Copy Of Omt For Rbs

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OMT Main Window

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In the OMT Main window is a View window. All information is displayed in a separate window. Several windows can be open at any time. In this example only one, containing information about the IDB, is shown. There is a status bar at the bottom of the Main window. The Status bar shows the current OMT State and the selected object or a help text for the highlighted menu option.

There is a toolbar at the top of the Main window. The toolbar shows the most common operations. These operations can be executed by clicking on an icon on the toolbar or by selecting the operation in the menu.

Different Main Menus Fil e:  The File menu contains IDB-related commands, for example, Read IDB and Install IDB.  These commands can also be found under the Operation menu when the IDB object is selected.  Under the File menu is also the Exit command which closes the OMT application.

Connecti on: The Connection menu contains the commands that handle the connection between the OMT and the RBS. Vi ew: The View menu makes it possible to select different views: System Overview, Cabinet View, Hardware View etc.,

Object : 

The different objects for the chosen view can be found under the Object menu. For example, RUs, Alarm Inlets. Ope ra tio n: The Operation menu contains the different operations that are available for the chosen object. Every object has operations that can be executed.

The operations are not the same for all objects so the command options in the Operation menu change depending on the chosen object. Wi ndo w:

Commands that are used to arrange windows and icons are found under the Window menu. He lp : The Help menu offers commands that display help pages for both the OMT application and the help tool.

OMT State s 

The OMT executes in one of five different states which are: Init, Local IDB, Connected (No IDB), Connected (Local IDB) and Connected. The current OMT State is displayed on the Status bar. Some operations cannot be performed in all states. Menu items representing operations not available in the current state are disabled and displayed in light grey text.

In it:  The OMT is in the Init state when it is started.  In this state, the OMT is not connected to the RBS and does not operate on any IDB.  The only view available in this state is the System Overview. Local IDB :  In this state, the OMT is not connected to the RBS, but is operating on a local copy of the IDB in the OMT.

Connected (No ID B):  Here the OMT is connected to the RBS but has no access to any IDB copy.  The only view available in this state is the System Overview.  The Connected (No IDB) state should be seen as a transitional state, because this state does not offer any new operations or functions compared to the Local IDB or Connected state.

Co nn ected (Local IDB ):  Now the OMT is connected to the RBS and operates on a local IDB copy.  The Connected (Local IDB) state should, like the Connected (No IDB) state, be seen as a transitional state. Co nn ected:  In this state, the OMT is connected to the RBS and operates on an IDB copied to or from the RBS.

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The IDB has been read from the RBS to the OMT. The OMT can be executed in different states. Depending on the type of command executed the OMT may move from one state to the other. For example, if the OMT operates in state Init and the Connect command is executed, the OMT State changes to the Connected (No IDB) state.

View 

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A view displays the RBS 2000 system graphically. There are four types of views: System Overview, Cabinet View, Hardware View and MO View. To select a view: 1. Se lect Vi ew | .

System Overview

The System Overview window shows the BSC, the PCM link, the Alarm Inlets, the RBS, the OMT and the IDB, that is, an overview of the whole system. The System Overview is displayed when the program is first started.

Cabinet Overview

The Cabinet View window shows the hardware items in the RBS, that is, the cabinet appearance. All objects that can be selected when this view is active are not visible in the normal view. BDM stands for Battery Distribution module. It is similar to IDM.

Hardware View

The Hardware View window shows the RBS’s schematic structure. There are hidden objects such as Sensors and Cables. These objects can be selected through the Main menu Object.

MO View

Managed Object (MO) is the name of a generalised object. An operation defined for an MO is actually defined for the TRX. The Managed Objects have also internal state that you can manipulate by commands from Base Station Controller (BSC). These states are Reset, Start, Disable and Enable.

The Managed Objects CF, TF, DP, CON and IS corresponds to the hardware unit DXU in the BTS. The Managed Objects TRX, TX, RX and TS corresponds to the hardware unit TRU in the BTS.

Using OMT Start the OMT as follows: 1. Open the Start menu. 2. Select Programs. 3. Select the OMT menu. 4. Select the installed OMT version from the menu.

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The Exit Comman d The Exit command closes the OMT application. The command performs the following actions before closing the program: close all open windows and disconnect the OMT from the RBS.

Connect: A connection between the OMT and the RBS must be established before the OMT can use the IDB in the RBS or monitor information. The connection is established with the Connect command. Connect the OMT to the RBS as follows: 1. S elec t C onne ct ion | Connec t.

There are different operations like Read IDB, Open IDB, Install IDB each of which performs the specified task. “Read IDB” command transfers an IDB copy from the RBS to the OMT. Execute the Install IDB command to install the IDB that the OMT is operating on into the RBS. The IDB in the RBS is replaced by the IDB that the OMT is operating on. The DXU must be in Local Mode to be able to accept a new IDB.

Read IDB 1. Choose connect from the connection menu.

The line between OMT and RBS 2000 is connected.

2. Choose Read IDB from the file menu.

A progress window displays when it is ready.

Create IDB 

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Create IDB is a command that creates a new IDB. Execute this command as follows: 1. Select the IDB from the System Overview. 2. Select Operation | Create IDB... The Create IDB dialog box appears.

There are three main topics: Transmission Interface, Cabinet Setup and Antenna Sector Setup. Tr ans mis sio n Int erfa ce: There are two Transmission Interfaces to choose from. Choose G.703 (E1) or DS1 (T1).

Cabinet Setup 

The Cabinet settings are shown in the Cabinet setup list box. Create another Cabinet setting by clicking the “New” button. Change the Cabinet settings by clicking the “M odi fy” button. Delete a selected configuration by clicking the “D el et e” button Click on the new or modify button which brings up the Define Setup for Cabinet dialog box.

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Choose Cabinet Type, Power System, Climate System and confirm with OK. This brings back the Create IDB dialog box. Selecting Ca nce l closes the Define Setup for the Cabinet dialog box without making any changes. This also brings back the Create IDB dialog box.

Antenna sector setup 

The Antenna Sector settings are shown in the list box. Create an Antenna Sector by clicking the “New” button. Change the Antenna Sector Setup by clicking the “M odi fy” button. Delete a selected sector by clicking the “D el et e” button. Cl ick in g on th e New or Mo di fy bu tto n brings up the Define Setup for Antenna sector dialog box.

Define Setup for Antenna Sector

Choose Frequency, CDU Type, Duplexer and TMA. Conf ir m w it h OK . This brings back the Create IDB dialog box. Selecting Ca nce l closes the Antenna Sector Setup dialog box without making any changes. This also brings back the Create IDB dialog box.

Conf ir m w it h OK . The OK button is only enabled if the chosen Cabinet setup and chosen Antenna setup is a valid configuration. Selecting Ca nce l closes the Create IDB dialog box without creating a new IDB. Selecting Cl ear All clears the Cabinet Setup and the Antenna Sector Setup List Boxes and return the “buttons” to their initial state.

Final Configuration Dialogue Box

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Confirm with OK. Selecting Can cel closes the Final Configuration Selection dialog box without making any changes and returns to the Create IDB dialog box. If a configuration already exists in the OMT, Local IDB or Connected (Local IDB) state a confirmation window appears. Reconfirm with Ye s. A new confirmation window appears regarding to reuse the data in the previous configuration. Select Ye s to re-use data A re-use data dialog box appears.

Re-use site specific data Dialogue box

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Choose the parameters to be re-used. Confirm with OK. Selecting Display brings up a text file in the default text editor. The text file displays all Site Specific Data and their values. Selecting Cancel closes the Re-use Site Specific Data dialog box without re-using any data.

Defining Alarms 

For each physical alarm, the alarm position can be defined. Define new values for the Alarm Inlets as follows: 1. S elec t t he A la rm Inlet f rom t he Sys tem Ove rview . 2. S elec t O pe rati on | Defi ne Al arm Inl ets... A Define Alarm Inlets dialog box appears.

Alarm Inlets

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3. Sele ct ala rm by In le t nu mb er . It is possible to define up to sixteen different alarms depending on the RBS model. 4. Sele ct Inl et Usag e. 5. In ser t new val ue or va lu es . For each Alarm Inlet used for External Alarm a unique alarm ID, severity and contact closure for alarm (closing/breaking) must be defined. An optional text comment can also be defined.

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6. Co nfirm wit h Ap pl y. 7. Execu te the Def ine Co mman d wi th O K. Selecting Rese t reverts all changes to their original values. Ca ncel closes the Define Alarm Inlets dialog box without any changes.

RBS Site Integration 

The integration of the RBS is performed with the RBS connected to the BSC and in close cooperation with the BSC personnel. The RBS commissioning staff will switch the DXU and the TRUs from local to remote mode. Communication will then be established between BSC and RBS.

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