Conferencing Software Server Setup

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 2,453
  • Pages: 41
Version: Meeting Place Server Installation Guide

Contents Preface……………………………………………………………..….……. 3 Meeting Place Server Installation Guide........................................................ 3 System Requirements…………………………………………………4 IIS Installation………………………………………………………5 Install .NET Framework……………………….…...………..………9 SQL Server 2005 Installation..……………………….......….…….11 SQL Server Configuration.…………………………………….……22 VMukti Server Setup………………………………………….…….33 Flash Media Server 3.0.1 Installation……………………..….…… 39 Browse the URL……………………………………………….……48


Welcome to Meeting Place, a Unified Social Collaborative conferencing engine which allows users to access through personalized web-interface. VMukti Meeting Place is mainly consists of core features such as Video conferencing, Audio conferencing, IP Telephony, Desktop sharing, Chat, Whiteboard, Presentation, Scheduler & More. VMukti Meeting Place enables the users to efficiently communicate with each other. A system blends all of the functionality required to collaborate using intuitive and user-friendly graphical interface Server Installation Guide. Meeting Place Server Installation Guide

This guide provides detail description with images of Meeting Place Server installation process. This guide includes all steps of Meeting Place sever installation with all steps of all prerequisites installation. So if a user has some prerequisites installed already, skip those steps and look for required prerequisites and Meeting Place server installation process’s own steps. Meeting Place Server installation has three prerequisites • System Requirements • IIS 6.0 or higher version • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, Microsoft • SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition • FMS 3.0.1 (Optional if you are not using the FMS audio & Video) So if any of these prerequisites is not present on your system, Meeting Place server installation would ask you to install that particular prerequisite during its installation. If none of these prerequisites installed, Meeting Place Server installation would ask you to install all prerequisites one by one. You don’t have to worry about locating the prerequisites, Meeting Place Server installer automatically redirect to resource locations of prerequisites or guides for finding/installing prerequisites during the installation. If your pc has some prerequisites installed already then the installer skips automatically to those and asks for other which is not present on the system.


1. System Requirements 1.1. Supported Architectures x86 1.2. Supported Operating Systems for clients Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Windows Vista (*With critical windows updates installed) 1.3. Supported Operating Systems for servers Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise (*With critical windows updates installed) Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (*With critical windows updates installed) 1.4. Supported Internet Browsers Internet Explorer 6 Internet Explorer 7 Mozilla Firefox 2 Mozilla Firefox 3 1.5. Client Hardware Minimum: 400 MHz CPU, 96 MB RAM, 800x600 256-color display Recommended: 1.0 GHz or higher CPU, 256 MB or more RAM, 1024x768 highcolor 32-bit display Up to 500 MB of hard disk space may be required 1.6. Server Hardware Server: 2.8 GHz, 1GB RAM 1.7. Network Requirements Server: Live IP – No Firewall (specified ports required to be open), 1mbps + b/w Client: 56kbps – 256kbps bandwidth 1.8. Other Software Requirement 1.8.1. Server: .NET 3.5 SP1 IIS 6 SQL Server 2005/ SQL Express 2005 1.8.2. Client: .NET 3.5 SP1


The following steps are given to install Meeting Place Server STEP 1 Download Meeting Place Server setup from one of the following links: =594442

If you do not have IIS 6.0 or higher version installed on your system then kindly install IIS first otherwise (in case you already have) move to step 8 to proceed.

IIS installation steps (STEP 2 to 7):STEP 2 Go to Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs


STEP 3 Click on “Add/Remove Windows Components” placed in left side of “Add or Remove Programs” window

STEP 4 Select “Application Server” then click next to proceed.


STEP 5 Insert disc of Microsoft Windows Operating System of your PC in CD driver, press “OK” to proceed.

STEP 6 IIS installation progress


STEP 7 Click finish to complete the IIS installation.

STEP 8 Now extract the downloaded zip file. And start Meeting Place Server installation by double clicking on setup.exe file.

STEP 9 This installation would ask you to install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, if your system does not have .NET framework installed.


STEP 10 Accept the terms and condition. Following three images demonstrate downloading and installation progress of .NET Framework. The download time depends on your Internet speed and your computer configuration.


STEP 11 After successful installation of .NET Framework start installing Meeting Place server setup again by double clicking on setup .exe. Now if your pc does not have SQL Server 2005 installed, the installation would ask you to install SQL Server 2005. SQL Server 2005 installation steps (STEP 12 to STEP 31):-

STEP 12 Click on “Download” for downloading SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP2.


STEP 13 Save the setup file SQLEXPR32.EXE of sql server 2005.

Download progress of sql server setup file

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STEP 14 Install SQL server by double clicking on downloaded SQLEXPR32.EXE. Select Run to install the SQL server 2005.

STEP 15 SQL server installation is in progress

STEP 16 Accept terms and conditions and click next to proceed

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STEP 17 Click “Install” to proceed next

STEP 18 SQL server installation progress screens:

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STEP 19 Click next to proceed further

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STEP 20 Installation progress screen

STEP 21 Provide your computer name and your company name

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STEP 22 Click on the client components and include all options and press next.

STEP 23 Select “Mixed Mode”

STEP 24 Provide passwords in specified fields. This password will be used for login Authentication when you try to login to your system’s SQL server, that is you

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will have to provide this password as SQL Server authentication while login into Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Click “Next” to proceed.

STEP 25 Click next to proceed

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STEP 26 Leave these options as it is and click next to move for next step

STEP 27 Click “Install” to proceed

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STEP 28 Following screen shows installation progress

STEP 29 Click “Finish” to finish the SQL server 2005 installation

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STEP 30 Configure SQL Server 2005 for making it useful to Meeting Place SQL Configuration steps (STEP 33 to 43):STEP 31 Go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Surface Area Configuration

STEP 32 The following window would open, Click to “Server Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections”.

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STEP 33 The following window would open.

STEP 34 Click on “Database Engine” > “Remote Connections” and select “Using both TCP/IP and named pipes”.

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STEP 35 Go to “SQL Server Browser” > Services

STEP 36 Click on “Stop” to stop the browser service.

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STEP 37 Now start the browser service by clicking “Start” button.

STEP 38 Now go to “Database Engine”, click on “Services”.

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STEP 39 Click on “Stop” to stop the database service.

STEP 40 Click “Start” to start the database service.

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STEP 41 Now click on “Apply” to apply the new configurations then click “OK” to finish the configuration settings.

STEP 42 After finishing the new configuration settings, you will be prompted following window. Close the following window.

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STEP 43 The following 2 steps is required for confirming successful installation and Configuration of SQL Server 2005, go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Management Studio Express.

STEP 44 You will get the following window, this window shows that the SQL Server management studio is trying to connect to a SQL server. • For Server type field: o Select “Database Engine” • For Server name field: o Write the SQL server IP (SQL server IP is IP of the PC where the SQL server is installed/running which you trying to connect like + “\” + SQLEXPRESS (for example “\SQLEXPRESS”). o The Server name may be only IP address of the SQL server (Like “” in case of enterprise version of SQL Server 2005), but this user guide directed to install Express version of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. • • •

For Authentication field: o Select SQL Server Authentication For Login field: o Write “sa” as per SQL server installation steps followed previously. For Password field: o Write the password you entered in the Mixed Mode step while installing the SQL Server (Step 19).

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Now click to “connect” button to connect to the database engine, if database is connected successfully that means you have successfully installed and configured the database and you have correct credentials for accessing it.

STEP 45 Start Meeting Place sever installation again by double clicking on Meeting Place Server Setup.exe file. Click next to proceed.

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STEP 46 Provide correct SQL Server’s credentials. For first/top field (SQL Instance Name): • Enter Server name, which is used while connecting to SQL server through Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and login into that; enter that Server name in first/top field, as for example “\SQLExpress”, is the IP address of the SQL Server. • The Instance name may be only IP address of the SQL server (Like “” in case of enterprise version of SQL Server 2005), but this user guide directed to install Express version of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. • IP address of SQL server is the IP of the system where SQL server is installed/running. For second field (SQL Authentication User Name): • Enter the user name “sa”, which is used while connecting to SQL server trough Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and login into that; use that User Name in middle field. For last/bottom field (SQL Authentication Password): • This is the corresponding password to the user name discussed in above section (Step 19). Click “Next” to proceed.

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STEP 47 In the following screen, For SMTP server Name field: • Enter “” For SMTP Port Number field: • Enter “587” For SMTP UserName field: • Enter “[email protected]” For SMTP password field: • Enter “vmukti” Then click “Next” to proceed.

Give the default Username & Password.

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Note: There are two default users. One is having the Username & Password: vmukti Second one is which you give in the mentioned previous screenshot during the installation. STEP 48 Domain Details This screen is useful for network administrators; kindly keep these fields blank if you are not a network administrator. First field is multipurpose text box, in which you can enter domain name or IP address. • If you enter domain name. For e.g. then all existing files and folders would delete from the location where is pointing. o And Your VMukti browsing URL would be o User can also provide Directory name if they want to install on specified directory, for e.g. if you VMukti as Directory name then your browsing URL would become o If VMukti Directory exists in particular domain then pointing location of directory would changed, and if directory does not exists then new virtual Directory named VMukti would create automatically. WARNING: All existing data and hosted websites would remove, if you provide only domain name and domain should available.

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If a user wants to use the application as a bootstrap though the firewall is on, at that time check the DMZ. Enable the Use audio/video in single module if user wants to use the flash audio & video module. Otherwise the only video module will be there after the installation.

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STEP 49 Click on next button to start the installation.

STEP 50 Installation progress.

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STEP 51 Click “Close” to finish the VMukti Server installation.

STEP 52 After successful installation of VMukti Meeting Place server setup download & install FMS 3.0.1.

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Click On Next to Start the Setup. Reminder: This is only necessary if you have selected the FMS Audio & video during the server installation. (Step 47)

Accept the Agreement & Click on Next.

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Click on Next.

Click on Next.

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Click on Next.

Give the Username & password and click on next.

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Click on Next.

Now click on Install for the installation.

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Now a VMukti server is ready for use as a collaborative conferencing engine with URL: http://<ServerIP>/vmuktimeetingplace, where ServerIP is the IP address of the system where VMukti server is installed. Before using it, please read carefully the usage scenarios.

VMukti usage scenario: Scenario-1: If VMukti Bootstrap service is started then Server can’t function as a Client -

Do not browse VMukti URL on server PC


If server pc is on a live IP, then clients can access the VMukti server from anywhere across the globe. And if server pc belongs to a LAN, then clients can access the VMukti server under the same LAN only.


Browse VMukti from other PCs (client’s PCs) with URL: http://<ServerIP>/vmuktimeetingplace, where ServerIP is IP of the server where VMukti server is installed and now start participating in collaborative conference.

You can follow user guide for getting detail information about how to use VMukti widgets (modules).

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Scenario-2: If you want to browse the VMukti URL on VMukti Server (i.e. to function as a client) Stop the "VMukti Bootstrap" service (Start > Administrative Tools > Services > VMukti Bootstrap). - You must browse VMukti URL on server PC, if do not browse then other clients won’t be able to browse the http://<ServerIP>/vmuktimeetingplace and can’t communicate with each other.



If server pc is on a live IP, then clients can access the VMukti server from anywhere across the globe. And if server pc belongs to a LAN, then clients can access the VMukti server under the same LAN only.


Browse VMukti from other PCs (client’s PCs) with URL: http://<ServerIP>/vmuktimetingplace, where ServerIP is IP of the server where VMukti server is installed. Start participating in collaborative conference.

You can follow the user guide for getting detail information about how to use VMukti widgets (modules).

Logged in with username & Password. The application download screen is shown below.

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