Portfolio 2018-19
Mid--Year Academic Reflection Seniors You have finished your senior fall semester and are only a few months away from graduation! Having had nearly four years of high school, take some time to reflect on your experience. Thinking about your efforts and experiences in core classes since you were a freshman, what are some of the ways you’ve evolved as a student? What has been your biggest challenge(s) in your core classes? What are some of the most rewarding experiences you’ve had academically? Consider examples that you may remember long after high school.
I have evolved from my freshman year to now by being more responsible overall. An example would be homework; Freshman year I would never remember to do my homework. This would bring my grade down a lot, now I am very good at doing my homework ahead of time. My biggest challenges in my core classes would be time management. I still tend to wait last minute to finish a project or finish any homework. This year I got Principal's Honor Roll, this proves that I have improved emencially. I have also been better at team communication. This will benefit me in any occupation I decide to go into. My goal for the end of the year would be to get things done at least a week before their due.
Looking ahead, what do you need to do during your last semester to accomplish your goals? In order to accomplish my goals for the end of the year, I would need to stay ahead of my work. I need to learn how to not fall behind in class. I feel that I have made an improvement already with being ahead, but I know I can improve. I am excited for what is to come after Cloverdale High, and I am positive that what I have learned in Cloverdale will help me succeed in the future.
Portfolio 2018-19