Covenant Relationship

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 525
  • Pages: 2
Our Covenant Relationship with God (Jer. 31:23-34) Covenant is an intimate relationship, a bond, involving mutual responsibilities. Biblical covenants are sealed with a cutting (Heb. beriyth) and dividing (Heb. karath) and a blood sacrifice. e.g. Marriage Covenant, Church Covenant, etc. (Can you think of others?) God’s 8 covenants with man: 1. Noah - Gen. 6, Isa. 54 2. Abraham - Gen. 15, 17 Rom. 4, Gal. 3 3. Israel - Ex. 24 (Law Covenant/Old Covenant) 4. David - Ps. 89 5. Hezekiah - 2 Chron. 29 6. Jehoida - 2 Kings 7. Josiah - 2 Chron. 8. The Church: Luke 22:14-20, Heb. 8:6 The New Covenant God will: Protect us: watch over us to build and plant (Jer. 31:28, Ps. 91:1-16) Cleanse us: forgive and forget our sins (Jer. 31:34) Transform us: put His law in our minds and hearts (Jer. 31:33) Be our God (Jer. 31:33) We will: be His people (Jer. 31:33) What does that mean? 12 Covenant Comparisons: 1.

OC - was ratified by the blood of bulls and goats (Ex. 24;) NC - is ratified by the better blood of Jesus (Luke 22:20)


OC - only provided an annual covering (Lev. 16:12-19) NC - provides eternal redemption (Heb. 9:12)


OC - High Priest entered the Holy of Holies once a year and then only for a short time (Lev. 16:30,34) NC - Our High Priest entered the throne room of Heaven and ministers there continually (Heb. 10:12)


OC - High Priest entered the Holiest with fear of death (Lev. 16:2) NC - Jesus destroyed the power of death & delivered us from the bondage of fear (Heb. 2:1415)


OC - No other Israelite was allowed to enter the Holiest (Heb. 9:6-7) NC - All saints may enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus (Heb 10:19-23)


OC - Sins were not taken away, only cleansed outward (Heb. 1:4) NC - Cleanses us from all sin and (1 John 1:7, Heb. 9:14)


OC - The veil separated from God’s presence (Heb. 9:3-5) NC - The veil was supernaturally torn in half, giving access to the Holy of Holies (Matt. 27:51, Heb. 6:19-20)


OC - God made the first covenant a temporary thing, He promised the He would make a new one (Heb. 8:8-13) NC - God has made this an everlasting covenant (Heb. 13:20, Gal. 3:29)


OC - The Law was good in that it provided a foreshadowing of the work of Christ, but no longer provides any means of access NC - Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Rom. 10:4)


OC - It never perfected anyone (Gal. 3:11, Heb. 10:1) NC - Covered in His blood, we are perceived as if perfect (Heb. 13:21)


OC - The High Priest died and was replaced (Heb. 7:23-25) NC - Our High Priest lives forever (Heb. 7:16)


OC - At death, a righteous Israelite departed to Abraham’s Bosom, known as Paradise in Hades (Luke 16:22) NC - At death, the believer departs to be in the presence of the Lord, which is far better (Phil. 1:21-23)

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