Cool Thoughts: December 18, 2008

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Benjamin Franklin Elementary School December 18, 2008 Calendar

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Cool Thoughts From the desk of the principal: Preparing for Kindergarten/New Student Registration for 2009!10 Please pass the word to neighbors and friends ! District 64 is gathering the names of all students new to our schools who may be enrolling next year. We would like to mail a packet of information and forms that must be completed and returned on the official registration days on Tuesday, February 3 and Thursday, February 5. You may request a packet by returning the census form attached to this newsletter, or you may call the school office or District 64. The census form also is available to download on the District 64 Web site " # under the District Information menu/Registration tab. Packets will be mailed out in January. Holiday Sing While you are at Franklin enjoying the Holiday Sing in the Gym, please check out the table of LOST and FOUND items that will be located by the office. Dress for Winter We have been experiencing a cold December and can expect this trend to continue. Students need to come to school prepared to go out for recess. We will not send them out in cases of extreme cold, but there are cold days that they will be going outside. A warm jacket, hat, gloves are necessary and snow pants make a huge difference. Having an extra change of clothes in their lockers is also a good idea. Dan Walsh, Principal [email protected]

I wish you all a fun filled holiday, a happy new year and a relaxing break! I look forward to seeing you in January!

December 2008

C OMMUNITY C ONSOLIDATED S CHOOL DISTRICT 64 Park Ridge-Niles 164 S. Prospect Avenue

Park Ridge, IL60068-4079

(847) 318-4300

FAX: (847) 318-4351

Census of Kindergarten & Transfer Students for 2009-10 Please help us begin planning for the 2009-10 school year. We are gathering the names of all students new to our schools who may be enrolling next year. We would like to mail their parents a packet of registration information and forms that must be completed and returned on the official registration days at elementary schools on February 3 and 5, 2009. This information also is extremely helpful as we review potential class sizes and teacher staffing for the coming year. Please complete and return this form with information about your own children, or children of neighbors or friends who expect to enter kindergarten, transfer from a parochial or private school, or move into District 64. A child must be five years old on or before September 1, 2009 to be eligible for kindergarten in 2009-10. * * * * * Registration information will be sent to the parents of each child listed. Please use the back of this form for additional names. Child’s Name

___________________________________________ Birth Date _______________ M___F___

Parent’s Name ___________________________________________ Grade Entering ___________ Address

___________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________ ___________________________________________

Child’s Name

___________________________________________ Birth Date _______________ M___F___

Parent’s Name ___________________________________________ Grade Entering ___________ Address

___________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________ ___________________________________________

Child’s Name

___________________________________________ Birth Date _______________ M___F___

Parent’s Name ___________________________________________ Grade Entering ___________ Address

___________________________________________ Phone Number ___________________ ___________________________________________

Please return this form to your child’s teacher or local school by Monday, December 15, so we can mail your materials promptly. Thank you for your cooperation.

! ! ! !


IMPORTANT HEALTH OFFICE MESSAGES: • HEAD LICE AND NITS With the arrival of winter break, family schedules become even busier, with holiday celebrations, travel, and more opportunities for children to play with one another. Please take the time to check your child’s head for the presence of head lice and nits (eggs) during break and prior to return to school in January. If nits or live lice are found, all household members should be examined and treated if needed. If your child has an active infestation (live lice), you should notify parents of your child’s playmates, so that steps can be made to prevent further spread. Head lice are spread most commonly by head-to-head (hair-to-hair) contact, and much less frequently by sharing clothing or belongings onto which lice may have crawled. Please discuss the following prevention measures with family members: •Avoid head-to-head contact during play (sports activities, sleep-overs). •Do not share clothing such as hats, caps, scarves, coats, sports uniforms, or hair accessories. •Do not share combs, brushes, or towels. •Do not lie on beds, couches, pillows, carpets, or stuffed animals that have been in recent contact with a person with head lice. For more information, visit

• IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR FIFTH GRADE PARENTS: Fall 2009 health packets were distributed to fifth grade students in their classrooms during the week of December 15, 2008. According to state legislation, upon entering Sixth Grade, students must present a current physical examination. This Certificate of Child Health Examination must include documentation of appropriate immunizations, height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, and diabetes screening, as mandated by the State of Illinois. The parent portion of the form must be completed and signed. In addition, state law also mandates that sixth grade students have a dental examination performed within 18 months prior to May 15, 2010.

In order to complete the review of all sixth grade health records before the first day of school, the preferred deadline for submitting health requirements is July 31, 2009. Please return the documents to your child’s middle school. Students not in compliance with these requirements will be excluded from the first day of school attendance, August 25, 2009. Please call the school health assistant if you do not receive a packet. Forms may also be found on our district website (, under District Information, Health Services, along with a list of local medical resources. • !"#$%&'!()**$#$+!' "##$%&'($!')!*+),+-.!/#!01123!45')+6!4%-$$)')74!8'66!)/!6/)7$-!9$!%/):,%&$:!#/-!4';&'4&-'%&!?@A!!B5')+6!$;+=')+&'/)!'4!')%6,:$:!+4!+! -$C,'-$:!%/=5/)$)&!/#!&<$!%<'6:!<$+6&
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Park Ridge, IL60068-4079

(847) 318-4300

FAX: (847) 318-4351

An Open Invitation to Help Shape the Future of Education in District 64 The development of a new strategic plan is an exciting opportunity for a community to come together to create its vision for the future education of its children. District 64’s new plan will guide our schools for at least five years beginning in 2010-11.

We are seeking nominations of individuals to participate in one of two ways: ! !"#$%&' ()%*)+(,*&' -.(/'0(1%2$*3'

Strategic Planning Team – About 30 individuals will create a draft strategic plan in an intensive, three-day working session facilitated by an expert in school planning from outside District 64. This work will be done on April 23-25, 2009. In January or February 2010, this group will be reconvened for a two-day session to review the work of the action teams (described below) and recommend an implementation schedule. About half the group will be representatives of parents and the community; the remainder will be staff members and administration of District 64. The goal will be to create a “microcosm” of our community by selecting a balanced team that reflects the diversity of values and perspectives of Park Ridge-Niles residents and District 64. Members of this team will be selected in February 2009.

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Action Teams – A team is set up for each strategy identified in the draft plan. Each team drafts the specific tasks and activities required to implement their particular assigned strategy. They also identify a person responsible for each step and due date for completion, and develop a benefits-cost analysis for their specific action plan. Perhaps 8-12 teams will be formed; each team will have 10-20 members who are affected by and involved in the strategy. The teams will meet through fall 2009 and will report their work to the reconvened Strategic Planning Team (as described above). Members of the Action Teams will be selected in early fall 2009. Members of the Strategic Planning Team do not serve on Action Teams.

Who to nominate: We are looking for persons of goodwill who are willing to make decisions by consensus and to subordinate their personal or special interest to the good of the organization. A person does not need extensive experience with District 64 or to be currently involved in our schools. Superintendent Sally Pryor is responsible for assembling the Strategic Planning Team and the Action Teams.

How to nominate: You may nominate yourself or someone you know whom you think would make a good participant. Please give us the name, contact information, and a short description of why you think the individual (or yourself) would make a good candidate. Be sure to specify interest in either the Strategic Planning Team in April or an Action Plan Team next fall. Submit nominations to: Dr. Sally Pryor, Park Ridge-Niles School District 64, 164 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, IL 60068 or via e-mail to [email protected]. Questions? Dr. Sally Pryor – 847-318-4300


GRANDPARENTS AS CAREGIVERS Do you babysit your grandchildren after school, part-time or full-time? T/,6:!./,!6'D$!&/!<$65!&<$=!$($)!=/-$!8'&+&$^!T$:)$4:+.3!*+),+-.!a!!MM!S'=$^!U1^11MUU^Q1+=! G6+%$^!c'6$4!G,96'%!V'9-+-.3!!?2?1!P+D&/)!B&A3!c'6$43!EV! \-$$!b<'6:%+-$j!!P)7/')73!=/)&<6.!=$$&')74!MM!b+66!V'):+!+&!h@aM?@1M2R21! !

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Join the PTA! A reminder to those who have not yet joined the PTA—membership forms are available in the office. The cost is $3.25 per member, which this year only will be covered by the PTA. Membership is no longer automatic. You must sign up. Please stop in the office and fill out a form to help support our school. Take the time Friday while at school for the Holiday Sing. S.O.S.



Planning is underway for Franklin’s annual Winterfest event! This fun-filled, family event is not until February; however, it will be here before we know it. As you find good deals during your holiday shopping, would you please consider donating an item to the Grand Raffle? Perhaps, you have friends and/or family who work in a business that could donate a product or service for our Grand Raffle… All proceeds go towards initiatives that benefit our children. Any donation is greatly appreciated. Some examples of past donations were videos, sports items, toys, gift certificates, sporting event tickets, books, and electronic items. Cash donations will go towards purchasing prizes for the raffle. Donations can be dropped off at the school office (please be sure to sign the donation log so we know who to thank) or I will gladly pick them up. Thanks in advance! Happy Holidays, Aggie Malin Grand Raffle Chairperson

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Highlights C OMMUNITY C ONSOLIDATED S CHOOL DISTRICT 64 Park Ridge-Niles 164 S. Prospect Avenue

Park Ridge, IL60068-4079

(847) 318-4300

FAX: (847) 318-4351

Board of Education Meetings ! Early Winter 2008 Review The Board of Education welcomes your involvement, questions and comments.

Board of Education Sue Runyon, President Chris Mollet, Vice President Genie Taddeo, Secretary Ron James Martin Joyce John Heyde Ted Smart E-mail:

The following provides a brief summary of information presented and actions taken at recent Board meetings (October 27- December 8, 2008). Please refer to the date noted after each item to read the full meeting minutes or report posted at:

Schools !



First name initial followed by full last name

Superintendent Sally Pryor, Ed.D.


[email protected]

Upcoming Meetings Hendee Educational Service Center, 164 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge

Curriculum & Instruction !

January 12 & 26 (Field) February 9 & 23 (Carpenter)

The Board received a progress update from the Middle School Program Review Committee. (Dec. 8) The purpose of the review is to determine what is the best educational program for meeting the needs of the whole child within a middle school setting. The committee will report findings on three of its subject areas in January 2009. The Calendar Review Committee presented its report on the results of a survey of parents and staff conducted at the end of the 2007-08 school year. The committee will present tentative calendars for three upcoming years to the Board in January. (Dec. 8) Results from the Illinois Youth Survey and three other related assessments that target the social-emotional domain of student learning were reported. In most areas, District 64 students are making the choices that will positively impact their physical, mental and emotional well-being. (Dec. 8) Procedures and practices for handling student cases of head lice and communicating with parents have been revised to bring them into alignment with national “best practices,” as recommended by the District’s Medical Advisory Board. (Dec. 8)


March 9



The Board adopted a goal of having 70% of all Educational Ends assessments score at the targeted levels for 2008-09 as reported on a new District Score Card. (Oct. 27) The results of the 2008 Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) were reviewed; District 64 students continue to perform well. Overall, 92% of students in grades 3-8 meet or exceed standards in reading and 94.4% do so in math. (Oct. 27) The Worlds of Wonder summer program proved popular in 2008 with higher enrollment. The 2009 program will run from June 16 to July 22, and is divided into two, 13-day sessions. Tuition has been reduced to $90 per class. Registration opens on March 2. (Nov. 10, 24) The costs of possible adoptions of new instructional materials for reading, writing, and Foreign Language Elementary School (FLES) were previewed. (Nov. 24) – continued –

View agendas, complete reports and minutes:

Board Highlights (continued) District 64 ! !

! !

The Board announced that it had accepted Superintendent Sally Pryor’s plans to retire on June 30, 2010; Dr. Pryor will complete 18 years of service to District 64. The Board reviewed progress on goals for 2007-09 (Oct. 27) and set goals for her remaining 18 months. (Nov. 10, 24) The Board reviewed preparations for the creation of a new District 64 Strategic Plan, which will be drafted by a 30-member planning team representing all members of the community later this spring with the assistance of facilitator Dr. Howard Feddema. The Board learned more about the timetable for the work of Action Teams in writing the specific steps to be taken in implementing each strategy, and how portions of the plan will be budgeted and implemented annually. (Nov. 24, Dec. 6 Committee-of-the-Whole, Dec. 8) Safety conditions around schools continue to be closely monitored, as reported by the Traffic Safety Committee (Oct. 27) The Board continued updating its official Policy Manual by adopting several revisions. (Oct. 27)

Financial ! !


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The Legislative Study Group of the Community Finance Committee (CFC) presented a report on the State Constitutional Convention referendum November 4. (Oct. 27) Updates also were received on a study of student fees and other projects for 2008-09. (Nov. 10, 24) 2008 Tax Levy – The Board adopted a tentative levy for 2008 with an increase of 2.18% over 2007, less than half the rate of inflation. The District’s tax rate, however, will drop in 2008 to 2.789 compared with 2.850 in 2007 due primarily to a decline in the debt service levy. Following a public hearing, the final levy was adopted. (Oct. 27, Nov. 10, Dec. 8) The District has contracted for solid waste removal and recycling services as part of a consortium assembled by the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC). The new contracts are expected to create substantial savings during the four years of the agreements. (Nov. 10) The District’s auditor presented a report on the audit for the 2007-08 fiscal year. (Nov. 24) The Board authorized refunding of the existing 1997 bond issue to save an estimated $120,000 in interest expense. (Nov. 24, Dec. 8) A District vehicle used for maintenance work was replaced. (Oct. 27) The Board approved a one-year extension at a 2% increase with no bonus provision with the current bus transportation provider for the 2009-10 school year. (Nov. 24, Dec. 8) A capital needs assessment survey for District facilities was completed for 2008. (Oct. 27) The District will save an estimated $119,400 over two years through a new contract for the direct purchase of electricity. (Oct. 27) Federal funding for sound abatement work at Washington School will move forward beginning in summer 2009 through an intergovernmental agreement. (Oct. 27, Nov. 10) The Board approved a required plan document and investment guidelines for the 403(b) taxsheltered annuities offered to employees. (Nov. 10, 24) The Board was informed of revisions to competitive bidding thresholds dictated by state law. (Nov. 24) Credit card fraud experienced by some parents this summer was found to be entirely separate and totally unrelated to the District’s highly secure and fully accredited Web store provider. (Dec. 8)

Awards & Recognition ! !

Board of Education members were honored for their contributions to District 64 schools through a special School Board Members Day celebrated on November 15 as proclaimed by the City of Park Ridge. Each Board member received a certificate of appreciation. (Nov. 10) District 64 employees and retirees contributed $11,771.01 to the annual campaign to benefit the Park Ridge Community Fund during its 50th anniversary year. (Dec. 8)

View agendas, complete reports and minutes:


Park Ridge, IL60068-4079

(847) 318-4300

FAX: (847) 318-4351

An Open Invitation to Help Shape the Future of Education in District 64 The development of a new strategic plan is an exciting opportunity for a community to come together to create its vision for the future education of its children. District 64’s new plan will guide our schools for at least five years beginning in 2010-11.

We are seeking nominations of individuals to participate in one of two ways: ! !"#$%&' ()%*)+(,*&' -.(/'0(1%2$*3'

Strategic Planning Team – About 30 individuals will create a draft strategic plan in an intensive, three-day working session facilitated by an expert in school planning from outside District 64. This work will be done on April 23-25, 2009. In January or February 2010, this group will be reconvened for a two-day session to review the work of the action teams (described below) and recommend an implementation schedule. About half the group will be representatives of parents and the community; the remainder will be staff members and administration of District 64. The goal will be to create a “microcosm” of our community by selecting a balanced team that reflects the diversity of values and perspectives of Park Ridge-Niles residents and District 64. Members of this team will be selected in February 2009.

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Action Teams – A team is set up for each strategy identified in the draft plan. Each team drafts the specific tasks and activities required to implement their particular assigned strategy. They also identify a person responsible for each step and due date for completion, and develop a benefits-cost analysis for their specific action plan. Perhaps 8-12 teams will be formed; each team will have 10-20 members who are affected by and involved in the strategy. The teams will meet through fall 2009 and will report their work to the reconvened Strategic Planning Team (as described above). Members of the Action Teams will be selected in early fall 2009. Members of the Strategic Planning Team do not serve on Action Teams.

Who to nominate: We are looking for persons of goodwill who are willing to make decisions by consensus and to subordinate their personal or special interest to the good of the organization. A person does not need extensive experience with District 64 or to be currently involved in our schools. Superintendent Sally Pryor is responsible for assembling the Strategic Planning Team and the Action Teams.

How to nominate: You may nominate yourself or someone you know whom you think would make a good participant. Please give us the name, contact information, and a short description of why you think the individual (or yourself) would make a good candidate. Be sure to specify interest in either the Strategic Planning Team in April or an Action Plan Team next fall. Submit nominations to: Dr. Sally Pryor, Park Ridge-Niles School District 64, 164 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, IL 60068 or via e-mail to [email protected]. Questions? Dr. Sally Pryor – 847-318-4300

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