"committed" By A.r. Kirby -- Episode 04: 'christian Feels The Heat'

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Episode 4 Christian feels the heat


hat is amazing,” Christian said as he handed the swan to Ivan, who was also suitably impressed. “What’s the process?”

“As I said, the process is basically the same as aluminum production,” Kiseljev explained. “But we use a chemically engineered form of bauxite, along with nanotubes devised by your own engineers, Mr. McKenna. The nanotechnology developed by your scientists is, I am told, something truly amazing! Also, the material is processed at a much higher temperature than aluminum, and, as you already saw, the material is exposed to microwave radiation at finishing.” “Finished Seamantium is stronger than titanium, harder than a diamond, but lighter than carbon fiber,” Konstantin interjected. “It is a true advancement in metallurgy; this material could revolutionize the world!” “Obviously,” Christian said, looking closely at the swan Ivan was turning over and over again in his hands. “Not only for our robotics applications, but for almost anything metal!” “Yes, there are many applications,” Kiseljev said quietly. “But for now, Seamantium is a closely guarded secret. Even our scientists and engineers have been kept in the dark, so to speak, about all the properties of this alloy. Only the four of us

Committed by A.R. Kirby here realize the full implications this metal could have. And it is essential that we keep it that way.” Kiseljev looked at the three other men in the room. “Are we agreed?” “Of course, of course,” Ivan replied before Christian had the chance. “We know how to keep secrets, eh, Christian?” “Yeah, sure,” Christian said absentmindedly. The word “secret” came out of his mouth, but his mind was awash with the potential applications for this new alloy. Euro signs began swimming before his eyes. “May I keep this?” Christian asked as he took the swan from Ivan’s hands. “I’d like to have it as a memento of our visit today.” “Of course, Mr. McKenna -- but please, don’t let it fall into the wrong hands,” Kiseljev said. “Our two companies haven’t completed the patent work yet, and it would be disastrous for some other organization to get a sample of Seamantium.” “Understood,” Christian said as he slipped the swan into his pocket. “Now, shall we continue?” The four men went back outside the building, and got into the cart (there was a noticeable tilt to the vehicle when Konstantin slid into the back seat beside Ivan). “Let us continue with our transportation and raw materials yard,” Kiseljev said as he gestured to a building at the far edge of the lot. Christian could see rail sidings alongside the building, as well as a track that went directly through the building. Several trucks were backed up at receiving docks, and a spiderweb of conveyors ran out of the far end of the building, tracking in all directions overhead toward different destinations throughout the facility. Once they arrived, the group walked from one end of the receiving facility to the other, and listened as Konstantin explained how raw materials were trucked in or brought in by train and unloaded at this particular building, then sorted and placed on 2

Episode 4 conveyors for further processing. As they walked, Konstantin would point out a particular fact, with Kiseljev giving assent and further explanation. They followed the same procedure throughout the rest of the plant, viewing the crushers and grinders where the ore was processed, digesters where chemicals were added to the ore, and the giant precipitators and calicnators where the ore/chemical mix was further processed. Christian dutifully took notes regarding capacities, production quotas, and so forth, trying to assimilate as much information as possible. They were approaching an obviously new building when Kiseljev turned toward Christian and spoke. “I think you will really enjoy this part of the tour, Mr. McKenna. It’s quite the showstopper.” “This, gentlemen, is where our real work begins,” Kiseljev said, beaming like a proud new father. “When it comes down to it, metallurgy is basically ore and heat. We bring the two together in this new smelting operation. This is the smelter built specifically for your needs, Mr. McKenna. This is where we bring Seamantium life!” Kiseljev was about to open the door to the building with an overly dramatic flourish when his cell phone rang. He gestured for Christian, Ivan and Konstantin to wait for a moment. He answered quickly, and ended the conversation with just a few words. “I must apologize, gentlemen,” he told Christian and Ivan as he snapped his phone shut and replaced it in his jacket pocket. “There is an administrative issue which I must resolve immediately. I will leave you in Konstantin’s capable hands for this portion of the tour, and then I will meet you back at my office for some final discussions, yes?” “Sounds good to me,” Ivan said. “Thank you for your time, Nada, and we will see you shortly.” 3

Committed by A.R. Kirby “All right, Konstantin,” Christian said, “lead the way.” The giant man opened the door for the visitors, cautioning them as they went inside. “I must insist that you be very careful in here,” he said in broken English for Christian’s benefit. “This is one of the most dangerous areas in the plant. “Not to worry, Konstantin,” Christian replied. “I have no desire to end up in one of your aluminum ingots.” Konstantin gave a short laugh, and led the men inside the smelter building. The first thing Christian noticed was the heat; it was incredible, even though the men were at least 100 feet away from the pouring end of the smelting unit, and headed away from it. Beads of sweat started forming around the headband of his hard hat as soon as he walked in the door. An eerie orange glow pervaded the building, creating odd shadows throughout the smelter. There was little activity where they were, although Christian could see small groups of men in heavy protective gear working at the far end of the furnace. Konstantin was apparently unfazed by the heat and led the men up several flights of steel stairs to a catwalk along the wall just below the ceiling of the building. They followed this to another catwalk that crossed the width of the building, and stopped at a widened platform in the center. The smelting pot was below them, and from this vantage point Christian could see the molten Seamantium pouring into a trough at a far end of the smelter. “It is something to see, yes?” Konstantin grinned at Christian, who was obviously mesmerized by the lava-like display. “Very impressive,” Christian replied. “Don’t you think so, Ivan?” He turned to look at his companion, but Ivan was engrossed with his cell phone, standing with his back to the two men a few feet away. Christian turned back to Konstantin. “Just how hot is it in there?” “About 2,000 degrees Centigrade,” the giant replied. “Now 4

Episode 4 watch this.” Konstantin pressed a red button on a control panel, and fifty feet below them a giant hatch atop the smelting pot started to grind open. As it opened, it gave off a light and heat such as Christian had never experienced. He walked to the railing and looked over, feeling very much like he was looking into a volcano. The smelter below them roared, making it difficult to hear. “This hatch allows us to add different materials as needed,” Konstantin shouted. “It can be very handy at times.” Christian barely nodded, staring at the metal below him, churning and bubbling, it’s orange glow lighting the contours of his face. He did not notice Ivan snap his cell phone shut and stand next to him along the railing. Ivan sighed heavily as he looked down into the inferno. “Christian,” he began quietly, “there are some things you need to know about your father and McKenna-Montenegro Enterprises, especially now. I am impressed that you want to pick up your father’s work and continue the family name. But that is not the job for you. You cannot take over the company. There has been too much work done for you to come in now. “Let me tell you a little bit about Seamus McKenna,” Ivan continued. “I first met Seamus in jail here in Podgorica, when it was still called Titograd and it was still Communist. It was 1975, and I was 23 years old. I was charged with smuggling items for sale on the black market. I had been in a holding cell for four days when this horrible, foul-talking, drunken red-haired Scot named Seamus was brought in to share my cell. This man, I was told, was single-handedly responsible for causing a near-riot during a ‘goodwill’ international football match between some Scottish club and the Yugoslav national team. He also, I learned, broke the nose of the local police commander on the way into the jail.” Ivan snickered. “Perhaps it was fate that brought us together in that cell,” Ivan mused. “In any case, Seamus and I hit it off. I could tell he was smart from the minute I met him, even though he acted like 5

Committed by A.R. Kirby a buffoon. We stayed in that cell for about a week until I was transferred out. I told him to look me up when he got out, but he said he would be heading back to Scotland. I figured it would be the last I ever saw of the man.” Ivan began pacing along the catwalk, hands behind his back, sweat running down his temples from under the hard hat perched on his head. He spoke as Christian continued to stare at the light show from the smelter. “About a month later, I was in a bar when I saw that familiar head of red hair. It turned out that when the authorities let Seamus go, Scotland wouldn’t let him come back! Your father was a petty criminal and hooligan at home; officials in Scotland were glad to let Seamus McKenna be somebody else’s problem for a while. The Yugoslav authorities couldn’t manufacture a reason to keep him detained, so they put him out on the street. Your father was a man without a country. “I put Seamus to work almost immediately, helping me get items to the black market,” Ivan went on as he paced. “I was making a decent living smuggling gasoline and cigarettes into Montenegro from Albania, and I needed some help. And Seamus was help – very good help. He was a good smuggler; he was smart, and he was inventive. He could keep tabs on everything in his head, which is good for a smuggler. Not once did we get caught, not in twelve years!” Ivan laughed at the memory. “But then the wall came down, and Communism fell apart. And so did Montenegro. But your father, he saw it coming. He put himself in position to take advantage of the chaos that followed. And he used me to get there.” Ivan was really moving now, sweat pouring off his face, as he paced faster and faster across the platform. He was all but shouting now, and gesturing wildly in the air.’ “You see, it was I who helped Seamus get McKennaMontenegro Enterprises get started! I showed him how business worked in Montenegro! I told him which officials he could buy -and how to do it! I introduced him to the right people so McKenna6

Episode 4 Montenegro Enterprises could exist!” Ivan seemed to think better of the display he was making, and tried to compose himself. His next words were calm. “He brought me along, of course,” Ivan went on. “He was appreciative, but he always had to be the big man, the man who answered all the questions. So I waited. For years, I’ve waited. And now I’ve got my chance.” Ivan’s voice rose again as he gazed toward the ceiling. “McKenna-Montenegro is so close to being mine that I can taste it,” he said. “This discovery of Seamantium – Ha! Seamantium! I can’t believe he named it after himself! -- is going to revolutionize the world. Your dad knew it, but kept it to himself. But now I see! This new metal is going to make me rich beyond my wildest dreams! No more Montenegro! There’s a holiday villa in the Caribbean with my name on it, just waiting for this day! All the playing you did across the continent, I’ll be able to do now! So you see, Christian, I just can’t have you waltzing in and taking over the company now that your father is dead. I’ve waited too long for this!” Christian broke away from the mesmerizing show below him and turned his head to look at Ivan quizically. He wondered why Ivan looked so out of breath. “I”M SORRY IVAN,” Christian yelled, “DID YOU SAY SOMETHING?” Ivan stood stock still and stared at Christian. “Did you hear any of what I just told you?” “WHAT?!” Christian yelled. reply.



Committed by A.R. Kirby “I SAID ‘SEAMUS IS DEAD’!” Ivan screamed. Christian let go of the handrail and half-stumbled backward, where he ran into the brick wall that was Konstantin. The giant’s hands closed tightly around his shoulders. “Thanks for the catch, Konstantin, but I’m all right. I’m all right,” Christian said after a beat. “You can let go now.” Christian winced as Konstantin’s fingers closed tighter around his shoulders. He looked up and met only a cold, steely gaze. He looked back and saw Ivan crossing the platform to where Konstantin held him. “Look, Ivan,” he half-yelled. “I know I should have been listening. I didn’t mean to insult you; I was just so taken in by the Seamantium.” “Dear God, boy,” Ivan sneered as he came closer. His face was inches from Christian’s; Christian could make out the overly large pores on Ivan’s wide nose. “You’re dumber than even I thought, and I know all the stupid, stupid things you’ve done. Leave it to the spoiled brat to think he’s in trouble for a breach of etiquette.” Ivan laughed, and was joined by a hearty guffaw from Konstantin. A sharp glance from Ivan put an end to the levity. “This isn’t about you not paying attention to me, although it would appear that paying more attention would have been a great benefit to you at this point,” Ivan stated flatly. “This is about the future of McKenna-Montenegro Enterprises – a future that doesn’t include you.” Ivan sneered as a look of comprehension slowly crossed Christian’s face. “Oh, no, Ivan. Oh, no,” Christian said. “You can’t do this.” “I can, and I will,” Ivan said, then spat, hitting Christian in the eye. “I told you today would be an important day, and so it is. I’m not going to see all my years of service go wasted. Especially 8

Episode 4 not for a the likes of you. With Seamus out of the way, it’s my time to take the reins of McKenna-Montenegro Enterprises.” Ivan paused for a moment, then looked Christian straight in the eye. “It’s not your time,” Ivan shouted at a still-disbelieving Christian. “Not yours! You don’t deserve it!” Ivan stepped back, straightened his hard hat and tie, and spoke again after composing himself. “It is tragic what fate befell the McKenna family,” he said calmly. “The promising son having such an unfortunate accident on the same day his father died. I am certain you will be missed. Especially by all those whores of yours across Europe.” Christian started babbling, but Ivan simply nodded to Konstantin. Christian felt his feet leave the platform, and Konstantin tossed him over the rail with ease. Christian did see his life flash before his eyes as he fell toward the smelter, and he didn’t like much of what he saw. Ivan just chuckled as he saw Christian fall through the hatch and disappear in a flash of light. To be continued...


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