Concept Of God In 3 Major Relegions

  • Uploaded by: Sajid Holy
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 456
  • Pages: 1
CONCEPT OF GOD IN 3 MAJOR RELEG IONS:HINDUISM, CHRIST IANITY & I SLAM The Word Allah mentioned in the religious scriptures:CHRISTIANI TY In the Hebrew language they call the Almighty as Allohim. Im is the sign of respect in the semetic languages. So actually it is Alloh or Elah, or Alah, or Allah And it is also mentioned in the Old Testament. The word Allah is mentioned in every Bible. If you read the Gospel of Matthew Ch. 27 Verse 46 , & in the Gospel of Mark Ch. 15 V. 34 When Jesus Christ (Peace be on him) was allegedly put on the cross, he cried “Eli, El. Lama Sabachtani” “Oh God, Oh, God, Why has Thou forsaken me?” It is a Hebrew quotation. Does Eli, Eli. Sound like Jehova, Jehova?No. Does Eli, Eli. Sound like Jesus, Jesus?. No. Does Eli, Eli. Sound like Allah, Allah? Yes. Why? Because Hebrew and Arabic are sister languages. And the best part of it is that Bible has been Translated in more than 2000 languages and this Hebrew qotation has been maintained in all the Bibles. First the Hebrew quotation “Eli, El. Lama Sabachtani” is given and then the translation “Oh God, Oh, God, Why has Thou forsaken me?” has been given. Hija b Islam The Qur’an first speaks about the Hijab of man and then it speaks about the Hijab of woman Surah Noor Ch. 24 V. 30 says “Say to the believing man that he should lower his gaze and guard his modesty.” That means if any man looks at woman and any vague thought comes in his mind, he should lower his gaze. Chirstianity Same thing is mentioned in the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew Ch 5 V. 27-29 Jesus Christ (Peace be on him) says “It is said of the old times that thou should not commit adultery, but I say unto you that whosoever shall looketh upon a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart” The Qur’an then speaks about the Hijab of woman in the next verse Surah Noor Ch. 24 V. 31 says “Say to the believing woman that she should lower her gaze and guard her modesty and to display not her beauty except what appears ordinariy thereof and to draw her veil over her bosom except in front of her father, her husband……” According to the Qur’an and the Hadith the complete body of woman should be covered except her face and her hands upto the wrist. The clothes of both Muslim man and woman should not be transparent or too tight to reveal the figure of the body . they must not resemble the clothes of opposite sex they should no t

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