Nov Course Syllabus Final Copy

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  • Pages: 7
Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education SECONDARY TEACHER’S INTENSIVE PROGRAM (SESSION 4) November 16th – December 15th, 2009

1. COURSE TITLE: Writing

INSTRUCTORS: Christian Poon and Darren Ng

2. COURSE DESCRIPTION The Writing module introduces students to the four-step writing process of pre-writing, writing, editing, and sharing. As students are guided through this process, they will learn positive personal attitudes helpful to their development as emerging writers. Additionally, students will learn why writing is both a necessary communicative and reflective skill critical to their on-going development as educators. As this module primarily focuses on increasing student’s proficiency in English academic writing, there will be a strong skills emphasis. The development of these pertinent writing skills will be accomplished through various in-class writing activities involving individual and/or group collaboration, class readings, web-publishing, and weekly writing task assignments. As students gain more confidence, experience, and skill in applying the four step writing process, it is hoped that students will experience the unique joy that comes from crafting writing that is sincere, passionate, and meaningful.

3a. COURSE OBJECTIVES Students will learn…  …how to use the four step writing process to improve their writing abilities.      

…how to logically organize an essay by being able to identify and apply basic essay structure. …how to compose essays with coherence within and between paragraphs. …how to effectively self and peer edit their written compositions. …how to use personal readings to inform, support, and inspire their own writings …how to properly reference outside written sources. …how to share their writings with an audience through class readings and web publishing.

By the end of the course, students should be able to compose an academic English essay of four to five paragraphs in length, comparable to a first-year university paper written by a native English speaker. 1

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education SECONDARY TEACHER’S INTENSIVE PROGRAM (SESSION 4) November 16th – December 15th, 2009

3b. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Students will are expected to assume the identity of an emerging writer.

Therefore, we expect our students to… …come to class on time (at least 5 min before the bell) …be diligent in their work. …be patient with themselves, their classmates, and their instructors. …be enthusiastic in their attitude towards learning. …be open-minded when they experience something new. …be helpful in their relations with others. …be persistent in difficulty. …be eager to share what they have learned both at GIFLE and at their home schools.

We hope that our students will… …constantly improve their skills as writers and teachers. …not compare themselves to their fellow trainees, but to how much they have improved since they first started.


Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education SECONDARY TEACHER’S INTENSIVE PROGRAM (SESSION 4) November 16th – December 15th, 2009

4. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Students will be required to complete course reading materials and three Writing Tasks (WT) on a topic outlined by the instructor. In addition, students will be asked to complete various additional assignments that will help them prepare for their weekly writing task. Writing Tasks are due at the beginning of the class of the date indicated on the course schedule in print format. Students must also email their writing task assignments and save their work on a USB memory stick device.

Important Submission and Return Dates Homework                  

Draft copy of Where I Am From Survey Writing Task (WT) 1: Where I Am From Reading Pack 1 Written Responses Edited version of “Just Write” WT 2 - Webbing Exercise WT 2 - Essay Skeleton WT 2 - My Hero Final Draft Reading Pack 2 Written Responses “My Favourite Lines” handout WT 3 - Final Draft WT 3 – Prewriting and First Draft WT 3 – Bibliography Student PB Works Page Upload all WTs to class website Student selections of favorite readings or WTs Visit class website and vote for your favorite essay Reading Pack 3


STUDENT to submit homework by session…

INSTRUCTOR to return homework by session…









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Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education SECONDARY TEACHER’S INTENSIVE PROGRAM (SESSION 4) November 16th – December 15th, 2009

5. RECOMMENDED READING GRAMMAR TEXTS 1. Basic English Grammar 3rd Edition by Betty Schrampfer Azar, Pearson Education, 2002. 2. Fundamentals of English Grammar 3rd Edition by Betty Schrampfer Azar, Pearson Education, 2002. 3. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Edition by Betty Schrampfer Azar, Pearson Education, 2002. *The instructor also strongly endorses students to supplement the above texts with a comprehensive Korean English grammar text.


Hackers Writing Start by David Cho, Soul Shi Publishing, 2006

ENGLISH WRITING TEXTS 1. Effective Academic Writing: The Paragraph by Alice Savage and Masoud Shafie, Oxford University Press, 2007. 2. Effective Academic Writing: The Short Essay by Alice Savage and Masoud Shafie, Oxford University Press, 2007. 3. Effective Academic Writing: The Essay by Alice Savage and Masoud Shafie, Oxford University Press, 2007.


Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education SECONDARY TEACHER’S INTENSIVE PROGRAM (SESSION 4) November 16th – December 15th, 2009



Writing Task 1

5 5 10

Criteria  Pre-Writing Webbing Exercise  Edited version of “Where I Am From” poem  Final copy of “Where I Am From” poem

Total in this section: 20

Writing Task 2

10 10 20

 Pre-Writing Webbing Exercise  Essay Skeleton Exercise  1st Draft  Final Draft

Total in this section: 40 10 10

Writing Task 3

 Pre-Writing Webbing Exercise  Essay Skeleton Exercise  1st Draft


 Final Draft  Referencing (In text citation and Bibliography)

Total in this section: 40 15

Reading Package


 Reading Pack 1 and Written Responses  Reading Pack 2 and Written Responses  Reading Pack 3 and Written Responses

Total in this section: 30 12 4

Participation 4

 For basic attendance and participation in class.  For designing PB Works personal page  Properly uploading all completed Writing Tasks (Final Drafts).  For EXTRA contributions to classroom community E.g. Word/Phrase of the Day, Curriculum Posters, etc.

Total in this section: 20

Total: 150 Marks  Ongoing written and spoken feedback will be available to students after each writing task is submitted.  Personal, one-on-one feedback sessions can be arranged with the instructor by the student’s request.


Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education SECONDARY TEACHER’S INTENSIVE PROGRAM (SESSION 4) November 16th – December 15th, 2009

7. COURSE SCHEDULE Session 1st





Assignment Read: “Where I Am From” sample

Welcome to Writing Class! 1. 2. 3. 4.



Self-Introductions Why is writing important? Course administration How to submit your work

Writing Task (WT) 1: Where I am From

Survey: Complete the “Getting to Know You” survey. Complete WT 1: The Writing Process 1. “Where I Am From”: Reading, Analysis and  Editing: Self-Feedback Form Discussion  Edited version of Draft 1 2. The Four Steps of Writing (WT1) 3. Reflection exercise  WT1 Final Draft Complete: Academic Writing Structure “Just Write” 1. Read Aloud (200 words max) 2. Just Write 3. Anatomy of a good essay WT2 – Webbing Exercise 4. Review: Just Write 5. Introduce Writing Task 2 Due: Reading Pack 1 Due: WT 1 Complete: Thesis Construction & English Writing 101 WT 2 - Essay Skeleton 1. Opener response 2. Thesis construction 3. English Writing 101: Do’s & Don’ts 4. Introduce Prewriting 2 homework 5. Reflection (Class 3, 4, 5, 6) Complete: Editing and Giving Feedback WT 2 - Final Copy 1. Opener to editing WT 3 - Webbing 2. Guided Peer Editing Activity WT 3 - Essay Skeleton 3. Lesson on Giving Feedback 4. Introduce Writing Task 3 5. Reflection (Class 1, 2, 7, 8) Due: WT 2 Complete: Building Coherence WT 3 - First Draft 1. Creating Flow using Linking Words “My Favourite Lines” 2. Sentence to Sentence level handout 3. Paragraph to Paragraph level 4. Partner activity with coherence Due: Reading Pack 2 6

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education SECONDARY TEACHER’S INTENSIVE PROGRAM (SESSION 4) November 16th – December 15th, 2009

Session 7th


Assignment Complete: WT 3 – Final Draft WT 3 - Bibliography

Referencing Outside sources 1. The importance of referencing 2. In-text citation 3. Bibliography


Sharing With Others: Web Publishing 1. Create and Design a PB Works page 2. Upload Writing Tasks


Reflection in Writing

Due: Reading Pack 3

Oh the Places You Will Go! 1. 2. 3. 4.

Complete: PB Works page Upload all WTs to class website Choose 1 or 2 paragraphs from any of the course readings/ or your own written work and be ready to share and discuss with the rest of the class. Visit the class website and vote for your favorite essay.

1. Group discussion on readings 2. Reflection exercise 10th

Due: WT 3

Welcome and congratulations! Student Reading: Oh the Places You Will Go! What’s next? Suggested resources


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