Cool Thoughts: November 13, 2008

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Benjamin Franklin Elementary School November 13, 2008 Calendar Thursday, November 13 4:00-8:00

Parent Teacher Conferences as Scheduled


PTO Market Day Pick Up

Friday, November 14

Tuesday, November 18 11:35-12:35

Math Club Meeting in LRC


Parent Teacher Conferences as Scheduled

Thursday, November 20 4:00-8:00

Parent Teacher Conferences as Scheduled

Monday, November 24 through Friday, November 28 NO SCHOOL THANKSGIVING BREAK Monday, December 1 8:50 a.m. Thursday, December 4

Classes Resume Next “Cool Thoughts . . .” on line

Monday, December 8 7:30 p.m.

Board of Education Meeting at Washington School


PTA Market Day Pick Up

Friday, December 12

Tuesday, December 16 11:40-12:35

Math Club Meeting in LRC

Thursday, December 18 Cool Thoughts…on line Friday, December 19


9:30 – Holiday Sing for Families who’s Last Name begins with the letters A-L All Morning Kindergartners and students in Grades 1-5 Singing 1:00 – Holiday Sing for Families who’s Last Name begins with the letters M-Z All Afternoon Kindergartners and Students in Grades 1-5 Singing


PTO Holiday Parties in Homerooms

DECEMBER 22, 2008 through JANUARY 4, 2009 WINTER BREAK Monday, January 5


Cool Thoughts From the desk of the principal: Welcome to the electronic version of the Take Home! New Baby: Congratulations to Mrs. Carlson and her husband Chris on the birth of their son Brendan James on Wednesday November 12th at 8:01 a.m. 7 lbs., 2 oz., 20 inches. Mom and baby are doing very well.

Mrs. Hoiland will be the long-term substitute for music during Mrs. Carlson’s leave. Mrs. Hoiland and Mrs. Carlson have been planning for this and Mrs. Hoiland is an experienced teacher who is looking forward to a great holiday performance in December.

Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent Teacher Conferences begin tonight and will be held on Tuesday the 18th and Thursday the 20th. If you have any question about your conference please contact your teacher or the office at 318-4390.

Traffic: The weather is getting colder and we will be seeing more rain and soon snow. I have noticed that our traffic issues are much worse during inclement weather and I would like to reiterate that even if it is raining or snowing please do not double park or call your children across the street to get into your car. Pull up to the curb. I know everyone is in a hurry and even more so when it is cold and nasty outside, but that is also a time when visibility for other drivers is limited and that is not a time to take risks or encourage your child to take risks. Please take every precaution to be safe for the children and teach them safe habits. I appreciate you cooperation with this important safety matter.

Veterans Day: I would like to thank the PTO and especially Mr. and Mrs. Mellema and Mr. and Mrs. Meyer for their planning of our Veterans Day event on Tuesday. We began the day with the Park Ridge Police Color Guard and Franklin Students raising the U.S. Flag and the entire student body coming outside to the flag to say the Pledge of Allegiance. The students then came into the building and each grade level was together for a presentation from a veteran. It was a very moving and meaningful way to learn and recognize the sacrifices made by veterans of yesterday as well as today.

Dan Walsh, Principal [email protected] SCHOOL DISTRICT 64 NEWS Take Time to Salute Our School Board Members on Saturday, Nov. 15 Saturday, Nov. 15 has been officially proclaimed School Board Members Day in Park Ridge. We encourage parents, staff members and local residents to send a note to their fellow citizens who serve on our District 64 Board of Education to thank them for their ongoing efforts. School Board members include: Sun Runyon, president; Chris Mollet, vice president; Genie Taddeo, secretary; and members Ron James, Marty Joyce, John Heyde, and Ted Smart. Board members may be contacted by e-mailing them through the District 64 Web site via a link on the home page: District 64 Supt. Sally Pryor to Retire in June 2010 The Board of Education has accepted the retirement plans of Dr. Sally Pryor at the end of the 2009-10 school year and has established goals for her remaining 18 months as superintendent. A search process will not begin until fall 2009. Read more about Dr. Pryor’s goals during this very exciting time of new initiatives, program reviews and a new strategic planning effort in the “News” section of the Web site: Tentative 2008 Tax Levy to Rise 2.18%; Total Tax Rate to Decline The Board has adopted a tentative levy for 2008 that calls for a proposed overall increase of 2.18% over the 2007 total levy, which is about half last year’s rate of inflation. A public hearing will be held on Monday, Dec. 8 at 7:20 p.m. at Washington School prior to adoption of a final levy that evening. The lower levy growth for 2008 is a combination of a modest increase in the Operating Funds levy, once again under the tax cap, plus lower debt service due to the repaid Working Cash Fund bonds. Read more in the “News” section of the Web site: Student Musicians Selected for All-Star Performances District 64 has the distinction of having 34 middle school students selected to participate in two annual regional events sponsored by the Illinois Music Educators Association (IMEA). In addition, District 64 teacher Brian Jacobi, Curriculum Specialist for Instrumental Music, has been chosen to conduct one of the all-star groups. Read more about this opportunity in the “News” section of the Web site:

Attention District 64 Parents/Guardians: We will begin sending home DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) reading screening reports to parents of K-5 students after the second trimester in March, 2009. We are working on a parent-friendly format by which we can share more complete and meaningful information with you about these assessments. Lynne Farmer Director of EIS/RtI

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE HEALTH OFFICE The Centers for Disease Control has recommended that all children aged 6 months up to age 19 receive a flu vaccine. Please check with your child’s pediatrician for further information and advice regarding the appropriateness of this vaccine for your child. Visit the Health Services page of the District website to view the CDC’s fact sheet regarding the influenza vaccine.

EIS/RtI PARENT NEWS (Early Intervening Services/Response to Intervention) All of us want to see our children excel, and it can be very frustrating when our children fall behind academically from their peers or are not challenged to reach their potential. Federal and state legislation and directives underscore the importance of providing high quality, scientifically-based instruction and interventions and hold schools accountable for the progress of all students. The goal of our District 64 Early Intervening Services/Response to Intervention initiative is to support all of our students’ progress. According to Mary Beth Klotz and Andrea Canter of the National Association of School Psychologists, “Response to Intervention” refers to a process that emphasizes how well students respond to changes in instruction. The essential elements of the RtI approach toward which District 64 is moving are the provision of scientific, research-based differentiated instruction and interventions in general education, the monitoring of student progress in response to the instruction and interventions, and the use of these measures of student progress to shape instruction and make educational decisions. Scientifically or research-based instruction is that which has been proven to be effective, and the research has been reported in scientific, peer-reviewed journals. In order for our District 64 schools to implement the Response to Intervention approach, we are preparing staff to offer a variety of proven instructional strategies; we are reviewing our reading and writing curriculums; we are training staff to measure student performance using both screening tools and methods that are sensitive to small increments of growth; we are developing common assessments; we are using data to guide instructional decisions; and we are informing parents of these new procedures and inviting you to be partners in the process. As reported earlier, many of these system-wide changes will take up to 5 years to fully implement. There are many ways that you can help us support your child’s learning. Here are just a few: • •


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Lynne Farmer District 64 Director of EIS/RtI DISASTER ASSISTANCE If you sustained losses or damage to your home or business due to the recent flooding, you may be eligible for disaster aid. You can call FEMA at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or apply online at The deadline for applying is December 2, 2008. More information is available on the District 64 web page.


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F R I D A Y , D E C E M B E R 1 9 I n t h e G y m 9:30 a.m. Families’ Last Name that starts with A - L All Morning Kindergartners and Students in Grades 1-5 Singing 1:00 p.m. Families’ Last Name that starts with M – Z All Afternoon Kindergartners and Students in Grades 1-5 Singing

Just a Reminder: If your Thanksgiving and Winter Break plans conflict with the school schedule, Please Contact the Office. 847-318-4390

PTO … Yearbook Request for Photos We are looking for your best photos from past events. Kindergarten parents please send your photos from the Goebberts field trip. Send all photos labeled with grade and names to: [email protected] Thank you, The yearbook committee


Red Ribbon Week has become a major force for raising awareness. Big thanks to Franklin faculty, staff, students, and their families for the awesome participation in this year’s celebration. Student Council, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and 70 students made outstanding posters pledging to be drug-free. The creative posters include great messages about positive choices and the devastating effects of alcohol and drug abuse.

Students who made their own poster were entered into drawing to win a $15 gift certificate to Burke’s Books of Park Ridge. Congratulations to the lucky winners:     

Aliyah Eidelstein Katie Novak Stephen Pontikes Paolo Vaccala Anna Zei

Special thanks to: ~Mrs. Pater, Mr. Belmonte, and Student Council for decorating the school grounds and for coming up with the daily themes for the week. ~Park Ridge Police Officer Peterson for speaking to our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders about thinking smart, staying safe and resistance to drug, alcohol and tobacco use. ~Babs Swanson for all your help… what would we do without you? ~my paparazzi assistant, Ilyse Brogan for snapping shots of the kids in Red Ribbon Week “action”. ~Ryan Malin for being the greatest assistant ever! You rock.

If you or someone you know has a problem with using drugs, please get help. It may be the best decision you ever make. Maine Township residents may find resources for recovery by calling Maine Center: 847-696-13376 or by contacting a resource at the following site:

Aggie Malin

BOX TOP$ Really Count at Franklin! A big thanks goes out to all Franklin families who jump started the 2008/2009 BOX TOP$ program. Franklin turned in over $500 in BOX TOP$ submissions for the October deadline. A special thanks to Alma Diaz for all of her hardwork in coordinating the 2007/2008 program.

Show Your Passion About BOX TOP$ Contest: Help your child's classroom win a pizza party at this years Valentine party!

How to Enter: 1. Clip BOX TOP$ for Education off all your favorite brands. 2. Submit BOX TOP$ in a bag with your child's name and room number on the outside. 3. All submissions must be received by January 30th to count towards this contest. Top classroom will be announced February 6th, so start collecting BOX TOP$ today! Questions? Contact Debbie Deitke at 847-318-0921 or Christine Slabinger at 847-692-2416

SAVE THE DATE ADULT SOCIAL Friday, January 26th Location TBD

Call Katie Parker if you want to help 847/823-4251

8808 Milwaukee Avenue Niles, IL



Friends and Family Dining Fundraiser Benefiting Franklin School’s Annual Winter fest Event When: Now through November 30th, 2008 Dinner or Catering

Simply take the bottom portion of this form and give to your server. 10% of the total net sale of your order will be donated to Franklin School. Funds raised will go towards the Annual Winter fest event.

Take the night off from cooking and enjoy authentic home-style Italian Cuisine in a cozy, casual, and warm family atmosphere. Choose from a variety of steaks, chops, chicken dishes, but "hand made" pasta, fresh seafood, and veal dishes are the house specialties! Not valid with any other offer

---------------------------------------------CUT HERE ------------------------------------------------Franklin School Friends and Family Dining Fundraiser at Rossini’s

Date: _________________________ Sale: _________________________



INTRODUCTION Vickie Mellema called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. There were 16 people in attendance. The October 2008 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. Everyone introduced themselves.


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT -Mr. Walsh thanked the PTA for support in getting students to White Pines. -Red Ribbon Week was wonderful. Thanked Aggie Malin for all her hard work. Over 70 posters were submitted rd th and a police officer was in to talk about drugs and alcohol with 3 through 5 grades. -Veteran’s Day is Tuesday, November 11 and will be observed with a ceremony by the flag pole at 9 am. In addition, a veteran is scheduled to speak in each classroom. Having school in session is a great learning opportunity for the children. -Thanked Barb Bosak and everyone who helped put together Family Fun Night. It was very well attended. -Thanked the cultural arts committee for an outstanding presentation. The students helped write an original song which Justin and Liam performed. -A reminder to not leave cars unattended in designated areas, especially while running. It is a $50 fine. -There is a school board meeting at Franklin on Monday, November 10 at 7:30 pm. School board members will be recognized. -Report cards will be sent home November 11 and parent/teacher conferences are schedule for November 13, 18 and 20. -The holiday sing is scheduled for December 19 in the gym at 9:30 am and 1:00 pm. Holiday parties will follow at 2:30 pm. December 18 will be dress rehearsal. Ms. Carlson’s baby is due soon and she will be out for the holiday sing. A substitute is lined up for while she is on maternity leave.





Ms. Boss: Students enjoyed the smart parts presentation funded by the PTA—was very well done. Math—topics covered so far include addition and subtraction relationships, problem solving, key words, making tables and nd organizing charts. 2 graders are currently working on money, place value and estimating to the nearest 10. More grouping and problem solving will be the focus after the holidays. Science—they just finished a magnet unit. The students made floating magnets and electromagnets. The High Touch/High Tech program, in which students made their own compass and tested them in water, was great. They will be studying the ocean next. A field trip to the Shedd Aquarium is scheduled for April 2. Ms. O’Malley: Social Studies—the textbook contains a lot of vocabulary and text. The first unit involved community nd and citizenship; maps, globes and landforms is the current unit; and government will be next. Writing—2 graders are continuing the “Step Up to Writing” program used throughout the school. Using the color coded system, they wrote great eight-sentence paragraphs. Ms. Brennan: Reading—the books used contain a textbook with stories and a practice book to work on vocabulary, phonics and other skills. Two sets are used throughout the year—the second containing more difficult reading. Students should be reading 15-20 minutes every night. Poetry is sent home each week, which helps with fluency and working on expression. Spelling—there is a pattern each week to the words. Students have assignments during the week and a test on Friday, including dictation. Q—Are students supposed to read out loud each night? A—Research says to read 3-4 days out loud and other days okay to read silently. If reading silently, it’s important to ask them questions to make sure they comprehend what they’re reading. Some students this age are very ready to read to themselves.

Mr. Rubenstein: Health—the curriculum is The Great Body Shop, which includes ten units. “Let’s Stay Safe” was covered during October—fire safety month—and “Drugs Are Dangerous” coincided with Red Ribbon week. There is a pamphlet for each unit that promotes role playing and discussion. These are great conversation starters for parents. Other units include: food, the heart, being afraid, germs, thinking, skin, muscles and how babies grow. -Teacher Notes: Mr. Rubenstein told a bit about himself. He’s been teaching for seven years, all in primary grades. He thanked everyone for making him feel welcome. Note the name change of Ms. Kilarski to Ms. Sianis and Ms. Dillon to Ms. Pogge. Q—Was the helicopter crash related to Mr. Casey? A—His brother-in-law was in the crash. Q—Aside from the video game donation, is there a fund to contribute to? A—Probably, will check with Mr. Belmonte. Also, substitute and former teacher, Donna Bartuce’s husband passed away—collection being taken. Find out more information in the office. IV.

REQUEST FOR FUNDS -Ms. Civinelli was present to provide an overview, answer questions and request funds for the “Read Naturally” program. The program is a reading fluency program which helps students’ comprehension. Five key components to reading are: fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, phonics and phonemic awareness. Reading fluently has the highest correlation to students’ comprehension. Strategies to improve fluency include: teacher modeling, repeated reading and progress monitoring. The program combines the three strategies. First students are assessed and a goal reading rate is set. Next, the student uses key words to predict what the story is about. The student then reads the story for one minute and graphs the number of words read correctly. The student reads along with a recording of the story until able to read at their set goal. Comprehension questions are answered and summaries are written, which improves writing fluency and expression. Progress motivates students to keep reading. -Has basic materials, but requested one-minute timers, CD players, pouches, pencils, steps posters, placement packets, folders and crossword puzzles to have for each of the literacy teachers. She also requested additional reading series: Phonics Series for beginning readers; GATE (Group and Tutoring Edition) phonics instruction for small groups; American Masters and Customs specifically designed for English Language Learners(ELL) to learn American customs and manners; and Idiom Series also designed for ELL to help learn figurative language. In all, the total cost is $3,870. -Already seeing progress in students. Q—How often will students use the program? A—Three times per week for 30 minutes. Q—Is the program for all students? A—Right now working with literacy students, but hope to implement with gen ed teachers in the future. Q—Are any costs reoccurring? A—Folders may need replacing every few years. Q—How many students are in the literacy program? A—Ms. Civinelli has about 30 and Ms. Mustari has a similar number. Q—Can the PTA afford $3,870? A—Yes, $5,700 was set aside for teacher grants and only $1,000 used to date. Goal is to deplete surplus to $10,000 by year end. Q—Do parents want to grant entire amount or save some teacher grant money? A—Want to see teachers use the money. Q—Can we plan additional fundraisers if needed? A—Yes, a few break-even items can be changed to fundraisers if necessary. The PTA can also help teachers find other resources for funds. -Motion to approve $4,000 (includes money for extra CD players, rechargeable batteries) for Early Literacy Program; seconded. Motion passed by paper ballot: 16-yes; 1-no. -Ms. Civinelli thanked the PTA.


COMMITTEE REPORTS Cultural Arts: Toni Callas was present to report. Justin and Liam was first program. There was money left over from the Day of the Dead Art Project for older students—hoping to include an art project for younger students. th Rhythm workshop for 5 grade will begin sometime the end of November or beginning of December. Metropolis Performing Arts is scheduled for the month of January. Drama writing will occur during class and 4-5 entries will be chosen for Metropolis to perform. A Chicago artist is scheduled for bookmaking in April. In May, Ac-Rock will perform and, hopefully, have a workshop with the chorus. Art project with younger students may go over budget— nearing $7,000. (Budget is $6,000. $1,000 is for author visit—talk with Ms. Menicocci to see if she’ll be using.) Red Ribbon Week: Aggie Malin submitted a report. A recap of the week will be in the next Franklin Flyer. She thanked the PTA for additional funding and the teachers and staff for their support. There was great participation and many pictures were taken throughout the week for the yearbook. Family Fun Night: Barb Bosak submitted a report. Family Fun Night was a huge success—total attendance was 566. The DJ was great entertaining everyone. It was difficult keeping pizza available—recommend using two vendors in the future. Many Franklin alumni volunteered to help. Glow sticks were a big hit. In all, the evening

made $1,550. Thanked the Mellema, Manolis, McGrady and Zamora families and also Aggie Malin, Jenny Mei, Antonia Wegandt and other moms in the kitchen. Directory: Directories went out last Tuesday. Check your child’s backpack if you haven’t received it. A few corrections were sent home as well. Adult Social: Leah Zamora reported on behalf of Katie Parker. The adult social will be January 23. Currently, we’re pricing Dick’s River Road House. A private room holds about 100 people and able to hear music from the other room. Cost per couple should be minimal with a cash bar. Not set on Dick’s, but cost is cheaper to book sooner. Any suggestions, please contact Katie or Leah. Veteran’s Day: A Veteran’s Day ceremony will be held Tuesday, November 11 at 9 am by the flag pole. Jennifer Meyer was helpful in getting the veterans to speak in the classrooms. VI.

PTA BUSINESS -Need to vote on a new name for the PTA. The former corporation name was Benjamin Franklin Parent-Teacher Club. The proposed new name is Benjamin Franklin Elementary PTA. -Motion to approve the new name; seconded and approved. -The articles of incorporation are being amended. Per the handout, the front page is the form to submit to the state and the back includes changes to the articles. Brief descriptions of the attachment: our purpose is to support the educational process at school; money earned is to be used to improve that process; and upon dissolution of the corporation, funds would go to appropriate 501(c)(3) organization(s). Q—Are we the only PTA in District 64? A—Yes, but a couple others may become PTAs. -Motion to approve amended articles; seconded and approved. -Also, need to change bank account to reopen under new name. We will have our own EIN instead of the district’s. -Motion to change bank account; seconded and approved.


BUDGET REPORT -Nancy Manolis reported on the budget. -Fundraising is on target. The walk-a-thon did better than expected. Pizza Day is not expected to raise as much money, due to the switch in vendors. -Break even items: Family Fun Night made money; Yearbook Sales shown as negative until orders received, due to the deposit; Franklin Funwear does not reflect the bill; and the Cool School Kits number is off as credits still coming in. -Expenses: Breakfast Gatherings—still have Muffins w/ Moms, but did not use half of allotted money for Donuts w/ Dads; Fall Picnic cost less than anticipated; all the cultural arts money will be spent; have reimbursed about $2,000 of teacher allocations; and will add Ms. Civinelli’s request under teacher grants.


NEW BUSINESS Miscellaneous: Reminder the Franklin Flyer is going electronic. Q—Is it possible to obtain a copy of the agenda prior to PTA meetings? A—Post to website. Lice: Parents are concerned with lice control at Franklin and in the district—looking for additional support from the district or PTA. Mr. Walsh explained a health committee is reviewing the problem and will be proposing items to the school board related to lice checks and procedures followed in the district at an upcoming school board meeting. Concerned parents should attend. (Please check the district’s website for the date.) Lice has been a significant problem in Park Ridge and other communities this year. More communication and discussion is needed. Cost and emotional issues are concerns. Q—During lice checks, shouldn’t nurses be checking instead of parents? A— Nurses are performing vision and hearing screening. The health committee is discussing all aspects of the screening day.

-Headphone usage and sharing of other items at school was discussed in addition to lighted magnifying glasses to assist in finding nits. Parents should check their children daily and educate them to let someone know if their head is itching. Students can get checked at school. -Formation of a committee was also discussed. Mr. Walsh advised to see what happens within the district first.


MEETING ADJOURNED -Motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded. -Meeting adjourned by Vickie Mellema at 8:53 pm.

The next PTA meeting is schedule for Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the LRC.

Minutes submitted by Vickie Nelson (Co-Recording Secretary)

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