www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om Printable Handout: Comparatives Instructions: Choose the correct answer. Q1 - It's ____ than mine. smaller
more small
Either could be used here. Q2 - Yours is ____ than mine. biger
more big Q3 - It's ____ than you think. commoner
more common
Either could be used here. Q4 - It cost ____ than I thought. less
Either could be used here.
www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om Q5 - He's ____ than he looks. cleverer
more clever
Either could be used here. Q6 - The road is ____ than the motorway. narrower
more narrow
Either could be used here.
Q7 - She talks ____ than I do. quicker
more quickly
Either could be used here. Q8 - It's ____ than it looks. badder
www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om Q9 - It's ____ than it was. beter
gooder Q10 - It was ____ than I thought it would be. quicker
more quick
Either could be used here. Q11 - I'd like some ____ information about your courses. further
www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om less
Answer Sheet: Comparatives Q1 - It's ____ than mine.
Either could be used here. Q5 - He's ____ than he looks.
smaller cleverer more small more clever Either could be used here. Q2 - Yours is ____ than mine.
Either could be used here.
bigger Q6 - The road is ____ than the motorway. more big Q3 - It's ____ than you think.
more narrow
more common
Either could be used here. Q7 - She talks ____ than I do.
Either could be used here. Q4 - It cost ____ than I thought.
more quickly
Either could be used here. Q8 - It's ____ than it looks.
www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om badder
more quick
Either could be used here.
Q9 - It's ____ than it was.
Q11 - I'd like some ____ information about your courses.
beter further better farther gooder Q10 - It was ____ than I thought it would be.