UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACION PEOE 2009 Criterios para la corrección de los trabajos prácticos La corrección y calificación de los trabajos prácticos y de la tarea de escritura en los exámenes escritos se realiza teniendo en cuenta los criterios que se especifican en el siguiente cuadro: Calificación: 23-25 Calificación: 17-22
Calificación: 15-16
Calificación: 11-14
Full realisation of the task set, with appropriate expansion. Wide range of vocabulary and structure within the task set. Minimal errors, due to ambition; well developed control of language. Ideas effectively organised, with a variety of linking devices. Register and format consistently appropriate to purpose and audience. Fully achieves the desired effect on the target reader. Good realisation of the task set. Good range of vocabulary and structure within the task set. Generally accurate; errors occur mainly when attempting more complex language. Ideas clearly organised, with suitable linking devices. Register and format on the whole appropriate to purpose and audience. Achieves the desired effect on the target reader. Reasonable achievement of the task set. Fair range of vocabulary and structure. Some errors may occur. Ideas adequately organised, with simple linking devices. Reasonable, if not always successful attempt at register and format appropriate to purpose and audience. Achieves, on the whole, the desired effect on the target reader. Task set attempted but not adequately achieved. Limited range of vocabulary and structure and /or a number of errors which may distract the reader. Ideas inadequately organised, linking devices rarely used. Unsuccessful/Inconsistent attempts at appropriate register and format. Message not clearly communicated to the target reader.
Califica- Poor attempt at the task set. ción: Narrow range of vocabulary and structure. 1-10 Frequent errors which obscure communication; little evidence of language control. Lack of organisation, or linking devices. Little or no awareness of register and format. Negative effect on the target reader. Califica- Achieves nothing: too little language for assessment (fewer than 50 words) or ción: totally irrelevant or totally illegible.
0 Los números que se establecen para las bandas corresponden a la calificación numérica que se utiliza tanto en el PEOE como en el Curso Introductorio. El docente asigna a la producción escrita una calificación de 1-5 en las siguientes categorías: Task achievement: Cohesion and coherence: Grammar resources: Vocabulary resources: Style and expression: La producción se califica, asimismo, con un concepto siguiendo las siguientes equivalencias: 0- 9 = Unsatisfactory 10 -12= Weak 13-14= Narrow fail 15-16= Pass 17-22= Good 23-25= Very good