Cool Thoughts: December 3, 2009

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  • Pages: 8
Calendar of Upcoming Events December 3, 2009 Monday, December 7 11:40-12:35 Fourth and Fifth Grade Chorus in Aud. Tuesday, December 8 11:40-12:35 Battle of the Books Meeting in LRC Friday, December 11 3:00-4:00 PTA Market Day Pick Up Monday, December 14 11:40-12:35 Fourth and Fifth Grade Chorus 7:30 p.m. District 64 Board of Ed. Meeting at Washington Tuesday, December 15 11:40-12:35 Math Club Meeting in LRC Wednesday, December 16

FRANKLIN HOLIDAY SING 9:45 AM Kindergarten, First, Third and Fifth Grade Students Singing 12:30 PM Kindergarten, Second and Fourth Grade Students Singing

Table of Contents Calendar Page 1

From the Principal’s Desk Page 2

Holiday Sing Page 3

PTA Winterfest Grand Raffle Info Page 3

District 64 Announcements Page 4

District Leadership Profile Assessment

Page 5, 6

Census Forms for 2010-2011

Page, 7

Emerson Parent Night for 5thGraders

Page 8

Thursday, December 17 Franklin Flyer Distributed on line Friday, December 18 10:40-11:40 Morning Kindergarten PTA Holiday Parties 2:30-3:30 PTA Holiday Parties in Homerooms

December 21, 2009


Monday, January 4, 2010 8:50 a.m.

Classes Resume

January 5-8 MAPS Testing and DIBELS Testing 1

KEY NOTES from the Principal Superintendent Search There is a District Leadership Profile Assessment included in this newsletter. This information we are asking you to provide will guide the search firm hired by the district in seeking and selecting candidates for the future Superintendent of District 64. Please take the time to complete the form and return it using any of the options listed on the second page of the form. The School Board would greatly appreciate your input in the decision making process. Kindergarten Census and Enrollment for 2010 Included in this Newsletter is a form titled Census of Kindergarten & Transfer Students for 2010-2011. Please take the time to help us contact potential future Franklin families. Having this enrollment information in a timely manner helps us all by letting us establish classes and staffing the building with teachers. Later registration causes us to hold off on hiring until we have the enrollment to create additional classes and this postpones hiring until late August. H1N1 Vaccinations Thank you to the many parent volunteers for your assistance in making the H1N1 Vaccinations run so smoothly. Your caring support and extra efforts made a huge difference and are greatly appreciated. Please Leave Dogs at Home Drop off and pick up at an elementary school is a very busy, hectic and distracting time. That is why we have in our handbook “No dogs on school grounds during the school day. Please do not bring dogs onto school grounds when dropping off and picking up students.” This is not because we do not like dogs. We do this simply to protect the children. Building Security Recently I have noticed some parents entering the building and not checking into the office. As much as we like to be welcoming and open to our Franklin parent community, we must remain a secure building. You must enter through the front door and check in at the office by signing in and getting a visitors badge. Please do not ask students or patrols to let you in other doors. We are telling the students to not let adults in doors throughout the building and if they are challenged it sends a mixed and confusing message to the students. I appreciate you cooperation with this important safety issue. Dan Walsh [email protected]





WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 in the Gymnasium

9:45 a.m. Students in Morning Kindergarten, First Grade, Third Grade and Fifth Grade Singing 12:30 p.m. Students in Afternoon Kindergarten, Second and Fourth Grade Singing Enter the doors by the Circle Drive and proceed to the Gymnasium for Performance Legal Parking will be permitted on the south side of Manor Lane and the west side of Dee Road.

************************************************************ S.O.S. SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL S.O.S.

Planning is underway for Franklin’s annual Winterfest event! This fun-filled, family event is not until February 20; however, it will be here before we know it. As you find good deals during your holiday shopping, would you please consider donating an item to the Grand Raffle? Perhaps, you have friends and/or family who work in a business that could donate a product or service for our Grand Raffle… All proceeds go towards initiatives that benefit our children. Any donation is greatly appreciated. Some examples of past donations were videos, sports items, toys, gift certificates, sporting event tickets, books, and electronic items. Cash donations will go towards purchasing prizes for the raffle. Donations may be dropped off at my home, at the school office (please be sure to sign the donation log so we know who to thank) or I will gladly pick them up. Thanks in advance! Happy Holidays, Aggie Malin Grand Raffle Chairperson Address: 2707 Manor Lane- P.R. 3

District 64 Announcements – December 3, 2009 !

Invitation to participate in Superintendent Search; Profile forms due on Friday, December 4

The Board of Education invites all members of the community to participate in the search for a new school superintendent. Current Superintendent Sally Pryor is retiring on June 30, and the Board is working with consultants to conduct a national search for her replacement. A key step in the search process is to identify the values and priorities of our community, and create a profile of the characteristics that our community seeks in an outstanding educational leader to guide our schools into the new decade. If you were unable to attend one of the community forums earlier this week, please consider contributing your thoughts by completing the attached Leadership Profile form. The form also is available at this link: Forms are due by Friday, December 4 and may be returned to your school or District 64 office, or mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the consultants; instructions are on the form. Thank you for taking time to contribute your thoughts on the leadership of our schools in the new decade. !

Guidelines for gifts to teachers & staff

Students and their families often look for ways to remember teachers and staff members during this festive time of year. Although this thoughtfulness is appreciated, District 64 has an Ethics & Gift Ban policy to avoid any appearance of impropriety or favoritism. Policy 2:105 prohibits staff from receiving gifts if the cumulative total value is more than $100 in any calendar year from one source. The policy can be viewed on the District Web site under the Board of Education Policy Manual. Please keep in mind that often the most cherished gifts to teachers and staff are the simple, heartfelt notes and personal expressions of appreciation from students and their families during the holidays or at any time of year. !

Preparing for Kindergarten/New Student Registration for 2010-11

Please pass the word to neighbors and friends – District 64 is gathering the names of all students new to our schools who may be enrolling next year. We would like to mail an enrollment packet in January that must be completed and returned on the official registration days: Tuesday, February 2 and Thursday, February 4. You may request a packet by returning the census form attached to this newsletter, or you may call the school office or District 64. The census form also is available to download on the District 64 Web site at this link:


Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH

LEADERSHIP PROFILE ASSESSMENT Your response to the following questions will help the Board develop a profile of leadership qualities for the new superintendent. Please return your completed form no later than Friday, December 4; see the ways to return your form on the reverse side. PLEASE CIRCLE THE GROUP YOU REPRESENT: Faculty

Parent Support Staff w/child in school






What do you consider to be the two or three most significant strengths of District 64?


What do you consider to be the two or three most important challenges or issues facing District 64?


Please share two or three characteristics that you would like to see in the new superintendent.

- MORE -



December 2009

C OMMUNITY C ONSOLIDATED S CHOOL DISTRICT 64 Park Ridge-Niles 164 S. Prospect Avenue

Park Ridge, IL60068-4079

(847) 318-4300

FAX: (847) 318-4351

Census of Kindergarten & Transfer Students for 2010-11 Please help us begin planning for the 2010-11 school year. We are gathering the names of all students new to our schools who may be enrolling next year. We would like to mail their parents a packet of registration information and forms that must be completed and returned on the official registration days at elementary schools on February 2 and 4, 2010. This information also is extremely helpful as we review potential class sizes and teacher staffing for the coming year. Please complete and return this form with information about your own children, or children of neighbors or friends who expect to enter kindergarten, transfer from a parochial or private school, or move into District 64. A child must be five years old on or before September 1, 2010 to be eligible for kindergarten in 2010-11. * * * * * Registration information will be sent to the parents of each child listed. Please use the back of this form for additional names.

Child’s Name

___________________________________________ Birth Date _______________ M___F___

Parent’s Name ___________________________________________ Grade Entering ___________ Address

___________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________ ___________________________________________

Child’s Name

___________________________________________ Birth Date _______________ M___F___

Parent’s Name ___________________________________________ Grade Entering ___________ Address

___________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________ ___________________________________________

Child’s Name

___________________________________________ Birth Date _______________ M___F___

Parent’s Name ___________________________________________ Grade Entering ___________ Address

___________________________________________ Phone Number ___________________ ___________________________________________

Please return this form to your child’s teacher or local school by Monday, December 14, so we can mail your materials promptly. Thank you for your cooperation.


EMERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL 5TH GRADE PARENT NIGHT Emerson Middle School will be holding a Fifth Grade Parent Night for current fifth graders and their parents. Please plan on attending this informational meeting.

Thursday, January 28, 2010 Fifth Grade Parents and the students Meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room

You are also welcome to attend Emerson’s Open House immediately following the meeting from 7:30-8:30 p.m.



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