Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009

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  • Words: 1,889
  • Pages: 4
Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009 How to Win the Battle The Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009 is nearing and the battle lines are drawn. The rich nations, who rule the world through the power of matter and money, are insensitive to the destructive end to which the world is moving. The nature is disturbed and has turned violent. Even a common man can sense the destructive end to which the powerful nations and their intellectual population are leading. But these powerful nations and their mindset are highly insensitive to global problems and the miseries of lesser nations. They are expected to oppose the climate treaty in Copenhagen Climate Summit. They have little concern for life lost in the natural catastrophes and the dangers lurking for the island nations and the miseries that a common man faces. To win the battle you need to catch the bull by its horn. The rich nations stand by the power of the knowledge of matter and its force contributed by modern science. The world today is ruled by the western mind set. The western mind set is divisive. It has learned the knowledge of exploiting the material energy and creating illusions in human mind. But it knows not the truth of interrelationship and ones of Nature. This means it exist in the ignorance of Truth of Nature and it’s functioning. It is founded on partial knowledge, not the fullness of it. To bring victory at the Copenhagen Climate Summit, we need to bring out Truth of Nature and wipe the ignorance on which the west exists. The modern world is the product of unfolding of western mindset. When the Truth of Nature is understood, the west is expected to yield and a New Era where the mindset of humanity changes from disorder to order begins. The Truth of Nature that can bring Victory at Copenhagen Climate Summit The western world and modern science thinks that nature is materialistic and is powered by material force. According to second law of thermodynamics, every time system transfers energy it looses some energy. This means in time material system leads to collapse to a point in the center. This is the Big Bang Theory of origin. Due to the energy released to the environment it creates a shredding force on the material system. Both these visions of nature are incomplete and not sensible. They do not speak the cause for collapse nor the origin. It does not give a picture of perpetual existence. If you stand back from the competitive material world and observe nature we note that all life is anti-gravitational. You can look through the window and observe a grass grow to find a proof for this statement. The second law of thermodynamics applied to living system shows this opposition. This means the very vision of western thinking needs to be rewritten. This Big Bang Theory in its present form is not imaginable. Even the existence of one living cell should stop the great collapse.

A second important point that emerges when we observe nature is the energy cycle in which we all exist. Nature is designed such that when west awakes to sunlight and goes into disorder, east sleeps to darkness and goes into new order and vice-versa. The two parts are instantaneously connected and there is information flow between the two. There is a process of information unfolding and enfolding happening. Nature is sustained through this information unfolding and enfolding. This is exactly how life sustains it self. The planet is healthy as long as the ratio between the ordering and disordering cycle exist within limits. This ordering and disordering cycle actually maintains the temperature of earth and sustains life. When humanity breaks this ratio of ordering and disordering phase, the ability of earth to sustain the temperature becomes severely disturbed and it begins to open and collapse into new order in change in direction of thinking. The primal cause for Global Warming and Climate Change exist in this reality. This is discussed in the site of the author logically and scientifically from various contexts. An important point emerges here. The energy flow in earth resembles the double pump or heart of living system. Further, the position of earth in solar system is off centered as heart is off centered in living system. These and the emerging realities of scientific advancement, gives us enough reasons to come out of western minds set to explore a living vision of nature and our role in the unfolding and enfolding of the world and its information. It should be noted that, when west awakes to sunlight and goes into disorder, the plant life absorbs the light and heat and thus works against the disorder. When night falls and the material system winds, the plant life utilizes the energy absorbed to unwind against nature. The earth with only plants is two dimensional. If you visualize earth with plants and animals the energy flow in earth becomes three dimensional. The fourth dimension or the dimension of time to nature emerges when we take into consideration the adult human beings and his self. Human Mind and the minds set thus becomes central to unfolding and enfolding of nature. A “self” manifest when human mind matures. It is also a period when it is attracted to the material world. The self and attachment to material world is a reality and is allowed within certain limit. But when the mind becomes slave to the material world and breaks the law it creates a time direction to nature that leads to eventual collapse. When time becomes unilateral, the ratio of ordering and disordering phase of earth’s energy flow is upset in favor of disordering phase. The system is designed to resist this. But time direction is a reality to both materialistic as well as living vision of nature. The modern world is tending to this inevitably reality. The design of earth to cool her self is disturbed by human ignorance of truth of nature. The west and east separation has broken down, the world has become one through the “self” and materialistic conquering motive of the west. In the process it has upset earth design and its functioning. The nature is not getting time and space to repair her “self”.

There is a ratio of energy to matter for every system and the whole. This balance is critical. When the ratio is upset beyond some critical point, the system is bound to break down and go into transformation phase and collapse into New Order. This is inevitable we are going trough this phase change. We cannot survive this phase change unless we know the Truth of Nature and act responsibly. Truth of Nature The truth revealed to me tells that the universe is living, conscious and intelligent capable of self survival and perpetuation. We are individuated consciousness born from universal consciousness and mind in time and space. We have our own consciousness and mind. Our mind is inferior. We get life when our identity dissolves in universal consciousness and gets enlightened by the Mind of God. We are like individuated cells of one whole system and are supposed to work for the well being of the whole by adhering to the law. When individuals seek self beyond limits, it falls and the system is stressed and time direction emerges in the system. The law, not eat from the tree at the center that God placed is a resistive law against time and death force. But time is an inevitable component of the universe and the living universe is not beyond it. The survival of the universe now calls for time conquering and time initialization before death strikes. All biological system conquers time and initializes it. There are five stages to the time cycle. The first phase is the phase in the womb where the “Fathers Essence” exists in the womb and creates new body out of the old and thus conquers time. The birth and childhood is considered the Golden period or period in the Kingdom of God. This is followed by silver-age, bronze-age and iron -age. They depict the distancing of human mind from his consciousness and the light within and its bondage to the material world. The Vedas measure it by the scale of deterioration Law and Justice. The last age is the age when the system unwinds and deteriorates quickly moves into death. If the system has to survive the conquering of time and time initialization should occur before death strikes. This means the last age also is the creation age. This creation proceeds in a new world formed within the old. The truth exists in this new world. The hope for the world exists in the spiritual truth manifested through Christ. My research and the revelation speaks that Christ is the conceiving point of universe at which the time is conquered. The Spirit of Christ is unfolding new world within the old. Every one who transforms to this world gets New Life. The Second Coming of Christ is the revelation of Mind of God and the Truth of Nature that initializes humanity into New Time Cycle and creates order out of disorder. Knowing the Truth will set our mind free from material hold and bring us to life. In short revelation of Mind of God gives us the deliverance from death to start a New Time Cycle. Revelation of Mind of God is the unfolding of the true information about nature. It is the restoration of the past Glory or Entry into Kingdom of God. This Living Theory of the Universe is well explained and defended as a science in my site though more than two decades of self less research. This when brought to light can change the foundation of modern science and the general thinking and mind set that is

ruling us. It can change the direction of mind of human beings from outer material world to inner conscious field to bring life and order to the world. This truth and knowledge is the only weapon that can defeat the powerful nations that cling to the material power and have gone totally blind to end time and catastrophic signals coming from nature. The “Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009” where the powerful nations meet to discuss climate is crucial to the future of the world. The only way that these materially powerful nations can be defeated is by wiping their ignorance. It is time that everyone awakens to Truth of Nature and stresses the leaders and intellectuals ruling the world to come to their senses. It is time we know truth and change the mind set and our thinking about nature. Note – The author was a researcher in the field of biotechnology, but left the mad competitive world of science in search of Truth. He has spent more than two decades of self less research as he puts forth the Living Universe Theory. Author does not hold any chair or position to influence the modern world. But he is struggling and draining his energy to hold the light reveled to him. This light and knowledge only can save humanity and earth. I request the readers to add a helping hand to take it to the world and its attention. Spiral this article to as many people as possible ******************

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