Mind Ur Mind

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 640
  • Pages: 2
Solitude or Silence does not mean refraining from talking or keeping the lips tight or staying all alone. No. Silence, is the withdrawal of the mind. It means withdrawal of the mind. Okay, never mind. Where is the mind? Where is the mind? Where is the question of 'withdrawal'? Where is the mind? What is the mind? "Manava is manaha", which means thought flow, recapitulation, and memory. So, what does 'withdrawal of the mind' mean? You don't think of the past and you don't think of the future. The mind is just withdrawn. It is a thoughtless state. That is the idea of silence. That is the purpose of silence. When there is continuous flow of thoughts, we cannot call it silence by any standards. So, the first solution is inner silence or withdrawal of the mind, meaning the 'I'-less mind. This is true mind. Silence? What is the use of it, my friends? These are simple things that happen in our life. If we just read about it from an academic point of view as a text, we can complicate it. But these things have been happening regularly, every day in our lives. "Withdrawal of 'I and mine', consciousness, silence, withdrawal of the mind, thoughtless state, well, why? How am I benefited by that?" "You can make your life sacred, you can make your life sublime, you can make your life holy, you can make your life spiritual, you can enrich your life, you can develop more faith and more by observing silence. You can develop more concentration by observing silence." We are very much worried. Why? Because we fight with our mind. The mind always aspires; it always wants to attempt to do something more, to achieve something more. It wants to be 'something more'. That is the situation. We don't have any other enemy in this world other than our own mind. It always wants to be special. The other man is not responsible. No, no, no. It is my mind that wants me to be more than everybody else in every aspect. The need to be extra or something more than others is a weakness of the mind, a feature of the mind, an _expression of the mind, a trait of the mind, a quality of mind that is making our life miserable. Therefore, befriend your mind when the mind goes on competing with everybody. When the mind goes on aiming high, to be something extra, something more than others, befriend your mind. Silence your mind: 'Oh mind, you may be more than A, but you will be less than B. You may be more than A and B, but you will be less than C.' There is nothing like absolute greatness. There is nothing like that. Life is relative. There is nothing absolute like that. 'Oh mind, don't crave to be more than others.' Talk to your mind; appeal to your mind: 'Don't worry. Don't cry. Don't be egoistic. No, no, no, no. Don't run that way.

Please go this way.' Try to dictate a better direction to the mind. Be a witness to the actions, to the vagaries, whims and fancies of your own mind. Just be a witness. Watch how your mind is functioning. Be a watcher. On the other hand, become the mind. Start feeling that I am the mind. Go beyond the mind. All saints, all sages, all seekers, all spiritual people are happy because they have gone beyond the mind. This is most essential. The people who go beyond the mind, come what may, they continue to be happy. Promotion or demotion, reversion or dismissal, whatever it may be, they continue to be happy because they are not identifying with the mind. So, befriend your mind. Once you understand your own mind and study your own mind, you develop Selfconfidence.

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