
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 744
  • Pages: 2
A Covenant between First Baptist Church of Mount Olive and its Minister of Youth and Children This covenant is a solemn agreement and mutual obligation, contracted deliberately, with the intent to bring the parties into a special relationship with God and with each other, for the benefit of our youth and children, the congregation as a whole, the community in which we live and worship and for the glory of God. It is conceived in accordance with the tradition of covenant relationships introduced by our God in the Old Testament (e.g. Gen. 6:18, 9:9-17, 17:2-21, Ps. 89:3-4, Jer. 31:31-34) and again by our Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament (e.g. Matt. 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:20, Rom. 11:27, Heb. 7:22, 8:6-13) The Minister of Youth and Children covenants to: faithfully and diligently fulfill, to the best of her abilities, the duties assigned to that ministry as described in the job description created by the Search Committee, approved by the Personnel Committee and affirmed by vote of the Congregation; recognize the Pastor as her primary supervisor; to support the institutions of church and family as established by Our Creator; to demonstrate maturity, responsibility, truth, integrity and accountability; to assist parents, the pastor and the congregation as a whole in seeking to: appreciate our youth and children as the gifts of God’s undeserved kindness that they are (Psalm 127:4);


instruct our youth and children in the Word of God (Deut. 6:6-7, 31:12-13, Ps. 34:11, 78:1-8, Matt. 19:14 and Mark 10:14), developing Bible literacy skills and study habits so that they may learn to find knowledge, comfort and from the Word of God; listen to and respond to our youth and children’s questions and concerns (Ex. 12:26, Jos. 4:6, 21-22);

encourage and affirm our youth and children, with genuine affection and compassion, helping them to develop a sense of belonging, and helping them to understand the perfect and unconditional love that is offered to them from Our Father in Heaven, with the objective of leading them to acceptance of the free gift of salvation through Our Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16); develop the Godly character of our youth and children, promoting holiness by both word and example (see 1 Tim. 4:12); lead our youth and children to become committed disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ; encourage our youth and children to develop a deep, meaningful and abiding prayer life;

First Baptist Church of Mount Olive covenants to: welcome the Minister of Youth and Children into our hearts and lives, as a member of our church family; compensate the Minister of Youth and Children with a fair salary, determined by the Search Committee from a range approved by the Personnel Committee, which, in this case, has been determined to be at an initial annual salary of $14,125.00 per year; appreciate, support and assist in projects, programs and other initiatives led by the Minister of Youth and Children that are consistent with her duties, this Covenant and the Scriptures; regularly and sincerely encourage and affirm the Minister of Youth and Children, lifting her up in prayer before Our Heavenly Father without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17); give the Minister of Youth and Children regular counsel through the person of the pastor, informal consultation, after the first 3 months and first 6 months of her employment, with the Search Committee and annual formal evaluation jointly by the Search Committee and Personnel Committee, with the first such evaluation to occur after 9 months of employment; address any concerns in a loving and respectful manner, after prayer, first through direct communication, secondarily, if necessary, through consultation with the pastor, thirdly, if necessary, through consultation with the Youth Ministry Committee or Children’s Ministry Committee, depending upon which of those groups is mostly directly affected by the concern in question, fourthly, if necessary, and only during the first year of employment, through consultation with the Search Committee, fifthly, if necessary, through consultation with the Personnel Committee; entitle the Minister of Youth and Children to bereavement leave, sick leave, vacations, and worker’s compensation as described in the church’s personnel policies for part-time personnel, recognizing that the Minister of Youth and Children shall be granted a prearranged vacation for the period of June 9, 2001 to June 17, 2001. Signed this the ___________ day of ________________, 2_____ ___________________________ Pastor ___________________________ Minister of Youth and Children ___________________________ Search Committee Chairperson ___________________________ Search Committee Member ___________________________ Search Committee Member ___________________________ Search Committee Member ___________________________ Search Committee Member

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