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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 16,045
  • Pages: 44
JetLager Script Introduction: [FADE IN] INT. QUINN’S HOUSE – NIGHT Nighttime. Raging party. Crowded, smoky and dim atmosphere. The song “I Love College” by Asher Roth is blaring loudly in the background from a set of blown speakers. There are loud voices and rap music in the background. Quinn stumbling drunk with drink in one hand and cell phone in the other texting. Cut to shot of cell phone text reading “Where you at?”. Cut to close shot of Quinn smirking and walking off the scene. Cut to next morning. Quinn is passed out on the floor, drooling. Feet step over his body. Cut to parents drinking coffee and reading newspapers. Ted’s wife put paper down: “Where’s Quinn?” Ted’s paper moves down and he looks up in thought. Cut to Roy riding his bike frantically down the street late for work on his cell phone trying to contact Quinn who is not answering his phone. Answering machine picks up. Roy: Dude, where’s my car? You said you would have it back last night. Where are you!? Cut to Roy disappearing from the scene as he rides bike around the corner and down the street. Cuts to parents kissing and separating for the day, pans down to Quinn passed out. Stacks of newspaper and phone book slam down next to Quinn’s face. Zooms into a note taped to Quinn’s forehead reading “Get a job.” Fade out to commercial break. Act 1: FADE IN INT. QUINN’S ROOM – DAY Morning, Close up of Quinn. Opens his eyes. Cut’s to Quinn in the bathroom, smells a red, left over cup of beer, shrugs, sips and gurgles the beer as if it was mouthwash. Looks in the mirror and finds, on his face, the writing his father left. He puts his face close to the mirror trying to read it. The note reads “Get a job.” Cell phone rings. Quinn leaves the bathroom to get it. 1

Shot goes to Quinn’s cell phone on the nightstand. Phone reads “dad”. Quinn (answers): Yeah? Ted You get the note I left you? Quinn: How could I not? You wrote it on my face. Ted: Good. You better get started. FADE OUT FROM QUINN IN BATHROOM. FADE IN: INT. QUINN’S BEDROOM -- DAY Quinn sits down at his desk covered in Playboy magazines and stacks the newspaper on top. Starts going down a list of jobs. Quinn: House Cleaning? No. Customer Service? No. Delivery? …Eh, no. Well this is going to be harder than I thought. Quinn switches over to his laptop and brings up a search engine. Types in “Jobs”, scrolls and finds nothing of interest. Types in “Easy Jobs” and finds nothing. Types in “Lazy Jobs”, and again finds nothing. He sits back and sighs, takes a sip of his Solo cup of beer and puts it back down. He glances at it and raises an eyebrow. Leans back up to the laptop and types in “Beer Jobs”. Hits enter. Scrolls down until something catches his eye. He sees in bold, “Beer Review Column”. Clicks the link and reads over the page for the job description. Quinn picks up his cell phone to call the number on the advertisement. A nasally and rough voice is on the other end. Secretary (Mrs. Steinmeyer): (on phone) Post-Standard. Gertrude Steinmeyer speaking. How can I help you? Quinn: (on phone) Oh my, I have never heard such an angelic voice. Mrs. Steinmeyer: (irritated) Do you need something sir, or were you just calling to strictly pay compliments today? Quinn: Yes. I would like the position that was posted in the newspaper by Jason Simmons in the paper. You know, the bar review position? Mrs. Steinmeyer: Well, that’s not something we can just give to you. You will need to come in for an interview. We are going to need to you to come interview with your partner right away. This position needs to 2

be filled as soon as possible. Quinn: Mrs. Steinmeyer, I would love to come in and interview for the job. What will be the best time? Mrs. Steinmeyer: Unfortunately, my lunch hour is over at 1 o’ clock. If you can be here by then Jason will be able to personally interview you for the position. Quinn: That sounds absolutely splendid Mrs. Steinmeyer. I so look forward to meeting you. Mrs Steinmeyer: I wish I could tell you the feeling was mutual. Quinn: Oh Mrs. Steinmeyer, we will see if you still feel the same when I get there. Mrs. Steinmeyer: I’m wouldn’t bet on it. Quinn: Thank you for your help. You have been lovely. Mrs. Steinmeyer: One o’ clock. Phone hangs up. Quinn smiles as he looks down at his phone with an expression of accomplishment. He pauses for a minute and begins to look through his contacts. Quinn: (To himself) Yes, Roy would be perfect. Quinn punches in the digits of Roy’s phone number and puts the phone to his ear. Roy picks up. Split screen shot as soon as Roy answers his phone. Quinn: (on phone): Bro, I need a favor. Roy: (on phone): (sighs) In addition to lending you my car, that still hasn’t been returned? Your chances are slim… Quinn: Just listen, bro, I think you may want to be on board. My parents are on my back about getting a job, so I’ve been doing some light research. I found a position posted by this guy Jason Simmons who works at the Post-Standard, and he needs two Syracuse residents to review international beers and bars. So, basically we’d get paid to travel and drink. Roy: So… what’s the catch? This sounds too good to be true. Quinn: We’re about to find out. I have already called and set up an interview. So come on over, we‘ll get ready and check it out. Scene fades out. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---FADE IN: INT. QUINN’S BATHROOM – DAY 3

Fade in to Roy and Quinn standing in front of bathroom mirror with “Eye of the Tiger” blaring. The two gel their hair with combs and put on aftershave with synchronized motions to the song. Quinn is wearing a blue suit and Roy is wearing a black suit that is a few sizes too small. The two run up and down the stairs in Quinn’s house and flex in front of the mirror to get pumped up. They do a final run down the stairs, shoot a gun motion in the hall mirror before they go, and run out of the house and hop into Roy’s car. Roy puts the car into reverse, starts to back out, and abruptly screeches to a halt. The breaks squeak and the song cuts to an abrupt end. Quinn: What’s the problem, bro? Roy: Look in the rearview. Jill is standing behind the car. Quinn: Okay, so what? We’ve got places to be, kick it in gear and let’s go! Jill walks up to the drivers’ side of the car and Roy reluctantly rolls down the window. Jill: Hey boys! I brought over some coffee and donuts because I know you had a rough night… Quinn: (abruptly cutting Jill off) Thanks, Jill, but we’re actually about to leave so I’m going to have to go ahead and say thanks, but no thanks this time. Jill: Where are you guys going? You look nice for being hung over. Can I come? I’m dressed up, I wanna go. Quinn: No, Jill. It’s boy’s time. So you can take your girly donuts and your girly lattes and get a manicure or something, we’re busy. Jill: Great, I’m in! Quinn tries to lock the doors but Jill beats him and hops into the back seat. Roy quickly screeches out of the driveway and Quinn puts “Eye of the Tiger” on full blast. Jill tries to talk to the boys and ask questions about where they are going, but her voice cannot be heard over the music. They pull up in front of the Post-Standard and Jill continues to pepper Roy and Quinn with questions, which they ignore, as they walk into the building. Quinn walks up to the secretary to let her know that they’re there for the interview. Quinn: (Looks at the middle-aged secretary’s name plate and smiles at her.) Hello, Mrs. Steinmeyer. What a beautiful hair pin that is. My name is Quinn Smith and I’m here for an interview with Jason Simmons. I’m sure you remember, we spoke on the phone earlier? Mrs. Steinmeyer: (Replies in husky smokers voice) “Alright, I’ll let him know you’re here.” Quinn: “While I’ve got you here, sweetie, I was wondering if you could tell me about any policies you have regarding coworker relationships here.” (Quinn charmingly winks at Mrs. Steinmeyer) “Or rather, it’s a lack of policies that I’m interested in.” Mrs. Steinmeyer: “Sorry. Not interested, sonny.” Quinn: 4

“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll change your tune. I’ll make sure my contact information is on file so you can call me when you realize what a hot piece of man candy I am.” Mrs. Steinmeyer: “Again, I’ll let Mr. Simmons know you’re here. You can have a seat now, Mr. Smith.” (She smiles at Quinn condescendingly and motions to the empty chair next to Roy and Jill who appear slightly embarrassed about Quinn‘s behavior.) Quinn walks back over to Roy and Jill and takes a seat next to Roy. Quinn: (nudges Roy’s arm) Dude I think she digs me. Roy: (Looking at Quinn and rolling his eyes and lightly shaking his head) Yeah…. You totally swept her off her feet… Mrs. Steinmeyer: Boys, Mr. Simmons is ready to see you. FADE OUT FROM WAITING ROOM. FADE IN: INT. OFFICE -- DAY Cuts to Quinn and Roy sitting in Mr. Simmons office. Quinn reaches over to mess with something on the desk and Roy smacks his hand down. Door opens and Jason walks in and takes a seat at his desk facing the boys. Jason: Thank you for coming on such short notice. We are scheduled to start the review tomorrow and the other reporters had an emergency. I’m glad you found the ad in time. So, to start off do you have any experience? Quinn: Experience? In drinking? Beer is like water to me. Roy: (Trying to interrupt) Yeah, I think he got that notion for your breath. He means what kind of work experience. Quinn: Roy here, is a bartender! And I am practically an alcoholic without the addiction. Roy: (Arguing in a whisper) What are you an idiot? Do you want this job or not? Let me do the talking here. (Straightens up his posture and looks at Jason) Jason: (with a confused look and a raised eyebrow) Are you guys drunk? Roy and Quinn: (simultaneously) “No Sir”, “Yes” 5

Roy gives Quinn a stupid look and Quinn shrugs his shoulders with a careless response. Jason leans forward onto the desk - stressed about filling the position. Jason: Okay, listen. You guys obviously….drink… and you must know something about the bar scene as a bartender and all, Roy. Quinn: (covers his mocking with a cough) Cough: Bar back. (clears throat) Jason: I’m in a jam here, so I’m going to have to take a chance. Our flight leaves tomorrow morning. Can I count on you? Roy and Quinn Look at each other and scene fades. ACT: 2 FADE IN: EXT. OUTSIDE OF QUINN’S HOUSE -- DAY Cuts to next morning walking out Quinn’s front door with arms piled full of luggage. Roy: (rambling) I can’t believe you sucked me into this. Why do I do these things for you? This doesn’t seem fair. Quinn: Quit your bitching Roy, you’re going to have a great time. (Quinn looks at Roy in a concerned way.) Did you eat your egg roll this morning? You seem cranky. Roy and Quinn’s bickering is cut short by the sound of a female voice loudly yelling. Jill: HEY GUYS!!!! The boys look over to see Jill packing her car up with bags of luggage, camera around her neck and maps in hand. Quinn: What the hell are you doing? You moving out? Jill: No Silly, I’m going to Japan. Quinn: (confused, looks at Roy and back at Jill) What? I’m sorry. Did you say you were going to JoAnne’s? Sounds fun. See ya later! Jill: (Slams trunk closed and giggles.) Not JoAnne’s, Quinn. JAPAN. Didn’t Roy tell you? I’m going to write my own food review and finance my trip with all of the money that I saved working at Wegmans since the age of 16. We’re going to have so much fun! Hurry up! We don’t want to miss our flight. 6

Quinn: (Yelling to Jill as she gets in her car ignoring him) You keep saying this we stuff, what’s this we stuff? (He looks at Roy) Bro, what did you do? (Roy rolls his eyes and they both get into the car.) Roy puts the key in to the ignition. The car turns on for a moment and then dies. He attempts to restart the car and notices that it is out of gas before it dies for the second time. Roy: Great. (sarcastically) We are going nowhere in this car. Quinn: (Throws his hands up) Dude, your Jap car is a piece. Maybe if you had gotten an American car we would not be in this predicament right now. Roy: (Frustrated at Quinn’s comment, turns to him angrily) When you borrowed my car you did not fill up the gas tank. Just like any American car, the Japanese car requires gas! (Quinn rolls his eyes) (Jill pulls out of her driveway and stops right in front of his driveway. She rolls down the window with a big smile on her face) Jill: Hey guys! Need a ride? (Roy and Quinn switch their luggage to Jill’s car. Quinn unhappily gets into the back seat and slams the door. Jill has “ Party in the USA” by Miley Cirus blaring on the radio. She and Roy are singing along and dancing to the song. Quinn is in the back seat with his hands folded across his chest and staring at the window. Jill pulls into a gas station a few miles before the highway to the airport.) Quinn: Super. No gas in your car either? Jill: No plenty of that. I just want to use the restroom. (Jill looks back at Quinn and smiles) Quinn: (Sarcastically) Awesome. (Turns to Roy) Roy, did you want to get some green tea while were here too? (Roy and Jill ignore Quinn. Quinn waits in the car. Roy looks around the gas station while Jill gets in line to use the restroom. An overweight, greasy, old trucker is also waiting for the restroom also.) Trucker: (Looks Jill up and down.) (Creepily) Hey sweet cheeks. 7

Jill is disgusted and creeped out. Cut to Roy checking out at the register with a hot dog covered in ketchup and mustard and a Coca-Cola. Roy and Jill walk out of the store get back into the car. Quinn: (restless) “Finally.” Roy: (excitedly shows the car his bottle cap) “Hey, I’m a winner!” Quinn: “What did your fortune cookie tell you that?” Roy: “No Quinn. It’s a bottle cap. Not a fortune cookie, not a green tea. It’s a bottle cap! It is an all American Coke-a-Cola bottle cap! Quinn: It’s about time you start adapting to our ways. (Cuts to the car driving down the highway with the song “Thoia Thoing” by R. Kelley playing.) Car pulls into the airport, unpack their luggage and walk through the airport. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. AIRPORT -- DAY The gang waits to go through airport security. Quinn, Roy, and Jill go through without a problem and Jason gets flagged by airport security and must be thoroughly searched. TSA: Sorry for the inconvenience, sir. I’m sure you understand that I’m just following policy. Jason: Yeah, lets just try to make this as quick as possible, I’ve got a flight to catch. The TSA worker searches Jason thoroughly and his carry-on luggage. Meanwhile, the gang watches with amusement from the terminal. Jill: (Keeping her eyes locked on Jason) Quinn, you did check this guy out right? I mean, he doesn’t have any previous work experience with al Qaeda or anything does he? Quinn: No, Jill. I mean, I didn’t do a background check or anything. Isn’t it supposed to go the other way around? Like, the employer checks out the employee or something? Geeze, Jill, don’t you know anything? Jill: (Jill shrugs off Quinn response.) I’m just saying. It seems like this all happened really quickly and I wouldn’t be too surprised if something didn’t check out. Quinn: 8

It’ll be fine. Look, he’s passing security right now. Jason walks up to the rest of group after collecting his luggage. Quinn: Everything smooth, bro? They didn’t find any bombs in your luggage did they? Jason: No, I’m good. Let’s get going, or we’re going to miss our flight. Jason walks ahead of Quinn, Roy and Jill- annoyed and in a rush. Quinn, Roy and Jill all discuss the mysterious search and chatter on the way to their gate. They arrive at the gate and sit down to wait to board the plane. While they’re waiting to board the plane, Quinn decides that he is bored and wants to keep himself occupied. He notices the older woman working at the gate desk, and nudges Jason. Quinn: Look at that smoking hot airline worker lady. I’m gonna go try to see if we can get this Zone 5 boarding business worked out. Jason: Go for it. Quinn walks up to the desk and eyes the woman up and down. Quinn: Hello, miss. My name is Quinn Smith, and I am on the next flight out to Tokyo. Woman: Well, Mr. Smith, that would make sense considering you’re sitting at this gate with your luggage and the plane is boarding soon. (She scrunches her nose up him patronizingly, obviously not interested in Quinn’s random advances.) Quinn: (Laughs, undeterred by her obvious disinterest.) Mmm, I love a woman with a sense of humor. You’re feisty, I like that. Anyway, I just can’t seem to resist a woman in uniform. But I’m sure you get that a lot. Woman: Actually, no. Usually customers don’t have the tendency to be blatantly rude and sexually inappropriate with me while I’m at work. However, if you’re really as into the whole uniform thing as you say you are, Juanita over there is single and looks like she may be a little less annoyed and busy than I am. Woman points to homely janitor woman scrubbing the tiles outside of the bathroom. She glances over at Quinn and the woman looking at her. She smiles and the smudged lipstick on her teeth becomes clearly visible. Quinn shudders. Quinn: (Laughs awkwardly, again undeterred.) I think that you’re more my type. Don’t deny this feeling, I think we’ve got a good thing going here. Anyway, I’ve got this uhh… little, not even problem really, but uhh… discrepancy. You see, I seem to be in Zone 5 and that’s the last zone to board. As you can see, I’m not really into the whole waiting-around-bored -and-lonely thing. So if you could just do me a favor and scoot us up to boarding with first class or maybe even just Zone 1, I will make it worth your 9

while. (He winks) Woman: I’m sorry sir, but the zones are specified on your boarding pass for a reason. Unfortunately, I will not be able to accommodate you, regardless of how “worth my while” you think you can make it. Quinn: Fair enough, but if you change your mind after you get a good long look of me walking away, I think you‘ll rethink my offer. You know where I’ll be. (Quinn points towards his chair.) Quinn walks slowly over to where the rest of the group is sitting and sits down. Quinn (to Jason): She totally wants me, bro. Jason: (sarcastically) Yeah, that’s what it looked like. Did you get us bumped up for boarding? Quinn: Yeah, no. She actually didn’t seem too into that idea. Something about not wanting a romantic relationship to affect her work performance, or something along those lines. Jason: That’s rough. Roy and Jill end the conversation that they were having and Roy leans over to get Quinn’s attention. Roy: Yo, Quinn, did you remember to take those pills for your motion sickness? Quinn: Thanks, bro, I almost forgot! I am gonna run to the airport convenience store right now to get some. Roy: Hurry up, our flight’s gonna board soon. Quinn goes to the airport store, gets momentarily distracted by the magazines in the store, and then purchases Dramamine. He comes back just in time to board the plane. They all get situated on the plane, and Quinn keeps himself occupied by checking out the rest of the passengers and the flight attendants. The flight attendant explains proper procedure during an emergency, etcetera. Quinn flags the flight attendant, pretending to be confused. Quinn: Excuse me miss, I was trying to pay attention to your little safety demonstration but I couldn’t help but be distracted by your beauty. How exactly do I do this buckle thing? You think you could help? Flight Attendant: Well sir, I’m so flattered, let me see what I can do for you. (Flight attendant waves down another attendant) 10

A large male attendant with horrible body odor and a toothless grin arrives at Quinn’s aisle to help. Male attendant reaches for Quinn’s waist to help with his belt buckle. Quinn: Whoa, whoa, Uh, I think I can do it. Thanks. Thanks anyway. Quinn looks up to catch a wink from the female attendant. Quinn looks across the aisle to Jason and Roy. Quinn: You see that? She’s playing hard to get. I like a girl who can handle the games. Jill steps in front of Quinn. Jill: Hey, 25C. Looks like I get the window! Quinn slowly moves his legs out of the way to let her get by. Roy and Jason chuckle and wink at him across the aisle. Flight attendants’ voice comes on the intercom. Flight Attendant: Sit back, and relax, we’re ready for take off! Cuts to shot of airplane taking off. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. TED’S KITCHEN – DAY Ted and wife are seated having breakfast. Ted: You know, I’m really proud of that boy... He’s finally doing something with his life. Wife: Yeah, me too. All he needed was a little push. Ted: My son, traveling the world, experiencing different cultures. You know what, maybe I should join him. (Shakes his head and keeps eating) Wife raises her mimosa for a quick toast. Wife: To Quinn Ted: To Quinn! FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. AIRPLANE -- DAY 11

Cuts to Quinn vomiting in the airplane bathroom. The fasten seatbelt light has come on. The attendant from earlier is knocking on the door. Attendant: Sir, we are preparing to land can you please return to your seat? (Long silence, Quinn doesn’t answer, he closes his eyes in frustration and wipes his face.) The attendant knocks on the door more forcefully for the second time. Attendant: Sir, I need you to return to your seat. Quinn is shown lying on the bathroom floor and feebly reaching up to open the lavatory door. Attendant: Oh, is someone tummy feeling a little sicky? Maybe you should have listened to our safety demonstration when I reminded all of the passengers to take any motion sickness medicine. She closes the door without letting him respond. Quinn, slow-moving and sick reaches into his pocket and pulls out the medicine he forgot to take. He finally gets the energy to leave the bathroom and return to his seat. Roy and Jason get his attention from across the aisle. Roy: Hey dude, I think she totally wants you now. Roy and Jason laugh at their own joke. Quinn just looks down at his lap and tries to keep his stomach together. Jill: How ya feelin’, champ? Quinn: Well Jill, I just had my head in a toilet for hours…What do you think? She smirks and put her hand on his back. FADE OUT TO COMMERCIAL. FADE IN FROM COMMERCIAL BREAK. INT. AIRPLANE – NIGHT Shows plane landing . A close-up view of the seatbelt buckle sign shows the light goes off as the notification sounds. Passengers start to unload their overhead luggage. Jill climbs over Quinn who still is holding his head in his hands. She reaches for her heavy bag and pulls hard to get it out of the overhead compartment. The suitcase comes out quickly and she can’t seem to handle the sudden weight. The baggage falls and hits Quinn in the head. Quinn: Jesus Jill! Watch what your doing! (He looks up at her with his face scrunched with an irritated expression.) 12

How much can your make-up and shoes possibly weigh? I feel like I was just hit with a case of bricks! Jill: Well I packed more than make-up and shoes, Quinn. The four unload their luggage and walk out into the terminal to collect their checked bags. They look around at their surroundings, stunned at how big the airport is. They wait a few minutes for the bags to start coming out. Their bags come out quickly and the group feels relieved to not have to wait. Jason: Sweet. That was simple, huh? The gang smiles because at least something went as smoothly, and they walk out of the airport together. They stop and the camera zooms into a close up of the group. Quinn: Welcome home, Roy! The group starts to walk off the screen, Roy trailing behind. Roy: What did you just say? What would make you think that I’m from here? I’m from America. I’m American. Quinn pays no attention to what Roy just said. Group gets into a cab to take them to their hotel. The song “American Boy” by Estelle is playing in the cab as shots of the group looking out the window at tall Japanese buildings and sites from the car. They are surprised at how big Tokyo is. They are trying to look up to the top of the skyscrapers and analyzing the bright neon signs. The city is full of people trying to get places and it seems bustled and fast-paced. FADE OUT FROM CITY LIGHTS AND FADE OUT SONG. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL LOBBY – NIGHT They pull up and get out, walking up to the front desk. Jason approaches the desk first, and attempts to check in when Quinn interrupts. Quinn (tapping Jason on the shoulder): No. No. No, bro. He lightly pushes Jason to the side and grabs Roy by the arm, pulling him up to the desk clerk. Quinn: Go ahead. Work your magic. Roy: (really confused) What? Quinn: You know, your language, your secret code and stuff. 13

Roy: Dude, I don’t speak Japanese! Desk Clerk: (speaking clear English) (ahem) My name is Suji, how can I help you today? The group turns around to address the clerk. Quinn, at the back of the group, taps Roy. Quinn: Dude what did she say? The group turns and gives Quinn a dumb look. Jason turns back around, a little embarrassed by Quinn, and continues to check in with the clerk. Jill wanders around the lobby to find brochures for local restaurants for her first food review. She looks over all of the brochures displayed and grabs a few that she finds interesting. She walks back and joins the group. The Clerk hands an envelope to Jason. Clerk: Thank you Mr. Simmons. Enjoy your stay! The boys all go to their room. Hotel door opens to a room with two beds. Quinn throws his luggage aside and heads straight for the bathroom, still feeling sick from the flight. Jason: Looks like he’s in for the night. Roy: Yeah, I’ll call his dad. He might need to see a doctor. Jason nods and then checks out the room while Roy sits on the side of the bed and calls Ted with the hotel phone. Roy: Hey Ted! Funny Story. Split screen shows Ted at a bar in the Tokyo airport on his cell phone and Roy sitting on the edge of the bed on the other end of the line. (Unknown to the main characters, after a farewell breakfast with his wife, Ted booked a flight to Tokyo on a whim after randomly leaving his wife, thought to be motivated by a midlife crisis.) Ted: Oh no, what did Quinn do now? Roy: We’ll sir, we had a little incident. Ted: It’s okay, I’ve actually got something to tell you guys too. Screen ripples out to imply a flashback scene. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. AIRPLANE – DAY 14

Cut to scene of Ted on airplane heading to Tokyo. Ted is shown stuck between an obnoxiously drunk man who looks overtired and is sweating profusely. On his other side is a mother with a screaming baby. Ted looks uncomfortable. Woman with baby (to Ted): You goin’ on vacation? Ted: Yeah, I’m going to visit my son in Tokyo, but I got a one-way ticket so where I go after there is really up in the air at this point. (Chuckles to himself at his own joke.) What about you? (Politely to make conversation.) Woman: That must be nice. I’m flyin’ out to Tokyo so I can try to get some child support money from my scheming ex-husband. If he thinks that flying half way around the world is gonna stop me, he’s got another thing comin’. Ted: (Looks frightened at the crazy woman) I see. The woman continues to talk to a very obviously uninterested Ted about her good-for-nothing baby daddy and Ted turns his attention to the overweight drunk man drooling and half-asleep next to him. Ted tries to wake him up to go to the bathroom, but the man does not budge. Finally, Ted calls a flight attendant over to wake up the snoring man. The man wakes up with a start, very loud and overly apologetic. Ted scoots by him to go to the restroom. When Ted returns from the lavatory, the man is awake and the woman’s baby has fallen asleep. Drunk man (loudly, to Ted): Heyyyy, man! Sorry about that earlier! You see, before I got on this plane I had a few drinks to easy my nerves and it looks like I underestimated how much I had! It’s okay, all it took was a little catnap so now I’ll be a more attentive flying partner! Ted (confused): Uh, yeah sure, don’t worry about it. Drunk man: Yeah well, last time I was on a plane I got real bad motion sickness and got all nervous about flying so this time I thought I’d change my approach. I really don’t…. (Man continues to ramble inaudibly and loudly, and the baby wakes up from the noise and throws up on Ted.) FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. TOKYO AIRPORT -- NIGHT The plane finally lands and Ted goes to the baggage claim to collect his luggage. Ted waits around for awhile, and finally comes to the conclusion that his baggage has been lost or stolen. He approaches the receptionist at the baggage claim desk. Ted: Hello, miss. It seems like my luggage has been lost and I’d like to recover it. 15

Receptionist: Okay, I’ll need your flight information and a description of your luggage please, sir. Shot of busy airport terminal and people bustling around. Cut back to shot of Ted and receptionist talking inaudibly and show receptionist pointing in the direction of a clothing store that she suggests that Ted purchase some things from until his luggage is recovered. Ted walks into the very traditional Japanese clothing store in the airport that the woman suggested, and eyes everything suspiciously and mumbles to himself. He gets a fresh whiff of the scent of sour milk throw-up on his shirt and picks up five of the same garment. He approaches the cashier and the young girl laughs at his choice. Ted (unbeknownst to him) chose shiromuku, the traditional wedding attire for women in Japan. Ted walks out of the store and begins looking for the restroom. Cut to shot of Ted’s feet under stall in bathroom changing from loafers into sandals. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Cut to Quinn opening the bathroom door to see Roy, Jason, and Ted sitting around the hotel table talking. They stop talking as Quinn walks out. Quinn (confused): Whats going on here? Dad? Ted: Hey Son! I heard you had a rough flight! Quinn: How did you get here so fast? Any why are you wearing a kimono? Ted: Oh you know, I was just in the area, so I thought I would just drop in and say hi. See how your job was going. And the airline lost my luggage. Also, I left Muffy! Quinn: Okay, so you’re in Tokyo. You left Muffy. I’m cool with those details. I’m just having trouble accepting the fact that you resorted to a kimono. Ted: It’s a long story. Roy, Jason, and Quinn give Ted an odd look. Then shake it off. Jason (breaking the silence): Well, anyway, Quinn since you’re not feeling well, you probably should just sit this night out and recover for tomorrow. Your dad, I’m sorry, Mr. Smith, has offered to come out with us. It’s just the first night, so get some rest! Ted: Oh please Jason, Call me Ted! Jason: Ted. Ted’s going to fill in for you tonight. Quinn: (rubbing his head and eyes and headed for his bed) Yeah, sure. Ted. That’ll be good. I’ll see you guys in the morning. You’re right. I need to sleep 16

this one off. Quinn lays down and tries to fall asleep. Jason (to Roy and Ted): Let‘s head out! FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. JILL’S HOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Cuts to Jill in her room. She is getting settled and unpacking some her things. She opens the curtains to look at the view of the city. She gets the brochures she got from downstairs and begins to go through them to see if she can find one she would be interested in checking out tonight. Jill: Ugh! Most of these are pretty far. Probably not the best idea to go searching for a restaurant at night in a foreign place. (She gets to the brochure in her pile and smiles.) Jill: Perfect! This is close to the hotel. (She jumps up and begins to get ready.) Scene cuts to her knocking on the guys door. Roy answers. Jill: Hey! Roy: Oh Jill you look nice. Jill: Thanks Roy. I just wanted to show you this. (She hands Roy the brochure.) I think this is going to be my first review. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up and let you know where I will be. Just incase I go missing. She winks at Roy. Jill: It’s really close to the hotel too. Jason walks over to the door, interested to check out the brochure Jill has given to Roy. Jason: Ah, this place looks pretty cool. Hey you never know, maybe we will see you there. Jill: Cool, You guys be careful! FADE OUT. FADE IN: 17

EXT. STREET OUTSIDE OF HOTEL – NIGHT Ted, Roy and Jason leave the hotel and step out into the street. Ted: You better be careful, Roy. It would be pretty easy to lose you in a crowd like this. Roy (confused, not getting the joke): Yeah man, you too. Ted: So, Roy, where’s the subway station? Roy: Uh, I’ve never been to Tokyo, sir. Ted: Well, I guess you learn something new every day! Imagine that, an Asian who can’t find his way around Tokyo! Jason: I see a sign for the subway over there guys, let’s go. The guys make their way to the subway station and try to get through the crowds of people. Roy is looking around a little stunned. Roy: (whispers to Jason) Look what they are wearing. Jason smirks. Jason: Tokyo is a pretty fashion-forward place Roy. Everyone wants to make a statement. Besides, I’m sure they are looking at us and thinking the same thing. Especially with Ted walking around in that thing he’s wearing. Shot cuts to Ted looking walking confidently as he glances around at his surroundings. After they make it to the platform and are waiting for the train to come in. They start to hear some high pitched screaming and become curious. They walk in the opposite direction of where the crowd is running and spot hundreds of cockroaches coming out of a manhole cover in the subway station. All of the people around them are freaking out, as they look at the manhole stunned at what they are witnessing. Roy : (Freaking out because he hates bugs) Ah, let’s get out of here! I knew we should have taken a cab. Ted: (Honestly pondering) Hmm, I thought that cockroaches were a delicacy to your people? Jason: Come on guys, let’s just get a cab. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. SUBWAY STATION -- NIGHT 18

Shot of the men quickly leaving the subway station and on a busy street in Tokyo. The men try to call a cab, and Ted gets strange looks from passersby because of his attire. They finally are able to get a taxi and hop in. Jason (to Roy and Ted): Where to first? Ted: Well, I don’t know about the two of you but I’m starving. Let’s get some of that kabuki steak house stuff they have over here. Roy, I’m sure that’s fine by you. Ted (to driver): The nearest kabuki steak house, please! The driver looks a little confused but then smiles and nods at the men and says something they are not able to comprehend. The song “Run this Town” by Jay-Z is playing in the background as the men explore their surroundings through the cab windows. They drive around for awhile and finally the driver, who does not speak English, stops the car and collects his fare from Jason. The gang doesn’t pay attention to their surroundings before they get out of the cab, assured that the driver brought them to a good restaurant. Jason: (as he’s exiting the car): Hey, I’m not sure that the driver understood where we wanted to go… Ted and Roy get out of the car and look around them. They are surrounded by sex shops, sex clubs, and brothels. By the time the men are done looking at their surroundings, the cab driver has pulled away from the curb and disappeared. Roy (smacks his forehead): The driver thought we said we wanted to go to Kabuki-cho, not a kabuki restaurant. The driver left us in Tokyo’s red-light district! Ted: What good luck! Well, while we’re here we might as well explore the Japanese culture, right? Jason looks over at Ted a little stunned by his comment. Show Ted walking ahead of the Roy and Jason, excited to explore Kabuki-cho. Roy and Jason exchange a look of worry and follow Ted reluctantly. Ted: (Turns around and tells the others) You know, it’s too bad that Quinn is stuck in the hotel room, miserable and sick. I bet he’d get a kick out of this! FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Cut to scene of Quinn in a puffy bathrobe lying in the hotel bed and on the phone. Quinn (into phone): 19

Hello, is this the concierge? It is? Great. I’d like the filet dinner—medium-rare. Can I substitute the vegetable for something else? (Pause while the person on the other end of the phone speaks.) No, never mind, vegetables will be fine. But I will also have an order of chocolate covered strawberries with fresh cream, and two bottles of Moet. (Pause for person on the other end of the phone.) Oh, no that’s not all, I’d also like a deep-tissue massage, a facial… Quinn continues to list off demands to the concierge and the scene fades out. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. STREET IN KABUKI-CHO -- NIGHT Scene fades in to Ted, Roy, and Jason in the red-light district still. Ted, still wearing his kimono, has several shopping bags in his hands and suggests that they go into another sex shop. Roy: Really, Mr. Smith? Another one? Don’t you think you’ve got enough stuff already? Ted: Nonsense, there’s no such thing as too many souvenirs! The men continue to bicker about whether or not they should go into another store, and suddenly four ninjas ambush them. Ted: Hey, hey, hey! What’s going on here?! Ninja 1: (In a thick accent.) Give me all your money, fool. Ted: What? Why? What did I do? Ninja 2: Consider it the toll you’re paying to us for making fun of our culture by first of all wearing a woman’s wedding kimono, and second for doing it in the red-light district. Jason: Okay, we’ll give your our money, just calm down. Roy and Jason search their pockets and wallets for money, and Ted fumbles around with his kimono looking for cash. Jason and Roy hand their cash over to the ninjas, but Ted can’t seem to find his money in the folds of the kimono’s fabric. Ted looks for his money for a few more minutes, apologizing to the impatient ninjas. Ninja 1: Listen, I don’t have time for this. If we see you again you better not have a kimono on and you better have some cash within reach. Ted: Hey, thanks for being so understanding, man. Ninja 1 (looks at Ted like he’s an idiot): Yeah, whatever. 20

The ninjas sneak back off into the night, and Roy, Ted and Jason are left dumbfounded. Ted is still fumbling around for his money. Ted (as he’s searching, to Roy): Roy, you should have used your ninja powers on those guys to help us out! You know some of the Samaria stuff. Maybe then we could have taken them. Roy rolls his eyes at Ted’s comment. Ted: Just found my money guys! Jason: Good, don’t yell that too loudly or they might come back for you. Now, let’s get a cab back to the hotel so the rest of us can re-up on cash. Jason, Roy and Ted hail a cab and a pan to a shot of them pulling away from the curb and driving into Tokyo traffic on the way back to the hotel. Scene fades out. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL ROOM -- NIGHT Fade in to Quinn getting a shiatsu massage in the hotel room and eating chocolate covered strawberries. Quinn lifts his head up with a startled look and sees Roy, Ted and Quinn in the doorway. Roy and Jason exchange an amused look and look to Ted for his reaction. Ted (to Quinn): Looks like you’re feeling better, my boy! You up for a night out on the town? Quinn: (Murmurs audibly in response but largely ignores his father’s question, clearly uninterested.) Ted (to Quinn): We just had to come back here and get some cash. We got robbed by ninjas in the red-light district and now we’re out of money. Good thing I found some bills in my kimono so we were able to get a cab back here. Quinn: (Again murmurs inaudibly.) Ted: Okay, well I’ll leave you to your massage now, Quinn. Roy: Bye, Quinn! Jason: Bye, Quinn! I hope that massage helps you recuperate for tomorrow night! Show shot of Jason, Roy, and Ted leaving the hotel room, and cut to shot of Quinn laying on the massage bed, perfectly content. FADE OUT. FADE IN: 21

EXT. STREET OUTSIDE OF HOTEL -- NIGHT The sound of the door slamming is heard and scene cuts to the men leaving the hotel and stepping out on to the street. Jason: Hey guys, since we’re so off track, and it’s getting late, why don’t we just go to this karaoke bar right next to the hotel? We have not had much luck tonight around the city. Maybe it would be better to stay a little closer to the hotel. Roy: Sounds wholesome and low-key, I’m in! I think we’ve had enough adventure for the night. Ted, Roy, and Jason all walk into the karaoke bar next to their hotel and order drinks right away. After a few rounds, Ted and Roy decide that they want to try their hand at karaoke and request “Born in the U.S.A.” by Bruce Springsteen. Roy is shown wearing a shirt that says “I Love NY” and Ted is still wearing his kimono. Ted and Roy start to sing. Roy sings all of the correct lyrics and Ted drunkenly repeats his own version as Roy’s backup. As the music starts Roy closes his eyes and begins to drunkenly dance around and play the drums in the song. Roy: Born down in a dead man's town… Ted: Dead man’s frown… Roy: The first kick I took was when I hit the ground… Ted: When I looked around… Roy: You end up like a dog that's been beat too much… Ted: Born in the U.S.A…. Roy: 'Til you spend half your life just covering up… Ted: Born in the U.S.A…. Roy: Born in the U.S.A…. Ted: Born in the U.S.A…. Roy: Born in the U.S.A…. Ted: Born in the U.S.AAAAAAAAAAAAA…. (drags out the A for an uncomfortably long time) FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. JAPANESE RESTAURANT -- NIGHT 22

Song fades out and scene cuts to Jill sitting at a traditional Japanese restaurant at a table by herself. Jill places an order with the waiter and decides to order a drink at the bar while she’s waiting for her meal. Jill walks up to the bar, sits down and orders a drink. After lingering there for a few minutes and people-watching, Jill heads back to her table and sees a man sitting down in the once-empty seat across from her. Jill (to man): Umm, hello. I actually think this is my table, sir. Man: (Replies in Japanese and Jill cannot understand.) Jill: Okay, mister, well I guess you should just go on your way now because you’re not at the right table. Jill smiles trying to be polite. Man: (Replies in Japanese and insistently points at her red dress.) (In very broken English, the man tries to say “blind date” and keeps pointing at her dress.) Jill: No, no blind date. Just me and my red dress. Man: Continues to insist and when the waiter comes to the table to bring Jill her meal, he places an order before Jill can complain about the random man at her table. Jill: (Realizing that getting rid of the man is a lost cause) Waiter, I’d like three more drinks, please. Jill: (To herself) Maybe I can learn a thing or two about Tokyo. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. KARAOKE BAR -- NIGHT Cut back to Jason, Roy, and Ted at the karaoke bar. The two men finish their rendition of the song and get booed off the stage for a combination of their terrible voices, their choice of clothing, and their choice of song. They take a bow before exiting the stage. Jason suggests that they leave after the bad reaction from the crowd and they walk back out into the street. Jason: Let’s go to this traditional Japanese restaurant across the street. I bet they have lots of traditional Japanese beers that I can sample so that we actually have something to review for the column. Jason, Ted, and Roy walk across the street to the restaurant and the scene cuts from them opening the door of the restaurant to them in the restaurant staring at Jill very publicly snuggling 23

up to the random Japanese man in a booth at the restaurant. Roy: (As he‘s approaching Jill) Jill, what are you doing? Who is this guy? Jill (in slurred speech): Oh, Roy, haven’t you met my boyfriend? This is my boyfriend, and we are soooooooooooo in love. Roy: Jill, you don’t know this guy. How much have you had to drink? Jill: Oh ya know, just a couple shots with my boyfriend here. Ted: (To man that is sitting with Jill) Who are you? What are you trying to pull here with my Jilly Bean? Man: Replies in Japanese angrily, annoyed that his make out session is being interrupted. Ted (to Roy): It looks like he speaks your native tongue, Roy. How about you give talking to him a shot? Roy: (annoyed) I was born in America. I don’t speak Japanese. I speak English. Jill: It’s okay, don’t worry about me, my boyfriend will bring me home later. Jason: I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Okay, we’re gonna go up to the bar and order some drinks while you say goodbye to your “boyfriend”. Ted, Jason, and Roy walk up to the bar and order shots of saki right away. The bartender continues to bring them more shots, and soon they all feel the buzz from the liquor and Ted regales Roy and Jason with his life stories. Ted (to the boys, loudly): Never get married. Just don’t do it. All women do is break your heart and spend your money. Roy (awkwardly): What do you mean, sir? Uh, I feel like you shouldn’t talk about… the ex Mrs. Smith that way. Ted: Oh, you’d understand if you had to deal with this ball and chain. I get no freedom, she spends all my money, and all I get in return is bitching. And then, on top of that, she has the nerve to mess around with the gardener! The gardener who I have to pay! Roy (feeling increasingly awkward): I don’t know, Ted. It’s not really my place to say anything… Ted continues to rant about his ex-wife and Roy and Jason feel awkward as Ted explicitly describes catching his wife with the gardener. Jason politely sits with Ted and nods while taking shots of saki, and Roy gets up from the bar and leaves the bar because he feels so uncomfortable. Ted continues rambling and he and Jason doesn’t notice when a random Japanese man replaces Roy at the bar because they have already had a lot to drink and the man looks similar to Roy in their drunken state. The random Japanese man continues to sit at the bar with Jason and Ted and takes the shots of saki that the bartender keeps giving them. FADE OUT. 24

FADE IN: INT. HOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Cut to scene of Quinn in hotel bed on the phone, eating chocolate covered strawberries and sipping champagne. Quinn: Hello, Mrs. Steinmeyer. Switches to split screen with Mrs. Steinmeyer on left and Quinn on the right. Quinn is sitting back in bed, propped up by pillows and with his eyes closed. Mrs. Steinmeyer is shown in her kitchen with curlers in her hair and glasses on. She looks upset about the random phone call. Mrs. Steinmeyer: Who is this? Quinn: Oh, don't pretend you don't recognize my sexy voice. Maybe you're just not used to hearing it on the phone. It's okay, I'll give you three guesses about my identity. Mrs. Steinmeyer: I don't feel like playing games, I'm going to hang up now. Quinn: No, no, no, come on. A nice sweet woman like you wouldn't do something like that, now would she? Now, three guesses. Mrs. Steinmeyer: The IRS? Quinn: Nope, two more guesses. Mrs. Steinmeyer: Jesus? Quinn: Wrong again. Mrs. Steinmeyer: Well, I know that this can't possibly be the obnoxious boy who was hitting on me at work yesterday because he got hired by Jason and is in Japan. Also, there is no way that he could have possibly gotten ahold of my home phone number. Quinn: I guess we're all full of surprises, Mrs. Steinmeyer! With you, it's your stunning beauty and award-winning personality that really take me by surprise. But for you, I guess you're surprised by the fact that I took the time and energy to locate your phone number. Regardless, we clearly have a lot in common. Mrs. Steinmeyer: Why are you calling me at home? Quinn: Oh you know, just wanted to chat. I miss you a lot already. Mrs. Steinmeyer: You don't know me. Quinn: Maybe not in the traditional sense, but I feel like our souls are intertwined. It's just that feeling. You can't really explain it, but from the moment I laid eyes on you through your bullet-proof glass partition, I knew. Do you know what I mean, Flo? Can I call you Flo? 25

Mrs. Steinmeyer: My name isn't Flo, and no, I don't know what you're talking about. Quinn: Don't deny this feeling, Flo. Anyway, I just wanted to chat because we've had a really rough trip so far. I mean, I got motion sickness on the way over here, and now I'm just stuck at the hotel by myself because everyone else went out to drink. Mrs. Steinmeyer (unenthusiastically): Wow, that's very unfortunate. Quinn: Yeah, so that happened, oh, and I almost forgot to tell you, my dad decided that he was gonna take a little impromptu trip to Tokyo to come spend some "quality time" with me or something. So he left my step-mom, who was like his seventh wife anyway, and up and booked a flight to Tokyo. He's crazy, I don't know what to think. I'm supposed to be the young and spontaneous one, right? Mrs. Steinmeyer: I really don't see how any of this affects me... Quinn: So anyway, not only did he show up in Tokyo without any notice, but he also decided that it would be a good idea to embrace the Japanese culture or something because since he’s been here he’s been wearing this kimono. I don’t know if he thinks it’s a sign of respect… Mrs. Steinmeyer: I’m going to hang up now. Quinn (continues talking): I just don’t get it, I really don’t. Sound of the dial tone is heard as Mrs. Steinmeyer hangs up the phone and screen split switches to single shot of Quinn laying in bed. Shot of Quinn reaching over the bed into his luggage and pulling out a small black book with the word “Ladies” on it. Quinn flips through the book for a couple of minutes, lands on a page, and smiles to himself as he dials the number. Quinn (into receiver): Hey, Jessica? Woman: Who is this? Shot fades out and scene cuts back to Ted, Roy, and Jason at the bar. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. JAPANESE BAR -- NIGHT Ted (drunk): Guys it’s been a great night. What do you say we put ourselves to the test? Jason: Nah, I’ve had my share for the night. I’ve still got to send in my review! I don’t know what to write. It’s the first review! Ted (looking up into empty space, envisioning his title): Here’s what you can write ‘Ted Smith, the Chuggler Champ!’ Yeah, I can see it now. 26

Roy (drunk): Chuggler Champ? Who declared you anything? Ted: Was that a challenge young Roy? Jill: Come on guys I think you’ve both had enough. Let’s call it a night? Roy and Ted lock eyes. Scene cuts to the two men chugging glasses and glasses of beer. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. OUTSIDE ON STREET -- NIGHT Cut to shot of Roy standing outside of the bar that he just left. He takes out his cell phone and types a text to Quinn saying “Your dad is nuts, man” before putting his phone back into his pocket. Annoyed, frustrated, and hungry, Roy decides that he wants to find something to eat while he’s on his own. He knows that the others will want to sample the authentic Japanese cuisine, so he decides to try to locate a McDonald’s or something equally American and “safe”. Roy continues for a few minutes before finding a McDonald’s. He walks inside and notices that some of the menu items are a lot different than their American counterparts. He orders a cheeseburger to be safe and after he gets his food, sits down at a booth to quickly eat and clear his mind. Roy finishes his meal and plays with the toy that came with it for a few minutes. After a short amount of time, Roy is shown clutching his stomach and making faces before running to the bathroom. Shot of outside of bathroom door and sound of Roy vomiting. Shot of Roy in bathroom, leaning over the toilet with his cell phone in hand trying to text. He types a text to Jill saying “Be careful when you’re sampling food here… bad food poisoning” but drops the phone into the toilet before the text message sends. Roy groans and puts his face back into the toilet. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. OUTSIDE OF MCDONALD’S -- NIGHT Cut to shot of Roy walking out of the McDonald’s, looking sweaty and pale. He grabs a wad of cash from his wallet and tries to get a cab. A taxi pulls up and Roy gets in gingerly. Roy (to driver): Hospital, please. The driver weaves through city streets and finally arrives at the hospital. The building is huge 27

and Roy decides to go to the Emergency Room. He walks up to the desk to sign in and a woman starts talking to him in Japanese. Roy shakes his head and tells her that he’s American and that he speaks English and the woman keeps talking and yells to a young, pretty Japanese girl who is in the backroom. The young girl replaces the woman at the desk and smiles. Woman: Hi, sir. Can I help you? Roy (embarrassed): Yeah, I think I got food poisoning. My stomach is… Woman (giggles): Okay, sir I think I understand. If you could just fill out this paperwork and then return it to me when you’re done, I’ll see to it that we do all that we can to accommodate you. Roy: Thank you. Roy walks over to the seats in the waiting area and begins to fill out paperwork. Roy (to himself as he’s filling it out): Great. No cell phone, no friends, no international insurance. I wonder what Ted and Jason are doing right now… Scene fades from Roy sitting dejectedly in the ER waiting room. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. BAR -- NIGHT Ted and Roy are at the bar. “Roy” is passed out on the bar, and Ted is just laughing away at something on the TV behind the bar and Jason decides it’s time to go and wake up Roy. They have the bartender bring them the tab. The only people left at the bar besides their group were the late night locals. When they are too drunk to read the bill and can't understand the Japanese currency, Ted slams down a few big bills and the turns to leave the bar. The bartender picks up the cash and looks at it strangely, then glances over to a couple of locals in a dark corner of the bar. A bottle smashes on the end of the bar and Jason, Ted and Fake Roy stop in their tracks startled by the sound. Tough Local Asian: [[Speaking Japanese]] Subtitles would read: What do you think your doing? The group is startled and turns around and start pointing fingers at themselves and each other, slightly frighten with frantic movements. They slowly start stepping backwards and bump into a large Japanese sumo wrestler man standing behind them blocking the doorway. The large man pushes them, and they are now surrounded by all the locals. They are pushed again. Ted, feeling helpless and scared, drops to the ground and clenches his hands together begging to be left alone. The Fake Roy, drunk , unknowing to the others, skilled in tae kwon do, slowly gets into a fighting position. The locals back up slowly and Ted realizes that they have the upper hand thanks to “Roy’s” martial arts prowess. He stands up ready to fight. Ted: 28

That’s right. Roy here was born to kick some local Japanese ass. Another beer bottle is broken behind the bar and smashing glass sound stops the fight from starting. The bartender is calmly standing behind the counter with his shotgun pointed at the entire group. Bartender: ((In Japanese)) Subtitles: Get Out. The whole crowd scrambles. Jason and Ted grab Jill from her “boyfriend” before exiting the bar. Cuts to group running around the corner headed back to their hotel. Jason, Jill, Fake Roy and Ted. They stop, out of breath. Ted: (bent over catching his breathe and starting to laugh) Roy and I were ready to take down all of Tokyo, They have no idea what kind of trouble they were in. Good thing they ran, right Roy? Ted turns to see the Fake Roy laying on the ground blacked out. Jason: Why do I have this sudden feeling he's not really a bartender? Jason and the others walk towards “Roy” on the ground. Jason: Come on, let’s just get him home. They pick him up and walk off the shot down the street. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM – NIGHT Roy’s is hunched over not feeling well. He hears his name called and goes back in to the E.R. He curls up on the bed that is in the room in an attempt no to get sick. The nurse sets the paperwork down for the doctor to review and begins to gets an IV set up in Roy’s arm The doctor walks in and says something in Japanese. Roy: (looks at the Dr. in confusion.) What? The Dr. looks at him and switches to speaking English. Doctor: How are you doing tonight? Roy: Well, sir, if I was doing any better I would be dead. The doctor is confused by Roy’s response Roy: I’m sorry. I’m not feeling well. Doctor: 29

What seems to be the problem? The doctor picks up the paperwork the nurse left for him and reviews it. Roy: I think I have food poisoning. Doctor: How did you get to that conclusion? Roy: Well, I ate something. Then I got sick. Doctor: Where did you eat tonight? Roy: McDonalds Doctor: Well that makes you number four tonight. Roy: Really? Doctor: Yes. I have a feeling you will not be the last one to come in from there. Roy: Well, maybe the Tokyo McDonalds should consider adopting their own special slogan cause they sure are not seeing smiles from there customers. Doctor: Are you here alone in Toyko? Roy: No Doctor: Do you have anyone that you would like to call or try to get in touch with? Roy: My cell phone is broken. I don’t have their numbers. Doctor: Do you know where they are staying? Roy folds over in pain for a moment Roy: They won’t be there for a while. (Sarcastically.) They are out bar reviewing. Doctor: Give me the name of the bar and I will see if I can get the nurse to give them a call and see if your friends are still there. Roy writes down the name of the bar and hands it to the doctor to give to the nurse. The doctor looks at the paper and walk out to hand it off to the nurse. The nurse looks up the number and picks up the phone to dial. Roy is curled up on the bed and squeezes his eyes shut as he feels another pain. He hears the nurse speaking in Japanese on the phone. She sounds a little shocked at what she heard. She hangs up the phone and the doctor walks by as she tells him what the bartender from the bar Roy’s friends were at said. The doctor walks in to Roy’s room. Doctor: I’m sorry but it sounds like your friends had some kind of a conflict at the bar and had to leave. If any of the numbers or the name of the hotel where you are staying comes to you let me know and we’ll try to get in touch with someone for you. Roy: (a little aggravated) Okay, okay, thank you. Roy groans as he holds his stomach. 30

Doctor: You’ll probably be here the remainder of the night. We are going to run a few procedure tests and give you some medicine. Roy groans in pain again and squeezes his eyes shut. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL ROOM -- NIGHT Ted (drunk and falling asleep): You guys are the best, you know that? Jason: Goodnight Mr. Smith. Shot of hotel room. Ted and “Roy” in one bed. Jason and Quinn in the other. Jill goes back to her hotel room next door. Jill walks in the door to her hotel room, turns on the light, kicks off her shoes and throws her purse down. She flops on the bed. She stares at the ceiling for a few moments and decides that she is not tired yet. She gets up, checks herself out in the mirror, and decides that she should not waste time in the hotel. She grabs her purse. Puts her shoes back on, turns the lights off and walks out of the door. She decides she should have a tour guide for the night and proceeds to text Shou. All she texts him is the Hotel where she is staying and hopes that he will get it. She takes the elevator down to the lobby and waits around for a few moments, glancing out the window every so often to see if Shou is waiting for her outside. Finally she sees him walking up and excitedly walks out of the door of the hotel. Jill: (talking very fast) Shou! I am so glad that you got what I was trying to say! I wanted you to meet me hear but I know you don’t speak English so I didn’t know what to write but I wrote the hotel room and you got and you’re here! Shou just looks at her in confusion. Laughs and says yes. Jill: (Gives him a hug) Okay take me on my own personal tour of Tokyo! She walks to the edge of the sidewalk and starts waving her arms to get a cab. A cab stops for her and she jumps in. Shou follows her into the cab. The cab driver looks back and says something Jill can’t understand. She looks over at Shou in confusion. He smiles and tells the cab driver where to go. Still very intoxicated from the bar. Jill is looking out the window at all the neon lights in the city. They began to blur together and look like moving colorful lines zooming by. The cab arrives at the destination that Shou has chosen. They get out of the cab and Shou gives the cab driver the fair. The cab driver says something in Japanese to Shou. They both laugh and Shou shuts the door.Jill’s face brightens as she sees where they are. They are in Rikugien park.The park is romantically lit. Jill: Wow! This is so pretty! 31

Jill walks past a no swimming sign, down to the edge of the water and touches it. Jill: Oh! The water feels nice! Shou begins to look a little concerned. Jill stands up and turns around to give Shou a smile. Jill: How do you feel about swimming Shou? Jill begins to strip down and turns to Shou. Jill: Whoopsies! Guess I forgot my bathing suit. Jill waves to Shou for him to join her. He blushes but walks quickly down to where she is to join her. He strips down and they both jump in. A nearby cop who is patrolling hears the splash of the water goes to inspect what all the racket is. Jill and Shou see the light radiating from the cops flashlight. The cop yells something in Japanese. Jill and Shou swim quickly to shore. They grab their clothes and run away from the cop. They find a safe spot where they are able to dress quickly and run to the street to get a cab. The cop spots them trying to make a get away, but the cab gets to them first. They jump in and the cab takes off. Scene cuts to Jill and Shou getting out of the cab laughing talking inaudibly. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL -- DAY Fade in to shot of the hotel room with light streaming through the window. Shot of Quinn lifting the covers from over his face and squinting at the sunlight. Quinn quickly looks at the clock on the nightstand and it reads 7:00 am. Quinn had fallen asleep earlier the night before after his massage, champagne, and harassing phone calls. Quinn gets out of bed, being quiet and careful not to wake any of his hung-over roommates. He feels fully recuperated from his motion sickness on the flight in to Tokyo, and hops in the shower. After Quinn showers he puts on jeans and a t-shirt, grabs some cash, and walks out of the hotel room. Cut to Quinn stepping out of the elevator, checking out women in the lobby as he walks through. Quinn approaches the front desk and asks for travel brochures from the receptionist. He walks out of the hotel and looks at his surroundings. He is surrounded by tall buildings, crowds of people, and the sounds of city traffic. Quinn (to himself): Since everyone else got to explore Tokyo last night, I guess I’ll do it now while they’re all still sleeping. Quinn walks down the busy street and into a tourist shop with stereotypical Japanese trinkets for sale. He looks around at a few figurines and t-shirts when he overhears an 80-something yearold couple talking. 32

Old man: You know, Dolores, I really like this one that says “Konichiwa”. Dolores: No, Bernie, this red one will look much better with your complexion. Old man: Oh, I’m just glad that we found some cool t-shirts to remember our trip to Japan by! Quinn walks away from the t-shirt display shaking his head, clearly disappointed by the lame offerings of the gift shop. He walks out of the store and back out into the street. He buys a drink from a vendor and walks around for a few minutes, looking around. Shots of city and bustling crowd, then pan back to Quinn. After walking for awhile and seeing nothing that interested him, Quinn stops dead in his tracks in front of a samurai sword store. Quinn (in awe): Cooooool. He walks into the store and sees glistening, sharp samurai swords on all of the walls that surround him. He approaches the man at the register and starts talking to him. Quinn (to man): Hello sir, I was wondering if you could tell me about some of these swords you have. You know, like I just wanted to know what the most authentic ninja sword would be in here, how many bad guys I could kill, etc. I just want to talk logistics, you know, ninja-to –ninja. Man: Uh, sure. Well, we have Bushido swords, Cheness swords, cold steel swords, Hanwei Paul Chen swords, and dozens of others. They range in price from around $300.00 U.S. dollars to several thousand dollars. As far as the most authentic, they’re all only as authentic as the samurai who wields them. The “number of bad guys you could kill” is endless with proper training and the proper sword. Any further questions, young… ninja? Quinn (overwhelmed): No, I think you pretty much covered it. Basically, as long as I’m a total badass the samurai sword will just enhance how badass I already am. Got it. Man (starts to interrupt): Well, there’s a little more to it… Quinn: I get it, bro. No further explanation necessary. I’ll take that big one right above the register please… Quinn’s order is interrupted by the sound of a screaming pre-pubescent boy. He quickly turns around and directs his gaze at the boy screaming. Boy (sobbing): But mommmm, I…need…it. Mother: No you don’t. You’re nine years old. What use could you possibly have for a samurai sword? Boy (between sobs): But… I …told…all… the… kids at school that I would bring a sword back for show-and-tell and if I don’t bring it, Billy is going to call me a liar in front of the whole class and beat… me… upppp. 33

Mother: You’re being unreasonable. I’ll buy the sword for you, just as long as you promise to stop screaming and making a scene. Boy (sweetly to mother): Pro-mise. Quinn looks back at the store clerk who has the sword held out to him so he can examine it. Quinn shakes his head at the man. Quinn: Sorry, bro. But I think I need something a little bit cooler to remember my trip by. Quinn walks out of the store and back out into the street when he sees a man wearing an Ed Hardy shirt. He looks directly above the man and sees a fluorescent sign with the English word “tattoo” and large Japanese characters above it. Quinn takes out his cell phone, takes a picture of the sign, sends the image to someone and puts the phone back into his pocket before crossing the street to get to the tattoo shop. Quinn walks into the tattoo shop and sees what looks like a traditional American tattooed biker and a Japanese man. There is no one else in the store and before the men or Quinn speak, Quinn looks at his surroundings. To his left is a red faux-leather couch that has tears in it and stuffing coming out in places. There is a shabby pine coffee table in front of the couch, and the floor is a grimy shade of off-white linoleum. The American-looking biker guy is sitting on a tiny swivel stool and spinning around as the Japanese man halfheartedly sweeps the store. It looks like they haven’t had any business in awhile, and the walls are covered with sun-faded pictures of Japanese symbols and portraits. Quinn is still looking around the store when he is interrupted by the biker man. Biker: Can we help you, son? Quinn: Hey man, yeah. I’m here in Tokyo visiting and I was looking around the city for something to remember my trip by. I was going to get a t-shirt, but that was lame. Then I went to get a samurai sword, which is totally and irrefutably badass, but saw this 8-year-old kid whining over one and then that was lame. Biker: So…you want a tattoo so you remember your time in Tokyo? Quinn: Exactly, bro. Genius, right? And right after I walked out of the samurai sword store, I saw the sign for your shop right away, and then I knew. It was like divine providence, you know? Like when a really awesome, spectacular idea just hits you out of nowhere and you know that whatever you’re about to do just makes sense. That it’s right. So, I need some ink. Japanese man (to Quinn): You have any other tattoos? Quinn: Nah, this will be my first one. I almost got one on my 21st birthday when I was wasted, but I started puking before I even got in the chair so it didn’t happen. Biker: You’re not drunk right now... Are you? Quinn: No man, just high on life. This tattoo is gonna be sick! 34

Quinn continues to walk around the tattoo shop, eyeing all of the different designs and pictures. The biker and the Japanese man exchange a worried/amused look and watch Quinn. Quinn quickly turns around, directing his attention back to the men. Quinn: Okay, so I’ve given it a lot of thought and I think I’ve come to a conclusion. Japanese man: What are you going to get? Quinn: Well, I definitely know that I want something that will show off how hard I am. Based on that logic, the natural location for the tattoo on my body would be my bicep. That way everyone can see it and when I flex it’ll move because my arms are so jacked. Biker: Okay… Quinn (continues): Okay, so then I was thinking about all of the really badass tattoos I’ve seen. I love that Ed Hardy shit and that tribal stuff. It’s so good man, everyone would totally respect me. Japanese man: Yes, tribal. Tribal is good. Quinn: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Okay, so people usually get tattoos of things that they love, right? Well, I can’t think of anything I love more than beer. So, what would be more badass than a tribal tat of the word “beer” in Japanese? Japanese man and biker are silent. Quinn: Exactly. Brilliant, right? Quinn sits down on the ratty red couch and the Japanese man starts drawing the symbol. He calls Quinn over when he’s done and puts the temporary image on Quinn’s arm. Quinn looks in the mirror at his arm and winks at himself. Quinn (to Japanese man): It’s perfect. The biker takes out the needle and starts to tattoo Quinn, who immediately starts crying from the pain. The Japanese man is forced to hold Quinn’s hand during the tattooing process, which lasts a total of about five minutes. Biker: Done! Quinn: Finally. That was the worst pain of my life! And I felt like it was going on for forever! Biker: Right… Okay so that’ll be $100.00. Quinn hands the money to the biker and checks out the finished product in the mirror. He eyes the tattoo with admiration and flexes in front of the mirror. Quinn (walks up to the biker and hugs him): 35

Thanks man, it looks great. Biker (awkwardly trying to avoid the embrace): Yeah, sure. Quinn gives a quick hug to the Japanese man and leaves the store. High on endorphins, he continues to walk around the city searching for something else to do when he literally runs into Roy on the sidewalk. Quinn: Hey, I didn’t even see you! Roy: Yeah me neither. Hey I have to ask you something… Quinn (ignoring Roy): Dude, check out what I just did! Roy: It’s important. Last night… Quinn (still not paying attention to Roy and lifting up his shirt sleeve): Cool, right? I just got it, man. Roy (shocked, and briefly forgetting about his queries to Quinn): What is that? A tribal design? What does it even mean? Quinn: It means beer, bro. Beer. How good is that?! Roy: A tribal tattoo, really? …What tribe would you say you’re in, Quinn? Sound of Quinn’s Dave Matthew’s Band ringtone interrupts Roy’s questions and Quinn quickly answers. Quinn: Hello? Oh, hey Jessica! I must say I’m surprised that you’re calling me back… Quinn mouths “sorry” to Roy and quickly yells “See you back at the hotel, man” before disappearing into the crowd again. End scene with Roy standing in the crowd of Japanese people looking lost and confused. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL ROOM -- DAY The phone in the hotel room begins persistently ringing. Everyone in the room is trying to ignore it. Jason knocks the phone off the receiver. There is a distant female voice on the phone. Phone: Good morning. This is your 8am wake-up call you requested. Have a great day in Tokyo! Phone hangs up. Bathroom door closes in the background. Sounds of the Asian imposter hurling comes from the bathroom. Ted sleepily and slowly sits up in bed. Ted: 36

That a boy Roy! Jason rolls over and rubs his forehead. Jason: Man, you guys were pretty messed up last night. Ted: Yeah. It brought back some great memories. Jason: I wasn’t even sober enough to write my review! The Asian imposter is still hurling in the background. Everyone is beginning to wake up and trying to remember the sequence of events from the night before. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. SHOU’S BEDROOM -- DAY Cuts to an overhead view of Jill and Asian (Shou) waking up in bed, white sheets. Assumed to be naked. Jill opens her eyes startled and realizes how the night ended. She looks over at Shou who is face down and uncovered. Scene goes to a close up of Shou’s face squished against the pillow with his mouth open. She make a disgusted face, wraps herself in the white sheet and sits off the end of the bed picking up her shoes and various articles of clothing. She tip toes off the screen. Cuts to Jill coming out of an alleyway door stumbling on and off of one leg as she attempts to put on her second heel. Her hair is messy and clothes are wrinkled. She walks out to the main street where the sun blinds her. She squints and the bright screen focuses on a sign written in Japanese, Jill can't read it. The camera pans down to the bottom of the sign to look at its coffee cup symbol. Jill smirks and steps forward. Multiple car horns are blown and Jill jumps back, looks down and notices the busy street. She straightens up and attempts to cross again, dodging the traffic and running across the street. Cuts to Jill entering doorway of the coffee shop. Unaware of the awkward looks she gets from the local Japanese people enjoying their daily routine. She walks straight up to the counter and stares at the menu board on the back wall. Shots of the Japanese symbols and writing on the board run by quickly. The shot cuts back to Jill standing in front of the register dumb founded and a patient man waiting for her order. Jill trying to figure out how to go about ordering: This is harder than Starbucks. She looks down to the man at the register. Jill: (Speaking loudly as if he was deaf with hand motions) Can....I....Have....a...Coffee. Regular....Cream... and Sugar. Coffee Worker: Sure. Would you like a small medium or large? 37

Jill: (Her head jerks back, shocked) You speak English? Coffee Worker: Yes Ma'am, I understand every word. Jill: Oh… (she pauses, looking down in thought) well that's embarrassing. Okay, well in that case I'll get one large and four medium regular coffees. Coffee Worker: (looks at her with stupidity after her huge difference in orders) Rough night? Jill: (Avoids eye contact fumbles with her purse, wallet, and money) I don't want to talk about it. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL ROOM -- DAY Quinn happily bursts through the room door and throws open the blinds. The bright sun hits everyone’s eyes, momentarily blinding them. Jason throws his arm over his face to block out the sun. Jason squints to look at Quinn. Jason: Did you request a wakeup call? Quinn (arrogantly laughs to himself): Quinn: Yeah, I did. Jason: For 8 am? Quinn: (Ha) Yeah that was me. I requested it. Ted is looking at Quinn confused. Ted: What the hell did you do that for? Jason: ( A little annoyed and still shocked that Quinn’s dad showed up in Japan.) What the hell did you jump on a plane to Tokyo for? Ted: That is not the issue we are discussing right now. I would like to know why I am awake at 8 am after a night like last night. Quinn: Well, one, I thought it would be funny, and two, I thought you drunkies need to wake up early. It is our first real day in Tokyo and it should not be wasted lying around. Maybe you people need to 38

learn some responsibility. (Condescendingly) Quinn starts slapping everyone through the covers to motivate them. Quinn: Come on! Get up guys! Where is Roy? The sound of hurling comes from the bathroom again. Quinn gets a big smile on his face as he realizes the source of the hurling is “Roy”. He runs from the other side of the room around the bed to the bathroom door and begins to loudly bang on the door. At the same time, he starts laughing and jumping up and down. Everyone else in the room is annoyed at how energetic Quinn is. Ted pulls the covers over his face. Quinn: Ahh Ha-ha! Bro! Did you have a good night or what? I can’t believe you’re back here throwing up after I just saw you out so early this morning. Looks like the hangover you’re dealing with is a gift that keeps on giving. How does that sushi taste the second time around? A flushing sound comes from the bathroom. The door opens slowly. The Asian that was mistaken for Roy is standing awkwardly in the doorway. Quinn face quickly changes from laughter and amusement to confusion. The Asian imposter is looking at him nervously. Asian: (with a thick accent) Sushi? Quinn: Who are you? Quinn sticks his head in the bathroom to take a quick look around the room and then pulls his head out. Ted pulls the covers down. Jason and Ted sit up in their beds with a more alert expression on their face. They are waiting to hear what the Asian’s response is to Quinn’s questions. Quinn: Where is Roy? He looks at the Asian with a slight eye twitch. Quinn: Are you his brother or something? Long lost family? Twins? Where is Roy? Asian: (looks at Quinn with a confused expression) Roy? The scene cuts to Jason and Ted. Jason realizes the mistake that was made and covers his face with both hands hiding his embarrassment. Jason: We must have brought home the wrong guy. Quinn: What do you mean you brought home the wrong guy? FADE OUT. 39

FADE IN: INT. HOTEL – DAY Scene cuts to the group getting into the elevator. Quinn looks at the Asian imposter with an irritated expression on his face. Quinn: What are you doing? Stop following us! The Asian does not understand what Quinn has said but responds with anger in his voice. Confused he steps out of the elevator. At the same time Jill appears from the stairwell. Jill: Hey guys! I brought some… She is quickly cut off by Quinn. Quinn: No time for your never-ending interruptions Jill, We are busy. He hits the button to close the elevator doors. The Asian and Jill look at each other in confusion, shrug and go their separate ways. In the elevator Quinn is on the left, Jason is on the right, and Ted is in the back centered. They are silent as they begin to ride down to the lobby and there is strange Japanese traditional music playing over the elevator speakers. Ted quickly moves to press the elevator button that would take them to the roof. Ted: Want to go to the roof? Just like old times Quinn. Quinn (Quickly smack his father’s hand down): Old times? What old times? No. We are not going to the roof. The only place that you are going to go is home! They stand there again in awkward silence listening to the music that is playing over the elevator speakers. The elevator comes to a stop and “dings”. The doors begin to open. The group walks out into the lobby and begins glancing around to see if they can spot Roy. Quinn finds a white paper sign that says “Lobby” in bold black letters. He observes it at different angles. He picks it up and flips it over to the blank side of the sign. He gets an idea and lightly hits Jason with the sign. Quinn: Hey, give me something to write with. Jason reaches in to his bag, grabs a pen, and hands it to Quinn with paying any attention to what Quinn is doing. He continues to glance around for Roy. Quinn: Perfect! Now how do you spell Roy? He writes on the blank side of the sign X-R-O-U-I. Quinn holds up the sign with a sense of accomplishment and looks at the guys. 40

Quinn: (Yells) Do you think this is how the Japanese write it? Jason: (Looks at the sign and then Quinn in disgust.) Are you kidding me right now? Ted points ahead excitedly. Ted: Hey! There he is! That’s him! He is pointing at the real Roy trying to use the pay phone in the lobby. They can only see him from the side. He is wearing a T-shirt with an American flag on it. Quinn: (Looks over to where Ted is pointing and scoffs) Roy would never wear that stupid shirt. Maybe we should split up and look for him. They walk swiftly out of the door. Jason goes left. Quinn goes right. Ted tried to follow Quinn, but Quinn quickly stops him and pushes him into another direction to look. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL LOBBY -- DAY Cuts to Jason looking around a lobby hallway. He opens a door, looks in and doesn’t see Roy and continues down the hall. As he’s walking out into the crowded main lobby still looking around, he pays no attention to what’s in front of him. He walks into something solid and hard, and looks down to see a bright red newspaper dispenser. Camera zooms into Jason’s face as he remembers the review he was supposed to write. Jason: Shit He runs to the restaurant/bar located on the far side of the lobby where he’s spotted Ted. Ted seems to have forgotten about their missing group member and has sat down to watch the news at the lobby restaurant bar. Jason: Ted, I still haven't submitted my review from our first bar last night! If I hurry I think I can meet the deadline. I’m going to run back up to the room to get it done! Let me know when we find Roy. Ted: Oh Jason, you’re always barking about that paper. Take a seat here, join me! Jason (half way out the bar shouts back as he heads to the elevator) Sorry Ted, I have to get this done! Cut to Ted in front of the elevator in the lobby. He pushes the elevator button and gets in. Already in the elevator is the Fake Roy they found in the bathroom. He quickly nods twice and they pass. Fake Roy swings his hand back and slaps Jason’s butt. Jason Abruptly turns around startled by his action and gives him a confused look. 41

Fake Roy shoots back with a wink and a shooting gun motion with his hand. Jason quickly pushes the buttons on the elevator. As it rides up to their floor hit leans against the elevator wall and rubs his face with both his. He pulls his hands half way down his face pulling the skin on his cheek down and stretches out his eye sockets. Jason: What in the world did I get myself in to? A ding sounds from the elevators arrival and Jason walks out and into the hotel room. he opens up his laptop at the hotel room table. His document is already open from the night before. He sits back in the chair, and looks out the balcony window at the view of Tokyo. He laughs to himself and leans forward. Jason starts typing on his laptop and says to himself “Welcome to Tokyo….” The shot zooms out to a wide view of the room and focuses on Jason cell phone laying on the far hotel bed. With the phone on a low vibrate, it lights up and reads “Unknown – Tokyo, Japan” across the screen. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. PHONEBOOTH, STREET IN TOKYO -- DAY Cuts to Roy at the telephone booth in the lobby holding a list of prepared emergency numbers and pulling more emergency tools out of his American flag-patterned fanny pack. Roy (anxious): Pick up, Pick up, Pick up…..(growls) Another Japanese man passes by and bumps into Roy’s arm, knocking his numbers to the ground. Roy fumbling around to catch his numerous papers as they scatter, still with the phone receiver in his ear, bends down to pick papers up and the short phone cord jerks him back. He gives the phone base an impatient angry look and hangs up, then bends down to finish collecting his numbers. Shot does an accelerated pan and zooms out to Quinn leaning against the hotel front desk continuing to hit the service bell. A Japanese woman in her early fifties approaches the desk looking annoyed. Desk Woman: (with a crude response) Can I help you Mr. Smith? Quinn: Oh please, enough with this formal stuff, babe. Call me Quinn. Desk Woman: (ignoring the arrogant customer) Mr. Smith, is there something I can do for you? Quinn: Hardworking. Strong Willed. I like that in a woman. 42

Desk woman turns around to return to her work behind the counter. Quinn quickly remembers he was there to find his friend and snapped out of his flirting mode. He reaches out his arm as if he could stop her from leaving. Quinn: Wait, Listen! Do you guys have like a lost and found or anything? Desk woman turns around with a sigh and picks up the hotels lost and found box from below the counter and holds it in front of her. Woman: We do. What is it your looking for? Quinn: (With a pensive facial expression) How do I describe him? He’s got those thin eyes, yellowish skin, dark hair, he’s probably holding chopsticks or something. Did anybody turn him in? Desk woman: (Annoyed at what she thinks is an Asian joke made by Quinn) Is this some sort of joke? Quinn: What? No. I lost my friend. You guys didn’t like put him and holding or anything? He’s not in your little box? Desk woman: (Fed up with the situation) Sir this is not the missing persons department, people don’t just turn themselves in as “lost” and wait for other members of their party. I have to return to my work. Please stop wasting my time. She drops the box to the floor and turns away from him to get back to her work. Quinn gives up and leaves the desk. He spots Ted walking out of the restaurant and meets up with him. Quinn: Hey Pops, any luck? Ted still just enjoying the vacation, forgetting about their missing friend Any luck? I don’t need luck, son. The ladies love me. I’m meeting her downtown tonight. Quinn: What? No! With Roy, any luck finding Roy? Ted: Oh that little guy, he’s still missing? Quinn: You haven’t found him either? (He walks a couple steps in front of his dad to take a last glance around the lobby.) Maybe Jason found him, where’s Jason. Ted: Doubtful, he ran upstairs to write some kind of review or something. Quinn: Of course. (sighs with a growl) Alright. He’s got to be somewhere, let’s go. Ted and Quinn march through the center lobby through the main entrance of the hotel and out into downtown Tokyo. A large crowd of bustling Japanese people weaves in and out. Ted and Quinn have mixed expressions of confusion and keep dodging their heads left and right of others to look for Roy. The shot zooms out to see hundreds them surrounded by hundreds of clone-like Japanese people. 43

Quinn: This is going to be harder than I thought. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOTEL ROOM -- DAY Cuts to a shot of Jason’s laptop with a fully-typed document. Shows his hands, he sits back in his chair and meaningfully lifts his index finger before hitting the enter button. Jason: Sent.


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