“ Health Reform”

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  • Pages: 64
“Health Reform” Quotations from the Spirit of Prophesy

Health Reform TO THE Household of Faith Who are Looking for

THAT BLESSED HOPE The Appearing of Our Beloved, THIS

Is affectionately DEDICATED

“…health reform…” All are bound by the most sacred obligations to God to heed the sound philosophy and genuine experience which he is now giving them in reference to health reform. He designs that the great subject of health reform shall be agitated, and the public mind deeply stirred to investigate; for it is impossible for men and women, with all their sinful, health-destroying, brain-enervating habits, to discern sacred truth, through which they are to be sanctified, refined, elevated, and made fit for the society of heavenly angels in the kingdom of glory.-Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 162. {CME 33.2} Ellen Gould White

“…overcome on appetite…”

If we overcome on appetite we can overcome on all else. CDF 145

“…regained by overcoming…” Eden was lost by appetite, it will be regained by overcoming on appetite. 3T.1G

“…obey your reasoning.” Read the best authors on the laws of life and health. Then obey your reasoning. GW 242

“…hold on life.” Those who sin against knowledge and rely on drugs will lose hold on life. MM 224

“…helped.” Drugs have done more harm and killed more than they have helped. MM 27

“…medication is to be…” Drug medication is to be discarded. MS 162

“…the very best medicine…” The influence of the Holy Spirit is the very best medicine for the sick. MM 12

“…better for health…” The things of nature are better for health than all the drug in the world. CH 169

“…nature.” A drug is a foreign substance of a poisonous nature. SG 134

“…nature’s laws.” Disease is the penalty of violating nature's laws. CH 347

“…by cleanliness and obeying…”

Prevent disease by cleanliness and obeying the laws health. 4 SG 140

“…free the body…” Disease is an effort of nature to free the body of impurities. CH 61

“Doing good….” Doing good is an excellent remedy for disease. AH 447

“…a cause…” Disease never comes without a cause. 2 SM 469

“…the best remedies…” Reading the Bible and work are the best remedies for diseased bodies and minds. 2T 325

“Fasting one or two days…” Fasting one or two days = better than medicine. CH 477

“…road to health.” A short period of complete abstinence is the road to health. CDF 310

“…in the natural state.” Do less cooking and eat more fruit in the natural state. 7T 134

“…obedience is… Faith in Christ and obedience is the true science of healing. CH 346

“…health will be recovered.” The sooner we adopt the original plan of gardening, the sooner health will be recovered. CH 174

“…by obeying the laws…” By obeying the laws of life we INSURE our health. CH 49

“…restores health.”

Outdoor life restores health. MM 211

“…habits.” The sick man’s faith is dead unless he is willing to change his habits. MM 262

“…help others.” If you are in poor health, help others. AH 442

“Rise higher…” Rise higher in Health Reform as we near the end. CH 467

“…the mind.” Anything that lessens the physical strength, enfeebles the mind. COL 346

“…all hope…” Without Health Reform all hope of heaven is vain. CH 574-9

“…meet in heaven…” We will meet in heaven those for whom we have labored in Health Reform. COL 373

“…safety…” There is no safety in animal products. CDF 411

“…morsel of food…” Not one morsel of food should pass between lips between meals. CH 408

“…the brain…” Overeating numbs the brain and causes false hunger. 2 T 212-3

“…the system…” Sugar clogs the system and hinders the machinery. CH 149

“…to use herbs,…” If the sick were educated to use herbs, they would not die as with drugs. HL 308

“…the right use…” Understanding the right use of herbs and roots means no need or doctor. HL

“…in harmony with…” The use of herbs is in harmony with the exercise of faith. HL305

“The true method of healing…” The true method of healing the sick is to tell them about herbs. HL 310

“…diet…” A flesh diet creates disease. BC 1:1112

“…converted…” Those half converted on meat eating will leave the Church. CH 57

“…10 times…” The liability of disease is 10 times greater by meat eaters. HL 62

“…direct cause…” Meat eating is a direct cause of disease. 2 SM 418-9

“...workers are giving…” Medical missionary workers are giving the last call. 6T 71

“…right doing…” The consciousness of right doing is the best medicine for the sick. 1T 502

“…things of nature…” The things of nature are God's physicians; better for health than drugs. CH 169-170

“…laws of nature…” Obedience to the laws of nature is a direct path to heaven. CH 222

“…healing properties…” There are healing properties in the balsam of pine, cedar and fir trees. 7T 77

“…the patient…” Physicians deal out drugs and the patient is murdered. 25M 4412

“…be able to…” An intelligent physician will be able to trace disease to its cause. HL

“…be secured…” Sound nerves can only be secured through temperance. BC 3:1165

“…results.” Water treatments bring supernatural results. BC 7:938

“...perfect…” We must be in perfect soundness of health or we cannot please God. BC 1: 1102

“…vital forces…” Grief saps the vital forces and nerves. BC 3:1146

“…safeguard…” Morning exercise in the fresh air is a safeguard against all disease. MLT

“…eating and drinking…” Irregular hours of eating and drinking sap the brain forces. YI 5/3/

“…wholly…” Many die from disease that is wholly imaginary. HH 171

“…powers of mind.” God took away flesh and gave manna in order to activate the powers of the mind. BC 1:1113

“…health reform,..” As for health reform, idiots are not held responsible. MM 289

“…Health Reform.”

Salvation impossible without Health Reform. 7T 137

“Christian physicians…” Christian physicians cannot charge high prices as do the worldly physicians, MM 125

“…remedies…” The Lord's own remedies are air, water and sun. MM 228

“…peace and love…” Inner peace and love to God will envigorate the intellect. 2 T 327

“Health Reform” Quotations from the Spirit of Prophesy

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