Conferencing Software Installation Faqs

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  • Pages: 13
VMukti Installation FAQs


Date: 1 March, 2008


Preface……………………………………………………………………………. 3 Installation FAQs.....................................................................................................3 General Questions…………………………………………………………………4 Server Installation…………………………………………………………………5 Client Installation…………..……………………………………………………10 Un-Installation......................................................................................................12 Contact VMukti……………………………..………………………………..…13



Welcome to VMukti, a Unified Social Collaborative conferencing engine which allows users to access through personalized web-interface. VMukti mainly consists of core features such as Video conferencing, Audio conferencing, IP Telephony, Desktop sharing, Chat, Whiteboard, Presentation, Scheduler & More. VMukti enables the users to efficiently communicate with each other. A system blends all of the functionality required to collaborate using intuitive and user-friendly graphical interface.

Installation FAQs The VMukti Installation FAQs is designed for the users to get their questions answered regarding the installation process. VMukti Installation FAQs helps you to get your queries and problems solved which you may face during VMukti Server or client installation. These FAQs helps you to successfully install VMukti.


General Questions 1. What are the system requirements for VMukti application? Following requirements are needed for the VMukti application: o Supported Architectures X86 o Supported Operating Systems • Microsoft windows server • Microsoft windows server 2003 o Supported Internet Browsers • Internet Explorer 6 • Internet Explorer 7 • Mozilla Firefox 2 • Mozilla Firefox 3 o Hardware • Minimum 400 MHz CPU, 96 MB RAM, o Display settings • 1024X768 256-color display o Recommended • 1.0 GHZ or higher CPU, 256 MB or more RAM, 1024X768 high color 32bit display • Up to 500 MB of hard disk space may be required o Network requirements • 56 kbps – 256 kbps bandwidth o Software Requirement • .NET framework 3.5 • SQL Server 2005 (Only for VMukti Server) • IIS 6.0 or later Version (Only for VMukti Server) • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later


Server Installation 1. VMukti Server runs on which operating system? VMukti Server runs successfully on Microsoft windows server 2003(Service pack 2) operating system. 2. How to install VMukti Server? The following are the pre-requisite for successfully installing the VMukti Server on your server machine. • First install .NET Framework 3.5. • Install SQL Server 2005. • Install IIS 6.0 or later version. • Then execute the downloaded setup of VMukti Server. Double click on setup.exe from VMukti Server setup.  Click Next  Provide correct SQL Server path and authentication information  Provide correct SMTP Server path, port number and authentication information.  Provide domain name details if you are aware of it, otherwise please ignore  Click Next to confirm installation. If none of these prerequisites installed, VMukti Server installation would ask you to install all prerequisites one by one. You don’t have to worry about locating the prerequisites, VMukti Server installer automatically redirect to resource locations of prerequisites or guides for finding/installing prerequisites during the installation. You can refer VMukti Server Installation Guide located in VMukti Server Setup folder for details For getting detail information, you can see VMukti Server Installation Guide.

3. How to set up .NET framework as pre-requisite? Follow the following steps to install .NET Framework Setup: Extract the VMukti zip file from downloaded setup files then run Setup.exe If your system does not have Microsoft Framework 3.5, the setup will ask you to install WinFx (.NET Framework 3.5). Install .NET Framework 3.5. Installation of .NET framework happens online from Microsoft site. You may refer this site. The installation time depends solely on your internet connection speed.


4. How to setup SQL Server as pre-requisite? Follow the following steps to Install SQL Server Setup: o Download SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP1 version. o Installation might not be successful for X64 and IA64 bit machines. o Run the downloaded SQLEXPR.EXE • • •

During this installation, installer will ask you to install Windows Installer 3.1, for this download and install it from URL shown in a message box. Select all components in Feature list Dialog. During its installation, in Authentication Mode Dialog box select Mixed Mode Authentication and enter password in the specified fields.

o After Successful Installation of SQL Server 2005, Go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Surface Area Configuration • • • •

Select SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration then Select Remote Connections under Database Engine then Select Local and Remote Connections under this step select Using TCP/IP and named pipes Only Run Setup.exe.

o After that Start SQL Server Browser service from Administrative Tools > Services. For getting detail information, you can see VMukti Server Installation Guide. 5. How to get the instance name of SQL server asked during SQL installation? In SQL Server name enter your SystemIP\SQLExpress (e.g.\SQLExpress). Write “sa” as Username and password that you have specified during the installation. 6. Which download option of SQL server I should choose out of four while downloading SQL Server? You have to click on the third download option Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services out of four options and follow the instructions to download and install SQL server according to VMukti Server installation guide. 7. How a user can make their system as a Server?


Follow the following steps to make a Server: o Install the VMukti server setup with the help of VMukti server installation guide, which is kept inside the VMukti server setup folder o Then the user may act as a server as well as a client to this server. o After successful installation of the server, browse the VMukti with this URL: http://ServersIP/vmukti/ , where Server IP is your system's IP. o This user can send URL of this VMukti server to clients to participate in its collaborative conference. For getting detail information, go to VMukti Server Installation Guide. 8. While installing VMukti Server, I got the error like “Error 1001.Could not Connect with database server, follow the read me and install guide”? It might be possible that you entered some wrong information while installing or configuring SQL server. Kindly keep the following points in mind while installing and configuring of SQL server. o Which download option you are selecting while you browse the link to download SQL server. You have to download Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services. o While configuring SQL server management studio, you might have entered wrong information in the field user name and password in the SQL server authentication. You will have to put correct information user name as “sa” and password. 9. While configuring SQL server 2005 surface area configuration, which option I should select for remote connection? You have to select “using both TCP/IP and named pipes” of local and remote connection. 10. How to start/restart SQL services after installing and configuring of SQL server? Follow the following steps to restart/start SQL services: o Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Services o Select SQL Server(SQL express) o Click on restart the service 11. How to start/restart VMukti Bootstrap after installing VMukti server? Follow the following steps to restart/start VMukti Bootstrap service: o Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Services o Select VMukti Bootstrap o Click on restart the service


12. While installing SQL Server, what information I will put in registration Information? You have to enter your “computer name” under name field or whatever you want and for company field (which is optional) you can enter the company name as desired. Generally name field takes your computer name by default. 13. After installing SQL server, how to configure SQL server? After Successful Installation of SQL Server 2005, Go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Surface Area Configuration o Select SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration then o Select Remote Connections under Database Engine then o Select Local and Remote Connections under this step select Using TCP/IP and named pipes Only then o Select Service under SQL server browser then o Select Automatic from Startup type then o Click on start button After that Start SQL Server Browser service from Administrative Tool Services. 14. While installing SQL server, which authentication mode I have to select to authenticate the security used when connecting to SQL server? You have to select mixed mode (windows authentication and SQL server authentication) and specify the “sa” as Username and password in respective window. 15. In which scenario User of VMukti Server system can use VMukti, after installation of latest version of VMukti Server? After installing VMukti server, server user can use VMukti under one of the following scenarios: Scenario-1: o Start the "VMukti Bootstrap" service (Start > Administrative Tools > Services > VMukti Bootstrap). o If server pc is on a live IP, then clients can access VMukti through this server from anywhere across the globe. And if server pc belongs to a LAN, then clients can access the VMukti through this server under the same LAN only. o Do not browse VMukti URL on server PC. o Browse VMukti from other PCs (clients) with URL: http://<ServerIp>/vmukti/ , where Server IP is the IP of the server where VMukti server is installed. Start participating in collaborative conference.


o You can follow user guide for getting detail information about how to use VMukti widgets (modules). Scenario-2: o Stop the "VMukti Bootstrap" service (Start > Administrative Tools > Services > VMukti Bootstrap). o If server pc is on a live IP, then clients can access the VMukti through this server from anywhere across the globe. And if server pc belongs to a LAN, then clients can access the VMukti through this server under the same LAN only. o Browse VMukti URL on server PC o Browse VMukti from other PCs (clients) with URL: http://<ServerIP>/vmukti/ , where Server IP is the IP of the server where VMukti server is installed. Start participating in collaborative conference. o You can follow user guide for getting detail information about how to use VMukti widgets (modules).


Client Installation 1. VMukti Client runs on which operating system VMukti Client runs successfully on • Microsoft Windows server 2003(Service pack 2) • Microsoft Windows XP • Microsoft Windows Vista 2. How to set up Client for VMukti application? Follow the following steps to Install VMukti Client Setup: o Download VMukti client .Zip Setup file from the below link. 261292 o Run Setup.exe from Downloaded and Extracted file of VMukti. o This installation would ask you to install WinFx (.NET framework 3.5). o Now click on the Setup.exe file of VMukti Client.

3. How a system can be setup as a VMukti client for a VMukti Server ? Follow the following steps to make a client for a particular Server: o Install the VMukti client setup through this URL : and refer VMukti client installation guide for details, which is kept inside the VMukti client setup folder o Get URL of the VMukti Server (where you have to participate in collaborative conference) http://ServersIP/vmukti/. o Browse the URL and participate in the started collaborative conference. o You will get the welcome page. 4. While installing of VMukti client, I got the error like “Another version of this product is already installed”? It might be possible a VMukti client already installed in your system. Remove the existing VMukti client version from Control panel > Add or remove programs and install new version of same. 5. Do I need to install the newer version of VMukti client if server is running on upgraded version on VMukti Server? No, you need not to install the new version of VMukti client. Since older version of VMukti client is compatible with new version of VMukti server. 10 | P a g e

6. Can I browse two different VMukti server URL’s from the same VMukti client? No, you cannot browse two different VMukti Server URL from the same VMukti client. 7. If I am not able to browse VMukti application? If you cannot browse the VMukti application then the following points to be checked for VMukti Server for IIS setting: • •

Go to All programs > Administrative tools > IIS > VMukti directory >Right Click > Properties > Select ASP.NET tab, check for the selection of ASP.NET 2.0 version Go to All programs > Administrative tools > IIS > VMukti directory >Right Click > Properties > Select Documents tab, add Default.aspx

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Un-installation 1. How to uninstall VMukti application? You must follow the steps mentioned below as per the sequence for un- installation procedure: o Open the control paneladd or remove programs o First of all uninstall the VMukti server/client. You can’t remove .net framework or SQL server before the un-installation of VMukti server or client. o Then remove SQL server in case if desired. o Then remove .NET framework in case if desired. 2. What will be happen if I uninstall .NET framework before the VMukti server or client uninstallation? You will get the error while the uninstalling of VMukti server or client. You have to install first .NET framework, then u can uninstall VMukti server or client and again uninstall .net framework. 3. While removing the VMukti client I get the error like “Error 1001.installUtilLib.dll: Unknown error”? It might be possible you uninstalled .net framework before the un-installation of VMukti client. You cannot uninstall .net framework before the un-installation of VMukti client. Follow the following steps to remove VMukti client: o Install .net framework again. o Un-install VMukti client and VMukti server. o Un-install .net framework again.

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Contact VMukti How I can contact VMukti Support? If you experience any problems, please contact us via email [email protected]

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