My opinion about this issue is i disagree if people allowed to smoking in bars, because of the health factor, air pollution factor, and people that not smoking factor, smoking in bar also can contaminate the bar sanitation, liquid sanitation such as vodka or whiskey, it need to always keep clean and free from any contamination, and smoke going to contaminate the liquid and the bar because of the dangerous chemical such as nicotine, tar, methanol, carbon monixide that contain in a every single smoke, not every people like smoke, and people that smoking will make that anti smoking person feel uncomfortable because of the smell and many other reason, smoking also make the air polluted, that make people nearby that not smoking to become a passive smoking, many people say that passive smoking effect to health is way more dangerous than the effect of the active smoker. In my opinion, the solution is to provide special room to the people that want to smoking and make sure that after smoking they clean their clothes because the smell and the chemical of the smoke will stay still in their clothes, the solution is to remove the jacket or suit before smoking so it not poluted by smoke and wear it back after smoking.