Consumer Behavior To Communication

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  • Words: 1,371
  • Pages: 26
Consumer Behavior /Response to communication

What is advertising sender encode


TV, print, WOM, Internet ,POS =ATL/BTL Manage the Noise ,filters



It is successful when what the sender wants to say is correctly interpreted by the receiver

Persuasion matrix Dependent variables-steps in being persuaded

Independent variables –communication components source

Message presentation










Source • Direct /indirect • Credible – Expertise – trustworthiness

• Attractiveness – similarity – Likeability – celebrity

• power

SourceCelebrity endorsement •

Stage of the product - It depends on what stage of the product life cycle is the brand in.

Is it a strategic decision over 4, 5 years- brand value must remain consistent with the value of the celebrity being endorsed in terms of personality, positioning. So even if the celebrity changes the values remain consistent ..

Celebrity–brand match: , strong enough so that the endorsements are able to strongly influence the thought processes of consumers and create a positive perception of the brand ?

Constant monitoring mechanism : Are we able to monitor the behavior, conduct and public image of the celebrity continuously to minimize/maximize any potential.

Brand over endorser: should ensure that this does not happen by formulating advertising collaterals and other communications

Celebrity endorsement is just a channel: it is one part of the communication mix that falls under the broader category of marketing. I have observed that the teams/ sales /CP

Celebrity ROI: should have a system combining quantitative and qualitative measures to measure the overall effect of celebrity endorsements.

Message structure • Order of presentation – primacy/recency

• Conclusion drawing– explicit /thought provoking

• Message sidedness – One sided /2 sided/refutation

• Verbal/visual messages • Appeal – Comparitive/fear/humour/

Channel factors = medium to deliver the message • Personal • Non-personal

– ATL –type of medium /program – BTL – Noise – Clutter

DAGMAR-defining advertising goals for measuring advertising results • Communication objective which is SMART – Objectives /measurable – Clear TG – Benchmark & results desired – Specific time frame – Budgets • Top down/% of sales/affordability • Allocation amongst elements of IMC

Consumer -5 stage decision making process Problem recognition


Information search


Evaluate alternatives


Purchase decision Post purchase evaluation

Stock out /desire/new need /Dissatisfaction/marketer induced /New products

Personal experience , family, market info, advertising , Influencers, peer group , trade ,existing users…

Evoke set , criteria defining need , demographics ,budgets, Urgency of the need -want /motivation for the need Decision to buy , decision to buy a particular brand , budget ,time taken to actually buy after the decision ;changes with the Product /budget /urgency Cognitive dissonance-satisfaction /dissatisfaction

Consumerinternal psychological process Maslow’s hierarchy ;psychoanalytic theory , MR (In depth int Projective technique, association tests, FGD

Motivation Perception

Sensation ; selecting information ; interpreting information It is a filter of the receiver for information from the sender ..e.g. can be selective perception /selective exposure/ Selective comprehension /selective retention Mnemonics /sublime perception is used to create stimuli For awareness


Multi attribute model; changes strategies/execution of msg


Consumer combine info /characteristics of a product & Compare ; heuristics is also used


Behavior approach , cognitive learning

Consumerlearning – Behavior Approach • Theories are based on STIMULI  RESPONSE orientation – Classical conditioning-learning is an associative process. It assumes the individual is a passive participant who simply receives stimuli . 2 things are important • Contiguity – unconditioned/conditioned stimuli must be close in time & space ..proximity /physical presence • Repetition – frequency of association . More often the unconditioned/conditioned stimuli occur –there would be an association – E.g. Pavlov experiment : Bell is a conditioned stimuli to unconditioned stimuli :food & unconditional response :saliva

• Advertisers use images/figures/celebration to build as association which evokes a response from the consumer

Consumerlearning – Behavior Approach • Theories are based on STIMULI  RESPONSE orientation – Operant conditioning –here the individual actively operates or acts on some aspect of the environment for the learning to occur. The individual’s response is instrumental in getting a positive reinforcement (reward) or negative reinforcement (punishment) • reinforcement is important – Can be continuous – Can be partial or intermittent – All of it might lead to shaping of behavior patterns

ConsumerCognitive Learning theory goal


Purposive behavior

Goal achievement

-Perception /formation of belief / attitude development /environment integration all are important to the decision making process All the 5 stages of consumer decision making process are relevant Culture Sub-culture EXTERNAL FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR

Social class Reference groups Situationaldeterminants

Consumer – decision making process • Problem recognition need/repeat purchase/desire/greed – maslow’s hierarchy – Psychoanalalytic theory –Sigmund Freud – MR probes needs-in depth interview/FGD/association tests/projecting techniques

• • • • •

Information search Alternatives evaluation Purchase decision Post purchase evaluation –cognitive dissonance Recommendation-WOM

Internal psychological process • Motivation • Attitudes/beliefs /baggage • Culture – Subculture/social class/reference groups/influencers

• • • •

Perception-visual/sensory/psychological Attitude formation Integration Learning

Models of response processtraditional AIDA model

Hierarchy effects model

Innovation adoption model Information Processing model

Cognitive stage


Awareness knowledge


Presentation Attention comprehension

Affective stage

Interest Desire

Liking Preference conviction

Interest evaluation

Yielding retention

Behavioral stage



Trial adoption


3 orders model of information processing – Michael Ray high



(learning model )

(low involvement model) Cognitive Conative affective

Cognitive Affective Conative


(dissonance /attribution model) Conative Affective Cognitive

FCB grid-consumer response -Richard Vaughn of Foote, Cone & Belding advertising agency thinking


High involvement

Informative -IT/cars Media- long copy Creative –info demo

Affective fashion/j wellery/mobikes media-large space /image creative- exceptional impact

Low involvement

Habit formation -household products Media-small space ads Creative -reminder

Self-satisfaction -cigarettes/liquor/candy Media-billboard/POS/newspaper Creative -attention

Creative Communication ? • • • • • • •

Is the product positioned simply , with clarity Does it show a a clear benefit Does it contain a powerful idea Does it talk about the brand personality Is it unexpected /memorable Is it focused Does it reward the viewer with something – tangible/intangible • Is it visually exciting /attention grabbing • Is it well made

Creative Strategy -planning involves : •

Challenge – Brief, TG, SMART objectives – Research =product/competition/TG habits & behavior/media • Quanti -quali/ focus groups/ethnographic (observing consumer in the natural environment) • Evaluate storyboards/concept testing /animate

Risks – Ability to do the right thing , not necessarily the obvious

Personnel – Client, agencies, consumer

Process – Rigor, time , budgets, understanding of the personnel /audience ,media type • Young’s model :immersion, digestion, incubation, illumination, verification • Graham Wallas : Preparation, incubation, illumination, verification

Creative Strategy -development involves • Communication of a product is developing a series of messages (which make up an IMC ) which is a set of interrelated ideas and coordinated activities that revolve on the core central theme during a specified period • Developing the unifying theme is the critical objective of a campaign

Copy Platform • 2 critical components of the copy platform are the development of the major selling ideas and the creative strategy development – – – – – – – –

Basic problem IMC objectives TG Major selling idea USP /Positioning The brand image desired Creative strategy , the inherent drama Supporting information required

Creative -Appeal • • • • •

Informational/ Rational Emotional Rational + Emotional Reminder Teaser

Communication -Execution • • • • • • • • • • • •

Straight /factual Scientific/technical Demonstration Comparison Testimonial Slice of life Animation Personality symbol Fantasy Drama Humor Combinations

Creative -Tactics • Print – – – –

Headlines :direct/indirect/sub heads Body copy Visual elements layout

• TV – – – –

Video Audio – voice-over/needle-drop/jingle Script Production – PPC/production/post production

Creative approach - Client Evaluation • Is the creative approach consistent with the brief , brand objectives • Is it consistent with the creative strategy objective ?Does it say what was intended? • Is it appropriate for the TG? • Does it communicate clearly /convincingly? • Does the creative execution overwhelm the brand / brand objectives ?celebrity endorsements? • Is it appropriate for the media environment? • Is it truthful and tasteful ? – Can be checked through • Informal discussion /research /informal feedback /test market

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