Context And Human Resource

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 515
  • Pages: 4
Identifying the competency library for each role in a company will help us to manage the staff appraisal policy and training need assessment. By generalizing the common competencies as Organizational and Personal Competencies we can use those to all the resources with out considering their roles. The functional competencies are Role / job related. Even in that the generalized competencies like, common competencies for Development Team, Testing team, Quality Team etc can be classified into Common Functional Competencies. The specific or precise competencies will help us to look into the specific job competencies. This kind of approach will even help us to find talent hunt for different roles. Here is an example of that. Competency Areas 1. Organizational. 2. Functional. a. Common b. Precise 3. Personal. (1)The Organizational competency is the overall competency of a Resource which is a major decisive factor in the organization structure. DO001. Time Keeping DO002. Dressing DO003. Office etiquettes DO003A. Mutual respect DO003B. Body language DO003C. Manners DO003D. Work table maintenance. DO003E. ID cards DO003F. Log-in Log-out DO004. Telephonic skills DO005. Official Communication DO006. Personality DO006A. Adaptability DO006B. Look and feel DO006C. Dealings with peer and others DO006D. Overall DO007. Loyalty DO008. Accountability DO009. Assertiveness DO010. Self confidence (2) The Functional competence is the Technical / Job related skills. It is divided into two. Common and Precise. Those competencies functionally common to all are included in the

First. Specific competencies more closer to their job will be included in Precise competency Eg: Common Functional Competencies DFC001. Success Factors DFC001A.Accountability DFC001B. Discipline DFC001C. Initiative DFC001D. Innovative DFC001E. Learning DFC001F. Proactive DFC001G. Passion DFC001H. Quality Focus DFC001I. Responsiveness DFC001J. Team Work DFC002. Prioritizing DFC003. Problem solving DFC004. Quality Focus DFC005. Analyzing Skills DFC006. Work focus DFC007. Time Management DFC008. Presentation Skills DFC009. Writing Skills DFC010. Email Skills DFC011. Telephone skills Eg: Precise Functional Competencies Software Engineer DFP001. Quality in work DFP001A.Coding Practice / effective work implementation DFP001A1. Indenting DFP001A2. Reusability DFP001A3. Effective Commenting DFP001A4. Code maintenance DFP001A5. Meaningful name DFP001A6. Minimize duplication DFP001A7. Defensive coding DFP001B.Standardized work planning DFP001C.Reachability of Quality Standards of the organization DFP001D.Work Presentation and completeness DFP002. Professional DFP002A.Responsibility evaluation DFP002B. Corrective ness of work DFP002C. Completeness of work

DFP002D. Presentation of work DFP002E. Logical thinking DFP003. Apply Tools and Technology. DFP003A. .Net 2.0/3.0/3.5 skills DFP003B Visual Studio 2005/2008 Skills DFP003C MS Sql Server 2000/2005 Skills DFP003D HTML, Javascript, CSS skills DFP003E Ajax / XML / Webservices skills DFP003F Additional tools and Technologies DFP004. Customer focus DFP005. Certifications (3)Personal competence DP001. See the big picture of things DP002. Seeks out challenges DP003. Effective Communication DP004. Creating Partnerships and Alliances DP005. Mutual respect and trust. DP006. Employ a Team approach. DP007. Taking calculated risk. DP008. Plan and priorities things DP009. Personal Career Planning DP010. Stress management DP011. Adaptability Organizational Competence

Person al Compet ence

Functional Competenc e [Common]

Competency Levels 5 = Expert 4 = Highly Competent 3 = Reasonably Competent





0 = None


1 = Low / Very Basic


2 = Under Training or Needs Refresher

[preci se]


Job / Positio n

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