Contemporaneo Intro

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,173
  • Pages: 44

Pilot and photographer Alex MacLean has flown his plane over much of the United States documenting the landscape. Trained as an architect, he has portrayed the history and evolution of the land from vast agricultural patterns to city grids, recording changes brought about by human intervention and natural processes. His powerful and descriptive images provide clues to understanding the relationship between the natural and constructed environments. MacLean's photographs have been exhibited widely in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia and are found in private, public and university collections.

Future Systems (JAN KAPLICKY, 1937-2009; AMANDA LEVETE, 1955) National Library of the Chech Republic. 40.000 sqm building is placed on a white unpolished marble platform, with mirror finished stainless steel wings lifted up the perimeter edges to reflect the building from different angles. The architecture of the proposed building is a three dimensional object shaped to minimize the volume and to extend the views over the surrounding tree level. Its unique form and curvature is a reference to baroque buildings in Prague. The skin is covered with champagne coloured anodised aluminium tiles fading from dark at the bottom to light at the top. Generous levels of natural light in all public spaces are provided by circular areas of glazing distributed over the external skin. Special features inside the building include the top level viewing platform and café with spectacular vistas over Prague, comfortable and colourful reading rooms, the first level ‘street’ which continues the public realm through ramps and stairs from the street and park inside the building, and the educational viewing well to the automated book storage. The estimated volume of 10 million books stored underground are distributed by an Automated Storage and Retrieval System and reach the reader in less than 5 minutes. At the day of its completion in 2011, the New National Library of the Czech Republic will be one of the most modern Libraries in the world.

Future Systems (JAN KAPLICKY, 1937-2009; AMANDA LEVETE, 1955) The Museum nestles in the grounds of the turn of the century Enzo Ferrari house in Modena, Italy - a submerged, soft blue form appearing to grow out of the surrounding landscape. The house being modest in scale has determined the height of the museum. A vast wall of curved, inclined glass draws you into the space, the curved plane bisected by fins inspired by the radiator of a Maserati. North facing roof lights flood the interior volume with diffused white light. Inside the walls and floor of the museum, rectangular in plan, forms a basin, finished in fine white terrazzo. This strong and embracing space provides the perfect environment in which to display the achievement and finesse of the Maserati collection.


Norman Foster. Cristal Island, Moscú,

Norman Foster. Cristal Island, Moscú,

Nicholas Grimshaw. Eden Project. UK.

Nicholas Grimshaw. Eden Project. UK.



OMA//Rem Koolhaas. Waterfront city, Dubai.

OMA//Rem Koolhaas. Waterfront city, Dubai.

OMA//Rem Koolhaas. Waterfront city, Dubai.

Perkin & Will,. Antilla Building, Mumbai, India.

Edouard Francois. Flower Towwer, Paris.

Edouard Francois. Flower Towwer, Paris.

Santiago Cirugeda. Recetas Urbanas, Sevilla.

Herzog & de Meuron, Concurso para . Concurso para la sede de Gazprom, San Petersburgo

MVRDV. Wozoco Housing, Amsterdam, 1997

MVRDV. Wozoco Housing, Amsterdam, 1997

MVRDV. Wozoco Housing, Amsterdam, 1997

MVRDV. Wozoco Housing, Amsterdam, 1997

Poutasi, Poutasi, Samoa. The

Lagavzle family

, 5:00pm October 8, 1993..

Españ España

Familia de Segovia


China: The

Wu Family

The nine members of this extended family—father

Wu Ba Jiu (59), mother Guo Yu Xian (57), their sons, daughters-in-law, and

three grandchildren—live in a three-bedroom, 600-square-foot dwelling in rural Yunnan Province. While they have no telephone, they get news and

images of a wider world through two radios and the family's most prized possession, a television. In the future, they hope to get one with a 30-inch screen as well as a VCR, a refrigerator, and drugs to combat diseases in the carp they raise in their ponds. Not included in the photo are their 100 mandarin trees, vegetable patch, and three pigs.

China Stats Population: 1.3 billion Population density: 627 people per sq. km. Total fertility rate: 1.7 children per woman Population doubling time: 67 years Percentage urban/rural: 37% urban, 63% rural Per capita energy use: 905 kg. oil equivalent Infant mortality: 32 deaths per 1,000 births Life expectancy: 69 (male), 73 (female) Adult illiteracy: 7.9% (male), 22.1% (female) Internet users: 46 million

India: The At age

Yadev Family

25, Mashre Yadev is already mother to four children, the oldest of whom was born when she was 17. Each morning at their home in rural Uttar

Pradesh, she draws water from a well so that her older children can wash before school. She cooks over a wood fire in a windowless, six-by-nine-foot kitchen, and such

Bachau, 32

labor-intensive domestic work keeps her busy from dawn to dusk. Her husband , works roughly 56 hours a week, when he can find work. In rough times, family members have gone more than two weeks with little food. Everything they own—including two beds, three bags of rice, a broken bicycle, and their most cherished belonging, a print of Hindu gods—appears in this photograph. India Stats Population: 1.0 billion Population density: 318 people per sq. km. Total fertility rate: 3.0 children per woman Population doubling time: 36 years Percentage urban/rural: 28% urban, 72% rural Per capita energy use: 494 kg. oil equivalent Infant mortality: 66 deaths per 1,000 births Life expectancy: 62 (male), 64 (female) Adult illiteracy: 32% (male), 55% (female) Internet users: 7 million

. Colonización a comienzos del siglo XX







Con menos de dos dólares al día El siguiente mapa muestra, según datos de 2004, el porcentaje de población por país que sobrevive con menos de 2 dólares diarios. Según estos cálculos, existirían cerca de 2.600 millones de personas bajo ese umbral, la mayoría en áreas rurales. Este número se ha reducido considerablemente en todo el mundo, sobre todo en Asia, en los últimos años, aunque algunas áreas como el África Subsahariana mantienen grandes bolsas de pobreza.

Densidad de robots Esto entra de lleno en lo que podrían considerarse como bagatelas, o mapas curiosos. Se trata de mostrar sobre un mapa del mundo los países con mayor densidad de población de robots industriales (medida en robots por cada 10.000 trabajadores). Como puede verse, es en Japón donde habita la mayor parte del millón largo de robots industriales censados actualmente.

juguetes exportacion / importacion


Principales puertos de mercancías del mundo El presente mapa muestra la localización y tamaño de los principales puertos mercantes mundiales y, por tanto, también sirve para fijar los puntos de mayor tráfico marítimo y de la contaminación consecuente

expansión colonial// keynesianismo // globalización, posfordismo, neoliberalismo. deslocalización de producción y consumo //concentración de riqueza // compresión espacio-tiempo // terciario red de ciudades globales // expansión y gentrificación // equipamientos de consumo y ocio programas // inversión edilicia // profesión (estrella y masificado) simulacro

. Mayores ciudades del mundo año 2000

.mayores ciudades del mundo año 2015


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