Coordinator Guide

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  • Words: 3,000
  • Pages: 12
Copyright 2009 of Jumps4Joy

…”so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.” Colossians 1:10-12 12

Copyright 2009 of Jumps4Joy

Contents Introduction....................................................2 Background ....................................................4 .................................................... Jump 4 Joy-a-thon thon ........ .......................................... .......6 Build excitement ................................................7 .......................................... Get organized.....................................................8 organized................................................ Host your event .................................................9 ............................................ Wrap up event............ event.....................................................9 Frequently asked questions .........................10 .........................

Copyright 2009 of Jumps4Joy

Introduction: Thank you for your interest in Jumps 4 Joy. We appreciate your willingness to consider hosting a Jumps 4 Joy event in your area. Our goal is to make participating in and/or hosting an event effortless and most importantly fun. Enclosed in this guide, you will find all the necessary information and tools to assist you in hosting a Jumps 4 Joy event. There are no requirements for how big, small, or detailed your event needs to be. For that reason, our planning guide is to walk you through small events and larger ones: Ifyou want to do Jumps 4 Joy on your own, with just a few friends and without a lot of planning, use the “Jump-a-thon” guide on page 6. If you intend to host Jumps 4 Joy for a large group or would like more detailed instructions, use the step-by-step planning guide starting on page 7. You can use as much or as little of the information as you need for your event. By hosting a Jumps 4 Joy event, you will be making it possible to impact the lives of not only children orphaned by HIV/AIDS, but also the lives of other participants. We’ve been told you’re life might be changed as a result too!

The need Every 14 seconds a child is orphaned by HIV/AIDS 6,100 children lose a parent or both from AIDS every day 4,100 children die in Sub-Saharan Africa each day In Twichland (SP) Africa, 50% of the population is under the age of 15. Most of these kids are orphans. Approximately 15.2 million children under age 18 have lost one or both parents to AIDS. Of these, 12 million live in sub-Saharan Africa. Each day, 1,500 children worldwide become infected with HIV, the vast majority of them newborns. To date about 65 million people have been infected with HIV, and AIDS has killed more than 25 million people since it was first recognized in 1981. About 17.3 million women comprise nearly half the total number of people living with HIV, and 76 percent (13.2 million) of women with HIV live in sub-Saharan Africa. Africa is home to 69 percent of the AIDS-infected population and has only 1.8 percent of the world's health-care workers. About 11,000 new HIV infections occur daily worldwide. Of those, 50 percent are women and more than 40 percent are young people ages 15-24. Approximately 9.8 million young people, ages 15-24, are living with HIV/AIDS.

Copyright 2009 of Jumps4Joy

Water Roughly one-sixth of the world's population, or 1.1 billion people, do not have access to safe water. About 2.6 billion people in the world do not have access to adequate sanitation, roughly two-fifths of the world's population. Approximately 1.8 million children die every year as a result of diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation. This amounts to around 5,000 deaths a day. The simple act of washing hands with soap and water can reduce diarrhea diseases by more than 40 percent. Water-related disease is the second biggest killer of children worldwide, after acute respiratory infections such as tuberculosis. Approximately 97.5 percent of the earth's water is saltwater. If the world's water fit into a bucket, only 1 teaspoonful would be drinkable. Around 90 percent of incidences of water-related diseases are due to unsafe water supply, sanitation and hygiene, and most victims are children in developing countries. The average person in the developing world uses 2.6 gallons of water every day for drinking, washing and cooking. This is the same amount used in the average flush of a toilet. Approximately 21.1 percent of children live in developing countries without safe water.

Education Of the 22 countries where more than half the population is illiterate, 15 are in Africa. About 75 percent of children out of primary school in developing countries have mothers who did not go to school. An estimated 130 million of the world's 15- to 24- year-olds cannot read or write. Nearly 115 million children are out of school. Globally, some 53 percent of the children out of primary school are girls, meaning that for every 100 boys out of school, 115 girls are in the same situation.

The opportunity You can respond by participating in and/or hosting a Jumps 4 Joy event to raise awareness and funds for children orphaned by this disease. Jumps 4 Joy is the largest free throw shoot-a-thon in the world. It’s a student created movement giving kids and adults an opportunity to care for AIDS orphans. Participants, ages 3 – 100, can help us to raise enough money to help bring relief to the suffering of AIDS orphans in Africa. Our hope is to build at least two wells each year in honor of Jumps 4 Joy! Schools, medical centers and relief centers are on the horizon too! Copyright 2009 of Jumps4Joy

Background: Hi! My name is Lexi and I am the founder of Jumps 4 Joy. I am a 15 year old Jesus Freak who felt the call of God to make a difference after learning how many children die and are orphaned every day. I imagined myself in their shoes and even the thoughts burned my heart. But what could I do? I'm just a kid right? Or was it time to take a stand? I couldn't ignore the facts anymore. I had to do something. On July 8, 2009, I decided to jump jump-rope rope for every child orphaned each day and completed my goal of 6,100 jumps in 3 days! Jumps 4 Joy is working in conjunction with other Christian organizations that spread d the gospel of Jesus Christ and help meet the needs of those in villages around the world. 100% of your donations go directly to the organizations we are working with to help meet the needs of the children in the 3rd world countries that they work in. I know I can't do this alone and I will be relying on my Savior each and every day. But I'll need you guys too! You can make a difference and jump in on this awesome way to help children around the world. Feel free to contact me to get started at [email protected] Tons of encouragement and prayers for Jumps 4 Joy is extremely appreciated and I hope to hear from many of you soon! Come join me in leaving a footprint on a child's heart, one jump at a time. IMPORTANT! If you want to follow Jumps 4 Joy, see updates, new information, pictures, and videos, click on the "blog" button at the top of the website and that will take to you Jumps 4 Joy's personal blog where we will be posting (all of the above) quite regularly!

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How Jumps 4 Joy works / Jumps 4 Joy is like a walk-a-thon, but definitely more fun. Participants sign up to jump at a jump-a-thon event. Through an online fundraising page at

, and, participants are able to raise awareness and funds for AIDS orphans and building wells.

About being a coordinator / You can make a significant difference in the lives of AIDS orphans by hosting a Jumps 4 Joy event. Jumps 4 Joy will provide you will all the necessary planning and promotional materials to host your event, can help assist your fundraising efforts through our fundraising webpage and provide personal support along the way. You pick a date, reserve a location and invite others to join. If it seems easy, that’s because it is. If you have any questions, you can email [email protected].

Host a Jumps 4 Joy event!

Copyright 2009 of Jumps4Joy

Planning your Jumps 4 Joy Event: Jump-a-thon – Thinking Small Five easy steps Planning or participating in a Jumps 4 Joy event doesn’t have to require a ton of time and energy. Do you want to make a difference for orphan children, but want to keep it simple? If so, hosting a jump-a-thon is perfect for you! Just follow these five easy steps: 1. Choose a date to do your Jumps 4 Joy event. Choose one of our 2009-2010 national Jumps 4 Joy event dates below or choose another date that works best for you. • December 1, 2010 – World AIDS Day Awareness Jumps 4 Joy • May 7, 2010 – World Orphan Day Awareness Jumps 4 Joy 2. Find a jump location: at a local school, church, community gym or even your own driveway. 3. Sign up to participate by emailing your info to: [email protected] 4. Select which organization you would like to jump for – Compassion International, The Water Project, or World Vision. Then have all of your family, friends, church, etc donate on my blog directly! You can also send us a check for the total you raised jumping. We will be sending you a packet of information to use for sending in your donations for Jumps 4 Joy! 5. Invite others to join you and then have a blast jumping on the date you chose. It should only take 3 – 4 hours depending on how high you set your goal – number of jumps and the amount of money you wish to raise! That’s it –you’ve just joined Jumps 4 Joy and made a difference for AIDS orphans in Africa! You’re a hero.

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Copyright 2009 of Jumps4Joy

Planning your Jumps 4 Joy Event Jump-a-thon – Thinking Big Five Steps 1. Choose a date to do your Jumps 4 Joy event. Choose one of our 2009-2010 national Jumps 4 Joy event dates below or choose another date that works best for you. • December 1, 2010 – World AIDS Day Awareness Jumps 4 Joy • May 7, 2010 – World Orphan Day Awareness Jumps 4 Joy 2. Find a jump location: at a local school, church, community gym or even your own driveway. 3. Sign up to participate by emailing your info to: [email protected] 4. Select which organization you would like to jump for and use one of our fundraiser pages : • (Compassion International)

• • (World Vision) or (The Water Project)

5. Invite others to join you and then have a blast jumping on the date you chose. It should only take 3 – 4 hours depending on how high you set your goal – number of jumps and the amount of money you wish to raise! That’s it –you’ve just joined Jumps 4 Joy and made a difference for AIDS orphans in Africa! You’re a hero.

Build excitement 1. Engage the hearts and minds of potential participants using the video we have provided at and on • Build anticipation using the following ideas: • Poster / Hang poster to let others know of your upcoming Jumps 4 Joy event. • Flyers / Create and pass out flyers to raise awareness. 2. Sign up participants for your event. This is a great time to also get their t-shirt sizes if you intend to order t-shirts for your event. 3. Challenge your participants to raise at least $250 each. Participants can use the donation buttons available on our website. The form can be downloaded at

Copyright 2009 of Jumps4Joy

Get organized 1. Review the videos on to see which inspirational videos you will share with your participants during your Jumps 4 Joy event. 2. Verify that you have the materials you need for your event. All forms can be downloaded • Checklist for Event Coordinator / a step by step timeline to plan your event • T-shirt & Banner order form / send this form in 4 weeks in advance of your event • Tally sheets/ use these sheets to help track of jumps for participants. Each sheet has room for 4 participants 3. Get jump ropes for your event. You’ll want to make sure to have enough ropes are available for those who are participating. We recommend 50 ropes per 100 participants. 100 ropes per 200 participants. You can always give-away ropes to each participant as a thank-you for joining the jump-a-thon. We are working on finding a sponsor to give these away free at each event. 4. Get volunteers for the day of the event. You’ll want volunteers for set up, check-in, encouragement of participants, handing out jump ropes, t-shirts, jump counting, clean up, etc. 4. Get donations from local businesses. Local businesses may be willing to provide coffee, snacks, lunch or prizes. You can also solicit local businesses if you are planning on holding a silent auction as part of your Jumps 4 Joy event. 5. Get a list of local media -TV, print, and radio. You’ll want contact names, numbers and email. You’ll also want contact info for your local Mayor, State Representative, AIDS Awareness office, Adoption/Orphan Awareness office, etc. 6. Order t-shirts for your participants. The cost of t-shirts and shipping is $ per shirt. Orders/funding must be received no later than 4 weeks prior to your event to ensure delivery before your event. We are always happy to provide our logo if you would like to print your own shirts. Please only order the number of shirts actually needed. 7. Send out a press release to local media. We have provided a sample press release on our website. You can download the sample at 8. Print up a participant and volunteer check-in list if you plan on hosting a large event. You may even want to consider pre-assigning hoops. 9. Find music to play at your event to keep participants energized and excited.

Copyright 2009 of Jumps4Joy

Host your event 1. Set up your location. • Hang banners in desired location. • Provide tally sheet, pen, clipboard and jump counter for each participant • Have someone sign-in all participants – be sure to get signed copy of release/waiver forms. • Set up a table for water and snacks if desired 2. Show one or two of the videos provided to remind participants of why they are jumping. 3. Play music and encourage participants. You may also want to create additional challenges such as “jump past your goal by 10, 15, 20 – remember who we are jumping for!” and reward with stickers, school supplies, etc. We will provide you with a suggested song list to encourage your participants. 4. Take pictures and video during your event and be sure to send Jumps 4 Joy copies! 5. Collect any donations that will come in during your event. 6. Have fun. This is the most important step. We want to engage participants and help them realize the joy of serving others.

Wrap up event 1. Send us an email to tell us about your event. Email [email protected]. 2. Mail all donations that were not made directly onto the firstgiving websites to: Jumps 4 Joy 128 Aspen Drive Downingtown, PA 19335 3. All checks can be made out to the organization you jumped for in HONOR OF JUMPS 4 JOY in the MEMO! If you receive cash donations, please write a check or get a money order for the total. Please do not send cash.

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Frequently asked questions What is a Jump 4 Joy? Jumps 4 Joy is an annual jump-a-thon with 2 national dates. Its goal is to raise awareness and funds for children who have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Money raised through Jumps 4 Joy jumping marathons goes directly to Compassion International, The Water Project and World Vision, to aid their initiatives in various 3 world countries; however, our focus is in Africa. Our goal is to be a vessel by which God can use us to help His children around the world receive proper nutrition, clean water, education and medical buildings that are available for everyone in their villages! Is Jumps 4 Joy just for children? NO! Jumps 4 Joy was founded by a 15 year old, to encourage anyone that wants to jump rope, use a pogo stick or has two feet ☺ to start jumping to raise awareness for 143 million orphans around the world today! How many jumps does each participants have jump? We leave that up to individual hosts and participants. You’ll want to keep in mind that Jumps 4 Joy is geared towards being a half or full day event. 1,000 jumps may seem like a lot, but most participants together are able to complete their jumps within 3 - 4 hours. How much money do participants need to raise? We ask each of our participants to target raising at least $250. We’ve found most participants are able to raise $100 without too much effort and many are able to raise much more. As a host, you’ll want to challenge your participants to raise as much as possible. While we ask participants to target raising $250, it’s not a requirement for participating. How do participants raise money? We provide participants with an online fundraising webpage at, and Participants are also able to raise and solicit offline donations using the donation form. Copies of the Donation form can be downloaded at

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