Computer Mind Map for IELTS Speaking and Writing
The following shows the computer mind map and can be used to develop ideas around the topic “Computer” Text and Graphics o Type quickly and correctly o Type and design a printable document o Present text using fancy effects o Create a word collage o Create a photo collage o Create a mind map using ICT Digital Creativity o Paint a picture using ICT o Create a picture using drawing tools o Create music using ICT o Create an audio recording o Edit a digital paragraph o Create an animated GIF o Create a stop motion animation o Design a 3D model using ICT Multimedia Authoring o Product a multimedia video o Create a multimedia e-book o Create an interactive activity o Create an on-screen presentation o Create a website Data and Programming o Identify computer components o Describe uses of technology o Understand how robots are used o Understand how simulations are used o Describe the impact of technology o Explain how an algorithm works o Create a computer program o Handle data using ICT o Create a spreadsheet Research and Communication o Understand how the internet works o Understand how to search effectively o Explore the virtual map o Uses of QR codes o Find out about the history of communication o Communicate online o Know how to stay safe when using internet