Course Prefix/Number
Course Title
Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
HSC 3537
Medical Terminology
Fall 2016
Medical terminology provided me with information regarding medical terms and the meanings behind them which will assist me when reading laboratory reports and possibly patient documents.
HSC 4500
Fall 2017
This class provided skills toward controlling diseases and information about various diseases and how often they occur. These skills will assist me when determining aseptic techniques to use around the health center.
ZOO 3733C
Human Anatomy
Spring 2018
This class provided me with an immense amount of information about the human body and the different structures involved using clinical skills and analytical skills which will be utilized when reading reports and discussing conditions and hygiene techniques to use within the facility.
PCB 3703C
Human Physiology
Fall 2018
Physiology provided me with a vast amount of information and skills in order to decipher and determine various issues within the inner workings of the human body.
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
IDS 4934
Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone Experience
Spring 2019
This class provided me with knowledge regarding entering the workforce and graduate school with my IDS degree while simultaneously gave information on how to utilize the interdisciplinary method for my future career.
IDS 3933
Interdisciplinary Studies Fall 2018 Cornerstone Experience
Cornerstone allowed me to grow intellectually by understanding the various aspects of interdisciplinary studies while providing the process of applying it.
HSA 3012
Issues & Trends in Public Health
Fall 2017
This class provided me with information about issues seen in the public health sphere and ways to combat them. This is essential as a health care administrator by solving these issues and implementing procedures to combat them.
HSC 3110
Medical Self Assessment
Spring 2018
Medical self assessment allowed me to develop clinical skills which will help me understand and assist physicians when they have issues with patients and bedside care.
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
HUN 2201
Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
Spring 2018
During this class I was provided with information pertaining to basic nutrition and how to obtain a healthy nutrient intake. This would assist me by providing basic knowledge to use when overviewing the nutrition and cooking section of the health center.
HSC 4201
Community Health
Fall 2017
Community health allowed me to receive information about how to keep communities healthy and the possible steps to work with the community towards a healthier tomorrow which will help me when utilizing the information I learned and using it to plan and assist the facility with upcoming health related events.
HSC 4572
Clinical Nutrition
Summer 2018
Ultimately, this class provided additional information to add onto the fundamentals I learned in HUN 2201. This information will help when I work within a hospital by providing background information when supervising the nutrition sector.
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
PCB 3233
Spring 2017
Immunology provided information regarding the human body and infections. This provided me with aseptic techniques and analytical skills both which can be utilized through determining the correct hygiene standards and coordinating the hospital faculty to utilize those techniques.
PCB 3233L
Immunology Lab
Spring 2017
The immunology lab class provided me information about how to obtain results through experiments involving antibodies and other immunological responses. The antiseptic techniques I learned in this class will assist me with keeping a hygienic facility.
HSC 3147
Introduction to Pharmacology
Summer 2018
Pharmacology provided me with information about every type of drug and function within the pharmacology industry which will assist me in my future career by giving me background pharmacology knowledge while working in a hospital.
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
PCB 3063
Spring 2017
Genetics provided basic information in relation to genes and how they affect our lives which resulted in the use of critical thinking skills to determine diagnoses for clinical cases. This will assist me when reading laboratory reports and patient reports involving any results, especially genetic.
BSC 2010C
Biology I
Spring 2015
This class gave basic information of cells and cell life that provided a foundation of biology for future classes and provided problem solving and analytical skills. Both skills will be utilized through determining how to coordinate events and supervising and solving issues between many faculty members.
DEP 2004C
Human Growth/ Development
Fall 2014
Human growth and development taught me about research and theories related to human development and growth that may influence behavior. This created a need for analytical thinking and writing skills which will be utilized to write reports and plans for the health facility.
Course Prefix/Number
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
CHM 2211L
Organic Chemistry II Lab
Spring 2015
This lab taught me how to use organic molecules and generate products that are useful to everyday life while using critical thinking skills. This will assist me by giving a laboratory background to understand various conditions and lab workups.
CHM 2211
Organic Chemistry II
Spring 2015
This class provided me with secondary information to add to the basic information I received in Organic Chemistry I which resulted in obtaining more analytical skills. This would assist me with determining which plan will result in the best possible outcome for the health center.
CHM 2210
Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab
Fall 2014
These classes both provided me with analytical thinking skills through the information of carbon based molecules. These analytical skills will be utilized when determine outcomes for the health facility and when determining which products are safe for patients.
CHM 2046L
General Chemistry II Lab
Spring 2014
This lab class taught me analytical thinking and writing skills which I will be able to utilize when reading faculty reports and when writing my own planning reports.
Course Prefix/Number
Course Title
Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
CHM 2046
General Chemistry II
Spring 2014
General chemistry II added material onto the previous semester which increased analytical thinking skills. These skills will allow me to determine which plan will result in the most efficient outcome for the health center.
CHM 2045L
Chemistry I Lab
Fall 2013
This class provided me with laboratory and analytical skills that will assist me when I have to overlook lab technicians and their reports.
CHM 2045C
Chemistry I
Fall 2013
General chemistry allowed me to receive general information related to chemistry and math problems associated with it. This class provided information vital to future classes that led me to health administration and will give me information regarding chemicals for when I must order various products for the health center.
PCB 3522
Molecular Biology I
Spring 2017
Molecular biology taught me about how molecules work during the processes occurring within the body. The analytical skills I learned during the class will assist me with understanding lab reports and conversations with various physicians.
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
SLS 2311C
Overview of Select Medical Careers
Fall 2016
This class gave basic information regarding various medical careers and analytical writing skills I would utilize when writing plans and assist with coordination of events. It also pointed me in the direction of health administration.
ECO 2023
Principles of Microeconomics
Fall 2012
This class helped me understand the topic of economics and how supply and demand ultimately works. This class will assist me when I overlook the accounting area of the health care center or hospital.
ENC 1102
English Composition II
Spring 2013
This class added information onto the first semester which assisted me with adding more detailed information into my essays and research reports. This will help when I write plans for the health center and faculty.
ENC 1101
English Composition I
Fall 2012
This class has helped me with the foundation of my essays and laboratory research reports and will help me while writing plans for the health care center.
Course Prefix/Number
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
MAC 1105C
College Algebra
Fall 2012
This math class helped me realize how technology can be integrated with academics to assist students in twenty-first century classes along with algebraic skills that will transfer to overseeing the accounting sector of the health center.
MAC 2147
Fall 2013
Precalculus provided mathematical information that I utilized in my future math and science classes. This class provided me with analytical skills that will help me solve financial issues while being a health administrator.
MAC 2311C
Calculus/Analytical Geometry I
Spring 2014
This class provided mathematical information that helped diversify my analytical skills which will ultimately help me with financial obligations at the health care center.
CLP 2143
Abnormal Psychology
Summer 2014
Abnormal psychology taught me about various conditions that occur in the human mind and will assist me when considering how to provide assistance and overlook the psychiatric department in a hospital or health care center.
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
EDP 2002
Educational Psychology Spring 2015
This psychology class provided information about children and education that added onto my previous knowledge from high school. This will assist me when implementing functions around the health centers for younger patients.
STA 2023
Statistical Methods
Summer 2014
Statistical methods taught me how to describe and interpret data which will assist me with my financial obligations as a health administrator.
SLS 1101
College Orientation
Fall 2013
This class gave me a foundation of how college works and how to move forward in my college career. The networking skills I acquired will assist me with future networking possibilities to obtain a job opportunity in my field.
BSC 1050
Environmental Conservation
Spring 2014
In this class I learned about how the environment is affected by our actions and ways to fight against pollution and other environmental concerns. In health administration this can be utilized to implement procedures that support environmental conservation.
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Brief Description
POS 2041
American National Government
Spring 2013
This class provided me with information regarding politics and political aspects of the government and legislation. This class ultimately will help me understand the political aspects of the healthcare system and the facility.
SPC 1608
Public Speaking
Spring 2013
Public speaking helped me with sharpening my speech giving skills and raising my confidence in what I speak about. This will assist me with speaking to the faculty of the health center I manage.
PHI 2600
Fall 2014
Ethics provided information about what principles govern an individual’s behavior which provided strong analytical thinking skills. This will ultimately help me when assessing various issues and allow me to keep an open mind about situations during my career.
AMS 2270
20th Century American Culture
Fall 2013
This class provided information regarding the twentieth century and helped me to understand diverse viewpoints from various socioeconomic statuses. This will assist me by giving background information when discussing finances with patients.
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
SYG 2010
Social Problems
Fall 2013
Social problems informed me of various issues plaguing our world today socially and ways to combat them which allowed me to gain helpful writing skills and analytical skills. This will assist me when discussing issues with faculty and patients along with writing plans for the health center.
AMH 2010
U.S. History 1492-1865
Spring 2014
This class provided information about the history of the United States and utilized analytical writing skills which will be utilized through writing plans fro the health center.
HUM 2020
Introduction to Humanities
Summer 2014
This class provided me information pertaining to philosophy and historical development that utilized my analytical thinking and writing skills which will ultimately assist me when determining the best plan for the health center along with writing the report.
GEO 2370
Physical Geography
Fall 2014
This class provided me with information regarding physical geography around the world and this would help me when determining which job offer to take depending on the location and geography.
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
EUH 2000
Western Civilization
Spring 2015
This class provided information about western civilization and utilized analytical writing skills which will be utilized through writing plans and reports for the health center.
PSY 2012
General Psychology
Spring 2016
This class provided general information about the human mind and basic reasons behind particular psychological conditions; however, it provided helpful analytical thinking skills and increased compassion and empathy which will ultimately help when speaking to patients and staff within the health facility.
EXP 3640
Psychology of Language
Spring 2016
This class provided principles in language and clinical application of the principles which resulted in analytical skills which will be utilized through reading reports and results from the lab or faculty.
PSB 3441
Psychobiological Aspects of Drugs
Spring 2016
This class provided information regarding drugs and their affects on the human body and brain. It also allowed me to use analytical skills in order to understand the information and physiological mechanisms behind the drugs which will help when I supervise the pharmacological department.
Course Prefix/Number
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Semester/Year Taken
Brief Description
PSY 3204C
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Spring 2016
This class provided me with information about interpreting data from psychological studies and how statistics are used in psychology which required both analytical thinking and writing skills. Both skills will assist me in the future with determining and writing plans for the health center.
SOP 3742
Psychology of Women
Spring 2016
Psychology of women provided information related to women and how society creates stereotypes for them to meet. This class required extensive analytical writing skills which will help me when I write reports and plans for the health care facility or hospital.
PPE 3003
Personality Theory & Research
Fall 2018
This class allowed me to gain further knowledge regarding how to decipher individuals’ personalities and the process behind understanding them as well.
A degree in interdisciplinary studies allows me to utilize the many experiences and skills I have obtained throughout my various courses and time tutoring in a way that is multidisciplinary and accepts multiple viewpoints in order to obtain the most helpful outcome. In my journey towards interdisciplinary studies, I have taken a diverse amount of classes; however, most of them are related to the health and science field. The first few semesters of college were focused on finishing my general requirements before I focused heavily on my science courses for my remaining time as an undergraduate. Some of the time frames regarding these courses were determined by the difficulty of the courses, the course load I attempted the particular semester, and the availability of the courses offered at the time. My courses were chosen in regard to my interest in the medical field and my goal of working within the health field in the near future. These health and science related courses are pre-requisites for many Masters of Health Administration programs which will ultimately lead me to a job as a health administrator at a hospital or health care facility, so having a large health and biomedical sciences background will allow me to have an advantage in that career.