2012, Secert Of Consciousness And Intelligence And Jesus Christ

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  • Pages: 3
2012, Secret of Consciousness and Intelligence and Christ By John Paily Grace New Age Research 2012 December 21, according to Mayans is the end of present time and beginning of New Time cycle. A similar end is spoken in Bible, Vedas and other spiritual scriptures. The believers of Bible may not accept such accurate prediction because it is written that the exact time is only known to the Father. This may not be a problem because the Mayan are based on observed phenomena and the Bible speaks of action that precedes and is taking place in spiritual realm. However, most scriptures pictures the end of time and beginning of new time as highly painful time for humanity. The true Mayan interpretation as researched and advocated by C.J. Calleman and others tell us that Mayans time cycle is relates to cycle of human consciousness - its sleeping into darkness and awakening to light. Understanding the phenomenon calls us to know what is consciousness and intelligence. To be conscious is to be aware of change. Change in what? The answer is simple - The change in energy or time. Every thing exists in energy and time and every system is forced to adapt to change. A hydrogen atom is conscious, for it unwinds and winds in relation to change in energy and time. The most evident energy and time cycle is 12 hour cycle in which energy peaks to a maximum then gives way a second cycle where energy dips to minimum. This energy is cycle is enclosed in 12 month climatic cycle where it has its own energy peaks. Ancient have recoded that this cycle is further embedded 12 year cycles and so on. Thus it is understood the whole system has a huge energy cycle with a maximum and minimum. This reality can be understood from the second law of thermodynamics and time direction. It is quite evident from the world we live in that it is increasingly getting disordered due the increased heat content of the environment. This is manifesting as global warming, climate, change, increased natural catastrophes, and instability of earth, sun and solar system. The instability of human mind manifesting as increased war, terrorism, unprovoked violence all could be related to it. The cause for the present situation could be easily cornered to human being and his mind that fails to connect to his consciousness and intelligence. We exist in a pseudo belief that we human are conscious and intelligent beings. This is not true, we are the least conscious and intelligent beings. The cycle of time now relates to fall of human consciousness and intelligence and its awakening in time. We can understand our own ignorance, by trying to visualize an earth with only plants, with plants and animals and with plants, animals and human beings. The earth now become two dimensional, three dimensional and four dimensional. The fourth dimension is the dimension of time. It emerges from human mind that


separates from universal self [the consciousness and intelligence] and seeks its self by breaking the laws. No plants or animals ever disturb the energy cycle of nature. They awake and sleep in relation to ordering and disordering cycle or day and night cycle of nature. The whole world is one and interrelated. It originated from one single source and is related to it. Our feeling of self is ignorance and illusion. No life lives by mind the only exception is human. Human mind that is focused to outer world looses connection with consciousness and intelligence and thus gets caught in a vortex of darkness. This means humans mind and consciousness play an important role in the very existence of nature. When the consciousness and intelligence of humans deteriorate he leads the earth to disorder and destruction. The emergence of order and survival humanity now exists in awakening of human consciousness and the intelligence. To understand this we need to make some fundamental shift in our thinking. Modern world pictures universe as matter built by a single force called gravity. But the reality is that it is built by two forces - gravity and anti-gravity. The living systems are anti-gravitational. The second law of thermodynamics applied to living system and material system shows this opposition. Thus the vision of origin from point in a big bang appears nonsensical. But big bang becomes a reality, when we consider human mind and its separates from its consciousness and intelligence and thereby the Creator. The human mind separated form its consciousness becomes focused on matter and inferior knowledge. He is the only living system that aligns with material force and death [gravitational collapse. Visualizing universe as living gives us scope to develop an Intelligent Design by which life and the universe survives time and death. We know life survive time and death, by three essential process, breathing and sustenance, mitotic division and growth against gravity, meiotic division and reproduction in which it conquers time and creates new world out of the old such that life perpetuates. Visualizing universe as living, invariably means death to the universe is inevitable. But then it also gives scope of recreation of new body out of the old. The preproduction in life begins when “Fathers Essence” leaves it body and enters the Mothers and unites with one chosen cell to form a new life or new world. Here it conquers time. This world then grows in time and emerges to start a New Time Cycle. I said “Fathers Essence” because what we call genes and information is developed in space and time. What survives is not genes and information. Information is only means by which something else survives. I call this Light of the Father or the Living Light or the Light that gives life. This means there are two lights or force which together form one. The light of the Father works to give life. The light of the mother is the field in which it exists. It is darkness. The movement of the two lights create the day and night cycle. The picture of the universe is not complete without the created [the humans] who seek the truth of nature. The Biblical creation should be recalled here. It is said God created Adam and Eve in His image using Matter or Mud. He then gave them the dominion to rule over His kingdom, but resisted them from eating from the tree at the center. This means in addition to the elements of God that perceives and dances to perpetuate Life. There exists an external force which is opposite to Gods Force.


This is the force of matter or gravity directed to a center. The tree at the center is the point to which the material force or death force directs. In short it is the point of gravitational collapse. God forbids Adam and Eve from aligning with this force. But in time Adam and Eve eats and the inevitable and death comes into being. This endangers the Creator and Creation. This means the Creator has to act again to create. The Light of the Father should leave its place and enter the womb to recreate. This phenomenon occurred in Calvary. When the Living Light leaves its central position, what begins to rule is the inferior light that aligns with material force. But the Good New is that the time is already conquered. What this means universe never collapses it simply transforms. The whole universe is the conscious field of the Creator and everything is created by His intelligence. Mankind was created in His image invariably means we were given His Intelligence. But we lost this intelligence and light in time, because we broke the law. The law that God placed was a resistive law against time and death. The law can be interpreted as 1] Not conquer the opposite 2] To Love the opposite 3] Not hoard and corrupt the flow 4] To have Faith in the Creator and the unseen and so on. The Gods consciousness is the basal field in which everything exists. His intelligence gives us the power to rule and bring order. Behind the disorder we are spreading because of our inferior knowledge and intelligence, the God and intelligence is working to save the world. The revival spirituality in the modern time is related to it. The Second Coming of Christ is the revelation of Mind of God or the Truth of Nature. When the truth is revealed we humans becomes self ordered and the order returns to the world. The Consciousness and intelligence of God has manifested on earth in the name of Christ and the Light it released is working to recreate and transform every thing in to new order and initialize the world into New Time Cycle. The Calvary as the creation secret is well written I ancient Vedas. YajurVeda VS:30-31 clearly writes that creation occurred through the self sacrifice of the Creator and the this sacrifice was conducted by this own people. This clearly point to Calvary and Christ. There is necessity to review everything from the living point of view. Life also can give us innumerable new technologies to sustain the world in a natural way. To understand this Living Universe Theory explore the following links Awakening to Truth http://sites.google.com/site/awakeningtotruth Biology and Physic of Biblical Creation http://sites.google.com/site/biophysicsofbible


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