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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 740
  • Pages: 2
There is a country in SE Asia that often likes to harp on the words 'unity' and 'harmony'. But actions on the ground almost always never correspond to the original meanings of those words. (From time to time other fanciful words also get their temporary claim to popularity in this nation). The country is full of race supremacists, right-wing groups and religious bigots and they have the free licence to flay the minority groups from time to time or whenever they felt that it was needed to be done to keep the minorities in line. Right-wing groups with fanciful names like PEWA*** or PERK*** often do not hesitate to march in the streets or issue open threats should the minorities ever dared to speak about things like 'discrimination' or 'marginalization'. Even some political parties that are not in the ruling class are not above the act of asserting race supremacist politics. They're still willing to talk about the 'benefits' of pursuing 'cooperation' based on racial and religious 'considerations'. The country has just seen a desired change in leadership and there are indications that the new leadership wants a really genuine and fresh approach towards community relations in the country. Some steps have been taken to ensure everyone has a real stake in the future of this nation. However, the right-wing quarters are starting to feel somewhat apprehensive. They have been recently using certain issues to keep old fires alive. The minorities were either directly or indirectly accused of many sins, including 'attempting' to do 'changes' to the federal constitution. The accusations were all totally false and baseless. They were accused of trying to undermine the royalty and the position of the palace. Such accusations were not different from those manufactured by fascist powers to justify power grabbing & territorial conquests. And caused untold harm to the innocent in the process. The right-wing groups have been attempting to pressure the new leadership to stick to the old ways. Or the ways and practices of the race supremacies. A meeting was held with the leadership to insist that the racist policies of old were kept alive. However, the new leadership has apparently stuck to its guns and the leader of the right-wing fascists in the country by the name of 'I'.'A'. had to eat humble pie. At the resulting media conference he had to utter a mild-mannered speech without the usual racist tirade. The leader had 'explained' why it was neccesary to implement new concepts & why previous restrictions on the minorities were lifted in 27 economic sub-sectors. The nation's previous leadership had allowed the extremist groups to seize the stage and openly and freely make their demands. It was a very wrong thing to do and the leadership had to pay the price. Minorities were lambasted unfairly and openly, but when they dared to answer back, they were either hauled up by the enforcement people or they were asked to either 'apologise' and

state their allegiance or leave. Such attitudes don't contribute to 'unity' and 'harmony' at all, never mind 'civilisation' and 'peace-loving society' or whatever. The minorities in this country have long been shortchanged by the extremist groups which have leaders in the highest echelons of the country's administration but they have not resorted to physical confrontation. Instead they have practised a form of exemplary tolerance mainly due to the desire to seek social and economic progress rather than political warfare. The land is rich in resources and well positioned geographically to bring development to those who wished to pursue it. There are those who want to seize it all from the people who have worked hard and toiled tirelessly and are now enjoying the fruits of their labours but with the right leadership in place, the efforts of the extremists would definitely come to nought. In the meantime, neutral observers should keep a close eye on the movements and actions of these extremist groups for they have no compunctions in pursuing antisocial activities such as rewriting history and cursing and damning the silent segments of society which, unlike them, are only interested in peace, progress and prosperity. (These extremists are like ulcerous sores to the people, nothing more). These extremists groups will never disappear from the scene, but with the right leadership, they could easily be kept in check and forced to eat humble pie. For the good of everybody. May they continue to eat more humble pie !

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