Copied Society

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  • Words: 3,177
  • Pages: 4
COPIED SOCIETY from Volkan Akçelik Most people are living in copied worlds with copied objectives, created by someone else. Other animals are living without copied meanings, expectations, rules and religions. This doesn't mean, that other animals don't have have spirits. What people make different than other animals is that only people can lie, mislead others, fight and commit murder for economic or religious reasons. People are also the only species with feelings for revenge, guilt and hate. Those copied feelings are chemical reactions in the brain. The copying begins with the fusion of "the" cells and goes on and on, even after birth. This is called learning. With the years, the automatic copy program takes the place of real freedom of moving, thinking, feeling, speaking, acting and reacting. Throw all copied meanings, expectations, rules, religions and languages to the side. Forget Everything you copied. Live in the Now. Find your real self and who you really are. You will see your very own original world, which is not copied. What we sew a few years ago was that complete cloning cannot be successful, at all. Artificial copying or cloning of complete organisms is delivering only genetically errors. In the United Kingdom, scientist cloned a complete sheep. The copied sheep did aged two times faster than a normal one, because artificially copied cells are faster and they mutate so, that their "programmed" life expectations are getting shorter. The ageing process of cells doubles, because of the loss of mass, also their inner clock gets faster and the distance between the timelines gets smaller. This fast cell ageing looks like a kind of syndrome. Children with this genetic mutation syndrome are ageing ten times faster than normal children. In those cases, some of those kids are just ten years old, but they look like a hundred year old person. Does that mean, that cells have got variable space and time and that the mass of cells depend on gravity, or that their mass decreases, or they lose all their mass? Perhaps, their mass increases. Maybe, the life expectations of cells are connected to the quantity and the distance of timelines. The bigger the distance or space, the slower time gets and the life expectation gets longer. As like as this copied Universe. The further one is from gravity, the bigger space gets and the slower time gets. When one comes back to the starting point, time moved faster or it looks like that way. Everything is an illusion, where nearly anyone acts in copied shows and plays copied games in copied realities. When we see two or more children out of one cell copied by nature, then there could appear some mutations or differences. There is always some kind of loss or mutation, when the copying takes place. The original one is always bigger and healthier than the others, who are actually mirrored copies or clones. So, they cannot be identical. The mirrored one is a mutant. Aren’t all life forms are mutants of the evolution? Artificially or naturally copying can't be the right way. Where is the switching point from non-living to living? Life doesn't start suddenly with a "Big Bang". It grows in several steps like this Universe, but life ends always in a split-second with death as the next step. Obviously, this Universe will also end in a blink of an eye... Minerals are growing, too. Are they alive, too? Copied organs are ageing faster than originals. But, implants or cloned organs are better than no implants at all and finally the death, which is the result of the way of living. If one lives fast, then one will die fast. But, if one lives slowly, then one will die slow. The hearts has only a limited pumping capacity. There is enough, but too much stress will cut any heart's capacity. When one's heart has reached the limit, then one will be finished any moment and one will find oneself six feet under, soon. Most people, who lived long, had relaxed a life without any stress situation. Making lives longer by the cost of who or what? Everything has got two extremes such as: "Nothing is Everything" or "Everything is Nothing", "Less is More" or "More is Less" and "Full is Empty" or "Empty is Full". But..., where begins Nothing and where ends Everything, if Less is more than More and More is less than Less, or Empty is Full with Nothing and Everything is Full of Shit? Dolphins and people have got the biggest brains on this planet called Earth, because they (dolphins a bit less) are the most mobile organisms in this space and time. Land, water, air and the space. Nothing is safe anymore... Trees don't need brains, because trees don't move, but they spread themselves thru their seeds with help of insects such as bees, or through the air. After the central nerve system and the autonomic nerve system, the big brain could only grow, after people began to walk on two feet. Then, simple sounds and body languages could evolve to complex languages. Besides that, perhaps minerals and spores such as phosphor and iodide could helped for more intelligence life. Dolphins and humans are the only two species, which are iron based. Both talk complex languages and both have got the highest intelligence. Other species are copper based, which makes them less smart? Scientists are looking for the missing link between apes and dolphins. Maybe, people are the missing link

between apes and dolphins? That could explain our semi-water history. By copying, people lost information, obviously. People's genes are the same as the genes of all other species, only the sequence of the gene code is a different order. It seems to make the difference between all the species. It has to do with the evolution, natural selection and needs, because they make inventive. Evolution seems to be the result of biological errors. With the right proportions, our physical and chemical structure delivered beside language, culture, technology, science and trading also negative aspects such as rules, money, crime, stupid religions and useless wars for economic or religious reasons. Chemical processes are also responsible for feelings, which control people behaviors. Obviously, people's feelings are copied, too. The fact is that we all are the same and we are just copies of copies of copies. We are build up from the same stuff as all the stars or planets are and this Universe is. In the time before our birth we open our eyes, we make noises, and we are even capable to think and to react to events. Factors such as events, genes, environment, culture, food, education, food and people's thinking (un-)capabilities are affecting our personalities and behaviors, which make us so called unique. But, is that so? Are we all indeed unique? When we take a close look to all the people types, we can see that all types are acting, reacting and functioning for ninety percent the same, type by type. The rest have their own ways to handle things. This has nothing to do with racism, or whatever! There are several races and colors of one type. The color of skin and eyes are adjusted to the colors of the local environment, the climate and the ground. In the southern regions are the colors of skin, eyes and hair dark. The more one to the north goes, the lighter the color of skin, eyes and hair gets. Several other factors are affecting some type's evo-life into a positive or a negative way. Then they copy often other behaviors with all the consequences of those. Through people (a)social behaviors, they group or regroup themselves mostly by copied principles en conclusions. Sometimes, traumatic events have big impacts to some types and they are developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In most cases, multiple personalities are also results of traumatic events, and then the personality is copying itself and functions as a protector from a dominant position. Copied personalities will mutate and bring disorder to the chemical household of the brain. The chemical balance can be repaired with medication. Psychological (mis)behaviors are copied, too. Any brain can be telemetrically controlled. Words, music, pictures, colors and pheromones smelled with the nose are affecting all organisms. In the past, governments did experiments with microwaves, drugs, pheromones and other stuff on military and civilian people. Their behaviors changed, could be forever. Some were brainwashed and reprogrammed. Others heard voices or they copied instantly other behaviors to be someone else. Perhaps, those experiments are still going on. By grouping and regrouping people copied languages, religions, rules, laws, cultures, politics, deadly wars, deceases and crime. With copying comes also a variable diversity. Darwin tells in his evolutionary theory of evolution, how a totally new species can evolve from biological errors such as mutations. Religions are copied, too. It could be, that they evolved by preprogrammed chemical chain reactions in de brain, which brought by pain, illness, fear, death or mysterious events and fictions, which makes religions as some kind of illusional disorder. Only people see mysterious, magical and unexplainable events or objects as made by one or more god-like beans. People declared religions with one or more gods, some copied end of their world prophecies, descriptions and rules, brought those together and wrote some "holy" books. All those "holy" books are starting and ending the same, only the middle parts show some differences, which are also copied from each other. Each group changed them a little bit to their own sympathies, and then they declared totally new religions. But, those copied faiths had or have also the same copied mysterious roots, which is hard to trace or not at all (yet). In the past, those "holy" books were seen as books of laws and religions were seen as political parties. People in some countries with "other cultures" are still living the same way. In every religion are copied parts of another religion, which mixed up by people. Maybe religions evolved by evolutionary errors, too? My suggestion would be that all those different religions should get together. Take all the positive conclusions, which are accepted by all and cut the negative subjects off and throw them away. One (or none) religion for all could be one solution to keep everyone happy. A democratic way to implement all religions into a "United Religions of the World", where problems could be solved democratically. But, there are always some idiots with radical thoughts... Children have no choice at all about religion. Quickly, after children are born, people put a label of some religion on them, if those

kids want it or not. This has to be forbidden by international laws and children should choose their religions themselves, when they are ready and if they want to. Some say, that kids choose their own parents. Are they choosing us for our faith or our unfaith? What is for sure, they choose us to copy and learn from us. Sometimes, adults can learn more from children, than the other way. Who is copying, then? Is that important? Is religion important in life? That life, people afraid to lose it. (any time...) Why people are always crying, when someone has died? If they would really believe in their religions and their gods, they were happy instead of crying. There is always a fraction of unbelief, in everybody's mind. What's for sure is that everything exists for a temporary period in their time and space and will die and fall apart, in the end. People talk always about the "end of the world". This is going on for thousands of years. After some big disaster, every generation thinks that they are special and in their lifetime the "End of Time" will come. People are born to die, obviously. Death is a part of people's "recycled" life. How and how soon people die, depends on their lifestyles. Is there a life after death or there not? We don't know (yet). Nobody came back to tell, ever. Everything else is just speculation about Nothing. People who make many other people think, they could talk with dead people, shouldn't be taken seriously. When people die, they don't even know, that they lived, once (or twice...). When the brain stops, everything else stops, too. Death starts at the end of every "biological reproducing behavior" (you know...). Perhaps it is better not to be born, at all. Maybe, time and space are already gone. But, our brains are relative slow and we live it just now likes a dream, what has happened long time and space ago. Perhaps, because of that people have sometimes "deja-vous". These are some events in life, which seem to like to repeat themselves. When it happens, people will know exactly, what's going to happen next. Sometimes, people can really change the flow of these events. Some people are capable to see visions of future events. When a vision becomes a reality, then they remember their vision, but then it's too late to do something about it. It's (almost) impossible to proof the existence of those visions. Maybe, Everything depends on the "seven cycles" in a "cosmic plan" of anti-matter, or Everything depends on Nothing, at all. Anti-matter also falls apart, after a while. This Universe seems to have a limited life, too. In a few timelines, when it's going faster and faster, Everything will fall apart and leave a trace of Nothing behind. Now and here, people live in the third dimension (3D), their third life. Before people were born, they lived in the second dimension, their second life. And people lived their first lives in the balls of their fathers, obviously. Beside earthly and physical life in here and now, maybe there could be etheric, astral, mental, spiritual, nirwanic spheres, or whatever. There is no Heaven and no Hell. Everyone has got their own heaven and hell in this life and on this planet called Earth, which turns in an elliptical spiral around a star called the Sun. A God or two (the goddish twins), could be as known as the Anti-Energy, which is anytime and anywhere, even before the so called Big Bang. Anti-Energy or the black Anti-Matter takes two third of this Universe, which are Neutrinos. What people see is Matter and what we do not see is Anti-Matter, obviously. Neutrinos are very fast, very small and very unstable particles of Anti-Matter, inside of negative Electro-Magnetic-Fields (EMF), which are quickly falling apart. Neutrinos are very small Black holes. Without unstable Neutrinos, the so called Big Bang was never happened. The mass of Anti-Matter has to be bigger than the mass of Matter. Both are very unstable. There is scientific proof that this Universe is still expanding faster and faster. But, the same Scientists are also telling us, that there was a Big Bang, first. "Their" theory shows us, that this Universe started with the Big Bang. After a while, it went slower and now it is expanding faster and faster, again? How is that possible? What made it to slow down and what made it to speed up, again? Please, tell me that. If this Universe started with a Big Bang, then it must slow down more and more, as time goes by. Imagine an explosion of some TNT, or whatever. Every explosion starts with high speed, then it slows down. If this Universe is really speeding up faster and faster, it must be started at zero speed. How it is going to end, is still just a wild guess. I would say it will end suddenly and without any warning. The so called Big Bang was a switching point from negative energy to positive one and from Anti-Matter to Matter at the exact moment of maximum instability. Besides that, I would also say, that the thoughts of a balloon like Universe is wrong, because people cannot think further than three dimensions. Actually, this Universe is endless multiple dimensioned, because it did began as a Spiral and grew up to uncountable multiple dimensioned Helix structures, which are growing also faster and faster around their own axles to endless bigger and bigger Helix structures. This is still going on until Everything meets Nothing again at the starting point. Hard to imagine, I guess...

Look to all those Galaxies, which a turning around a big Black hole in a Spiral. And look also to all the Planets, which are also turning in an elliptical Spiral around a Star or a Pulsar. I guess that all the Planets in our Solar system turn around the Sun in an elliptical Spiral, faster and faster. Soon, Mercury will be swallowed by the Sun, Venus takes the place of Mercury, Earth will end up like Venus and Mars will be colonized by people. I wonder, what people are going to do, when they destroyed Mars, too? This Universe has also a limited life cycle as like as all the Galaxies, Stars and Planets. We can compare it with Cells, which fall apart and they are replaced by younger ones. Atoms react the same way. They are also falling apart, when they get "old". This Universe must be one of many other copies. Therefore, it cannot be unique. Sins there are more of them; we can talk about a Multiverse. Vacuum can only exist in closed areas. If the Multiverse is one of many others, then they must be in another kind of Source. There is no biggest or smallest. That's a copied conclusion. The biggest or the smallest are relative. If people want to discover the biggest, then they must study the smallest. But, experiments of mini-Supernovas in accelerators are not without danger. Scientist should spend their time and energy with Nuclear Fusion, but nobody has booked success, yet. The structures are falling apart, quickly. Maybe, because they are copied and their instability or loss of their mass appears? Copying of Organisms is possible, but is it possible to copy atoms and molecular structures some day? People could use the same principles of the technology to produce artificially diamantes. Maybe, other neo-technologies could make the copying of "Artificial Oil" possible in the future. Imagine people could produce "Copied Oil". Perhaps, it also falls apart, because there is a loss, when something has been copied. People should stop to burn any kind of Oil. If not, there will be no future. The best people can do is copying, copying and copying. Copying is not really copying, because by copying seems to appear always some loss. Every Copy is an uncompleted Original, sins the loss will be covered with a guess or lie. So, what will left from a Truth, after too much copying? Nothing? A totally new Truth, which will be copied, too? Perhaps, every Copy becomes an Original for its own? Copyright © Volkan Akçelik. All Rights Reserved. Including the right of total or partial reproduction into any form and any language. No permission to use, "copy", modify and distribute "Copied Society" and its documentation without Agreements. (

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