in the crop circle have to do with all of this? The ten-segmented circle symbolizes our physical makeup programmed by ten-segmented DNA. The addition to our genetics from the Anunnakis’ DNA is symbolized by the number Pi. In sacred geometry, a circle symbolizes eternity, and a straight line symbolizes time. Draw a circle and then draw a line as its


diameter. The relationship between that line and the circumference of that circle is the length of that line multiplied by Pi. The Anunnaki are symbolizing what they added to our genetic code with that relationship, a relationship that can never be defined. The number Pi is an irrational number and a fundamental constant of nature. It is one of the most famous numbers; its digits continue endlessly. On earth, the Egyptians built the pyramids by defining Pi as dividing 7 into 22. This will close a circle but binds physically. Today, we know that the circle can never be closed and expands forever. God, the spirit of life, used the Anunnakis’ advanced genetic makeup to combine with earth’s life as a bridge, resulting in His creation of man. If you are a scientist in search of the missing link, perhaps in reading this article you’ve taken a piece of the Pi with its awakening message of the truth that the linking piece can never be defined. Once we’ve caught and eaten the carrot dangling in front of us, the incentive is lost; that is why we are led to search out the answers. If you are a nuts-and-bolts circle enthusiast looking for that physical body of evidence to touch and hold in your hand, perhaps while reading this article you’ve sensed the awakening message, “I will be back when you know your self as you are known. The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” They will come from the four corners of heaven to help us through the berthing pains of our rebirth if we will receive it. While writing what you just read, I kept hearing in my spirit, HE AIN’T HEAVY; HE’S MY BROTHER, BLOOD BROTHER.


Unsealing the Things Uttered by the 7 Thunders Revelation chapter 10 By Jerry Vano July 30, 2009 About two hundred years ago, archeologists found, digging in earth’s cradle of civilization known as the city of Sumer, evidence of an alien race that had visited earth. This evidence so startled the ruling powers that they forced the scientific community to keep any revealing information about the find hidden from the masses by putting it off as mythological nonsense. Until now, this worked well to keep the wool over the eyes of the people. However, about thirty years ago, an archeological and biblical scholar named Zachariah Sichin, while studying the Sumerian dig, found remarkable evidence of something very unusual that finally led to the end of all of this secrecy. He found written on clay tablets in primitive cuneiform script a story of creation that is similar to ours in our Bible. In fact, it’s so similar that our biblical story of creation turned out to be excerpts from what was found. Following this lead, he was able to open up a whole can of worms and bring out the truth about the story of the visiting aliens, and the archeological find. He has written a whole series of books called The Earth Chronicles that tells the full story of the aliens and their planet. His work has opened new insights that led to the true interpretation of the Bible and how the visiting aliens, through genetic manipulation, mixed their genes with the animalistic Neanderthals on earth to create the hybrid man. These books also revealed the original purpose of why we were created. His work is what led me to write my book The Uncovering of the Greatest Story Never Told. The Earth Chronicles gives a chronological view of earth’s physical and social history, whereas the uncovering ties it all together to give a complete spiritual view of the progression of life on earth. I suggest that you get these books if you are interested in our alien origin and our spiritual past and future. The article that follows came about because of the insights received from looking into the history of the earth from the point of view of the unbelievable but true Sumerian story. This article will focus only on events that are more timely and pressing to us today. The knowledge of these events had to be laid dormant in the tenth chapter of the book of Revelation in the Christian Bible for centuries, waiting for the right stimulus to open our minds to receive it. It has to do with the “seven thunders” where it says that “the mystery of God should be finished” and also that “there should be time no longer.”

Unsealing the Seventh Seal Protestant Christians, relying on the notion that the Bible is complete, preach that there are no further biblical revelations to be given. But what do we make of chapter 10 verse 11, where the angel says to John the revelator, “You must prophecy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings”? If the mystery of God is to be finished as he has declared to his servants, the prophets, then apparently there is an unsealing to come, of which we already were told. In this sense, there will be no more revelations to be given to satisfy the protestant preaching but an unsealing of what has been already said. If John were to speak again, it seems that his words were meant to be spoken by someone in the spirit of him, similar to what was said 7

by Jesus about John the Baptist being in the spirit of Elijah. This is because John the revelator is not alive to prophecy again, and the words “the mystery of God should be finished” have not happened yet. In my book, I basically told the story of what is about to happen in regard to what I learned from the Sumerian story. Here in this article, I will tell the story in relationship to the seven thunders, fulfilling the words in the Bible, “the mystery of God should be finished.” Will this be John the revelator spiritually speaking again to complete his commission to prophesy again? Only time will tell. Now I will give a complete account of what it says in chapter ten of Revelation so the reader can get a better idea of what is being said. “And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. And he said unto me, thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.” The meaning of the words “the seven thunders uttered their voices” is the seven church ages or thunders voicing through time. It has been shown in the books just described that the mystery of God has been finished and was shown to be the true history of the world (as Hisstory). This was the result of the uncovering of the true meaning of the Sumerian archeological find. Now there is going to be the fulfillment of the words “there should be time no longer.” What is the meaning of these words? In what follows in this article, it will be shown that when John ate the little book, the meaning of these words is what was hard for him to digest and made his belly bitter even though it was as sweet as honey in his mouth. This is because the words in the little book are bittersweet, showing the coming of the “millennium age of peace,” but also showing that this age is preceded by a devastating apocalyptic pole shift. As I said in the beginning of my book, fasten your seatbelts because we are about to enter a realm that will take us out of this world to embark on a journey through the gates of heaven and on through the very center of our galaxy to the heart of the universe. I ask you to please bear with me on this journey until you have read the whole article. To completely explain the seven thunders, I will have to lay a little groundwork first. The Christian community will be very surprised and maybe a little turned off to hear the statement I am about to make.


The Bible is the written version of the story of the zodiac written in the stars, before it was perverted by the different cultures of the world. A good reference to the true story is shown in the book The Witness of the Stars, written by E. W. Bullinger in 1893. The patterns of the stars of the consolations were first laid out thousands of years ago by the alien scientist Enki, the alien that genetically manipulated the genes of the Neanderthals in order to create us. He mixed his own species of alien genes with the animalistic Neanderthal race that evolved through the natural process on earth to create the hybrid human race. The controversy over evolution and creation could be resolved if look at in this light. You see that both the scientists and religionists are right because the human species did not completely come into existence naturally, needing the help of Enki to “create” it. Check out this site for scientific evidence ( ) In the Sumerian writings, he was known as lord along with his brother Enlil. Nevertheless, as explained in my book, he was destined or led by God, the spirit of life, to do this. The complete story of our creation is in my book if you need more convincing. Enki also laid out the star pattern of the zodiac, or the Bible in the stars. This pattern is the complete story of Jesus’ walk on earth, or the complete history of earth in regard to man, or “His-story” on earth. When man was created, this story was programmed in our genes. The truth of the zodiac being mentioned in the Bible must be emphasized here because the book of Revelation is all about it. This fact has been hidden from the Christians just as the fact that Jesus is the Jewish messiah has been hidden from the Jews. These facts had to be hidden until the end time, waiting for the right stimulus to come forth, to bring them out. The Jews knew all about the zodiac. Their twelve tribes personified the twelve houses of the zodiac. When the tabernacle in the wilderness was set up, the 12 tribes were placed around it in the same order as the signs of the 12 houses of the zodiac. Chapter four of Revelation starts off with John saying, “I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven.” He said he was in the spirit, and then he saw a throne, and roundabout the thrones were four and twenty elders. John was seeing the future in the spirit. The door he saw that was opened, was the pole shifting at the point in time during the space of a half an hour, as said in the 7th seal when there will be silence in heaven, and also in chapter 10, when there was time no longer. A pole shift is a door in time opening or closing. The zodiac is the result of the motion of the procession of the equinoxes. This processional flow has a circular pattern and takes 25,920 years to complete one cycle. During this procession, there are two pole shifts. One is when the ecliptic flow of the procession is 6 o’clock and closest to the center of the galaxy, and the other is when the flow is at 12 o’clock the farthest from it. When we observe the motion of the ecliptic flow today, we see that it would take 25,920 years to complete one cycle. When John observed the throne, he saw four and twenty elders around it. Who or what are the four and twenty elders? Elders signify time. Each elder signifies one thousand years. He was seeing the ecliptic flow of the procession as a 24,000-year cycle. This is God’s perfect time because it is in resonance or sync with the rest of the universe. Approximately 12,000 years ago when the pole was closest to the galaxy and shifted, the procession time changed to 25,920 years long. This put the earth in sin because this timing is not in sync with the rest of the universe. The gate of heaven was closed, and earth was locked in hell. In his vision when John saw the door to heaven open, and he saw a throne, this was when the pole was farthest from the center of the galaxy and will be shifted, or the door opened, again, exposing the throne in heaven. This will result in the ecliptic flow changing to a 24,000 year cycle. This is what is meant when the Bible says that the four and twenty elders bowed down to


worship God. This means the earth changing and coming in sync, or resonance, with the universal flow again. When the ecliptic flow is farthest away from the center of the galaxy, it makes a U-turn, so to speak, and the direction of the flow reverses relative to the center of the galaxy. During this change, time stops because time is due to motion and the flow effectively stops relative to the center. This fulfills the prophecy that “there should be time no longer.” In addition, this fulfills the words of the 7th seal, “there is silence in heaven for a half hour,” because this is the amount of time that the ecliptic flow stops. At this spot, a doorway is opened in the etheric realm that leads to the black hole at the center of the galaxy. This black hole goes on through to the throne room at the heart of the universe. When the tabernacle was set up in the wilderness, the zodiacal pattern of its layout was set up so that the Ark of the Covenant was at the spot where the doorway to the throne room would open during the pole shift. There are a few passages in the book of Matthew that can be made clear with the new information just revealed. These passages have caused a whole religious point of view to come about that was misleading and caused a lot of chaos. They are Matthew 16:15 to 16:19, which says, “He said to them, But who do you say that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus answered and said to him, blessed are you, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood had not revealed it to you, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also to you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever you have bound on earth will be bound in heaven: and whatever you have loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven.” The different belief about the statement “that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church” has been, in the Catholic view, that the church was built on Peter the man. The Protestant view is that the name Peter meant “little rock” and that Jesus was saying “you are a little rock, and on this rock, meaning the rock of the revelation you received from my Father, I will build my church.” But in light of what we have seen in this article, I say that what is meant is that Peter was a little rock, and on this rock, as He pointed to the ground or earth below their feet, God would build his church, and that the gates of hell, which we saw a few paragraphs back, closed to bind hell on earth, will not prevail, He, knowing with foreknowledge that the gate will open to heaven when the pole shifts. Moreover, when He said, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,” He meant that Peter, as part of the church, would receive the keys, or principals of the opening and closing of the door to heaven, as was just described in regard to the pole shifts, not the key to open the door to the kingdom of heaven. As we go on, you will see that the words “whatever you have bound on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you have loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven” should be interpreted or understood as “whatever you have bound on earth will have been bound in heaven, and whatever you have loosed on earth will have been loosed in heaven.” This is similar to what is said in the Lord’s Prayer where it says, “Thou will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.” The former statement has caused a lot of incorrect teaching in the Protestant “faith movement.” The preachers that led this movement literally sold a bill of goods to the church indicating that if you can believe, then by faith and by speaking the name of Jesus (like a magic wand), you had the power to bind and loose anything on earth. However, to prove my point as to the way to interpret it, I refer you to Matthew 7:21-23: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out


demons in your name, and do many mighty work in your name?’ Then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’” You see here that the loosing and binding comes from heaven first, not the other way around. The ministerial spiritual gifts are gifts and cannot be worked for, or taught by man; they are freely given, led by the Holy Spirit. Any other way is not by the Holy Spirit but by mental assent. The knowledge of working the gifts comes through the heart to the mind. Trying to receive the knowledge through the eyes and ears to the mind is trying to work for the gifts and is being filtered through the world, subject to familiar spirits that are not from the Holy Spirit.


The June 21st, 2009 Milk Hill Crop Circle Tells All By Jerry Vano July 30, 2009 On June 21st, 2009, a crop circle appeared in a field in the Milk Hill's White Horse area near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, that seems to echo what I thought the encoded message of the Barbury Castle circle of July 17th, 1991 was revealing. You can see the decoding at my Web site The Barbury glyph was the first that had any character. It wasn’t just the basic circle that gave us the name of the phenomena. Everyone knew it contained a message and waited with anticipation for its decoding. Many people tried their hand at it. The Internet was streaming with all points of view that were coming from many different perspectives, but most lacked that certain magic that catches your attention. However, it seems that there were a certain few who did. Moreover, when they did, these views all had one thing in common. They seemed to come from persons who claimed to have had alien encounters and had been programmed, schooled, or groomed for a special purpose. In my case, I had a paralyzed but conscious awareness of having a night visitation by five grays that came into my bedroom through a closed window. They appeared to be translucent and communicated between themselves with a high-pitched chirping, giving me the impression that they were partially in a higher dimension. They inserted an implant at the base of my thumb in my right hand, as shown in the figure. However, it seems that I also have an implant just below my left ear that appeared overnight. Since then, I have had a high-pitched squeal in my left ear. By using a frequency generator and earphones, I was able to determine the frequency of the squeal. It appears that the frequency is 8000 cycles. Many agreed with my Barbury glyph decoding, but to most, it seemed too spiritual and far-out, and maybe also a little too frightening to be accepted. Nevertheless, in spite of what has happened on earth since then, the truth of what I was shown is becoming obvious. Since then, we have grown in awareness through experience, both spiritual and scientific, and by connecting the dots with certain selected circles that followed Barbury; we all seem to agree that we are being warned of some kind of event that will happen during a Night visitation 2012 balancing act. However, the question is Drawing by what and why? Betty Andreasson Luca


I was not led to publicize widely what I was shown in 1991 because it wasn’t time to do so, even though many viewers tried to persuade me to. They showed with the information encrypted in the Barbury glyph that the coming event will be the result of a periodic natural balancing of energies on our planet. Now it is time for us to see the rest of the story encrypted with precise details in this new glyph. To me, the location of the Milk Hill glyph is saying they have given us a hill of milk to grow on, but now comes the meat. It is the 21st century, and we have grown up and reached the age of accountability. We now are allowed to drink of the spirits. Glyphs similar to the one at Milk Hill show their intention to reveal information to each individual soul as he can receive it. Placing the glyphs in the open fields prevents filtering through any organized religious or governmental agencies with hidden agendas. Their determination to get the message across is displayed in the fact that there is even written script included in the glyphs. They know someone on earth can and will read it. The uniqueness of the Barbury Castle glyph was the ratcheted Fibonacci spiral, which was shown to be the result of the timing of two spiraling energies trying to re-balance. The other spiral is the golden mean spiral. The new glyph shows us that this golden mean spiral is the Figure 2 underlying gravitational ether field that halos our galaxy; scientists are just now beginning to realize it exists and believe that it may be the result of the elusive dark matter. Our sun, being located on the spiraling arm of our galaxy, is governed by this energy. The nature of this spiraling is what expands the universe. The nature of earth’s energy because of earth being bound to a circular orbit around the sun cannot flow freely along with the universal expanding energy. It flows with the spiraling nature of the Fibonacci sequence that governs life’s evolutionary growth. However, our conscious mind’s growth is Figure 3 governed by a long-count circular cycling timed to the earth’s processional wobble. A Fibonacci spiral is made up of successive one-quarter circle segments with the radius of each segment increased by the value of Phi or 1.6, as shown in Figure 3. With this type of arrangement, you would see a continuously


increasing spiral like the spiraling arm of the galaxy, but on earth because of the circular, wobbling bond to our sun, during every quarter-turn of the processional cycle, there has to be a 1.6% jump, alternately absorbing and releasing etheric energy from the galactic flow. This is accomplished by the orbit of the earth alternately changing levels. If scientists would meditate on this glyph and absorb its message, they will understand quantum entanglement and its relationship to relativity. They would see that on earth, quantum level jumps of the electrons in atoms releasing and absorbing photons of light is working with sunlight. The quantum level jumping of the planets are working with spiritual light, the halo or light of the ether, or the universal flow. Our planet is about to make a quantum jump to a lower orbit. The orbital period will shift from 365.2 days to 360 days, a 1.6 % change, just as within an atom there will be a release of energy; however, it will not be a photon of sunlight but a photon/quanta of spiritual light. This is all accomplished by a shifting of the earth’s polar axis by one degree. This will change the ecliptic flow procession from 25,920 years to 24,000 years. The amount of destruction that will happen during the shift depends on the time it takes to shift the one degree. The shift from 23.5 degrees to 22.5 degrees of the polar axis is how the earth keeps up with the flow of the Figure 4 expanding universe. The spiritual energy released during the jump prepares the earth for the next cycle. The Native Americans call this the purification of the earth. You can see in what has been shown that it is all about timing. As was said a few paragraphs back, our minds are tuned to the timing of the ecliptic flow of the procession, which is about to increase in speed, resulting in the quickening of our minds. Even now, we are experiencing a gradual increase in awareness as we drink of the spirit that is getting us ready for the final shift. Are we not experiencing what was written in the scriptures? “Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your Daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.” More to come. The complete decoding will be shown. It will show how the Swallow glyph reported on the 27th of June is connected.


The Swallow Reported 27th of June By Jerry Vano August 5, 2009 What you are about to read may be hard to swallow (pun intended) It is important food for thought. The birdlike glyph shown in Figure 1 ties in with the June 21st Milk Hill glyph, as shown in Figure 2, showing the flight of the energies of earth in regard to the universal energy flow. It also gives the impression of a balancing scale. The tips of the two wings of the birdlike figure are carrying semicircular-shaped objects indicating two different energy flows of the earth’s al cycle. The flow on the bird’s left is tipping the scale, showing it as being Figure 1 heavier. In the center, as if dragged on the bird’s tail with a string of information, is the head of an alien gray. This indicates the flowing energies of the universal mind. The unique shape of the gray’s head is made up of two opposite flowing energies with the nature of golden mean spirals combined, as shown in Figure 3. In sacred geometry, this gives us the heart shape (the heart and mind of the universe). The left and right eyes of the alien connect to the two opposite energy flows. The overlapping central black holes indicate the third or spiritual eye of the universal mind and leads to a crossover to a higher dimension. Energy cannot be destroyed, only changed in form. This statement is the basic premise of physics. When two equal energies flowing at equal speeds come together from opposite directions and collide, in time they stop dead in their tracks and cancel each other out. The energies are annihilated out of that realm and are transfigured as one into another realm/dimension. Figure 2


It is important to go into the nature of these two energies to set a foundation of understanding based on the heart of the matter. Scientists have been questioning whether the universe will expand forever or whether it will slow down, reverse direction, and start to collapse. In our universal eternal moment (atonement) of it all, both events are happening now. These energies are displayed as the expansion of the universe, and at the same time, it is collapsing. The collapsing image of the expansion is displayed in the crunching nature of the galaxies. These events happen simultaneously. They have the nature of the golden mean in opposite spin directions, and in our perception, they will appear as different dimensions. They are connected at their overlapping central spin axes, which we call black and white holes. The universal expanding spin axis is as a white hole giving out recycled energy, and the galactic collapsing spin axis is a black hole taking in this energy to be recycled. To us on this planet, our galactic core is our gateway to the galactic community and to enter it, we as a collective consciousness must be awakened to the fact that we possess the key to this gate. The key is given to us through our genetic makeup and resides in our subconscious, and individually, we receive it spiritually through a born-again experience or as a whole in our collective consciousness, and it will be experienced collectively during the cosmic 2012 event. It will be experienced as the return of Elijah by the collective nation of Israel in the Hebraic spirit, resulting in the return of the ten lost tribes. We are being awakened individually and then bundled collectively as we realize that the truth of our past is the nature of life’s flowing energies, which can be summed up in the statement “Know thyself.” This brings to mind the statement “the truth will make you free”; it will free us physically and mentally from the bonds of the earth. Notice that the head is off-center; the circle makers are trying to give us the impression Figure 3 of a swinging pendulum, giving us the notion of cyclic timing and the fact that the right side of the processional flow has reached its end and is ready to cross over to the other half of the processional flow to balance the scale and start a new cycle. Directly behind the wings is the body of the bird. You see it as a sphere enclosed with a shape similar to the alien gray’s head. This sphere indicates the sun engulfed in the galactic energies, which is similar in nature but opposite in direction to the universal expansion energy. You can see the shape of the two opposite spirals and how they continue and form the back edge of the wings. The nature of the golden mean spiral energies is what causes the expansion of the universe. The galactic energies are similar. Our sun, being on a spiraling arm of the galaxy, is governed by this same nature. The circular leading edge of the bird’s wing shows the Fibonacci sequence of the nature of the energies that govern life on earth. Before I give all of the details of the decoding of the glyphs, I want to show where all of this is leading. Then you can deicide if you want to continue. The first impression you get of the glyph is of something being weighed. I believe that this is not by accident. The consequence of following this theme through leads us on a strange and scary


path. The first thought that came to my mind was of the Egyptian weighing of the heart ceremony. The Egyptian depiction of this event is shown in Figure 3. The drawing shows the god Thoth in his role as the scribe recording the results of the weighing of a heart. Notice the ibis bird headdress he is wearing and in particular the curvature of his beak. Is this a coincidence? The amazing thing to me is that it is as though the circle makers sent me a confirming letter saying that I am right in my thoughts. You will see in what follows the reason that I say this. It may be a little much for some to Figure 4 comprehend, but the evidence is there. Many people have had the proverbial bookstore experience when searching for a bit of information: a book falls off the shelf and in it is exactly what they are looking for. The following is from one of those experiences. The drawing in Figure 5 is a copy of

Figure 5

a chart created on a computer using a Sky Chart III astronomy program. The chart is set to look at the constellation of Libra while standing at the Giza pyramid in Egypt. The year is 2012, the month is December, the day is the 21st, and the time is 11:30 a.m. Notice the earth perfectly lining up with the Star that symbolizes the left cup of the Libra scales, as though it is being weighed. Can this be a coincidence? Click on this link: It will bring you to the real-time Sky Chart III animation to see this for yourself. Is this not what the circle makers are telling us in these glyphs?

Get the complete story in my book “The Uncovering of The Greatest story Never told”


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