Conferencing Software Userguide

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 4,368
  • Pages: 18
© Copyright 2008 2008-2009 VMukti Solutions Pvt Ltd.. All rights reserved.

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© 2008-2009 2009 VMukti Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

This document contains proprietary roprietary information, which is the confidential property of VMukti Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Henceforth referenced as VMukti. This document shall not be copied, reproduced, reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, m, or otherwise duplicated. The information herein shall not be disseminated , used, shared or otherwi otherwise disclosed except ept with the prior written consent of VMukti. All product, service, and company names are trade marks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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VMukti is the World's First open source multi-point total voice, video and data communication platform with built-in support for access to features through Personal customizable Web Interface, Widgets for 3rd party websites, Desktops, and Phones. In the era of high on cost and low on scalability video conferencing solutions like Polycom and WebEx, VMukti's uniqueness lies in its state of the art p2p mash ability and thus delivering exponentially scalable, high quality and low cost user experience. The core platform features include Multipoint Video Conferencing, Webcasting, Audio/ Telephony, Chat, File Search, Whiteboard, File-sharing, Presentation, Remote Monitoring & Controlling, Co-authoring and more. Incubated by IIM-Ahmedabad, VMukti is one of the only platforms in the world to converge the power of Web 2.0, P2P and Telecom. It has won many recognitions including becoming one of the NASSCOM 100 IT Innovators, Source Forge Community Choice Award Finalist, and Red Herring Asia 100 Finalist. VMukti has been getting amazing amount of traction in global market - with queries already coming from large corporate, governments and armies & reviews by CNBC, Tec crunch and IT Wire. VMukti is a tool that enables Video, text and audio chat with multiple parties, Multiple parties can edit a single text document and Sharing of applications with multiple parties.

 Video, audio, presentation, chat & Desktop sharing with multiple parties  Image & File sharing with multiple parties  Multiple parties can edit a single text document called co-authoring  Drawing in Whiteboard like as paint drawing ( Used for the teaching perspective)

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Functional Specifications: Name



This module stimulates text based chatting functionality.

Drag chat widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open a chat window when login user drag chat widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel.

Add buddies for chat

The system can provide functionality to add online buddies (Online buddies appears in green color) when user drags them on chat window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the chat window.

Open chat widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open chat widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on chat widget for chatting.

Buddie’s name on screen

The system can display all buddies name involved in chat on top of the chat window for each user.


The system can provide functionality to chat with all the buddies added for this specific widget. However this chatting can be general for all the buddies involved rather than private to any specific one. Buddies name can appear at the beginning of the text which he / she have written for identification purpose.

View History Confirmation

The system can provide checkbox to save history of chatting. However any buddies can uncheck the view history option if he / she does not want to save the conversation.

View History

The system stimulates view history button to see all previous conversation of login member with all other buddies added to keep the track on previous conversation.

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Go Back

The system can provide link to go back from history page to main chat window.

Display Message

The system can display message at the bottom of the chat window if Other buddies are typing message in textbox.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close chat window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide chat window.

Notification on Leaving Chat

The system can display notification all buddies involved when any buddy close the chat window and terminate chatting.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.

Co Authoring

This module stimulates co authoring facility to all participants

Drag co authoring widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open a co authoring window when login user drags co authoring widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel.

Add buddies

The system can provides functionality to add online buddies (Online buddies appears in green color) when user drags them on co authoring window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the chat window.

Open co authoring widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open co authoring widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on co authoring window for combine work.

Buddie’s name on screen

The system can display all buddies name involved in co authoring on top of the co authoring window for each user.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close co authoring window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide co authoring window.

Create New Document

The system can provide functionality to create new document.

Open Document

The system can provide functionality to Open document which is saved previously in .rtf format.

Save As

The system can provide functionality to Save any document in .rtf format.


The system can provide functionality to cut any part of the text.

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The system can provide functionality to copy any part of the text.


The system can provide functionality to paste which is selected by login user previously to cut or copy.


The system can provide redo facility.


The system can provide undo facility.


The system can provide functionality to bold / Unbold any part of the text.


The system can provide functionality to do Italics / Regular text.


The system can provide functionality to do or remove underline for any part of the text.

Grow Font

The system can provide functionality to increase font size.

Shrink Font

The system can provide functionality to decrease font size.


The system can provide functionality to do bulleting.


The system can provide functionality to do numbering.

Align Left

The system can provide functionality to align the text on left hand side of the co authoring window.

Align Centre

The system can provide functionality to align the text to the centre of the co authoring window.

Align Right

The system can provide functionality to align the text on right hand side of the co authoring window.

Align Justify

The system can provide functionality to justify text selected.

Increase Indent

The system can provide facility to increase the indent of the text.

Decrease Indent

The system can provide facility to decrease the indent of the text.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.

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This module stimulates whiteboard to all buddies.

Drag whiteboard widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open a whiteboard window when login user drags whiteboard widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel.

Add buddies

The system can provides functionality to add online buddies (Online buddies appears in green color) when user drags them on whiteboard window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the whiteboard window.

Open whiteboard widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open whiteboard widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on whiteboard window for combine work.

Buddie’s name on screen

The system can display all buddies name involved in whiteboard on top of the whiteboard window for each buddy.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close whiteboard window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide whiteboard window.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.


The system can provide functionality to draw filled rectangle.


The system can provide functionality to draw filled ellipse.


The system can provide functionality to draw line.


The system can provide functionality to select any text or object by clicking.

Erase by Stock

The system can provide functionality erase any object by stock (Erase whole object like rectangle, ellipse or text area).

Erase by Brush

The system can provide functionality erase any part of the object with the use of brush.


The system can provide functionality to draw with the use of pen.

Font Size

The system can provide functionality to increase / decrease size of the font or thickness of line.

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Change Color

The system can provide functionality to change the color of the text or object.

Clear All

The system stimulates clear whole whiteboard.


The system stimulates clear whole whiteboard.

Text tool

The system stimulates functionality to enter any text in whiteboard.


The system can provide functionality to mark any part of the text or object.

File Search

This module provides functionality to search file.

Drag File search widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open a file search window when login user drags file search widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel.

Add buddies

The system can provides functionality to add online buddies (Online buddies appears in green color) when user drags them on file search window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the file search window.

Open file search widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open file search widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on file search window.

Buddie’s name on screen

The system can display all buddies name involved in file search on top of the file search window for each buddy.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close file search window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide file search window.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.


The system can provide functionality to browse particular file in the system.

Rebuilt Index

The system can provide functionality to rebuilt index in order to provide list of file located in browsing folder.


The system can provide search facility. It can provide search at specified location in all buddies systems.

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Open file

The system can provides functionality to open the file found in case if file is located on local system or can provide functionality to upload file from buddie’s system and open that file on login user’s desk.

No of Docs browsed.

The system can display no of documents available at location browsed.

Image Sharing

This module provides functionality for Image Sharing.

Drag Image Sharing widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open a Image Sharing window when login user drags Image Sharing widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel.

Add buddies

The system can provides functionality to add online buddies (Online buddies appears in green color) when user drags them on Image Sharing window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the Image Sharing window.

Open Image Sharing widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open Image Sharing widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on Image Sharing window.

Buddie’s name on screen

The system can display all buddies name involved in Image Sharing on top of the Image Sharing window for each buddy.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close image sharing window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide image sharing window.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.

Upload Image

The system can provide facility to upload one or multiple image by the login user.

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Go Next / Previous

The system stimulates facility to move to next or previous image.

Play Slideshow

The system can provide functionality to view slideshow for all images uploaded.


This module provides functionality to upload PPT file.

Drag Presentation widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open a presentation window when login user drags presentation widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel.

Add buddies

The system can provides functionality to add online buddies (Online buddies appears in green color) when user drags them on presentation window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the presentation window.

Open presentation widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open presentation widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on presentation window.

Buddie’s name on screen

The system can display all buddies name involved in presentation on top of the presentation window for each buddy.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close presentation window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide presentation window.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.

Upload PPT

The system can provide functionality to upload power point presentation and display it in panel together with the index menu for selection of slides available in presentation on left hand side. However this option will only display presentation to all other buddies involved.


This module provides facility to do video conferencing.

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Drag Video widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open a video window when login user drags video widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel.

Add buddies

The system can provides functionality to add online buddies (Online buddies appears in green color) when user drags them on video window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the video window.

Open video widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open video widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on video window.

Buddie’s name on screen

The system can display all buddies name involved in video on top of the video window for each buddy.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close video window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide video window.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.


The system can provide functionality to display video of all the buddies involved on screen.

Full Screen

The system stimulates full screen option on top bar of the video screen.


The system provides functionality to close the video of any buddies including login buddy.


This module provides facility to do audio conversation among buddies.

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Drag Audio widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open an Audio window when login user drags Audio widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel. On dropping audio module from widget explorer it can start a default conference with newly generated SIP no together with new conference no and PBX (Private Branch Exchange) server details.

Add buddies

The system can provides functionality to add online buddies (Online buddies appears in green color) when user drags them on Audio window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the Audio window. On adding buddies to audio module the same conference ID and PBX ((Private Branch Exchange) no of login user will allocated to all added buddies.

Open Audio widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open Audio widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on Audio window.

Buddie’s name

The system can display all buddies name involved in Audio on top of the Audio window for each buddy.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close Audio window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide Audio window.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.


The system can allow facility to transfer call from one buddy to another involved.


The system can provide Dual tone multi frequency facility.


The system stimulates to start any conference by entering conference id if it is known.

Hang up

The system can provide facility to hang up conference or call.


The system can provide facility to hold one conference and start new conference. Holed conference can appear in light yellow color while running conference can appear in blue color. Call hang up can displayed by red color on 6 different channels and running call can display in green color.


The system can provide functionality to start any conference by entering conference id and pressing call option. Buddy can also start conference on default PBX no or can specify PBX no together with conference id externally.

Add PBX details

The system can provide facility to login user to enter username, password and domain details of external PBX in case of calling through any provider.

Remove PBX details

The system can provide functionality to remove PBX details entered previously.

Configure PBX details

The system stimulates to configure PBX details to login user.

Desktop sharing

This module provides facility to share remote desktop with other user.

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Drag DS widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open a DS window when login user drags video widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel.

Add buddies

The system can provides functionality to add online buddies when user drags them on DS window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the DS window.

Open DS widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open DS widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on DS window.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close DS window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide DS window.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.

Stop View

The system can provide facility to allow remote/stop user to get the desktop of host system.

Stop Control

The system can provide facility to allow remote/ stop user to get the control of host system.

Video & Audio

This module is providing the facility of audio & video with four users at a time.

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Drag Video & Audio widget from Widget Explorer

The system can open a video & Audio window when login user drags video & Audio widget from widget explorer and drop it in panel.

Add buddies

The system can provides functionality to add online buddies (Online buddies appears in green color) when user drags them on video window. All the buddies added should appear in drop down list box located on top of the video window.

Open video & Audio widget on buddie’s screen

The system can open video & Audio widget on online buddie’s screen when user drags him/her on video & Audio window.

Buddie’s name on screen

The system can display all buddies name involved in video & Audio on top of the video window for each buddy.

Close Window

The system can provide functionality to close video & Audio window.

Show /Hide Window

The system can provide functionality to Show /Hide video & Audio window.

Hide/Show Top Bar

The system can provide functionality to show / hide top bar of the window.


The dot is showing the connection type. Red: red show the connection is having the problem. Green: The connection is in established state. Yellow or Orange: The connection is in good condition.

Video & Audio

The system can provide functionality to display video & Audio of all the buddies involved on screen.

Send Audio & Video

Clicking on send audio & video to send the video & audio to the added user.


Right clicking on the box & click on settings. From here we can select the audio & video device. Also the access functionality to the user can be defined from here.

Vertical / Horizontal view

The system can provide the functionality to view all the videos either horizontally or vertically.

Zoom In

The system stimulates zoom in option on top of the video box screen.

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Meeting Scheduler

This module can provide facility to schedule meeting among registered users.

Schedule a Meeting

Click on schedule meeting & give the information of meeting date, time, widgets & all the users. Then click on ok will send the invited user a mail with all the details of the meeting.

Show past Meeting

This will show the all the past meetings scheduled by that user previously.

Instant meeting

A user having the functionality to do instant meeting by clicking on the Instant Meeting. A user can do a meeting with the online available buddies.

Meeting info

Clicking on any one of the listed of scheduled meeting will show the number of widgets & users are assigned to that particular meting.


By clicking on the join button a user can join the meeting. Remind you that this button is only enable when the hosted user has joined the meeting.


This module can provide facility to create a profile, add new widget & Help.

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Getting Started

This system can provide online help about how to use each widget effectively together with the screenshots.

My Profile

This system can provide login user to create his own profile and save it for later use.

Submit new widget

This system can provide facility to add new widget by administrator.

PBX Configuration

This system can provide functionality to change PBX Configuration details after authentication of username and password.


This option provides facility to change skin.

About Vmukti

This option provides version information.

What VMukti offers to Users? •

No data lag & distortion •

Multipoint video telecast •

Peer to Peer technology ensures low initial hardware investment in servers etc

Scalability •

User can share meeting related data on their computers and others can search through it

Low investment •

Each user is able to view video broadcasts from all users present in a conference. Other software limit the number of video streams a user can view

File Sharing & Search •

Innovative Peer to Peer technology ensures that data lag & distortion are absent in video & voice features, unlike other software

Seamless and low cost scaling up and down of traffic on the conference

Benefits for User •

Zero lag in voice, video & application sharing

Easy to learn interface

Benefits for Buyer •

Scalability to grow and reduce in size, with number of users

Cost saving – low initial investment & low running costs

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Satisfied Customers


Client should provide the following components: SUPPORTED ARCHITECTURES  x86 SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS FOR CLIENTS  Microsoft Windows XP  Microsoft Windows Server 2003  Microsoft Windows Vista (With critical windows updates installed) SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS FOR SERVERS  Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard/ Enterprise (With critical windows updates installed)  Microsoft Windows Server 200 2008 Standard/ Enterprise (With critical windows updates installed) SUPPORTED INTERNET BROWSERS  Internet Explorer 6.0 .0 or Higher  Mozilla Firefox 2.0 .0 Or Higher CLIENT HARDWARE  Minimum: 1 GHz CPU, 128 MB RAM, 800x600 256bit 256bit-color display  Recommended: 1.6 GHz or higher CPU, 256 MB or more RAM, 1024x768 high-color high 32-bit display

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Up to 500 MB of hard disk space may be required

SERVER HARDWARE  Server: 2.8 GHz, 1GB RAM  Recommended: 2.0 GHz or higher Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM NETWORK REQUIREMENTS  Server: Live IP –1mbps or higher premium b/w  Client: 56kbps or higher bandwidth (512kbps recommended) OTHER SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT Server:  .NET 3.5/ .NET 3.0 SP1 (Firefox support not available .NET 3.0)  VMukti Security Certificate  IIS 6.0 or higher  SQL Server 2005/ SQL Express 2005  Flash Media Server 3.0.1  Open Office 2/ Microsoft Office 2007 Client:  .NET 3.5/ .NET 3.0 SP1 (Firefox support not available .NET 3.0)  VMukti Security Certificate OTHER HARDWARE REQUIREMENT  Branded machines with full duplex soundcard / USB  Headphones, microphones and cameras at machines  LAN and Network connectivity (LAN switch, Patch cables and Last Mile connection)  Optional – Client can choose to use any SIP based IP Phones for Voice Calls

Important Notes: The video & audio module is only available when the administrative user has clicked on use FMS audio & video during the installation otherwise it will give you the only video module after the installation. Using FMS Audio & Video: User needs to have the Adobe flash player 10 on the system. Presentation: A user needs the office 2007 or 2003 installed on the machine before using the presentation.

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