"committed" By A.r. Kirby -- Episode 03: "christian Takes The Reins"

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Episode 3 Chrstian takes the reins


hristian consulted his Rolex and frowned as he stood on the sidewalk outside his townhouse on Friday morning. The car he expected to pick him up promptly at 7:30 was already five minutes late, and he was determined to be on time for his 8 o’clock tour of the aluminum plant. Though he slept very little the night before, he looked sharp in a suit and tie, wearing sunglasses and carrying a briefcase containing all  the files he could find concerning the metallurgical needs of the Robotics Division. He was reaching inside his suit coat to get his phone and call Mischa at his office (somebody – it didn’t necessarily matter who – was getting an ass-chewing for his car being late) when a shiny black Mercedes sedan glided to a halt at the curb. The passenger door opened, and Christian saw Ivan Mirko smiling up at him from the driver’s seat. “Ivan! What a pleasant surprise,” Christian said as he got into the sedan and closed the door behind him. “I expected a car and driver, but I hardly thought I would see you this morning.” “Today is a big day for you – and the company as well,”

Committed by A.R. Kirby

the hairy Croatian replied. “I would not miss it for the world. And I’m glad to see you up early; I figured I would be knocking on the door for a good fifteen minutes before I got you out of bed.” Ivan smiled. “Oh, I didn’t have any problem getting out of bed,” Christian replied. “Between going over the files,” he patted the briefcase in his lap, “and calling the hospital to check on dad, I was barely able to sleep. I finally dozed off sometime around four, but I was up again about six.” He yawned. Ivan looked at the younger McKenna for a moment, then asked, “Are you up for this today? Everyone will understand if you’re not.” “Oh, I am. I’m very eager to get started,” Christian replied in a businesslike manner. “This is likely the most important day of my life. From here on, everything changes.” “Yes it does, my boy, yes it does,” Ivan said as he smiled again. “Today will be a big day for you, and the company as well. Very, very big. But I suppose the most important thing this morning is your father. What did the doctor tell you about Seamus?” Christian frowned for a moment. “Dr. Rushkin tells me he’s stable, but still unconscious. His vital signs improved enough during the night that they upgraded his condition to guarded from critical, but he will stay in intensive care for who knows how much longer. The doctor did say he is hopeful that they’ll be able to do some tests today, then we’ll know more about exactly how much damage has been done.” “I’m sure he’ll be fine, my boy,” Ivan said as he stared out through the windshield. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. Seamus is 2

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a strong man, and he’s been getting out of scrapes for as long as I’ve known him. I doubt a little heart attack will be nearly enough to stop him.” As Ivan navigated the Mercedes through Podgorica’s rush hour traffic toward the edge of town and the aluminum plant farther out, Christian opened his briefcase and began looking over what he assumed were some of the more important documents concerning the work to be done at the smelting plant. Many of the documents were incomplete and consisted of hastily scribbled notes from his father. “Good God, Ivan,” Christian said as he tried to decipher one particularly incomprehensible note with a handdrawn schematic that Christian could only recognize as a bad sketch of a bunny, “what kind of structure did my pa follow with this project? It’s almost impossible to figure out a lot of what’s in here. I spent hours last night looking over these documents, and I still can’t make head nor tail of most of it.” “Your father likes to be hands-on with most of our important projects,” Ivan replied. “He keeps a lot of information in his head. He’s incredibly smart that way. Personally, I don’t see how he keeps all the information straight, but somehow he does.” “Amazing,” Christian said quietly, looking at the papers in his lap. “Amazing, yes, but also quite frustrating,” Ivan said. “From the first time I met Seamus, he had to handle everything himself. He thinks nobody can do the job as well as he can. And in most cases, he’s right. He’s a brilliant man with great ideas. “But it causes problems for the company,” Ivan continued, 3

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sounding almost conspiratorial as he explained things to Christian. “Seamus is like a brother to me. We’ve covered each other’s backs for years now, but his insistence on doing everything his way is holding back MME. Nobody can make everything right all by themselves.” “Very true,” Christian said. “That’s one reason I’m glad you’re here today, Ivan. I’m a bit nervous that I’m biting off more than I can chew with this project.” “That’s doubtful,” Ivan said. “You’re a McKenna, and it’s more than just a name. I see some of the same characteristics in you that made your father successful. You’re smart, you’re driven, and you’re observant. Your father came from nothing with just his smarts and his desire. You’ve got a big head start on him, and I know you’ll do just fine.” Ivan reached over and clapped Christian on the shoulder. “Now let’s see about some of the issues that we’ll be dealing with concerning this smelting plant.” Christian thumbed through some of the papers in the case, found the single sheet he was looking for, and reviewed it quickly. “From what I can tell,” Christian said as he continued to scrutinize the paper, “the plant will be supplying the Robotics Division with fine wire and sheets of some new alloy our engineers came up with. Is that right?” “Exactly,” Ivan answered. “We’ll be getting rolls of wire and pressed components made of Seamantium. Leave it to your da to have a metal named after him.” Ivan snickered, then went on. “From what I understand, it is really an amazing alloy; incredibly strong, but lighter than carbon fiber. That is about all I know. Everything about it has been quite secretive. Another example of your father’s way of 4

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keeping everything important in his head. “Of course,” he continued, “I imagine we’ll learn quite a bit about it today. Our main reason for visiting the aluminum plant is to ensure they are on schedule with their conversion efforts and that they will be able to keep us adequately supplied with Seamantium.” Christian looked interested. “What do you think, Ivan? Can they do it?” “I have no doubt,” Ivan said confidently. “I know some of the principals at the plant, and I have been assured they can handle our needs, but I want to see it firsthand. I hope you don’t mind I made the decision to drive you here myself. I promise I’m not here to babysit you.” “I hardly need babysitting anymore, Ivan,” Christian said. “But I will need your help with all of this. I would have asked you to come, but I figured you would be too busy with the other operations at MME to come along today. I’m actually relieved you’re here.” “I would not miss this for the world, my lad.” Ivan smiled a crooked smile. “I promise, big things are happening with MME. Today will change everything for us.” It wasn’t long until they reached the entrance to the huge metalworking plant. Ivan pulled up to the gatehouse and got directions to the main office. Five minutes later they were inside the lobby, waiting for Nada Kiseljev, the company’s general manager. “Good morning, good morning!” A short, fat, bespectacled bald man came into the lobby and walked directly to Ivan and shook his hand. Christian could see little beads of sweat on his pate. “Ivan! How are you this morning?” “Fine, thank you, Nada,” Ivan said warmly as he embraced 5

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the little man. “Nada Kiseljev, I’d like for you to meet the future of McKenna-Montenegro Enterprises, Christian McKenna.” “Ah! Christian! It is a pleasure to meet you,” Kiseljev said, turning to face Christian and shaking his hand. “I’ve known your father for many years. It’s very nice to meet his prodigy.” “I don’t know if prodigy is the right word, but I certainly am his son,” Christian replied. “Unfortunately, I’m here in his place this morning; Seamus had a massive heart attack day before yesterday.” “Good heavens! Is he all right?” Christian heard genuine concern in Kiseljev’s voice. “He’s stable, and that’s about all we know,” Christian told Kiseljev bluntly; he was rapidly growing tired of the inquires about Seamus’ health from almost everyone he spoke with. “But I’m not here to talk about my father. As you know, we are six weeks away from starting production at our Robotics Division, and I’m here with Mr. Mirko to ensure you can meet our Seamantium needs.” Kiseljev looked a bit taken aback at Christian’s direct approach, but quickly recovered. “Of course, of course,” he said, more emphatically than was necessary, “our engineers and scientists have been working very closely with your personnel, and let me assure you that we can meet all of McKenna-Montenegro’s needs. We’ve set up plans with all our raw material suppliers, and we have added capacity to make sure you get your alloy sheets and wire. In fact, if the preliminary numbers are right, we are looking at the possibility of adding a third shift dedicated solely to Seamantium production. 6

Episode 3 “This sounds very good, I’m sure” he continued, “but let

us take a look around the plant so you can see for yourself, eh?” The pudgy manager pulled some hard hats off the wall and handed one to each of the men and donned one himself. “Follow me, and we’ll get started,” Kiseljev said, then turned to the secretary in the office. “Please have Konstantin meet us at Building 13.” He turned back to Ivan and Christian. “This way, please.” The plant manager directed the men across the parking lot to a large golf cart, suitable for carrying up to six people around the plant. There were five or six of them parked together in a marked-off lot to the right of the main office entrance. Kiseljev motioned for Christian to take the front passenger seat while he got into the driver’s seat himself, and Ivan climbed into the cart behind them, ducking so as not to bang his head on the roof of the vehicle. “Where shall we begin?” Christian asked as they pulled out of the lot, almost as a question to himself. He didn’t show it, but he felt slightly in over his head. “Fortunately, Seamantium production is quite similar to the production of aluminum,” Kiseljev told him as he navigated the cart past a group of helmeted workers, waving as they passed. “Today we will go through the basic process we use for aluminum, and I will also show you the changes we’ve made specific to your needs. But first, I’d like to show you something special.” They pulled up to a small, nondescript building hidden within the middle of the complex. “Ah, here we are, gentlemen,” Kiseljev said. “Welcome to Building 13, also known as research and development.” 7

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Kiseljev stopped the cart in front of the building next to the front door, from which emerged a giant man, at least seven feet tall and a good 350 pounds. He greeted the trio as they walked toward the building’s entrance. “Good morning, Mr. Kiseljev,” the giant spoke in a voice that fit his huge body. “We have some visitors today, yes?” “Yes, yes, Konstantin,” Kiseljev answered the manmountain. “I’d like for you to meet some important guests of ours. This is Mr. McKenna, and this is Mr. Mirko, both from McKenna-Montenegro Enterprises. Gentlemen, this is Konstantin Boskanovich, our assistant production manager. He will be joining us on the tour; unless, of course, I’m taking you away from something.” “Oh, no sir, Mr. Kiseljev.” Christian stifled a snicker at the giant being so deferential to the small, fat man. “I will be happy to join you.” The group trooped into the building, and Christian was amazed at the cleanliness inside compared to the rest of the plant. Kiseljev ushered them into a conference room and asked them all to sit down. As they did, the plant manager reached to a side table and handed a paper-sized sheet of material to Christian. It was flexible, and felt like a cross between note paper and mylar. It shimmered slightly in the fluorescent light of the room. “That, my friend, is basic Seamantium,” Kiseljev said proudly. “What do you think?” “Doesn’t seem like there’s a whole lot to it,” Christian said as he pondered the material in his hand. “It seems almost like paper.” “You are essentially correct, Mr. McKenna. At this point, 8

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there’s not much to it,” Kiseljev said. “It is, as you said, almost like paper. Which is one of it’s advantages. Watch for a moment, please. Konstantin?” The giant man took the sheet from Christian’s hand and deftly folded it into an origami swan. Christian was amazed at the dexterity of the massive hands enveloping the swan as Konstantin set his creation on the table. “As you can see, in this state, Seamantium is incredibly versatile and malleable,” Kiseljev said. “It can be formed into almost any shape. Unfortunately, it’s also quite unstable.” Konstantin’s fist smashed the Seamantium swan into a flatted piece of material on the table as soon as Kiseljev finished the word “unstable”, and both Christian and Ivan jumped in their seats. “Uh, okay...” Christian began, still a tad shaky from the sudden impact of Konstantin’s ham-like fist. “But that’s not all that impressive, Mr. Kiseljev. I understood that your company made some significant breakthroughs with our material...” “And that we have,” Kiseljev interjected. “A moment, please, Mr. McKenna, we’re not quite done with the demonstration. Konstantin, please continue.” Konstantin took another sheet of the material and made another swan, as quickly and deftly as before. This time, however, he placed the Seamantium bird into a microwave oven along the wall and set the timer for 30 seconds. When the bell rang, he removed the swan from the oven. It’s appearance had changed to a gleaming silver color. Konstantin took the Seamantium bird and set it on the ground and stepped on it. Instead of crumpling, the tiny sculpture held the giant man’s weight. 9

Committed by A.R. Kirby “Whoa,” Christian gasped, then looked at Kiseljev. “Do

you mind?” he asked as he reached for the sculpture on the floor. “No, not at all,” Kiseljev answered, beaming. “It is, after all, your alloy.” Konstantin stepped off the bird, and Christian reached down to pick it up. It was as lightweight as before, but solid as granite. To be continued...


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