Copy Of Personal Artifact Form

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 273
  • Pages: 1
Portfolio 2018-19

Personal Artifact Future career interests (if known): CPS Worker Targeted soft skills you chose for this year: 1.​Teamwork and Collabration 2.​Be engaged Description of Artifact (​*The personal artifact may be anything that demonstrates growth, skills, interests, discoveries, and/or abilities from your experience this last year -- can be school-related or not.)

The artifact I chose was a card that my great grandma made for me to tell me that spring was in the air with a cute little notes instead expaling how proud they are of me. Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts? I chose this artifcat because it made me very happy to open this card form my great grandma because its good to know they still think about me even though they live a state away so I dont see them very often. How did your experience with this artifact change or impact you? This impacted me because it made me relaize even thought you dont see somene alot doesnt mean they shouldnt be in your mind. Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this artifact? Explain. ​It didnt help woith my targeted soft skills but it makes me want to try harder in school to make them prouder. Provide an example of how the skills you practiced or the knowledge you gained via this artifact may also be used in a career in which you are interested. ​It helped me to relaize family will always be there for you which I will be ablet o exlain it to soemone who I helped in the future career.

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